Book Read Free


Page 2

by Gennita Low

  Kit found herself pulled away from the wall towards the stairs. “Hey,” she said. “Where...are we going? I’m not...dressed!”

  Her protest brought those hypnotic eyes to her body. The night was warm and she was wearing her camisole and matching panties.

  “Me neither,” Lucas said. “Dare ya to come along. I promise to be the perfect gentleman.”

  “You aren’t leaving me here with Mink and Dirk!” Lulu protested. “Mink, you let go right now or I swear I’ll hurt you the moment I’m free.”

  “I want to hear pleas of mercy, not threats, from my prisoner,” the guy on top of Lulu said, a big smile still on his face.

  The man—Mink?—seemed to be having a lot of fun, but maybe she should come to her friend’s aid. Kit tried to shake her hand loose. “I should help Lulu. Besides, I don’t even know you.”

  “If you know my sister, she has a black belt and can take on Mink.”

  “Ha, I would but I don’t want to break any bones!” Lulu said.

  “You see, that doesn’t help your situation at all,” Mink said. “Next you’ll threaten to kill me and then where would that leave us? I’d have no option but to tie you up and do bad things to you. Hey, got some rope, Dirk?”

  “I’m out of here,” the man by the stairs said. “Third wheel and all that. Things look pretty much in control here.”

  Third wheel, what? She wanted to get out of there too and just forget about the whole thing. It was bad enough to be caught by Miss Clementine out here with “improper attire” on. She was sure it would be mentioned to her mother and then her father would hear about it. That was all she needed, another long talk with her already paranoid parents.

  “Hey, uh, no,” Kit interrupted. “I...I really think we should all just go to bed. Oh shit. I didn’t mean that! Not that way!”

  Her face felt as if it was on fire as all three men started laughing. Even Lulu was cracking up.

  Lucas scratched his chin. “What way?”

  Kit sniffed. She looked down pointedly at her hand still in his. “You can let go now.”

  “What if you jump on my back again and pull my chest hair?”

  Lulu snickered. “Next time, Kit, pull some out.”

  Kit rolled her eyes. Her hand felt strangely cold after having been in his warm grasp. “Okay, getting in the middle of sibling fights was obviously a mistake. Bad habit from having my own pack of brothers. Lulu, I so wanted to help you, but you look quite...happy...right now. So I’m off. Really, I’ve got to get some rest because we’re moving furniture tomorrow bright and early, remember?”

  That was why she was here, to help Lulu out. Miss Clementine was getting up in years and had decided to leave her favorite niece the B&B as her inheritance. Lulu was super-excited because she had loved the old restored mansion and her aunt was going to show her the ropes of running a B&B. Kit was excited for Lulu too. Her friend had a great deal of talent at management and creative decoration, and a B&B like this would be perfect for someone who loved to micro-manage as much as Lulu.

  “Hey, don’t leave me with them!” Lulu pleaded now. “You heard their threats. They’re going to dangle me off the rails! Mink, if you don’t let me up, I swear I’m going to post that pic all over the place and then you’ll be sorry.”

  “Ha, I think this one needs more convincing she’s no longer in control, Sir!” Mink said.

  “And stop addressing my brother and asking permission for everything! I’m going to...”

  “You have my permission to torture her,” Cucumber interrupted. “Of course, leave no marks and make sure she can still carry some furniture in the morning.”

  “Aye, sir!” Mink got to his feet, hauling Lulu up in one swift motion and pulling her toward another door. “Come on, you and I are going to work out your form of punishment unless you give me that camera.”

  Lulu kicked out. Mink jumped back. Lulu opened the door to her room and ran in. Mink dived through it before the heavy door closed with a thud. Silence.

  Kit coughed. “Umm. My brother would never allow another guy to manhandle me like that.”

  “Have you ever taken a picture of your brother in The Pink Room?”

  Kit’s eyes widened. Lulu put three SEALs in The Pink Room? She couldn’t help herself. She grinned. “Nope. But now I’m going to have to.”

  “If you did, would he retaliate?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, but he wouldn’t send two of his friends after her.”

