Holding On

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Holding On Page 11

by A. C. Bextor

  Hem and Sadey make their way back to the kitchen table.

  “Brother, shut the fuck up. I’m already pissed at you and we are going to hash some shit out right now. My sister is not a Club whore, piece of meat, your beck and call girl, or any other trashy piece that you have encountered on that tiny dick of yours. Do not hurt her, you get me? It has been a long time since you and I have gone toe to toe, but I remember beating your ass then and I will sure as fuck beat it now if you do.”

  Shame is holding back a grin because he knows this is the ‘I’m the big brother and you will not fuck and dump my sister’ speech. “Righto Pres., got it. We are good.”

  “You have been warned.”

  Now Hem turns to Sadey, “Woman, why the hell are you out here and not naked in that bed waiting for your man? Is this your way of asking for another spanking cause Sugar, you don’t even have to ask.”

  Sadey blushes but says nothing as she scurries out of the room. Hem throws an eye roll at Shame and I as if he’s trying to appear tough but then he too scurries out of the room following Sadey. Only together one damn night and he’s spanking her ass and demanding her naked, good grief Hem.

  Shame is quiet. I’m nervous because yesterday, last night, and all morning we spent time cementing our new relationship and something is eating at him.

  “What’s up there big guy?” I brush a rogue piece of hair that has fallen from behind his ear. His hair still wet from his shower before Dad’s house call.

  He grabs my wrist as I finish. “Mace, are we together? I mean, I heard you tell your dad that you needed to talk to Grey about your relationship with him. This tells me that you may still be in limbo. I can’t deal with that. I have to know you’re mine or I can’t do this. Sharing you would rip me apart, even sharing you for a day. It just can’t happen, I would be better off spending my days fucking Club whores again if you’re still deciding because honestly I don’t think there are any more words I could say to convince you that I want this. I really want to be with you, only you and God knows I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  “I am yours, all yours. I just need to finish and clean up with Greyson. Two years is a long time to be with someone, I know you may not have experience in that but please trust me that I am the one who is in the eye of this storm. I need to end things with him and it will hurt him and me both. I don’t want to hurt him anymore than needed. There are a lot of memories, Shame and I will not lie to you about that. I spent this entire year believing that Greyson was my forever. He will be angry and upset but I promise you I’m going to see him just to end things, okay?”

  He leans in and kisses my nose. What? My nose? I lean my body into his and grabbing my upper arm tightly on both sides he pushes me and then he steps back.

  “No, we will talk after you end things with Grey. Until then, I’m not risking my sanity here. I love your face baby, but no. When you and Grey are done, really done, I’m here.”

  With that he grabs his wallet and keys and walks out the door. Damn, I look at his ass a lot during his hasty exits. I sigh knowing that today is going to be a long damn day.

  I decide it best to text Greyson to see if he has time before he leaves town to meet me for coffee. I need this to be done in a public place. May sound crazy since I’m about to hurt him, but I need him to just not hurt him out loud. I’m such a cowardice bitch.

  *ME: Hi. Do you have a few minutes today to meet me at our coffee place in about an hour? I am ready to talk to you but it needs to be face to face.

  I wait for a response, not long after finishing dishes my phone chimes.

  *GREYSON: Yes. Will make time for you, you don’t ever have to ask. See you then, I miss you, Mace.

  My heart sinks. I knew this would be hard, but it is going to be harder than I thought. I’ve got no time to prepare so I just head to my room to finish dressing and head out the door.

  The longer I sit in the coffee shop waiting, the louder my heart beats in my ears. It has been over an hour and still no Greyson, very unusual for him to be running so late. I see him walk in and my heart stops mid beat. He looks disheveled, hurried, and anxious. It is out of character.

  He walks directly to me, looking around at every patron to avoid eye contact with me. When he makes it to our table he sits across from me without any physical contact. I know I want this to end but it does disappointment me that I didn’t get any sort of greeting in way of touch. Maybe this will make it easier.

