Holding On

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Holding On Page 10

by A. C. Bextor

“And as if you need to understand why, yes I am smiling.” He continues. “I may seem old to you, little sister, but I’m only 32 I am most certainly not dead. So, yeah, let me smile without judgment. You know how I feel about her, even if words were never spoken, it is how I have always felt about Sade. I would cut any man that would have led her into temptation and have taken what was mine. Now, no one has to wait around for poor little Hem to get his shit together.”

  Wow, my brother is such a romantic, and the way he says her name gives me goose bumps of happiness for him. Right up of course until he talks about cutting someone for trying to steal her virginity away.

  Now his face is getting a wee bit darker. Shit, hope he doesn’t ever find out about Sadey’s near successful attempt to lure Ace into helping her remove her little cherry, as she refers.

  “Now. Explain. Again. About. You. and Shame. and slow the fuck down so I can understand you, all these womanly feelings around me are clogging my damn brain, you women and you’re constant chatter, Jesus.”

  Shit I forgot about the rest of my rant and now Hem is livid.

  I let out a long sigh, “No, I shouldn’t have said anything, Hem. Shame and I are adults, consenting adults. Shame has sex with a lot of women at the club. I should have assumed when he and I were done... ya know...”

  My brother flinches; I can see he’s trying like hell all to avoid thinking about his kid sister in that position with his best friend.

  “I just shouldn’t have been surprised. I’m okay, I left. I’m good.” I stand staring at the floor, twisting my fingers in front of me. I hope I have calmed Hurricane Hem.

  Guess I did, he walks right up to me and grabs me in a large bear hug.

  “Sissy, I love you. I’m sorry for what fucktwat did. If you’re okay then I’m okay but mark this and mark it good, I will be having a chat with my VP. It is one thing to bed my sister without discussing it with me as the President and you being my family, but to treat you like this after, to walk away and find open and free pussy while you are still at the Club? No. That does not fucking happen. Jesus, what was he thinking? Now, what the hell are you talking about glue, honey? “

  Oh hell I’m exhausted. I explain to Hem about what and how he’s my glue. He did not get it until I went into detail about all I had thought I lost this week and how my world was caving. Greyson, Mom, Sadey, Shame, and him. He got it and wrapped me in his arms while I cried and let out some sadness for everything. God, he’s such a good brother. Sadey is such a good friend. I should count my blessings more often.

  So now we are all sitting down, now opening our third bottle of wine in 30 minutes time, someone knocks on the door. We are all look at each other and then the clock. Shit, it is after midnight. Nothing good comes knocking past midnight.

  “Mace, open the fucking door. I swear to Christ woman, you have about 30 seconds to get decent and Open. The. Fucking. Door.”

  Even Shame, after being the asshole that he was, has the sexiest rasp in his voice when he’s not getting something that he wants.

  “Well okay guys, good night.” I say to Sadey and Hem while making a helluva hasty exit from the madman behind door number one. I start walking towards the hall, okay I’m running towards the hall.

  “Fuck that sister, you pulled me out of a naked bed with a naked girl about an hour ago and fuck if I didn’t tolerate that bullshit for you. Turnabout fair play, kid. Sit the hell down and let’s let Shame in, shall we? Let’s get the party started and get some shit straight, eh?”


  Hem grabs the handle and whips the door open while Shame is in mid-sentence with another threat about the number of seconds I have left to open the door. Shame’s face pales. His tan complexion has faded on impact, by impact I mean Hems fist to Shames nose.


  Rushing over to get to Hem and grab his arm that is again in midair ready to strike, I harshly whisper to his face. “Dammit Hem, can we just for once not use our fists but maybe our words to resolve an issue. Jesus Christ, we do not live in the wild. Step back.”

  I look to Shame who is holding his nose, his eyes are watering from the impact. Hem rolls his eyes at me as he turns and walks to Sadey, grabbing her off the couch and throwing her over his shoulder. Such a caveman!

  Hem turns his front and Sadey’s ass to look at Shame and I. Shame still on ground outside and I’m standing at the door.

