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Death of a Dancer

Page 12

by Irena Nieslony

  Charles put his head in his hands. He was desperate to hear Carlotta’s husky voice, but she never answered the phone after ten thirty and it was way past that now. He’d have to wait until the morning; there was nothing else he could do.

  * * *

  That same evening, Diana and Carly were sitting by the fire in a nice cozy pub having a drink. They were good friends and met up every couple of weeks for a night out without their husbands. Carly was fine now after her visit to the hospital. It had turned out that she hadn’t actually taken many tablets, but was basically just very drunk.

  Despite their friendship, Diana was getting fed up this evening. All Carly could talk about was Charles; about how much she loved him and that she might have a chance with him now that Jane was gone.

  “You didn’t kill her did you, Carly?” Diana asked, half joking.

  Carly was a bit of a wimp and hated the sight of blood, even her own. Diana couldn’t imagine her stabbing Jane in the neck.

  "No, of course I didn’t kill Jane,” Carly replied sharply.

  “I was only joking, Carly. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright. I’m a bit on edge. Mind you, I’d like to thank the person who did kill Jane. It’s left the road free for me.”

  Diana was a little shocked.

  “What about Chris? He adores you.”

  “What about him? He just puts on a show for our friends. He knows I don’t love hm. It won’t come as a total surprise when I leave him to be with Charles.”

  “And Charles knows about this, does he?”

  “No, but I’m sure he’ll be happy when he finds out I love him. He’s always been so kind to me.”

  “That doesn’t mean he loves you, Carly.”

  “Why are you being so horrible, Diana? You should be happy for me. I’m married to someone I don’t love and I have a chance for some happiness. In fact I’m going to tell Chris tomorrow that I’m leaving him.”

  “Don’t you think you should speak to Charles first?”

  “No, I want to surprise him with a ‘fait accompli’. I can just imagine how happy he’ll be.”

  “He’s still mourning his wife’s death.”

  “Nonsense. He didn’t love Jane.”

  Diana didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want Carly to make a horrible mistake and mistake it would be. Charles was having an affair with Carlotta and there was every chance he loved her. He probably barely knew Carly existed. She had to stop Carly from making a fool of herself and possibly ruining her life.

  “I think you should give this more thought, Carly. Chris does love you in his own quiet way. Charles is much too old for you anyway.”

  “Age doesn’t matter. Chris is immature. An older man suits me better. They’re much more sensible and worldly wise.”

  “Oh Carly, I didn’t want to tell you this, but Charles has been having an affair with Carlotta for some time, so you’ll be going on a wild goose chase if you pursue him. I think he’s very much in love with her.”

  Diana knew she might be exaggerating the seriousness of the affair, but she hoped it might put Carly off doing anything rash.

  “I don’t believe you,” Carly said after a minute’s silence. “You’re trying to turn me against Charles.”

  “I wish that was all it was, but it isn’t “

  “But Carlotta’s old.”

  “Yes, but very beautiful.”

  “And she was Jane/s best friend.”

  “Yes, Carlotta can be ruthless if there’s something she really wants.”

  “Do you think she killed Jane?”

  "No, I doubt it. She’s not the marrying kind. I expect she enjoys being Charles’s mistress, though what she will do now is another matter.

  “John might read about it in prison,” Carly spoke hopefully.

  “And what good will that do?”

  “He might send someone to beat her up or even kill her. Then Charles will be free of her.”

  Diana looked at her friend, never having heard her speak with so much venom. She was horrified and wished she hadn’t told Carly about Carlotta. However, there had seemed no other way to stop her from ending her marriage too hastily.

  “It would serve her right,” Carly spoke again and then all of a sudden, burst into floods of tears. Diana moved closer to comfort her. This was more like the Carly she knew.

  “Shush," she said, trying to be gentle. “It’ll be alright. Forget about Charles. He’ll only bring you trouble and misery.”

  "No, he won’t. Life will be hell without Charles,” Carly spoke amidst the sobbing.

  “Come on, I’d better take you home. Everybody’s staring.”

  “Ok, but what do I tell Chris? He’ll know I’ve been crying.... Oh, I’d forgotten. He was going out with his friends as well. He won’t be back yet. I’ll get into bed as soon as I get in and even if I can’t fall asleep, I’ll pretend I’m sleeping when he does come home.”

  “Good idea,” Diana said, pleased that the evening was ending early for once.

  Chapter 12

  Charles woke at around six. He had barely slept; instead he had tossed and turned all night. He didn’t want to lose the respect of his son; but unfortunately he thought he probably had already. However, he loved Carlotta too much and he wouldn’t give her up for anybody. Gone were his days of womanizing.

  Charles got out of bed and decided to have a shower and shave, followed by a quick cup of strong black coffee, before driving to Carlotta’s apartment in London. He had a key so he could just let himself in and wait until she woke up. He had to tell her that Josh now knew about them in addition to whoever had told the police. He had to reassure her that their time together wasn’t over, that he refused to give her up. He was afraid that she might want to end their affair. Carlotta didn’t like complications.