  “Greyson, we’re over. We don’t work anymore. I’m sorry.” Rip the band aid off quick.

  “Okay.” was all he said.

  “Really? You’re okay with it ending? I thought maybe…” I’m immediate cut off.

  “You thought what? You thought I would say what exactly, Princess? Maybe cry for you some more? No, Mace. I begged you, pleaded with you the last time I saw you and told you how much I cared about you and adored you. You left me anyway. You left and went running to that piece of shit motorcycle outfit and thought nothing more of us. Frankly my dear, you make me sick. Looking at you sitting here, knowing you went to run and fuck that tattooed piece of shit, I’m sick. So yes, I’m more than okay with this ending. Now, if you excuse me I have places to be. Good luck, Mace. You’re going to need it.”

  Well that went well. I do not recognize the man that just sat across from me. He appeared cold and distant. I’m guessing it is because he is stressed about whatever dad is helping him with in Texas.

  Chapter Eight

  "The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.”

  --Ernest Hemingway

  “What do you mean you can’t find Switch? I told you where he was at. The coward has been in hiding in the Angels Clubhouse for over a damn year now. Did ya think he was going to just jump out for you all to nab? C’mon, give me something here dammit. I want him put down, like fuckin’ yesterday. It is time. We have waited long enough to get him for Doc and I’m done waiting. Find the fucker and do not call me until you do!” Hem roars curses as he slides his phone off.

  “Hem? You alright?” I don’t like hearing Hem talk to people like that but I know it goes with his position, but usually he tries to keep it somewhat hidden from the rest of us. He’s really pissed right now though.

  “Sis, I’m fine. Just that no one seems to have seen Switch in quite some time and I hate when things get too quiet like this. Drives me fucking nuts waiting for the other shoe to drop, that’s all. Ain’t anything for you to worry about.” He’s faking his calm. I’m going to give him that.

  “Have you seen Shame? I need to find him. Sadey and I are going shopping today and its girl’s day, so don’t be blowing up her phone with promises of sexual favors either. I know how you men work that angle, you feel neglected and then you start to act all weepy and sad. So, if you can tell me where you may have seen Shame, I want to suck on his face before I go.” Hems face twitches as he rolls his eyes, and walks away as if I haven’t just asked him twice for help. Big baby.

  “Oh, need to find him with who and doing what?” Ace chimes in from behind me. The smug little bastard.

  Whipping my head around to find the asshole I see him come strutting in with Cherry, Club whore number #2. She doesn’t talk much so I tend to tolerate her a bit better than my pal Kegs, speaking of Kegs, I haven’t seen her today either, ahhh to enjoy the small favors from above.

  “Shut up you ass, you played me yesterday and it didn’t work. Shame was never in or with anyone and you damn well know it don’t you, Prospect?” He still isn’t exactly slated to be patched in; honestly I don’t think he even wants to be. Much easier being a prick to all while doing everyone's dirty work.

  “Okay, I had that coming. I’m sorry but I was in a mood and I did exactly what you said I did, truce?”

  Well this is a change. I’m cautious and not optimistic that this will last past an afternoon but alright for Hem and Shame, I will play nice.

  “Truce, now have you really seen him today or not?”

“Yes, he’s in his room with Kegs right now, Mace. Cherry and I just passed them on the way down.” Cherry’s smile drops and she looks to Ace as if he’s got snakes coming out of his head.

  He isn’t smiling though and he isn’t enjoying this, which means he isn’t lying.

  “Don’t look like that, I’m not even saying it to rile you up, just want you to have some warning is all. Kegs appeared to be lacking of clothes, more than usual. He didn’t look all too eager about it, so she could just be acting like Kegs.”

  Cherry gives me a sympathetic look as she slaps Ace upside his head, no longer able to hold in her ire for the situation.

  “Thanks.” I mutter as I begin walking to the stairs to find his room again. De ja damn vu!