  “Work your shit out. I’m going to bed, a naked bed with a naked girl and this time no one comes calling!” he says as he slaps Sadey with an audible pop on the ass. Now she is giggling like a schoolgirl. My heart swells, so happy for them.

  “I do not want to hear you guys!” Oh please in Heaven, if there was ever a question on the thickness of my walls; please let me not hear them.

  “I will keep her gagged then, she’s a screamer.” Oh my god, Hem. You did not just tell me that.

  Pulled out of my reverie of Hem and Sadey, I hear Shame let out a fierce and angry snort. He sounds like a bull and looking at him now, I think I’m the red flag! Shit shit shit. He starts to stand and he has regained some composure.

  “Why. The. Fuck. Did. You. Leave. The. Club? Without me no less, Mace? Why? Are you seriously that unconvinced that I want you? I want us. God dammit woman. I show you how I feel. I tell you how I feel, which wasn’t easy for me either by the fucking way. Bad ass bikers don’t share feelings like those dammit. You know this. Yet you scram the moment shit got real. The very second you felt just a bit unspoiled. This is me here, not Greyson or any other nameless fuck, you’ve been with, and this is me here, fighting with you and for you. What the fuck?”

  He’s calmed a tad but then, “ANSWER ME!” never mind. He’s still fuming.

  “Well.” I’m angry but I’m unsure how much to let go of. What he said has pissed me off, seriously. Screw it, my glue is back and he’s in the other room. Shame wouldn’t dare touch me anyway, he loves me too much. So I continue.

  “You miserable ass. I asked you to define what we were, just as you ‘need to hear the words’ well dammit Shame, I NEEDED TO HEAR THE WORDS. I have loved you for so long that it wasn’t enough that this just felt real, I am too insecure and I felt I had to ask and get the answer before assuming anything. Then you left me in that damn shower alone to get a ‘drink’. That drink being, a Club whore. I’m used to this life Shame…” I’m interrupted abruptly.

  “What did you just say?” He blinks, he really is confused but I’m still mad.

  “No no no, I get to talk, this is my time. So you take a Club whore after you have at me upstairs in your room. I apparently do not satisfy your hunger. So, after hearing this news I left. I got my shit and bolted home, yes. No good woman would blame me for it. And finally, going back to what you said. Badass biker? You seriously just called yourself that?” I’m almost smirking. I can’t help it. He called himself a badass biker. Do people do that?

  “I love your face, baby”. He walks towards me but all I can think about is that Club skank he’s probably wearing. Which one, where, with her mouth or cunt? God, I am a glutton for punishment.

  I spit out at him now. “Don’t touch me, you are a male whore. I don’t want to share you, Shame. I have been around the life but the thought of sharing the one thing, the one part of me that I thought would once be all mine, I just can’t. I love you Shame, never made a secret of this at all, anytime in my life, but I can’t share you. A heart can’t beat to half a beat. You’re part of my heart now and I have to have yours, all or none.”

  I’m starting to let tears I was holding at bay go. I didn’t even realize I was holding them back.

  “Baby, I don’t know what you heard or from where, but I was outside on the back deck with Gunner the entire time. I was so pissed at you, so mad that you would offer me those options and without the option of owning you, loving you, and making you happy. I was angry and needed to let off some steam. Gunner and I downed some beers and shot some whiskey then he sent my ass back up to you. If you don’t
believe me, then you can ask him. He’s with Winnie right now, probably not wanting to be disturbed but fuck if I won’t make him drag his prospect ass over here and confirm this shit for you.”

  “Friggin Ace bastard” I hate that prick.

  Shame looks at me, grins just a bit and grabs me to him while kissing the crown of my head. My long hair becomes wrapped around his wrist from the back and he gives it a rough yank and takes my mouth.

  Pulling away after kissing me senseless, “Are we good now? Are we okay? Do we have to define us and this relationship this second? Cause I have other ideas for us this morning baby.” He thinks he’s so clever. Not this time, buddy.

  “Tell me what you want; I want to hear you say it.” I’m playing his game, stealing his lines.

  He obviously hasn’t caught on so I know I have some time to play, but not too long because I’m giggling on the inside.

  I’m going to keep going, “I’m going to fuck you hard baby, you want that?” And he’s just about to fall right into my trap!

