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Chloe's Dream

Page 3

by Jennifer Ann

  It’s another valid reason why hanging out with a couple of engaged girls sucks ass. Just one more reminder of how I’m probably forever going to be single with no one to sleep with at night except my guitar.

  Chapter 2

  The next night our band has a gig in on Staten Island, which means none of my friends come to watch since it’s so far out from the city. It catches me off guard how much I miss the sight of Kelly and Jewels jumping around in the front row. Instead of staying with Beckett to have a drink afterwards, I find myself heading back over to Manhattan and taking the subway to Flanagan’s as if on auto-pilot.

  Peering inside through the iced-over bar window, the place appears to be relatively quiet. Kelly and Mick stand behind the dark wooden bar, laughing and carrying on with a few patrons. Even from far away I can sense Mick’s happy, easy-going mannerism radiating through the joint. I cinch my fitted leather coat tighter and stroll inside. It’s now or never.

  Kelly spots me almost immediately, raising her hand in the air. “Hey, Chloe!”

  Mick spins around to regard me with a bright smile, taking my breath away. There’s an animalistic surge to his gaze as he takes me in. “As I live and breathe…was startin’ to think I’d never see the likes of you again, sweetheart! What brings you into the city so late?”

  As flattering as the greeting comes off, I take it with caution. Mick has proved to be an extremely friendly guy to everyone he meets. He may just be glad to see one of Kelly’s friends. After all, we’ve been chatting on Facebook all this time and he still hasn’t made any indication that he wants to meet up. “Just finished a gig on Staten Island. I have a hard time winding down after playing, so I thought I’d stop by to see Kel.”

  Mick moves over to me once I’ve claimed a stool. He rests his strong, thick forearms on the bar, giving me an unobscured view of their beauty. I swear it’s a miracle I don’t salivate. “What’ll ya have then?”

  Trying to draw my eyes away from his arms, I swallow hard. “Just a light beer, whatever’s on tap. I gotta find my way back out of the city.”

  “No, you don’t,” Kelly offers, meeting my gaze as she wipes a glass. “You can crash in our guest room as long as you can tolerate Theo. He’s out with James tonight so I’m sure he’ll be a pile by the time he gets home. And that usually means he’ll snore loud enough to rattle the windows.”

  “Alright, I’ll take you up on the offer,” I say with a smirk. “There you go again, always with the favors.”

  My friend pushes out her plump lips and flashes her thick lashes to the ceiling. “As long as you don’t forget me when you’re rich and famous, ‘cause we all know it’s going to happen one day.”

  “You got yourself a deal.” Drumming out a little tune with my fingertips, I turn back to Mick and raise my eyebrows. “You know what? Forget the beer. I’ll have a Captain diet instead.”

  “Anythin’ for you.” Mick winks before going to get a glass.

  Kelly smiles at me brightly, like she’s going to burst with excitement. I raise my hands and mouth, “What?” Being friendly is Mick’s thing on any given day. It doesn’t automatically mean he’s not with Big Tits and all that is right in the world of Mick and Chloe.

  While Kelly helps a customer and Mick prepares my drink, I absentmindedly flip through social media feeds on my phone, posting a few pics from our gig. As excited as I am to see Mick again, I need to play it cool so he doesn’t see me as desperate. A minute later, he sets my drink on a coaster in front of me. “That’ll be on the house.” I swear the gold flecks floating around in his green orbs come to life when he smiles at me. “What were ya hummin’ just now?”

  Flustered, I wave my hands through the air. “Oh, nothing, really. Sometimes I have random notes floating through my head. Most of the time I don’t even realize that I’m doing it.”

  His smile bends deeper. “It’s been too long. I’ve missed yer big, beautiful brown eyes. Where’ve ya been all this time?”

  Under the heat of his gaze, my heart races. “You know, either doodling on clients or playing for the masses. It ain’t easy being in such high demand. Between that and helping the girls with their wedding planning, I can’t really say where my time has gone. I guess you’re looking at it.” I take a sip of my drink. “So now that you know where I’ve been, what about you? I’ve been waiting for you to call to get that next tattoo we talked about.”