  Up the stairs I see his door open and I hear something similar to whining, but maybe it’s moaning. Goddamn it, tell me this is not happening a-friggin-gain! He said he would wait and technically we aren’t together but surely he didn’t invite Kegs up here for some quick head after what he and I shared last night. I make it to the door and tap softly; I don’t want to see more than needed if this is really going the way I’m afraid it is.

  “Come in.” Kegs actually coos those words.

  Pushing the door open I see Kegs sitting on the floor in nothing but her bra and thong. Who sits on dirty Club carpet…in a thong? God the woman has zero dignity.

  “Hi Shame. Hi Skank.” Trying to appear unaffected and failing quickly.

  Shame looks directly at me, he’s sitting on his bed putting on his boots and silent pleas come from his eyes for me to remain calm.

  “Hi there Sweetheart, Kegs and I were just discussing the fact that I am off the Club whore meat market. I’m a taken man now. C’mere.” His smile for me is warm and knowing and I love it! Pleased, I walk to him and sit on his lap, his hands go to my waist and he holds me so I’m facing Kegs, still sitting on the damn floor.

  “Well this sucks! He was the best of them ya know that don’t you, Mace?” Holy Friggin Hell, this bitch is talking to me? Oh lord.

  “Ummm sure. I guess I haven’t really tried the others Kegs, so I don’t have a comparison like you do but I’m willing to just believe you, fair?”

  Shames body shakes under me and he has buried his face in my back trying to control the laugh. What the heck, now I’m being nice to her? I feel sorry for her because she can no longer have sex with my man? Has this whole day been sent from the twilight zone? Damn.

  She finally gets a hint and gets up, grabs her shirt and daisy dukes off the floor from where she was apparently attempting her strip show to entice my man and heads towards the door not even dressing before heading out into a hallway full of horny bikers, not before turning back though.

  “I knew when Shame fell for a girl, he would fall hard. Mace, you don't like me, I already know this but I want tell you something anyway. When Shame told me you all were together finally, I was glad for it. You can believe that or not, but this gives me hope. It tells me that happy endings really do happen. Take care you two.” Then she was off.

  Today has been productive. I’ve made some peace with both Ace and Kegs, I think. Greyson and I are over and Shame and I are together. What an odd feeling that contentment can be.

  “Well, I’m unsure what just happened here, but I’m moving on. Jeez. I’m hard press to believe the little witch doesn’t want to kill me in my sleep so she can have you back, tell me though, how many others should I fear? She said you were the ‘best of them’ so I’m wondering how many you were the ‘best’ for.” I’m still not looking at him, his hands are tightening around my waist and I know he wants me to turn around to face him but I’m not done addressing this bizarre morning.

  “Oh and thanks for the support you asshole, I mean it was just so much easier knowing you were about to bust up in stitches at her talking to me like I was one of her besties!”

  Finally I turn in his lap, now sitting with him between my legs and my thighs resting on the bed. I need him to hear me without any distractions, because this is going to be an important moment for us. I know how Shame is and trusting someone doesn’t come naturally for him, he forces himself to work at it.

  “I talked to Grey today, it is done. We are over.”

  “Good to know.” is all he says as he looks into my eyes. He has his mask on, so I have to work at this to get him to drop it and remember it’s me here with him.

  “Shame, I love you. I don’t second guess letting him go. You are my forever, he was just a stand in or a filler. Saying goodbye to him should have hurt but it didn’t. I thought more about getting back here to you, to wrap my arms around you and love you without any shadows looming over me. He’s gone.” I just get silence, he’s still looking at me but saying nothing.

  “Say something?” I’m really trying to be patient.

  “I love your face, baby.” His face is serious, like he’s studying me in thought.

  Then he grabs me and pulls my body against him and hugs me so tight, his face in my neck as I’m combing my fingers through his hair. I will sit like this for as long as Shame needs me to, he’s absorbing the moment. I’ve had time to think and process this already, he hasn’t.

  “Thank you.” he murmurs.

  “For what?”