  His eyes close, “Fuck me Mace, my dick fucking hurts now. What the hell are you doing to me?” His eyes are still closed tightly so I have to think fast.

  “Open your eyes and look at me! I want you to see what you do to me.” He raises his eyes, looking directly into mine. I see a flicker of recognition on his face.

  I push him towards the couch, I don’t care where we are, and I want Shame inside me. I unbutton his jeans and take his hard cock into my hand rubbing the sensitive flesh underneath the head and swirling my fingers around it, catching the early juices that are coming out of his slit, so gorgeous.

  “Feel me taking you, holding you, and loving you, baby? “ I say as I push him down to the couch and sit astride him.

  All I am wearing is my knee length pajama shirt. I’m wearing nothing but a thong underneath. I feel his cock twitch under me. God I want it, but I need to wait. I’m baiting my man, teaching him a lesson perhaps. I’m still smiling inside, because this really is fun!

  So I start in again on him, “Fuck baby, you’re killing me. I’m gonna fuck you now, you want that? I want to hear you say it. I’m going to fuck you hard and fast now, Shame.”

  Holy.Fucking.Shit. He’s onto me.

  “Oh Mace Mace Mace.” He shakes his head back and forth as an unnamed threat, I’m going to spank your little ass red if you don't get to riding my fucking cock woman and right now. Wouldn’t be a proud moment but I’m about to fucking cum all over your hand if you don’t shut your fucking dirty mouth and take me, right now!”

  He lifts my hips, tears the thong from my body in one swoop, grabs the hem of my nightshirt and takes it over my head, and then his assault on me really starts. He lifts my body and then slams me back onto his. God he feels so good, filling me and stretching me. I see his pulse on the side of his neck, he’s about to lose control already.

  I continue our reverse role play from our night together earlier. “Look at me, beautiful. Thank you for this, thank you for trusting me enough to give me this.” I move his hand that is gripping my hip and press it against his heart, repeating his words to him but with entire different meaning. Shame showed me his love tonight for the first time while fucking me, I wanted to show him how I love him with my heart.

  We have now slowed from the ravenous fuck back to a slow rock, feeling each other, loving each other. I honestly don’t know what feels better, the hard fuck and quick emotions or the slow strain of building up and then finally letting go.

  “I love you, Shame. I love you.” I can feel him tense and as he stills in me while he releases. Those words do this to him, God what a beautiful power that gives me.


  The next morning I awake to an empty bed. After Shame and I made up, several times until dawn, we all but passed out in my room. Sadey and Hem had remained quiet, if they heard us they did not acknowledge it.

  We are in a good place, all of us. Children growing up into adulthood, with each other. Strange how now we give ourselves permission to pair off but still, the four of us are each other’s world.

  Jumping out of bed and into the shower, I’m listing things I need to do today. It’s Monday morning and since my mom’s announcement I realize that the protective and happy world I was living in is about to burst.

  I have put off looking for a job long enough; it really is time to grow up. My degree is in English Literature, making me a poetic extension of Hem. He has a natural gift with words that I always admired, however I had to learn and pay for mine and even so, I’m no fool to believe I can talk with my heart as he can.

  Walking into the kitchen I see everyone. I mean everyone including, Dad, Mom, Sadey, Hem, and Shame. Dad of course looks disgusted and mom looks upset. Sadey is sitting on Hem’s lap and Hem is holding her tight around her waist. Shame is making coffee. Great, a social visit.

  “Well good morning everyone!” I’m trying to sound upbeat and positive but at glancing at the clock and seeing it’s already close to noon, I wince. I’ve slept my damn day away!

  “Well, well, there she is.” Dad sounds sarcastic and so unlike his usual business demeanor. “Glad you could make the day, Sweet Pea. You must have had quite the night, seeing that when I got here Neil was standing in your kitchen in nothing but a pair of jeans that most certainly have seen better days.”

  Shame glances at me quickly before finishing the cups of coffee he was preparing before dad’s snarky comment. Dad, as ever, refuses to acknowledge Shame’s road name, being that he detests the lifestyle.

  “Dad, I am sure you did not come here to point out the wardrobe that Shame chose for today, what’s up?”

