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Page 5

by Gennita Low

  Free. Uncaring. Total abandonment.

  She wanted this man and she would have him.

  His erection stood proud and straight as he put on protection. Something squeezed tightly in her loins. She wanted a taste of that later, but right now....

  She unsnapped her bra, freeing her breasts from the cups. His dark eyes looked on, mesmerized by her movements. Then she wiggled her index finger, beckoning him.

  He climbed over her, his nakedness emanating heat, his cock looking even bigger this close. He groaned when she reached down and circled her hands around his erection.

  “Don’t squeeze too hard, Cupcake,” he said, as he leaned forward, caging each side of her with his big, muscular arms. “You don’t want me to come before I’m inside you.”

  She lifted her legs, angling her body beneath him. “Hurry, hurry, hurry,” she breathed.

  His thrust was slow and steady. She wriggled, gasping as the pressure of his entry expanded her vagina. He slid out and thrust again, this time going in deeper. He repeated. Deeper. Oh, God, deeper even. Her neck snapped back when he gave another thrust, his thighs hitting her ass as he pushed in all the way.

  “You okay?” His voice came out in a growl.

  She chuckled. “Is that all you got, big boy?”

  He just shook his head and leaned forward more, shifting his weight to his elbows, rolling her lower body higher until she had to wrap her legs around his waist. He pushed in so deep inside her, she felt faint from the intense pressure.

  “More?” He whispered.

  She was never one to back away from a challenge. “I thought SEALs could go in much, much deeper,” she whispered back, “when they plan to detonate something.”

  He looked down at her, his eyes gleaming in the half-light. “Saucy woman. So many ways to detonate, so little time. Cupcake, prepare to explode,” he told her as he started to move.

  Kit hung on to the broad shoulders, feeling the tensing of muscles as he demonstrated how deep he could go and for how long. She’d never thought herself very sensitive down there but now she felt everything. Each stroke massaged sensitive nerves she never knew existed, making her clench her internal muscles in delight. The sensation of being taken excited her tremendously and his little bites of her neck, right under the ear, weakened her so, building the heat between her legs.

  Every time he pushed inside her, his thick length rubbed against her clitoris and some other secret part inside. Her whole body sang with pleasure at each slide and the tension from the need to release grew like a hot-air balloon being filled. Any moment now, she would take flight. She could hear herself crying out his name again until her words were just incomprehensible syllables.

  The bed creaked under them as he continued the sure and steady pace. She wanted him to hurry but he seemed intent on just prolonging the building ecstasy. Her eyes closed as the tension built and built from the pull and push of his thrusts



  Her whole body tightened and arched up. Then her whole being let go and it felt like a free fall through space. His pace became faster as he matched her frantic urging. She heard his deep groans and his body, slippery with perspiration, enveloped her as he climaxed with her.

  Seconds went by. She couldn’t move at all. Not that she could, with him sprawled on top of her, his face buried in her neck. What a lovely, lovely feeling, to come together like that.

  She had been wrong all this time, thinking sex was just Tab A fitting Tab B, with some fleeting feeling from the connection. Absolutely, wonderfully wrong.

  Kit smiled contentedly. There was so much feeling. So much heat. All along, she just needed someone she really desired, someone with a marvelously big cock. The thought of him leaving made her sigh. She wished she could keep him to herself.

  His hand was between her legs again, lazily stroking her. She jerked up because she was still sensitive.

  “Shhhh.” He crooned in her ear. “Don’t fight it. I can take you higher, baby. This time, you’re going to scream for me.”

  It was an unbearable teasing as he made sure she stayed relaxed. Every time she tensed up, his stroking slowed down to a gentle glide. Everything became focused on where he was touching, how slowly he stoked her fire, each slide of his finger like an expert cellist making his instrument sing. And did she ever. She couldn’t stop the throaty cries escaping her lips as her lower body burned with desire. Every upward sensation brought a mounting ecstasy and every descent made her shiver with anticipation. And when he finally pushed two fingers inside her, she screamed, her orgasm finally bursting into full flames. His mouth covered hers as his fingers continued their magic.

