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Death of a Dancer

Page 7

by Irena Nieslony

  “We have no reason to think that you did kill Mrs. Simpson. However, at around the time of her death, your step-brother said he met you to sort out some paperwork.”

  “So perhaps you suspect Josh? “ Edward laughed again. “Well I can vouch for him on Saturday night. I went up to Oakfield Hall at about eight or thereabouts and saw Josh. I’m not one for timekeeping. We met outside, but I was a bit curious to see what Rachel had done with the place so Josh took me inside and we went into the sitting room.”

  “You know Rachel Fisher?”

  “I met her a couple of times when we were kids. She was a few years younger than me so I didn’t take much notice of her. I have seen her around since. We are both in show business after all.”

  Taylor’s heart sank. He felt that Rachel was drifting further and further away from him. She lived in a totally different world, one which he would feel uncomfortable in.

  Helen on the other hand was fuming.

  Why does that woman’s name keep coming up? It makes Peter think about her instead of putting her to the back of his mind and concentrating on me.

  “What time did you leave Oakfield?”

  “Must have been about eight thirty. Josh said he had to go to dinner as it started at half eight. He walked me to the door and I left.”

  Mrs. Hancock interrupted with the coffee, followed by Natalie who went and sprawled on the sofa next to Edward. Helen stared at her. The woman had sex appeal, that was for sure, although she probably didn’t have a brain in her head. All the same, Helen wished she could look like her. Taylor would be bound to notice her then.

  However, Taylor had no interest whatsoever in Natalie who had started stroking Edward’s neck.

  “Natalie, stop,” Edward suddenly spoke. “I’m talking to these officers.”

  He pushed her away and she took herself to the other end of the large sofa and looked very put out.

  “Hey babe,” Edward spoke again in a much softer voice. “I won’t be long. We’ll go out for lunch, what do you say? Anywhere you want.”

  Natalie turned round and smiled at Edward. Taylor expected that their relationship was like this all the time. He also thought that she probably wasn’t the only girl in his life. He didn’t like the lifestyle Edward Simpson had. Yes he had money, but he probably had no morals. Taylor hoped Josh wasn’t the same. Although he couldn’t have Rachel, he didn’t want her to be with someone who didn't deserve her.

  Taylor took a sip of coffee and then continued with his interview.

  “So, Mr. Simpson, I only have a couple more questions. Did you get on with your step-mother?”

  Edward laughed again. “Trying to find a motive for me killing step mummy dearest? Well, I guess you can call me a suspect. I hated Jane. She took my dad away from my mother when I was very young and I’ve never forgiven her for it. I lived with my own mother, but had to go and stay with dad and step-mother. I hated every minute and soon rebelled against the visits.”

  “But you got on with your step-brother, Josh?”

  “Not when we were young. He was five years younger than me and I bullied him. I admit that, but when we grew up, our love of music – and money – brought us together.”

  “Well I think that’s it for now. Mr. Simpson. We’ll be in touch.”

  Edward got up and laughed again.

  “You have no proof I killed her and Josh will back me up. Or do you think he was involved as well? He loved his mother. Bond between a mother and a son and all that.”

  Edward took Taylor and Helen to the door.

  “Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything else.”

  Taylor nodded. He and Helen took their leave and got into the car.

  “Well, that was an unusual experience,” Taylor said to Helen.

  “Do you think he did it, sir?”

  “I don’t know. He has a motive I suppose. The hatred could have been building up over the years until it all exploded.”

  “But Josh Simpson must have known then?”

  “Unless Josh didn’t walk Edward to the door. We assume Jane was killed between eight ten and eight thirty, but there was another ten minutes or so before Josh Simpson went up to look for his mother. After leaving Edward, Josh probably went straight to the dining room which is to the back of the stairs while Edward walked towards the front door. However, if he was on his own, he could easily have popped up the stairs.”

  “Wouldn’t that have been a bit risky sir? He could have been seen.”

