Chloe's Dream

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Chloe's Dream Page 11

by Jennifer Ann

  Then again, she’s so mind-blowing beautiful that she looks like a real-life angel sent from above. In addition to giving Adam the brightest smile I’ve ever seen, her eyes water to the brim, sparkling with sheer happiness.

  “Wait for it…Adam’s going to fucking lose it,” Kelly whispers.

  At the same time we turn to assess the groom, not surprised to see him wiping at his eyes. He holds his jaw high and tight, fighting the obvious emotional turmoil raging inside. Theo cups him on the shoulder, chuckling, and whispers something into his ear.

  Adam eagerly steps forward to meet his bride, muttering something to her parents before taking her in his arms and pushing his face into the crook of her neck. I see Jewels’s shoulders shake as they huddle together, taking a moment to share words in private. They’re so fucking cute, I can hardly stand it.

  A burst of deep emotions well up deep inside me. It comes so suddenly and with such surprise that nearly laugh. Instead I push my finger to the corner of my false lashes before looking back up.

  I’m met with the burning gaze of Mick’s gold-flecked eyes from the very back row.

  Chapter 7

  Mick’s lips pull into a dazzling smile, filling me with a warm glow. Seeing him well-dressed in a black dress shirt, almost glowing against his olive skin, is like a slice of my very own heaven. Hot damn the man is handsome.

  “He came,” I whisper to myself.

  “Who, Mick?” Kelly asks, searching the crowd.

  “Yeah,” I answer dreamily, unable to take my eyes off him.

  I should probably be ashamed of myself because the rest of the ceremony I’m oblivious to everything the judge and anyone else says. I’m too busy stealing glances at Mick while trying to calm my racing heart. He doesn’t always catch me staring at him, but when he does we pass each other bright smiles. At one point he tips his head back and laughs. Oh, how I wish I could hear the delightful sound of it.

  I swear we haven’t been standing in place more than ten minutes when the crowd breaks out in applause. I turn to see Adam and Jewels embraced in a long kiss, and quickly join in clapping. Mick rises with the rest of the guests, applauding with gusto like he did the night he came to watch our band. I sense Kelly walking away from me, so I move to meet Erik in the center of the aisle when it’s our turn.

  “It appears we both survived unscathed,” Erik comments as we float past the guests. His expression appears way more relaxed than it had been before the ceremony. “Now it’s time to face the inquisitions.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” I say, bracing myself as we pass the last row. Standing with his hands in the pockets of his trousers, Mick throws me a wink, beaming. Drunk on giddiness, I stumble over to the stone patio where Adam and Jewels receive hugs from the wedding party.

  As I snap out of my trance to embrace my newly married friends, it occurs to me just how much danger we’ll all be in if Beckett gets wind that Mick came to Wisconsin after all. My blood turns ice cold as I try to remember the exact words he had used when the threats fell from his mouth.

  There isn’t time to search for Mick as we’re swept away by the photographer for group photos, then ushered to the massive white tent. Throughout the multiple toasts and four-course meal, however, I catch his gaze from a table near the back several times. Even though I don’t know his intentions, my body becomes blazing hot under his watchful eyes. Then I realize I’m assuming everything’s okay when I have no way of knowing why he’s here. What if he just felt an obligation to come as a friend of the bride and groom? What if nothing has changed between us?

  An internal battle burns in my gut over whether or not I should keep him at bay to protect him from Beckett’s rage. His threat to break Mick’s neck sinks into the pits of my stomach, festering until it kills my appetite. I push my plate away.

  Kelly leans in close to me as the waiters collect the last of the plates. “What are you waiting for? Go over there and talk to the poor guy. I’ll bet he’s dying to have a moment alone.”

  “I will,” I promise, my hands shaking. I put them in my lap before she notices. “It’s just all so overwhelming, you know? I’m so damn happy for Jewels and Adam. The wedding was exactly how she wanted it. I feel like we’re all living out their freaking perfect fairytale.”