  Much, much later, wrapped in Lucas arms, she heard her cell phone’s familiar text whistle. She tried to get up and the arms tightened.

  “Where are you going?” His sleepy, satiated voice tickled her ear.

  “Read my text message. It’s probably Kit and the boys, wondering where we are.”

  He heaved a sigh, then turned over. “Guess I better check mine too, then. What do you want to do? Get back with them or stay in bed and party on our own? I opt for more cupcake.”

  Hmm. She wanted more cucumber. “You’ll be too tired to get back to work tomorrow,” she teased.

  “I’ve been up all night before, babe.”

  His husky laugh made her shiver with its sexy promise.

  She got off the bed and headed for their pile of clothes. She searched his pocket and then came back to bed, handing him his phone.

  “I’ll tell my guys DND,” Lucas told her.


  “Do not disturb.”

  “They’ll know what we’re doing for sure, then,” she said, as she looked at her phone. “Yup, it’s Lulu, telling me the movie is over and...”

  She laughed, shook her head and texted back.


  “Oh, nothing.”

  She put the phone on the night table and flung herself on top of that hot body. “Everything’s fine. Let’s see how long you can stay up all night.”

  She reached for him. He was hard already. She slid lower, giving him an idea what was coming.

  “My guys won’t tell Lulu what DND is. What did you text to her?”

  “You sound a bit...strained. Are you sure you can stay up all night? Maybe you want to rest up?”

  There was a short silence as she took the head of his cock in her mouth and rolled her tongue across it several times.

  “Test me,” he finally said. “Continue what you’re doing.”

  She grinned. She thought she could distract him from asking too much about his sister. Lulu was busy. Her text had made her laugh because it read, “DND, Kit. Distract my brother for me!”

  DND. She wondered whether Lulu got that term from being around SEALs too long. She had a fair idea with whom she was busy right now.

  She slowly took the full erection deep in her mouth, carefully coming down as far as she could. He was so big, she doubted if she could take it all in, but she did her best, grasping the thick shaft and swallowing deeply. A very male groan followed that. If she could have smiled, she would. Because she wanted to give the man as much pleasure as he’d given her earlier, she tried something she’d never done before. Massaging his balls, she gave a very light tug and at the same time, relaxing her throat, she took him deeply into her mouth. She was immediately rewarded.

  “Fuck. Baby. I...Hot...God...Baby!”

  She let go, inhaled, then repeated what she just did.

  “Uh. Gooooood, man-fuck-take-umm-unngh-more-FFFUCK!”

  Kit wanted to laugh. Reducing the always-in-control Lucas Branson into incoherent mumbling was fun. Oh, she didn’t mind the task of distracting him at all.



  Four weeks later.

  Pakistan-Afghan mountainous border

  Seven seconds. That was how long a SEAL usually had to distinguish between the bad guys and the good one
s in a small space and do the appropriate damage.

  Lucas had done numerous recon raids, but he noted this was the first time he’d assaulted an enemy first by the smell of chicken and god-knows-what shit. He, Dirk and Mink had crawled into the target’s courtyard through a hole in the animals’ barn and had found themselves underneath some kind of long chicken cage. The space was so low, they had to remove their helmets to stop from clacking the bottom of the coop. There were a few startled birds as they did a long belly crawl among sleeping chickens, picking up all the slimy bird poop on their clothes, face, hair...everywhere. And startled birds pooped some more. Warm stinking stuff slid down his unprotected neck as he maneuvered his big body through the tight space, not uttering a sound as something that smelled really bad splattered on his nose.

  He supposed it could have been worse. Could have had to swim through a pig’s trough. They made their way silently towards the front. It wasn’t very dark; the light from outside shone through the cracks in the building.