  “Yes, of course it would have been, but people take risks when they commit murder. Or perhaps he was in collusion with his own father. Charles had plenty of motive as well. Jane was having an affair after all. I suppose there are a lot of flaws in the argument, but it’s all we’ve got at the moment.”

  “Where to now, sir.”

  “Back to the station for a while.”

  Helen was disappointed. She enjoyed travelling around with her boss. After all, she had him to herself in the car.

  * * *

  Rachel had tossed and turned for most of the night, not falling asleep until the early hours, and she woke up feeling as if she hadn’t slept at all. This was supposed to be such an interesting and exciting time in her life, but so much was going wrong. Not only had there been a murder in her hotel, but it looked as if someone had a grudge against her. Then she remembered her date and she smiled. It had been a wonderful evening, and for the moment she completely forgot what Josh had said about the Chief Inspector.

  Rachel stretched as a dreamy look came over her face. It had been a very romantic evening and Josh had been such a gentleman. Not only had he brought her flowers, but he had opened the car door for her and insisted on paying for the meal. In fact he had treated her like a princess. She could still feel his lips upon hers and the smell of his after shave, but then she thought about her slashed tires and her mood changed.

  However, a loud knock at the door stopped her from becoming too morbid.

  “Rachel, it’s only me,” Sarah said from behind the door.

  “Come in,” Rachel called out,

  “Rachel, there are journalists outside the front door and on the lawn. I went to open the sitting room curtains and I saw them. A few of them noticed me and came rushing to the window shouting out questions which I couldn’t hear too well. I pulled the curtains closed again.”

  Rachel sat up abruptly.

  “You did right. The story must have broken this morning. I don’t know why it wasn’t in the papers yesterday, but at least we had a little respite. Thank goodness we haven’t got new guests arriving until tomorrow, although I expect that some of the reporters will still be here. I think one of us will have to stay in reception all day from tomorrow to let the new arrivals in. Well, we can take it in turns. They’ll have their own front door keys once they’ve booked in so it won’t matter if the door’s locked when they’re all here. However, we’ll have to do the same if we get any dinner bookings for tonight.”

  “Are you going to talk to the journalists, Rachel?”

  “Not if I can help it. I don’t think I need to go out anywhere today. I may put off ordering a tow truck to take my car to the garage until tomorrow. Perhaps by then some of the journalists will have gone. Were there many?”

  “Yes. I didn’t count them all, but there did seem to be a quite a few. I suppose you’re used to dealing with the press?”

  “Yes, but never in a situation like this. I’ll just say no comment if I do go out .Or I’ll say the police are looking into it. Nothing more. I don’t suppose it helps with me being well known.”

  “I’m glad you are and that you’re used to this kind of thing, you know, attention from the press. I don’t think I’d know what to say.”

  “Better get used to it if you really do want to become an actress.”

  “I don’t know if I ever will. I’m fine when I’m on stage pretending to be other people, but it’s different being myself.”

  Rachel got up and gave Sar
ah a reassuring hug.

  “I’ll go back down then and set the table for Walt and Evelyn,” Sarah said.

  “Thanks Sarah. I’ll be down shortly.”

  Rachel sighed, thinking it was going to be another difficult day.

  After making sure that everything was running smoothly in the hotel, Rachel called the police. They said they would send someone over that morning and she hoped that it wouldn’t be Taylor. However, she had mentioned the murder on the phone, just in case there was some connection. There was every chance that he could very well be the officer who turns up.

  Suddenly Rachel remembered feeling angry with Josh the previous evening because he criticized Taylor and she also recalled ushering him out rather too quickly. What had got into her? Taylor was in the past and she shouldn’t have got so upset. She would have to phone Josh later to see if things were still alright between them.

  * * *

  Taylor and Helen were on their way back to the station when the call came through about Rachel’s car. He said he would go to Oakfield straight away.

  All that woman has to do is whistle, thought Helen. Peter’s at her beck and call all the time. I bet he’s going to be all sympathetic with her as well.