  We both glance over at the couple seated nearby. Jewels looks so graceful looking down and smiling, her false eyelashes brushing her cheeks as Adam whispers into her ear, stroking her bare shoulder with his fingertips. There’s no possible way anyone could be any more in love than those two.

  “Whatever,” Kelly grumbles in my ear. “Go, talk to him. And sooner rather than later. I have a feeling he went through a lot finding someone to take care of his mom so he could be here with you.”

  I flush at the idea of Mick asking Vivienne to watch over his mom. “Just because he’s here doesn’t mean he wants to get back together. He probably felt bad he was missing the wedding.”

  “With the looks he keeps giving you?” She snorts loudly. “Seriously, Chloe. You’re either delusional or blind.”

  Jewels appears directly behind us, wrapping her arms around our necks in a backwards hug. “Have I mentioned lately how much I love you guys?” She slurs a little, her breath sweet with champagne. “I love Adam more, of course, but you two…how’d I get so damn lucky?”

  Kelly and I giggle. “We love you too, Jewels,” Kelly tells her, rolling her eyes my way.

  Jewels kisses Kelly on the cheek, leaving a glossy print behind. “Time to move out to the dance floor, my besties. Adam says he has a surprise for the wedding party song, and we won’t want to miss it.”

  Adam appears a heartbeat later, taking Jewels by her hand and kissing her chastely. I look for Erik, but he’s already left the table. He’s made himself scarce since the ceremony, probably doing his best to avoid Kelly and Theo. The band starts to play Coldplay’s “Yellow,” the song Jewels and Adam adore.

  Theo steps in, offering his hand to Kelly. “Let’s go, Cavenaugh. Time to showcase my sexy fiancée’s dance moves.” Kelly is quick to hop on her feet to join him, I’m guessing ready to jump his bones considering how edible he looks.

  “Meet you out there, Chloe,” she sings out over her shoulder. I turn in time to see her tip her head to something behind me.

  Whirling back around, I find Mick approaching with a tentative smile. His long sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, putting his tantalizing ink work on display. And he’s wearing a chunky, silver watch. What is it about watches on guys with beautiful arms that makes me completely insane with desire?

  “Chloe, you look lovely as ever. You’re a vision from the heavens in that dress.”

  Suddenly feeling really, really shy—a sensation I’m not at all familiar with—I’m at a total loss for words. A flush crawls up my neck as I look down. “I’m glad you came,” I finally squeak. Bringing my eyes to his, I’m filled with a raw longing with the sight of the gold flecks swimming in his hazel eyes.

  “I didn’t fancy missin’ it, knowing you’d be all gussied up like this. It was certainly worth the trip.”

  “You look real nice, too.” I glance down again, making a safe veil of my black lashes between us. “You found someone to take care of your mother?”

  “Vivienne was able to get her into a good place on Staten Island that caters to memory loss,” he says with a slight nod. “We decided it was time for someone else to carry the load. No one would’a guessed she’d hang on for this long. Me ’n’ Tess need to go on with our lives. I’ll still be visitin’ her often, I’m sure.”

  My heart stills, aching for him. It takes everything I have not to launch into his arms and hold him. “That must’ve been a hard decision to make. You have to know that somewhere in that confused mind of hers, I’m sure she knows how just much you and Tess love her.”

  With his jaw tight, Mick looks over to the dance floor to witness the newlyweds swaying in each other’s arms for the first dance. Neither of us speaks as Jewel
s and Adam flirt, kiss, laugh, and caress each other’s backs. It’s completely spellbinding.

  We wait in awkward silence until the song is over and everyone applauds. The lead singer of the band, a blonde guy who’s built like a teen but has the weathered eyes of a forty year old, takes the microphone off its stand to address the crowd. “At the lovely couple’s request, we need the rest of the wedding party to come up for this next song. That includes parents of the couple.”

  Mick clears his throat. “They expectin’ ya to dance along with Erik?”

  I gaze around the tent filled with guests drinking, and laughing, and generally just enjoying themselves. This has to be one of the most joyful occasions I’ve ever been a part of. My insides warm with happiness for my friends. “I haven’t seen him since the toasts. I think he skipped out. He was worried what people would say with rehab and everything.”