  The darkness in the barn was punctured as they kicked down the door leading to the courtyard where their targets were having some barbeque party. The first gasps at their appearance weren’t exactly blood-curdling screams of pain or panic. Nope. The four people near the entrance to the barn gagged at the smell of excrement emanating from the three intruders.

  Yeah, a SEAL had all kinds of deadly weapons at his disposal at any given moment. He liked the idea of killing a few enemies by just smelling them to death.

  Seven seconds. In that flash, his brain quickly registered the screaming women and a couple of kids running back towards the main house, away from the area around the barn. He knew, from hours and hours of prep as well as close quarters target identification training, in the mountains, the womenfolk usually sat away from the men. So he quickly adjusted, pointing his weapon the other direction.

  Their insider had been right after all. The team had scratched their heads over his instructions to attack near the animals. Wouldn’t the wedding be inside? But like Dirk had suggested, maybe it was a barbecue party. This made their attack easier. Their Intel had also noted that the other male family members who lived there would be attending the ceremony, thus all the other quarters nearby would be empty. The gathering was perfect time to surround the hostiles in one spot, giving them the advantage of taking them down and bringing in their target.

  “Team Bravo reporting, infiltration completed. Males to your right,” he spoke into his mic, informing his commander the needed information for direct insertion. “Team Charlie, males at seven o’clock but females are at five o’clock.”

  “Team Alpha, go!” Hawk, his leader, gave the command over the mic. “Team Charlie, go!”

  Lucas, Dirk and Mink’s first role was to distract the outside guards and enough inside targets so the other two teams could climb up the wall surrounding the courtyard. Hawk, Zone and Turner were Team Alpha; Jazz and Joker were Team Charlie.

  Lucas popped off the first two men who had picked up their-nearby weapons. He knew Mink and Dirk were taking care of his six so he walked forward, looking for the target, Yakob, whom they’d given the codename “The Cob” for communications.

  Their insider Intel had been very clear. Their target would be in ceremonial clothing, bright with lots of gold. He should be easy to find.

  “The Cob sighted, over,” Lucas reported.

  Team Alpha was already on top of the wall ahead. Lucas could see Hawk rappelling down while Zone was taking out the few guards nearby.

  “I see him, over,” Hawk said in his ear piece.

  “I’ll cover you.”

  The rat-tat-tat of gun fire multiplied exponentially in the next seconds. In an extraction raid, the element of surprise was the most important advantage. Go in, hit your targets, let the chosen teammate do his job as extractor, get out. There should be no pauses at all to allow the other side to regroup.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Lucas caught sight of something bright where Team Alpha was situated. It should be dark over there. He swung his weapon around, ready to come to his teammate’s defense.

  And paused.

  It was a—

  “Don’t shoot. Female climbing our rope.” It was Zone, still positioned on the wall.

  A bullet zinged past, causing Lucas to jerk away reactively, and a knife embedded itself on the weapon strap around his waist. It stung.

  Like hell if he was going get himself shot dead with bird crap all over him.

  No time to think. Back to the business at hand. Zone could handle one lone female.

  Lucas charged forward, using the ceremonial tables and brightly wrapped poles as protection, as he took out the enemy with surgical efficiency. He rolled under a table to get to the other side, closer to the main participants of the ceremonial party. His instructions had been clear—if Team Alpha failed in its attempt to nab The Cob from behind the group, his team had the responsibility to get to the target from the front side. A more difficult goal at the moment because of the obstacles strewn between them and the target.

  “Team Charlie reporting. Exit secured and open, over,” Jazz’s voice announced over the mic.

  “Team Alpha reporting. We got the Cob. Cover us, over,” Hawk said. “Cumber?”

  “Ready!” Lucas confirmed.

  Lucas pulled down the special gas mask that had been secured under his thin hood to protect it from being pulled off by the wires sticking out from under the chicken cages. Thank the Lord for some quick thinking there or they’d have been smeared with bird crap too.

  A flashbang was discharged.

  There was a quick barrage of gunfire and then an odd silence as all the male hostiles were momentarily incapacitated. Everyone in the vicinity without a gas mask was down. And then the coughing and choking began.