  “Been busy with classes, family, and this place, I suppose.” He shrugs one shoulder and look away, deep in though. “I’m afraid the new ink will have to wait until I’ve figured out how I’m gonna pay for m’ Harley that was wrecked last fall.”

  A delightful, warm buzz fills me with the vision of Mick riding on a Harley, dark hair blowing on the wind, thick arms exposed for all the world to see. What could possibly be any hotter than that? I raise my brows. “You have a Harley? What happened to it?”

  Mick throws a towel over his shoulder and glowers mockingly. “Reckless lil’ cousin who needs to learn to respect the property of others.”

  “My brother knows a thing or two about motorcycles. While he was in high school he used to fix them up with my dad. I could see if he’d take a look at it for you.”

  “Really? That’d be grand, if it isn’t too much trouble.” He rests his beautiful arms on the bar once again. The design of his tattoos is complex and very well done. “I could exchange his help for some of the free concert tickets my sister gets for advertisin’. I could give him a pair so he could take ya along.”

  “My brother doesn’t do concerts,” I say, biting my lip. In all reality, my brother doesn’t do much of anything these days. It will take a lot of sweet talk and exchange of favors just to convince him to work on Mick’s bike. “It’s sweet of you to offer, though.”

  “Then how ‘bout I just take you, then? No need for them to go to waste. I believe Rise Against is playing at Radar’s this Thursday. Do ya fancy them?”

  I slap my hands down on the bar, eyes wide. “Fancy them? Holy shit! You may as well be asking me if I like the guitar! Are you sure your sister doesn’t want to use the tickets? Or you don’t want to take someone else?”

  Mick returns my questions with a bright smile. “M’ sister doesn’t listen to their kind, and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather take. Especially after seein’ ya light up like that.”

  Well this is certainly news. Maybe I don’t have to worry about the chesty brunette after all. Or is he just saying he can’t think of anyone else to be polite? I hold back a deep groan. The mystery of the situation between us will be the death of me.

  “So what do ya say?” He shifts his head to the side, grinning. “Will ya go with me then?”

  Inside I’m squealing like an annoying as hell teenage girl. A Rise Against concert with Mick? Are you fucking kidding me? But I stay cool and nod with a bright smile. “I just happen to have Thursday night free.”

  I swear I change outfits over a dozen times Thursday afternoon. Everything either looks too revealing, too over-the-top, too wild, too desperate, or too dark. It’s been years since I went on a “date” with anyone other than Beckett, if that’s even what the concert with Mick is considered. Eventually I decide to send pics of my top choices to Kelly and Jewels. They unanimously agree on my striped black leggings and a pink, oversized t-shirt sporting a giant, crystal-studded skull. I jazz it up with cuff bracelets, a chunky black necklace, and my favorite strappy, high-heeled boots. It’s cute and flirty without showing off the girls or looking desperate for Mick’s attention. I briefly consider touching up the blue streak in my bangs, but with less than an hour until I’m to meet Mick, it’ll have to be good enough.

  I’m a bag of explosive nerves as I ride the ferry over to the city. I have a history of screwing up perfectly good dates and upsetting my dates. Beckett took me to see Fall Out Boy when we were first dating, and I found myself on the shoulders of some stranger who felt bad because I couldn’t see a thing behind his hulking frame. When Beckett retu
rned with our drinks, he gave the guy a black eye and we were ejected from the stadium. Then there was the time with this guy Shawn I dated a few times who found me in the hallway at a bar, admiring new ink on the ass of a guy I’ve known for years. Shawn also reacted with his fists, getting us permanently banned from the club.

  The minute I’ve moved from the ferry to the subway, I kick myself for not grabbing a hat and gloves. It’s colder than usual for this late in winter. Outside the theatre I come across a large line already gathered and wrap my arms around myself, warding off chills as I try to find Mick. There’s a wide variety of fans, from hipsters to goths and some cougar housewives in-between.

  Someone touches my arms and I jump with a light squeal. Spinning around, I find Mick in a wool coat and black stocking cap, a bright grin on his lips. He’s beyond gorgeous, taking my breath away. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. You look cold.”

  “It’s freezing out here,” I admit with clenched teeth.