  Mick reaches over the table, exposing his palm to me. “Would ya mind doin’ me the honor then?”

  I close my eyes, feeling my common sense fighting against my deepest desires. If he’s just offering to be polite, I don’t think my heart can take it. “Mick, I—“

  “Paging Chloe and Mick,” Kelly’s voice rings from the speakers. “Your presence is requested on the dance floor A-SAP.”

  A warm smile crosses Mick’s lips. “I reckon now ya don’t have much of a choice.”

  Kelly stands in front of the band, watching us from the dance floor. Theo, Jewels, Adam, and the couple’s parents stand nearby, waiting. With a great sigh, I take Mick’s hand, allowing him to help me stand. The familiar charge of our skin touching brings on a delightful warmth ripping through me, knowing just how amazing it’ll feel once he’s holding me on the dance floor.

  We cross the tent over to the dance floor, hand in hand. “Glad you made it, Mick!” Kelly hollers over Theo’s shoulder.

  Mick hollers back a greeting before taking me in his arms. Tenderness fills his eyes when he gazes down on me and we begin to sway to the beat. My chest bursts with all the feelings I’ve developed for this amazing, kind man.

  Considering how obsessed Adam and Jewels became over Coldplay after seeing them in concert last summer, it’s no surprise when the band starts in on another one of their tunes. It would appear, in fact, that they’ve found themselves a wickedly talented cover band. The woman who played the piano during the ceremony sits behind an upright behind the main singer, expertly fluttering her fingers of the ivories. The lead singer does a respectable job of mimicking Chris Martin’s voice, crooning the lyrics, “‘Cause you’re a sky, ‘cause you’re a sky full of stars. I’m gonna give you my heart.”

  The tune must’ve been the surprise Adam prepared for his bride. When it first came out, they were ecstatic since shorting after professing their love to each other, they got matching star tattoos in honor of the song “Yellow.”

  I close my eyes, lost in the warmth of Mick moving his hips against me in a mesmerizing sway to the upbeat tune. All at once I’m unexpectedly touched by the meaningful lyrics. Mick’s hands move up my back, cradling me to his chest like I’m his treasure. His warm breath falls down on the side of my face, sending a thousand shivers down my spine. I shyly glance up at him, consumed by the golden flecks dancing at he watches me.

  Just then the band reaches the chorus and white fireworks soar through the sky from behind the stage, exploding into the darkness like a thousand stars. There’s a general gasp of surprise from the crowd—Mick and myself included—that quickly turns into oohs and ahhs. Mick keeps his arm draped behind me as we stop dancing, filled with awe as we watch the display. Adam stands behind Jewels, his arms wrapped around her. Both their faces are lit in wonder as more fireworks continue to light up the otherwise dark night.

  “This must be the surprise he had for her,” I whisper. “Holy shit, it’s so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.” My chest fills with overwhelming joy and suddenly I’m crying fat, soundless tears.

  “Yer not supposed to cry at weddings, sweetheart,” Mick croons from my side, tilting my chin up with his finger. “It’s a time t’ be celebratin’ love.”

  I turn to him, breathless by the undertone to his words. He looks so extraordinarily handsome and energized with the fireworks reflecting in his hazel eyes that I eagerly meet his mouth, pressing my hand against his chest muscles as our lips go to work, sucking and mashing until our tongues take over. The taste of my salty tears mixes with the remnants of dinner as I inhale the clean, fresh scent of Mick.

  Once again his lips move with mine in a rhythm that’s downright magical. He’s a phenomenal kisser and it’s as if we’ve suddenly been transported into a romantic movie. The perfect soundtrack plays with fireworks bursting above as we share the most epic of kisses. Mick’s hands tighten against the small curve of my back as our kiss evolves even more. I stand on my tiptoes, continuing to devour his beautiful lips with a burst of inherent need. I twist my fingers through his hair while he wraps me tightly in his grip, momentarily lifting me from the ground.