  They had used a minimal dose of CS gas, just enough to create panic and confusion so they could make a quick escape. There were too many women and children around to take down all the men, even though the women of this culture were traditionally separated. Also, not all the men belonged to the terrorist cell the SEALs were after, only those around the Cob.

  “Alpha, Team Bravo got your back, over,” Lucas said. “Mink, flank left. Dirk, to the right. Confirm positions, over.”

  “Affirmative,” their voices said in unison.

  The familiar figures of Hawk and Turner jogged past them, each dragging a prisoner. Lucas’ team followed, guarding the rear.

  Jazz and Turner beckoned from the open exit and they disappeared through it with the prisoners. Lucas and Dirk fired shots to keep any attackers from behind at bay. Mink threw a fire pellet into the bail of hay near the entrance, setting it on fire—distraction for those who might run after them. Zone appeared out of nowhere, having left his position on top of the wall at some point. He was alone. No time to question him about that strange female who climbed the rope.

  The team had mapped out the escape route from the compound after the first recon to check out the terrain. The path, well worn by horses and carts, veered off precariously and wasn’t suitable for a quick run with two reluctant bodies. They had instead chosen the river as transport and had made the necessary arrangements.

  Lucas followed his SEAL squad, constantly turning around to eye the rear. The dark was their friend as the enemy would need lights to search for them. Easy to detect. They were making more noise than usual, though, what with dragging along two reluctant men. Neither was calling for help. Hmm. Hawk must have taken the time to gag them.

  Lucas grinned in the dark. He would have to ask his commander whether he had given the bride a kiss since he appeared to have plenty of time to gag the asshole.

  Jazz whistled softly and not far away, a whistle replied back. An engine rumbled to life. The shadow of the Special Operations Craft-Riverine boat they had ordered appeared out of the darkness, illuminated by only one pinpoint of light.

  Lucas’ team hurriedly boarded. It wouldn’t be long before any nearby Yakob men and allie
s who might be rushing toward the courtyard heard the SOC-R and start signaling their river guards. Recon extraction over. The fun had begun.

  Hawk and a few others shoved the two prisoners into the boat and the shadow crew on board pulled them up. They were members of Special Boat Team 22, all elite Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen. Lucas and his team had worked with them before and relied on their water-navigating skills many a time while on hydrographic recons.

  One of them patted Lucas on the back—three taps—signaling his identity. Lucas returned the greeting with a familiar nudge with his elbow as he positioned himself and his weapon. No words needed. River Devil was one of his close friends from the Naval Academy. Good to have him by his side in combat.

  They zoomed off into the murky darkness. The noise they were making would only give them enough time to get far out enough—glints of lights to the left, moving shadows and yeah, Lucas fancied he could hear a lot of shouting going on—before the situation became noisy.

  “Showtime,” Mink shouted to his ear.

  Lucas crouched low.

  The SOC-R was equipped with five guns that could go 360 degrees. Good luck, terrorist dudes. In the face of enemy attack, the SWCC response, in military speak, was usually “violence of action.” No finesse at all, Lucas mused, but hey, it got the job done, so no complaints from him.

  “Contact!” A voice he recognized as Devil’s shouted. That was standard command for ‘Yoohoo, bastards, here we come!’

  A deafening torrent of gunfire pounded all around them. Water rose up like a moving magic curtain from the spray of bullets. There was some return fire but Lucas doubted that would last too long.

  In front, Zone and Turner pushed the two prisoners down as shell casings from the tremendous show of firepower started to fall all around them. The fog of smoke from the weapons burned the back of Lucas’ throat. He helped to feed the ammo, his gaze following the plumes of smoke on the bank, signifying the demolished targets. The river wasn’t very wide so the best defense was to keep shooting. One never knew whether there were hostiles crawling along the banks. With the help of night-vision goggles and high-tech equipment, the lookout man gave directions and warnings of sighted targets.


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