  Mick's strong hands rub up and down my arms. I shiver delightfully. “They aren’t lettin’ us in for another half hour. We don’t have to stand here, we already have our seats. Ya fancy grabbin’ a drink?”

  Enchanted by the friction of his hands actively warming me, I flutter into another dimension of bliss. How am I going to behave myself around this beautiful man? It’s been so long…

  “Chloe?” he asks with a sudden chuckle.

  “Yeah, that sounds great. And warm.”

  An embarrassingly low hum falls from my lips when he takes my bare hands in his. He gives me a mega-watt smile as we make our way through a break in the crowd to the nearest bar. The old-world feeling saloon, decked out in marble tables and blue velvet chairs, is packed full of other concert-goers attempting to stay warm. We find an open spot at the end of the bar and wedge in to order a couple of beers.

  Bodies are pressed so close together that I’m forced into Mick’s chest. Every time he takes a breath or makes any kind of movement, sparkles fly through me. As soon as a couple leaves a pair of stools beside us, we claim them before anyone else can move in.

  Mick removes his coat, showcasing his irresistible tattoos. A Celtic symbol in black ink runs from his wrist to his elbow with handwriting breaking up the center. Last summer when he wore a t-shirt I saw even more tattoos running up his bicep, but the shirt he wears now doesn’t go beyond his elbows. The tattoo artist in me really can’t resist touching him any longer. I hold my fingers above his forearm, meeting his eyes. “Care if I have a look?”

  His bright smile flattens and he clenches his jaw. Finally he nods, drawing his eyes down. Did I cross some kind of line? Tattoos can be extremely personal. Regardless, I reach out to gently roll his arm to the side, admiring the handiwork. The symbols are vaguely familiar as one of my coworkers specializes in Irish history.

  “Just like the Celtic warriors.” I run my fingers along the meticulous writing. We each instantaneously react to my touch—I clench my legs together and he draws in a deep breath. I meet his gaze. “‘May you never want for more’?”

  Mick jerks his hand back to his side and begins to roll his sleeve over it. The bright smile that gets me going in mysterious ways makes a comeback. “From an Irish blessin’.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I say quietly, wishing I wouldn’t have upset him. “Your artist did a killer job. Did you have it done in the city?”

  He picks up his beer and holds it to his mouth. “Back in Ireland.”

  I sip on my drink while he half guzzles his down. I know I’m rusty at this dating scene, but only a few minutes in and I’ve managed to make one of the most chipper guys I’ve met uncomfortable and all passive. After a moment the weirdness is gone, and he regards me with a spark to his eyes. “Sorry, I just don’t want to be gettin’ ya involved in my convoluted history. Ya look beautiful tonight. I’m glad you could make it.”

  My insides warm with his apology and compliment, though I’m curious what he doesn’t want to talk about. “I just hope my brother can fix your bike. Otherwise I’m going to end up owing you.” I smile at him brightly. “I’m a big fan of Rise Against and I’ve heard they’re killer live. This is the first chance I’ve had to catch one of their shows.”

  His dazzling smile is nearly blinding. “You won’t owe me a thing. It’s my honor to have ya at my side. Truly. I’m s’ glad ya came.”

  As my nerves continue to unravel, I play with the napkin under my beer. “To be completely honest, I wish you would’ve called me sooner.” I look back up at him. “It’s been a long time since New Year’s and I was hoping we’d get together again.”

  He takes another drink, staring down at the amber liquid when he’s done. “I wanted to call. It just wasn’t a good time.”

  Ask him about the woman, Chloe. The words stick on the back of my tongue like they’re glued in place. As much as I’m dying to know if I have a fighting chance, I don’t have it in my heart to hear him say this is nothing more than a friendship thing. Whatever the reason, he seems to be shutting down so I decide not to push him any further.

  We down our beers in silence before ordering another round and falling into polite conversation that stretches out until the second drinks are gone. Hand-in-hand, we head out for the concert.