  Charles drove quickly down the motorway. The traffic hadn’t started to build up too much yet and he was relieved. He wanted to be with Carlotta as soon as possible.

  Arriving in London, he had to park a couple of streets away from Carlotta’s apartment, but he didn’t care. He would soon be with her, looking into her beautiful eyes. He would tell her that they would stick together whatever happened.

  Entering the flat, Charles noticed that the hall lights had been left on and he sighed. Carlotta never thought about saving money like most people born into it. Charles had been brought up in a working class family and had scratched his way to the top. He was careful with every penny, determined to never be poor again.

  Charles saw that a light had been left on in the sitting room as well and he shook his head. He walked towards the room, but just as he was going to switch the light off, he noticed Carlotta on the floor. All sorts of thoughts went through his head. Had she fallen asleep on the floor? Had she fallen over and hit her head? Had someone pushed her? For a moment he couldn’t move. It was as if his feet were glued to the ground, but then finally he rushed towards her.

  “Carlotta, oh my God, what’s happened to you? You’re not dead, are you, my darling?”

  Carlotta was lying very still on the floor with bits of a glass vase next to her. Charles stared at her for several moments and finally felt for a pulse.

  “Thank God,” he said. “There is a faint pulse. I’ll get an ambulance for you, my love, and the police. Don’t worry, I won’t let you die.”

  Charles was almost in tears and then an awful thought struck him. Could it have been his son? Josh had been so angry the previous evening and it wouldn’t surprise him one bit if he had tried to kill Carlotta.

  * * *

  Charles was sure the police officers thought that he had tried to kill Carlotta. They also seemed reluctant to contact the Slough police force. He reckoned they thought the attempted murder was theirs, but if it was connected to the murder of his wife, shouldn’t Detective Chief Inspector Taylor be there as well?

  “I’m telling you officers; I didn’t try and kill Carlotta. I loved her. And I’m certain this is connected to
the death of my wife.”

  Detective Chief Inspector Andy Marston looked at Charles. He didn’t want to hand the case over to the Slough police, but he reckoned they would have to be involved as there could be a connection.

  Marston didn’t like Charles. He’d had both a wife and a mistress and now one was dead and the other barely hanging onto life. He could easily have killed his wife, but why Carlotta?

  “I suppose I am going to have to let the Slough police know of this development, Mr. Simpson. Wait here.”

  “Can’t I go to the hospital to be with Carlotta?”

  "No, you’re a suspect and will stay here until we’re sure you didn’t try to kill her.”

  Charles began to protest, but then thought better off it. He was already in the bad books of the police. He’d better not aggravate them any further.

  * * *

  A couple of hours later a stony faced Chief Inspector Taylor, with Helen in tow, entered the room where Charles was being held. Charles immediately stood up and spoke.

  “I didn’t do it; I swear.”

  “Sit down, Mr. Simpson,” Taylor said. “Why didn’t you tell us you were having an affair with Carlotta Fox?”

  “It’s not the kind of thing you advertise, is it? Besides, you would have put me down as my wife’s killer and I didn’t do it.”

  “By not telling us, you’ve made us all the more suspicious of you.”

  “I didn’t murder Jane and I didn’t try and kill Carlotta. They won’t let me see her you know.”

  “Nobody’s being let in to see her at the moment and when she is allowed visitors, whoever goes in will have a police escort. We don’t want another attempt on her life.”

  “Am I being arrested? Charles asked nervously.

  “Not at the moment. We have no proof that you did anything.”

  “How many people know about me and Carlotta?” Charles asked next, worried that it was becoming common knowledge.

  “Well, Diana Rackham was the one who told us,” Taylor said, having decided that Charles had a right to know, even though he had told Diana that he wouldn’t expose her.

  “Diana!” Charles exclaimed. “How did she find out?”

  “She saw you kissing at a party.”

  “I can’t believe we took so many risks.”

  “I don’t know if anyone else knows.” Taylor continued.

  “My son, Josh, found out last night. He went out with Rachel, although she didn’t tell him. It was Steven Robertson. Apparently Carlotta believed that Rachel had told you about the affair and she went to Oakfield to have it out with her. She went a little crazy and caused havoc pulling tablecloths off tables, breaking glasses and so on.”

  “Really?” Taylor said. “I’ve never know Carlotta to lose her cool. I’m also surprised that Ms Fisher didn’t report the incident.”

  “She let Carlotta off the hook. They are friends after all.”

  Taylor shook his head thinking that it was a strange kind of friendship. However he admired Rachel for being so forgiving and wished more than anything that he hadn’t let her slip through his fingers.

  “Well, we’re going to let you go Mr. Simpson, but we will be keeping a close eye on you, both us and the other police force. We haven’t ruled you out of the attack on Carlotta”

  “Any chance of a lift back to Carlotta’s? I’ve left my car there.”

  “Taylor thought he had a bit of a cheek, but he acquiesced. After all, if he was innocent he was going through a pretty bad time.

  Chapter 13

  Rachel only fell into a deep sleep a couple of hours before she needed to get up, so when her alarm went off, she felt groggy and depressed. As she did her make-up, a couple of tears fell.