  “Poor Ms Fisher,” Taylor said. “As if she didn’t go through enough last year.”

  “Yes, it’s terrible,” Helen replied, not meaning a word of it.

  Arriving at Oakfield’s gates, Taylor felt himself tense up. He had been trying to stop thinking about Rachel, but they were being thrown together all the time. There was no way he could get her out of his mind.

  As they drove towards the house down the long driveway, they saw the journalists and Taylor sighed. He should have guessed there would be this many, what with Rachel being a famous actress.

  As Taylor and Helen got out of the car, Taylor noticed Rachel’s Mercedes near the front door and he asked Helen to take photos. He told her to say nothing to the reporters.

  The Chief Inspector went up to the front door, followed by some of the press. Rachel let him in and they managed to stop the journalists getting inside.

  Taylor looked at Rachel. She seemed tired, but he still thought she was beautiful. How he wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her, but that could never happen.

  “Ms Fisher,” Taylor said. “I’m so sorry about your car. Helen is taking photos now.”

  “Brave girl, with all those journalists around,” Rachel replied. “It was a shock to find my tires slashed. I haven’t slept much I’m afraid”

  “So this happened last night.”

  “Yes, while I was out to dinner. We noticed the tires when we got home.”

  Taylor felt a stab of pain in his heart. She had no doubt been out with Josh Simpson.

  Rachel meanwhile was trying not to let her feelings for the Chief Inspector surface again. Why were they still there? Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind?”

  Helen rang the doorbell, having hurriedly taken the photos. She didn’t want to leave her boss alone with Rachel for too long. As for the journalists, she didn’t mind them. It was quite exciting fending them off.

  Taylor let her in.

  “Photos all done sir,” Helen remarked, refusing to smile or say anything to Rachel.

  “Good,” Taylor replied. “Now Ms Fisher, Rachel, have you any idea who could have done this?”

  What’s he calling her Rachel for? thought Helen. It’s not professional. I want to get him out of here.

  “It did cross my mind that the codicil to the will is still in place, but as John is in prison, that leaves Uncle Sam or Arthur. You know I trust Sam, so Arthur is the only possibility. However, I can’t see him out on a freezing night slashing tires.”

  “You don’t know what he’s capable of, Rachel. As for John, he could have asked someone to slash your tires.”

  “I don’t think John knows anybody who would agree to do something like this. Nor is he friendly with the other prisoners, you know, the sort who would have criminal friends on the outside. In fact, I don’t think he has any friends at all in prison.”

  “I was thinking more of Carlotta.”

  “Carlotta!” Rachel exclaimed. “No, she wouldn’t have done this, I’m sure.”

  “John could have asked her to.”

  “No, Chief Inspector. Carlotta and I get on very well. We’ve become good friends in the last few months.”

  “Rachel, if you hadn’t told me about the affair between Carlotta and John, John wouldn’t have tried to kill you and he and Carlota could be carrying on their relationship.”

  “I suppose you’re right, but Carlotta isn’t madly in love with John, not like she was with George.”

  “Still, it’s worth investigating.”

  “As you wish, Chief Inspector.”

  Helen was, by this time, getting well and truly fed up of the concern her boss was showing for Rachel.

  “Hadn’t we better go and question her now, sir,” Helen interrupted. “We do have a lot of paperwork to catch up on at the station as well today.”

  Taylor spun round. “When I’ve finished asking all my questions,” he said sharply.

  Helen was taken aback. The Chief Inspector had never spoken to her like this before.

  He still must have it really bad for Rachel. He’s making a fool of himself. She has a boyfriend so why is he still acting like a lovesick schoolboy?

  “So, Rachel,” Taylor continued, trying to get himself back together. “Nobody from inside the hotel saw anything.”

  “No, well, not the staff anyway. I don’t know if any of the guests saw something, but they didn’t report it if they did. I can give you a list of the people who were here last night. Walt and Evelyn were in, but they’re not here at the moment. They’ve gone into Oxford I believe. I do have phone numbers for the restaurant clientele. We always take a number just in case there’s a problem.”