  “Hey, I’m not in there,” Dirk interrupted. “In fact, I think I’m going to head off to The Pink Room to stare at some pink cherubs.”

  Lucas was looking at her so intently she was starting to feel uncomfortable. “I think you should go too,” she said softly.

  “I’m giving Mink five minutes,” Lucas stated, just as softly.

  Kit rolled her eyes. “I hope Lulu is kicking his ass.”

  Lucas’ slow smile made her feel hot and cold at the same time. He leaned one big shoulder against the wall.

  “Let’s not talk about my sister and Mink behind that door,” he said. “What’s your name and I like your nightie very much.”

  Kit had worn less at the pool but this man’s hot gaze made her feel totally exposed. He was too close, and knowing how hard his body was against hers added to the odd tension in the air.

  She stuck out her hand, trying to make things normal. “I’m Kit, a friend of Lulu’s. It’s actually Kit-Ling but most people call me Kit.” She chose to ignore his second remark about her clothing. “And you’re Lucas, the brother.”

  He took her hand but he didn’t shake it. “Kit-Ling. I like that. Moi malenkei kotonok.” His smile was slow and devastating. “Very fitting.”

  “Huh? Moi what?” Kit frowned. It must be the late hour that was making her do dumb things because she had just given him her hand again. “What did you just say?”

  He gave a small shake of his head. “Not telling you till you agree to go out with me.”

  She swallowed. “You’re quick.”

  “I could be quicker, if you like. But mind you, we’re still outside my aunt’s door.” He squeezed her hand gently. “Mink will be coming out soon. Give me an answer.”

  “Hey, a girl needs to think about these things. We’ve just met.”

  “You climbed my back. I like the feel of me. Let’s kiss and see how we like that.”

  She stared at him, then narrowed her eyes. Boy, the man had a one-track mind, didn’t he? “You went from asking me for a date to a kiss. Not very subtle, are you?”

  He shook his head again. “Subtle doesn’t work in life. At this moment, the way you look, subtle is the last thing on my mind.” He took a step closer, a gleam in his dark eyes “What do you say, a kiss, and if you like it, a date? I bet you’re going to like both. Very much.”

  She cocked her head. Confident devil. She liked the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. Correction. Confident and handsome devil. “My brother has a name for SEALs like you. He’s Airborne, you know.”

  Lucas flashed her a wicked grin. “My sister calls me names too. Do you think I’d worry about what an Airborne cupcake calls a SEAL?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Ooooh. Nice. Airborne Cupcake. I’ve got to remember to use that and tell him who passed on that nickname to me. I’ll bet he’d want to make you his cupcake, then.”

  “Nah, not into pissing contests.” His voice lowered. “I’d rather be your cupcake. Come on, take a bite.”

  It was so awfully tempting. Kit knew a lot about SEALs, having interviewed and talked to them in her job. Being a public information associate for a web-based broadcasting service had its perks. But her interaction had never been this up close and personal, and in the present surroundings, in her current state of undress, it was very difficult to pretend to be professional.

  She stood on her tippy-toes.

  And bit him on the lower lip gently.

  He pulled her closer and his lips caught hers. Her free han
d reached up and came up against the rock cliff that was his chest. She felt his free hand on the small of her back. She opened her mouth in protest. His tongue delved in. And in a split second, there was no space between them. Like she’d said, he was damn quick.

  * * *

  Lucas was never one to wait too long about anything. His lifestyle didn’t promote that kind of philosophy. Live for the moment. Do it now; you might not have a second chance. Enjoy the things a man should enjoy—pretty women, good food, simple things.

  People might say that was a really shallow way to live. Well, yeah, tote an AK-47 and fifty pounds of ammo up and down mountain terrain or run through the desert on one can of water while going after people who shoot back, asshole. Then come talk to him about simple things and shallow living.

  Normally, cupcakes weren’t his style. For one thing, they were often too small and sweet and gone in one bite. But damn if this particular cupcake didn’t taste fine. She wasn’t too small for just one taste either. She fitted his body fine too. He could think of a dozen naughty ways of fitting inside her and sinking his teeth into this delectable morsel.