  Rise Against doesn’t fail to meet my expectations. They truly do sound amazing live and every time I look over at Mick, he’s grinning like a little boy. We stand close enough that his woodsy smell with a hint of citrus overpowers the spilled beer and rank bodies of those around us. Occasionally he rests his hand on my lower back when we’re caught up in the spellbinding music. Whether or not he’s single, I’m really falling for him. And with the sweet goodnight kiss he plants on my cheek outside of the concert, surrounding me with his musky scent as he leans in, I’m even more mystified by his intentions.

  The next couple of weeks are a blur between work and wedding planning with the girls, though I still manage to see Mick a few times when he’s working at Flanagan's. Nearly two weeks have passed since the concert when he calls to ask me to meet him for pizza one evening. I’m crazy excited, thinking things are finally going to happen between us, until he mentions something about needing input on a new band his sister wants to hire to play at the bar. Once again, I have no idea if he sees me as anything more than a friend and if the busty brunette is a girlfriend.

  I try calling Beckett to see if we can skip our jam session for the night, but he doesn’t answer so I leave a message. Half an hour later, he shows up as I’m finishing with a customer. Beckett eyes the older man like he’s some kind of threat. “We need to talk.”

  “Bernie, you know the drill,” I say, tapping the heavily tattooed man on the shoulder once I’ve finished covering his fresh ink in plastic wrap. “Call me if you have any problems.”

  I pull Beckett into the back room before Ozzy can bitch about friends visiting while I’m on the clock. Once we’re alone, Beckett runs his warm hands up and down my arms. The tantalizing smell of his spicy musk never fails to remind me of just how good he was in the bedroom. “What’s up with you wanting to cancel tonight?”

  I spin around to face him, shrugging. “I seriously doubt you want to here me go on about some guy. You’ve never been a good one with the jealousy thing.”

  He folds his arms in front of his chest with a dark look filling his eyes. The monstrous side of him never stays dormant for long. “You got that right. You want me to hear you go on about some guy you’re banging?”

  “I’m not sleeping with him. In fact, we haven’t done anything other than share an innocent kiss on New Year’s. He’s a real gentleman and crazy sweet. And, FYI, you’ve met him. Remember that dark-haired Irish guy who works with Jewels? Mick Flanagan? We went to a concert together a few weeks back.”

  Beckett becomes as stiff as a tree, anger burning through his expression. “You mean that clown who sang to his girlfriend that time we played at Flanagan’s? You kissed that asshole?”

  “Asshole?” Frowning, I fo
ld my arms. “I don’t know what you could possibly mean. Not a lot of guys who sound that awful would make a spectacle of themselves that way. You gotta give the poor guy some credit. He’s probably one of the nicest guys I know.”

  “Forget it.” In one of his infamously dizzying mood swings, Beckett smirks and wraps his arms around my middle. Even worse, the look in his eyes is strangely seductive. Sometimes when I’m around him I wonder how I manage to avoid whiplash. “Wanna go with me down to watch Ty’s band later tonight?”

  I sigh deeply, unable to keep up. Why is he so touchy-feely all of a sudden? And I was right, he’s definitely not in the mood to talk about Mick. Bringing it up was a bad idea. “I called because Mick asked me to go out tonight. What about what’s-her-name? Sorry I can’t remember, the tall redhead you’ve been–”

  “Reece? She bailed on me a week ago. Something about rock and roll lifestyle not being her thing. I don’t know what she expected because we met at one of our gigs.” His head dips down. He touches my necklace, a silver disc with my initials, letting his fingertips lazily dust the tops of my breasts. “Besides, I’d rather be seen with the most talented singer on the island.”

  “Oh no you don’t. What’s going on in that twisted head of yours?” I push on his waist, keeping him at bay before he decides to lean in and kiss me. Because I’m pretty sure that’s what’s about to happen the way his lustful eyes drink me in. “You know nothing’s going to happen between us again, right? We’ve been down that road and agreed we’re no good together. Why the seduction bit all of a sudden?”

  “We were so young back then. I say we give it another go. In all the time we’ve known each other, neither of us has found anyone else that’s a better match.” With a sinful smirk, he tightens his arm behind my back, slamming me into his chest. “You and I? We’re sexy rockers with enough talent to overtake The Garden. It’ll happen one day, baby. You wait. The right person will see us up on that stage and know we were born to be stars. We’ll leave this old life behind together.”


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