  Every part of me aches for more of this generous, loving man. I’ve never wanted someone this way. I’ve never felt the need to touch every part of someone, explore every inch of their skin with my tongue. When he sets me back on the ground, his hands slip into the hair behind my head as he continues to claim my mouth. I grasp his tattooed biceps, humming happily into his mouth.

  Oh, the things I’d like to do to this man.

  The song’s suddenly over. The fireworks continue on, wailing and popping above us. Everyone around us cheers loudly, their screams and whistles a mere white noise to the pounding blood coursing through my ears.

  “I came here ‘cause I made a mistake,” Mick whispers, touching his forehead to mine. “I never should’a let ya go. I was afraid, but that’s no excuse. It wasn’t fair to you. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “I want you, Mick,” I mutter brushing his lips again before grasping his jaw and searching his eyes. “I’ve wanted you since the first time you kissed me on New Year’s.”

  Mick brings his hands to the sides of my face, his eyes dancing with his bright smile. “Ah, those words are true music to m’ ears.”

  Discarding my shoes near the dance floor to sneak away feels like some kind of a betrayal to Jewels and Adam. But with Mick leading me by my hand, both of us running full throttle like we’re being chased, it’s the most exciting moment of my life. This is what I want. What I crave. I couldn’t stop myself from running off with Mick even if I thought it was for the best.

  The Petersons conveniently live on the edge of town where the city ends and a dense forest of oak trees begins. The half moon lights our path with a silvery glow. Thoughts of bears and other wild animals attacking us strikes fear in the back of my mind. It only makes our stolen moment that much hotter. We reach a small clearing near a trickling river bed where there’s a little gazebo with a wooden bench.

  Mick skips into the gazebo, pulling me along. The band can faintly be heard from where we stand, their beats echoing through the trees with a dream-like quality.

  “C’mere, luv,” Mick prods, drawing me to him.

  We kiss once again, this time unable to hold back, uninhibited without an audience to worry about. As our lips go to work I unbutton his shirt, exposing his marvelous, smooth chest to the warm night air. I nearly melt with the sight of his family name tattooed on his chest, remembering how well we connected the day I gave it to him. Pulling back, I peel his shirt from his arms and trail kisses across his breastbone, stopping to circle each of his hardened nipples with my tongue, then flick them with my teeth. Mick moans, nipping at the skin on my neck between soft kisses.

  Removing his hand from my waist, I press my lips to the flourishing tattoos on his arm, wanting to see them move all across my naked body. “You’re so strong and beautiful,” I say between kisses. “I can’t wait for you to touch me.”

  With my eyes locked on his, I move my hands to the back of my dress, pulling at the zipper
until it falls down around my ankles. Mick’s gaze darkens delightfully with the sight of me in my new strapless bra and thong with matching lace detail. Mick runs his rough fingers along my stomach, inhaling amid a low groan. I shiver gleefully with his tender touch, ready to feel his fingers everywhere. The way Mick watches me, I feel like the sexiest woman on the planet.

  “Lay down so I can get a proper look at ya,” he tells me in a tone that’s both aching and benevolent.

  I lower down to my knees before settling back on the gazebo floor with one hand behind my head, one leg bent. Mick bunches his shirt into a ball and sets it beneath my head, his expression soft. Then he straddles over me, slowly brushing his skilled fingers along my naked side, making way for his powerful lips to trail kisses in their wake.

  “Such supple skin,” he mutters against my side, scratching me lightly with his stubbled chin. I shiver again as a bright surge pangs between my legs. He stops to regard the flourishing tattoo of blue roses and black swirls starting from the center of my stomach and stretching down to my thigh. Mick runs his fingertips along my hip and down to my thigh, tracing the ink’s path. It’s my favorite piece, and few beyond Beckett have had the pleasure of seeing all of it at once.

  His eyes draw up to meet mine, dark and heeding. “I fancy ink on a beautiful woman.” Lips curling in a fabulous smile, he gives his fingers another touch of the roses before lightly using the tip of his nose, then the flicker of his tongue. I squirm with the sensual feel of him claiming my art, wanting my turn to explore his body in the same way. Once his nose makes its way between my legs, he surprises me by yanking my thong down with his teeth.


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