  She was kissing him back boldly. He liked that. In fact, he liked a lot about this woman so far. She had a saucy tongue and the way she’d joined in to help Lulu suggested someone who didn’t think too much before jumping into the fray of things. If that was true, the next couple of days looked very promising indeed.

  He slid her hand down his chest, enjoying the feel of her nails scraping lightly across his skin. She made a sound in her throat and snuggled closer. His hand explored the curve of her back and moved lower. She arched against him. Oh yeah.

  The sound of a door opening interrupted his amorous line of thought.

  Damn, damn, damn. Not Aunt Clementine again.

  “Ahem.” It was Mink. Then, a little louder, “ahem, ahem.”

  With great reluctance, Lucas lifted his head. “I heard you the first time,” he said.

  “Sorry,” Mink said, “but Lulu is coming out in a sec and I thought you’d better not tempt her to take another photo with her camera.”

  Lucas cocked a brow. “Is the mission accomplished?”

  “Oh, yeah. Deleted. Rechecked. And the perp properly punished.” Mink grinned his trademark flash of a smile, teeth white against his tan. “Very properly.”

  Hmm. The few times they’d been together, he’d noticed Mink showing signs toward his sister. “I see,” Lucas said. “I hope you didn’t cross the line. You are, after all, in your underwear and were in a room with my sister.”

  “I’m still in my underwear, aren’t I?” Mink pointed out solicitously.

  A tap on his shoulder. Lucas looked down. “Yes, Cupcake?”

  She frowned. “No, that’s what you are, remember?” She reminded him politely. “You’re the cupcake and I was invited to bite you.”

  Oh yeah. He ignored Mink’s smirk. He had to remember the woman had a brother and probably knew many insidious ways to get back at men. And that brought back Mink’s warning. Lulu. He let go of Kit reluctantly.

  “I’m doing this under duress,” he told her in a soft voice. “Another time, I’d insist on a bigger bite.”

  Her face had a pretty flush, even though she rolled her eyes. Before she could answer, the door behind Mink opened and Lulu came out, looking defiant as she gathered her hair into a ponytail.

  Lucas turned, crossed his arms and gave her his best big brother look. “Are we done playing?” he asked. “Because you know you’ve lost this one.”

  “Oh, I’ll get another chance,” Lulu said airily. She gestured to Kit. “Come along. We have things to discuss.”

  “Umm. Can I just go to sleep?” Kit asked, in a hopeful voice. “It is pretty late.”


  Kit put up her hands in surrender. “Okay. Nighty-night. Not going to stand out here all night.”

  “Yeah, you’re keeping Aunt Clementine awake,” Lucas chimed in.

  His sister took the bait. “Oh no, you’re not making me to be the bad guy, brother. This was for what you did the last time and I’m going to tell Aunty Clementine all about it.”

  Lucas grinned. The seeds of future vengeance had been planted. He turned to Kit. “Goodnight,” he said, letting his gaze do the talking.

  He couldn’t see the exact shade, but her eyes were a pretty lighter color. There was amusement in them and then, she winked, as if she knew what he was up to.


  He sent Mink a look and they started down the stairs. Behind him, the girls were speaking softly.

  “Traitor,” his sister reiterated, although she didn’t sound indignant. “You sided with my horrid frog brother.”

  “Aw, he’s a cupcake.”

  Lucas’ grinned widened. He was already hungry for breakfast. But first things first. The moment they were out of hearing, he casually asked, “Now, what did you do to my sister again?”

  Mink scratched the back of his neck. That was usually a sign that he was skipping a few things in his story.

  “I tackled her and snagged the camera. Then I sat on her while I deleted the photo.”

  Lucas glanced at his friend briefly. “You know my sister can take down a man twice your size, right?”

  Mink shrugged. “I sat on her hard.”

  They reached the Pink Room. Lucas turned to Mink.

  “I know she’s a grown-up now, but I feel obliged to give you that big brother warning, you know? Don’t mess with my sister’s feelings, man.”

  Mink shook his head. He turned the door knob. “Hey, I’m taking it as slow as she wants, dude.”

  Lucas put out a hand, stopping the door from opening wider. “Gotcha,” he said. “You have been messing around with my sister.”