  “Thank you, Rachel, that will be helpful. Can I have a word with the staff that are here?”

  “Of course. I think they’re all in the kitchen. I’ll take you there.”

  Rachel was relieved. At least the Chief Inspector was taking this seriously, but her feelings for him were ridiculous. Why did they keep coming back? Their relationship had to be purely professional. She shouldn’t be thinking of him in that way anyway. She’d had a wonderful date with Josh and she planned to see him again.

  Helen followed Taylor and Rachel into the kitchen. She was annoyed. The Chief Inspector was spending an inordinate time on this case. They should be focusing on Jane Simpson’s murder, not on a petty case like this one. Now Rachel was even destroying the rapport she had with her boss.

  She’d better watch out, Helen thought. She’s pushing me to the limit. I can’t stand to see her making a fool of Peter. She has a man, yet she flutters her eyelashes at the Chief Inspector and he comes running. He needs to see her for what she is and I’m the one to do it.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, after questioning Rachel’s staff and contacting the guests who had dined at the restaurant the previous evening, Taylor and Helen went to visit Arthur Robertson. The Chief Inspector had been softer with Helen since speaking to her so sharply earlier in the day. He felt a little guilty. Generally he wasn’t the type of boss who let his personal feelings interfere with his work, but there was something about Rachel Fisher that made him act out of character. At the time Taylor scolded Helen, he had disappeared into his own world, the one containing only Rachel, and he had totally forgotten about Helen. It was a shock to his system when she reminded him that she was there.

  Arthur Robertson glared at the Chief Inspector as soon as he opened the door.

  “Oh no, not again. What do you want now? I’ve just got in from work and need to unwind. Talking to the police doesn’t count as relaxation.”

  Taylor was still amazed at how rude Arthur Robertson thought he could be to the police.

  “I’ll only take a few minutes of your time,” Taylor spoke.

  He was polite, even though Arthur didn’t deserve it.

  “You’d better come in then,” Arthur said, leading them into the sitting room where Joan was laying the table for dinner.

  “Chief Inspector,” Joan exclaimed, looking very nervous. “I suppose this is about Jane Simpson’s death. We hardly knew her at all. Why would either of us want to kill her?”

  “Calm down, woman,” Arthur said. “I doubt they’ve come to arrest you.”

  “As a matter of fact, this isn’t about the murder of Jane Simpson. It’s about Ms Fisher.”

  “Oh no, what’s up with her now?”

  “Somebody slashed all the tires of her car last night.”

  “What? And you think it was me? Why on earth would I do that? “

  “Well, there is the codicil in your brother’s will. It is still active.”

  “That’s crazy, Chief Inspector. I might not be particularly fond of Rachel, but I’m not vengeful. If it was about the will, don’t you think that I’d try and kill her, not just be spiteful?”

  “Yes, that would be most likely, but whoever did this could be trying to frighten her first instead of going in all guns blazing.”

  “I think you’re going over the top, Chief Inspector. I suppose you think I’m the main suspect since John is in jail and Sam can do no evil.”

  “All I have come to ask, Mr. Robertson, is where were you yesterday evening, both you and your wife.”

  “Well we were at home all evening, isn’t that right Joan?”

  Joan nodded. She still had a frightened look on her face, but Taylor knew that she was a very nervous woman. He didn’t believe she was involved in the crime, but he had to ask.

  “And you can only corroborate each other’s whereabouts?”

  “Yes,” Arthur said. ‘For goodness sake, Chief Inspector, we’re over seventy, why would either of us want to be crawling about in the dark slashing tires?”

  “I’ve seen stranger things in my time as a police office, sir. Anyway, thank you for your time.”

  Arthur gruffly showed them out.

  As soon as they were in the car, Helen spoke.

  “That was a waste of time, sir. Or did you expect that to be the case?”


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