  “For being everything that you are. For being all that is good in this world for me. For loving me when I know I don’t deserve it. For forgiving me for being an ass to you when I was too stupid to figure out what it was that my heart was trying to tell me about us. I’m going to mess this up, it will happen I promise, but thank you for giving me a chance to love your face the way I need to love your face. Most of all, thank you for loving me back, fiercely.”

  His face is still in my neck because he doesn’t want me to see him in such a vulnerable state. I will let him hide right now and just hold him for a few more minutes.

  Soon I pull him away and stare into those silver eyes. “You don’t have to thank me, Shame. Just let me in and trust me with your heart, yes? If you can do that, then I have everything I ever truly wanted.”

  He kisses me not long enough before his cell phone rings. He grunts as he lifts me to the floor to retrieve it.

  “Shit its Hem, fucker knows I’m just upstairs but the bastard has been banging it out so damn much with your girl Sadey he’s actually starting to become lazier these days.” I smile as he cuts off the call and throws the phone on the bed. He doesn’t even answer it, bet him is appreciating that right now.

  “I’m going now to pick up Sadey for some shopping this afternoon. I will see you later though, okay?”

  He gives me a swift hard slap on the ass in the same fashion Hem always gives Sadey, I roll my eyes at him and he smirks.

  “Pink, baby.” He says.

  “What?” I’m thrown by this odd comment.

  “I like to use my hand to make your ass pink. Another reason it’s my favorite color.” Oh my, he makes me wish we had more time for him to show me that right now.

  “You’re such a pervert.” And I’m yours to perverse with, I think as I wink at him.

  “See you later, Sweetheart. Get me something to enjoy on you later.” he says and this time he gets to watch me walk out, yay for me.


  “So Miss Sated Sadey, how are you feeling today?” Picking up my friend and headed to our girls day out, I start off on her right as she gets into the car, without giving her a chance to even say hello. I’m going to enjoy a free day of taunting her.

  “Mace, I’m sore. Your brother is certainly the wild man I’ve always heard about. The rumors are true. The man is insatiable. Between his tongue and his hands, I’m not sure which I enjoy more. Wait, it is definitely his dick. God, they are all good, I just don’t know! Should I keep going or are you grossed out enough yet?” She’s smiling and her face looks like it is about to split.

  “You can stop now. I get it. Oh my god, I knew not to ask. I just haven’t had a chance to talk to you since well, interrupting you and Hem
getting intimately acquainted at the house after our fight at the club in front of Ace. So, spill it. How did you two end up in that… position, so to speak? I don’t need the graphics but I haven’t gotten any details because the man hasn’t let you far enough away from him to share with your best friend!”

  It is true, Hem has been hoarding her and I have yet to be given the juicy details, sans the amazing sex she says she is having with my brother. I’ve missed her and me hanging out and chatting.

  “I will, but first you need to feed me some lunch, all the sex the last two days has given me an overwhelming appetite.”

  She’s right, I’ve been adding a few more calories to my day as well since Shame is apparently as sex hungry as his club brother, and I shudder to think what those two were like during their teenage years.

  “Okay but then I want to hear how you got Hem to take you home and remove your fruit! You must have been laying down some severe seduction maneuvers, maybe you can teach me something.”

  I can’t refer to her virtue as being a popped cherry as freely as she does. Hem means too much to her to it be just considered that.

  “What’s on agenda today, Mace? I’m feeling a bit unruly and had an idea.” She’s turning a little red so I’m curious on what her big plan for our day together has in store. Oh how I’ve missed her!

  We are eating at our favorite Mexican place, she insists on going here every single time we go out. We are enjoying the afternoon margaritas while gabbing about what we have been up too; finally I want to get to the details of how she and Hem ended up together back at the house the other night.

  “Okay, I’ve kept you waiting long enough. It is time for me to spill, but afterwards I want to hear about how you and Shame got together on that same night!”

  I do owe her the same explanations, and I have no problem sharing details with my best friend, as long as she can keep her story as PG as she can for me, being that it is about my brother.


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