  Mink shrugged. “Your sister is a fine woman and I wouldn’t just mess around with her.” The light streaming out of the Pink Room caught the gleam in his eyes. “Is that the right answer?”

  “Hey, you two having a secret pow-wow outside the door or what?” Dirk called out. “It’s freaking cold on this fucking giant bed without you two to cuddle next to. And the pink’s slowly killing me here.”

  Lucas shook his head and let go of the door. “God help me and all lonely SEALs,” he said as he walked in. “Can we turn off the lights and get some shut eye now? Then we won’t see the pink till morning.”

  “Sure, you two had your fun and I’m the lonely stooge cuddling up to the cherubs in here,” Dirk complained in a mournful voice.

  “We’ll find you a real angel,” Mink promised.

  “Lights out,” Lucas ordered.

  “Hey, Cuke,” Mink said, in the darkness.

  Lucas gave a loud sigh. He had hoped for some reprieve. But these were his buddies and he knew what was coming.

  “Cupcake is a cutie,” Mink said.

  “Cupcake?” Dirk asked.

  “Yeah, he called her Cupcake.”

  “Cucumber and Cupcake. Sounds like a fucking tea party.”

  Ignoring the male chuckles, Lucas closed his eyes and stretched. Life was either hell or a party. Either way, he always had his best friends with him.


  It was just a kiss. A very nice one, with a very hot-looking guy. That was all.

  Kit tried to put it out of her mind as she got ready the next morning, but it was tough when Lulu kept teasing her about last night.

  “So, what do you think of my brother?” She asked.

  “Big dude. Moving furniture should be a piece of cake,” Kit answered, keeping her voice level.

  “Uh-huh. He’s single and as far as I know, has no girlfriend. And you’re single too. Lucas is much better than that clueless guy you dated a month ago.”

  Lord. The Bransons did not skirt around a topic.

  Kit stuck out her tongue. “Are you trying to set me up with your brother now?”

  “Hey, I’ve been trying to give him away since forever. Want him?”

  “No, thanks. I have my
own big brother to fight with.”

  “Yeah, you two were fighting last night.” Lulu laughed as she ducked the pillow Kit threw at her.

  Breakfast was going to be a noisy affair. Aunt Clementine kept everything very informal and the guests usually showed up between 7am and 10am for a buffet style Continental breakfast which was included with their stay. With five extra mouths, though, Kit and Lulu came down early to help in the kitchen, but Mrs. Talbot, the longtime cook, had everything under control. All they needed to do was set the tables outside and make sure there was enough fresh coffee made.

  “My brother loves coffee. A dash of cream,” Lulu told her, as they moved around the tables in the dining room.

  “And you’re giving me this tidbit of information why?” Kit asked, as she placed the cups on the serving platter.

  “For your file, you know, the one you’re keeping for your project about military men.”

  Kit snorted. “You’re just jealous I’m going off to spend some time researching about military stuff.”

  “Oh, is that what we’re calling it now?” Lulu mocked, putting the vase of fresh cut flowers by the window.

  Although she aimed for informal, Miss Clementine wanted an Old World feel, so there were no plastic platters or containers, no paper napkins, nothing that “looked too modern.” The only concession she’d made were the very modern coffee pots sitting on the hot plates, but even those had pretty pink dollies underneath them.

  Kit grinned. Miss Clementine must love pink.

  Sounds of male voices carried down the corridor into the dining area. Even from here, she could guess to whom they belonged. They came in, looking disgustingly male—clean shaven, hair slicked back, alert eyes taking in their surroundings.

  She studied the tallest of them surreptitiously. Okay, it was tough to be surreptitious when the specimen was at least six foot three and was standing only a few feet away. He was just as impressive-looking in daylight. Dark-haired, strong-jawed, tee shirt stretched to display broad chest, muscular arms and a narrow waist, followed by those memorable long legs in fitting jeans. It wasn’t just the good looks, but the whole impact of his absolute maleness—in his prime, strong, dominant. One couldn’t help but stare at the darn man. Nobody should look this delicious. Especially for breakfast.


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