  “Hi there, my beautiful girl. Don’t you look refreshed and upbeat this afternoon? I trust that you slept well.” Thanks for pointing out the obvious Mom.

  She looks at Shame and her lips tilt up, not enough to reach her eyes but my mom was never accused of being shy so I’m surprised and relieved that she’s not just spelling out my behavior in front of everyone. Mortified!

  “Hey there Mama.” I walk to her and go to kiss her, she lets me now which is new. She’s not one to be all hugs and kisses but I don’t care. I don’t have many days left for this.

  “How about we get to the reason you're here Warren, huh?” Hem, still holding Sadey and while his eyes are not leaving dad’s, he is sounding annoyed.

  “Grey has asked for my assistance with a situation he has in Texas, so first thing tomorrow morning I’m leaving with him. He isn’t of sound mind enough to handle this on his own and being that he hasn’t even realized the rest of his hearts demise I think it best that since he asked for help, I go. I need you both to look after your mother. If she needs something, she will call; otherwise I will be back no later than Friday morning.”

  “That’s it? You could have just picked up the damn phone and told Mace, no need for a house call. Mama, you have my number and you know you can reach anyone at the Club and they can help you if I’m unavailable for immediate reach.”

  Hem said that about the Club just to get Dad riled up. Do men ever really communicate?

  “No, she’s been instructed to call Mace first, if in dire straits she will then contact you. I do not want one of your club flunkies even speaking to my wife, let alone being in her presence.” Oh my god, Dad!

  “Fuck you old man.” Hem then lifts Sadey off his lap, grabbing her hand, and heads down the hall to her room.

  “Well, now we got him out of the way Sweet Pea, can you make yourself available to mother if she needs anything at all?”

  He’s talking about mom like she’s not in the room after she just insulted her son and all of his brothers. Dick!

  Turning to Mom, “Mom, whatever you need, whenever you need it you just call me. I’ve got no plans other than looking for a real life job this week okay? If you get lonely you can always stay here, too. Dad, there is no reason for you to discuss my life with Greyson at this point. I need to talk to him myself and discuss our relationship fa
ce to face just he and I. Please, as much as you respect and love Greyson, please respect that.”

  Dad looks at Shame who is now standing behind me and holding my coffee for me to take.

  “Ya know Neil; you were always one of the better boys in the neighborhood, polite and respectful, just an overall good kid. You come from shit ya know, I’m sorry if I offend you here but you are no more a man of society anymore as Hem and you are sure as hell not good enough for my girl.”

  With that, dad grabs mom’s hand and helps her up, wrapping her coat around her.

  My mom blows his rudeness off, “Goodbye Dear, I would like to see you this week if you have time. We need to talk about a few things and girl time will certainly help pass the time until Dad returns.”

  She walks to Shame as she pushes against dad’s hold. Dad’s eyes widen in horror, not believing she has just found a backbone. She walks toward Shame and stops, resting her hand on Shame’s cheek and the other hand on my wrist that holds my coffee cup.

  “Neil, take care of my girl. I always knew you loved her, you had stars in your eyes and a fight in your heart when you used looked at her. If you really have the girl you want and I believe that you do, hold onto her and make her happy. True love really only comes once in a lifetime, doesn’t it?” She winks at me and smiles at him.

  Shame just blinks, he’s tense from a mothers touch but he says nothing. When she’s finished looking from he and I, he finally grabs her hand that is dropping from his face and looks at her for a second then says, “I was always jealous that Hem had a Mom like you, you’re a good woman Lynda and if there is anything I can ever do for you please don’t hesitate to ask.” He grabs me by my waist and pulls me to him, my back to his front.

  I hear Dad hiss in disgust and he snaps at Mom.

  “Your visit is over, let’s go.”

  They exit the house leaving Shame and I completely dumbfounded. The warden now takes the inmate home. I feel something amiss, I just can’t place it.

  “HEM! Alright you pussy, come on out now!” Shame is not happy with Hem for leaving him alone with daddy viper. Even the brick house that Shame is, he doesn’t like being cornered between retaining his manners to those older than he and being treated like scum from the likes of my Dad.


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