  This won’t do at all. I’ve only been out with the man twice. It’s not as if it’s a great romance or anything like that. Anyway, I deserve better, especially after all I went through with James.

  Just before she went down for breakfast, her mobile rang. Looking at it, she saw that it was Josh and almost didn’t answer. However, she imagined he would try again so thought it best to get it over and done with.

  “I’m so sorry about last night, Rachel. Can we forget it and start again?” Josh pleaded immediately.

  "No, Josh, I can’t forget about last night,” Rachel replied, surprising herself.

  She hadn’t been certain of what she was going to say to Josh when and if he phoned; but the words came tumbling out as if she’d prepared them.

  “I think you were horrible when we got back to Oakfield last night and I don’t think I want to see you again,” Rachel continued.

  “That’s a bit harsh. After all, I’m only human and I was shocked to hear about dad having an affair. I was so angry with him and took it out on you. I’m sorry. Everybody makes mistakes.”

  “I know that, but it made me think. I don’t believe I’m ready for another relationship yet after all that I went through with James. I need more time to regain my trust in men. I’m sorry, Josh.”

  “That was ages ago. You should have put that behind you by now. There’s plenty of women who are dying to go out with me. It’s your loss.”

  With that he ended the call abruptly. Rachel was shocked by his last remark. It was totally without care or compassion and she knew she’d made the right decision not to see him again. However, it still hurt as most of the time Josh had been romantic, a perfect gentleman and great company.

  * * *

  Breakfasts were over at Oakfield and Rachel was sitting at reception sorting out some paperwork when a voice made her jump.

  “Hello. How are things going?”

  “Mary, you nearly gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here?”

  “Well, that’s a nice welcome, I must say. Your best friend turns up and it seems she isn’t wanted.”

  “Of course you’re welcome. Let’s go and sit on the sofa over there and I’ll ring through for some coffee.”

  “And cake?”

  "Yes, and cake!”

  “So, are bookings going well despite the murder?” Mary asked.

  “Yes, in fact we’re getting a lot of dinner reservations. It seems that people are quite gruesome. They want to hear all about the murder.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me in the least.... And what about you? How are things going with the new love of your life?”

  “Oh Mary...”

  Rachel suddenly burst into tears. Mary put her arm around her, looking very concerned.

  “What’s wrong? What’s this one done now?”

  “I’ve made a big mistake about Josh. I should be pleased that I’ve found out before it got serious, but I’m still upset.”

  Rachel proceeded to tell Mary about the previous night.

  “Well, all I can say is that you’re better off without him. How could he expect you to tell him about his dad and Carlotta? He would probably have been angry if you had. Shoot the messenger and all that.”

  “You don’t think I’m overreacting then?”

  “Not at all. It’s a bit early in the relationship for him to be acting like this. It should be all hearts and flowers at this stage, not him storming out with just a kiss on the cheek.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “There’s nothing for it. You’ll just have to ask Chef Inspector Taylor out,” Mary laughed.

  “He doesn’t like me,” Rachel said, a wistful look coming over her face.

  “I beg to differ. He’s just shy and I bet he thinks he’s out of your league. You are a big star after all.”

  “Nonsense, I’m not that intimidating, but to tell the truth I’m a bit scared of asking him out. I’ve had such bad luck with men recently; I couldn’t bear a rejection, let alone another failed romance.”

  “Fair enough, but I still think you’re letting a good one slip away.”

  “You did.”

  “Geoff came back and you know I was still in love with him even though he did leave me high and dry. He’s treated me ve
ry well since he returned, but I must admit I’ve kept a bit of myself back. Once bitten, twice shy as they say.”

  Rachel nodded. It always did her good to talk to Mary. Her friend had her feet firmly placed on the ground and was able to bounce back from anything. How she had survived two divorces from men who had treated her badly, Rachel didn’t know. It amazed her how positive Mary managed to stay, but she might not cope with another disastrous relationship and Rachel hoped that Geoff wouldn’t let her down again.

  * * *

  Rachel persuaded Mary to stay for lunch so that they could catch up properly. Rachel had been so busy over the last five months that they had spent very little time together.

  Reluctantly, because she didn’t want her friend to worry, Rachel told Mary about the threats she had been receiving. Mary was naturally shocked.

  “It could be James you know. He might have a friend on the outside who’s doing everything on his behalf.”

  “I don’t know, Mary. Do you think he’s still that bitter?”

  “Yes. He was very angry that you inherited Oakfield. I doubt if he’s changed his mind. And anyway, can you think of anyone else? It’s unlikely to be Arthur or John.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “There’s one good thing that’s come out of it though.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You’re seeing the Chief Inspector a lot more now,” Mary grinned.

  Even Rachel couldn’t help smiling.

  About five minutes later, as if he knew they were talking about him, Sarah went down to the kitchen to tell Rachel that Chief Inspector Taylor was in reception and wanted a word with her.

  “What on earth does he want now?” Rachel wondered.

  “He can’t keep away from you,” Mary replied, grinning.

  “Nonsense,” Rachel said. "He’s obviously come to talk about the murder or what’s been happening to me. I very much doubt he’s going to ask me out on a date.”


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