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Sold to the Alien Mobsters: A Curvy Girl Alien Reverse Harem Romance (Rogue Aurelians Book 2)

Page 9

by Corin Cain

  As attractive as they are, that makes the three Aurelians pigs. Twenty women? Why? So, if they aren’t satisfied with one or two of them mid-fuck, they just grab a couple more from their harem and go back to work?

  As gorgeous as they are, the Aurelian species really makes me sick. They think they’re the kings of the fucking universe, just because they tower over us. And Riff, Kreos and Daran? Those three aren’t even in the Aurelian Empire! They don’t even have the backing of the powerful race behind them. They’re outlaws – and from what it sounds like, they aren’t even very good at it! They can barely keep their own harem safe on Taton.

  What kind of an idiot woman would choose to live the rest of their lives in a harem like that? Trapped in a mansion, never seeing the rest of the world? Growing old while the Aurelians stay young – and eventually relegate you from objectified sex-toy to maid, or whatever else they think you’re useful for when you’re too old and wrinkly to fuck.

  I shudder. Seventy women apparently think like that – and there are going to be more of them from the sound of the women laughing and drinking in the lounge room.

  “You okay, girl?”

  It’s Tiana’s voice from behind me. I turn, and humiliatingly my eyes grow wet as she shuts the door behind her and gives me a massive hug.

  “I… I just need some rest, I think. It’s been a long day.”

  “Tell me about it! Let’s take the first bunks?”

  I furrow my brows. “There are enough for you to have your own room if you want.”

  Tiana shrugs. “I don’t know. I like having a friend.”

  I’m forever grateful to her for those words. I smile. “I need a shower first.”

  Tiana rolls her eyes. “I know. I can’t believe those other girls are eager to be…” She doesn’t finish her sentence, seeing the look on my face. “I just can’t believe they aren’t going to have a shower first, at least. I can still feel that Toad’s spit on me. Yuck!”

  “Let’s see what the aliens gave us.”

  I walk down the end of the hallway to a final door, against the wall rather than along it. I press the button to open it and inside I find a hot tub big enough for three people to practically swim in – plus two enormous shower cubicles built to Aurelian proportions.

  There’s a stack of fresh towels on the stand in the corner – all warm to the touch and smelling faintly of lilac.

  It’s touching that the Aurelians apparently cared enough about our wellbeing to give us all this, but it also makes me angry to know how many other women have experienced these same luxuries.

  I bet one of their harem is an interior designer or something. They got her to pretty the place up, when they’d grown tired of sticking their dicks in her.

  “Ooooh. A hot tub! I’ve heard about these!”

  I turn and look at Tiana as she gleefully claps her hands together. I’m reminded painfully of how shitty her life was before the Aurelians purchased her.

  I’d grown up comfortably in the upper-middle class of my home world. If I’d been born into poverty like Tiana, I’d never have discovered the gift within my hands, and my ability to sculpt beautiful statues. I’d have just ended up in a factory or something, just trying to survive…

  …or worse.

  Those Aurelians already look like statues.

  It’s true. It’s their skin that does it. The marble hue of an Aurelian’s skin is exactly the same color and consistency of those ancient Greek statues I studied in art school.

  I shelve those thoughts and turn back to the shower. I’m very aware of Tiana sharing this bathroom space with me.

  For most of my life, I’ve felt uncomfortable being nude. I still do, but after being stripped naked and shown off at a slave-auction? I guess my comfort zone has risen high enough to let me strip off in to my underwear in front of Tiana, before I hop into the shower to pull off the last of my clothes and turn on the powerful jets of water.

  The shower is linked to the AI, and apparently choses the temperature based on my body temperature. It starts off lukewarm, and I desire something scalding to wash the shame and dirt of the slave-auction from my skin.

  “Hotter.” The steam increases. “Hotter,” I repeat, and say it again until the scalding water is almost painful, washing away the day’s events. “Ice cold,” I finally say, and the hard spray chills me to the bone. I shriek, and Tiana laughs from across the room.

  “Warm!” When I’m unable to handle a second more of the icy spray, I surrender. I feel reborn from the icy blast of cold water.

  Finally, I press the button to shut the water off. Dripping wet, I think about the situation I’m in.

  I’m a sculptor. It’s what I was born to do – my passion, and my greatest talent.

  At first, I’d thought I was going to monetize my gift by completely selling out for a year or two; working for this trillionaire to have enough money to create my own studio.

  But then my ship was captured, I was kidnapped by slavers, and all thoughts of sculpture vanished as I thought I was going to be sold into prostitution.


  Now I’m on a spaceship, millions of miles away from where I’m supposed to be, with three panty-melting gorgeous aliens who manage to simultaneously make me incredibly angry at them…

  …and yet also make me imagine doing incredibly wicked things with them. Things I don’t even understand.

  The AI in the shower cubicle dries me off with a long blast of hot air, and I step out of the shower to grab a thick, white towel and wrap it around myself. There’s also a row of beautifully soft shower robes. I towel off, then wrap myself in one of them; reveling in the luxury of the soft terry cotton.

  I feel like I’m staying in a luxury hotel. The Aurelians might have gone for economy with the bunk-bed set-up – which is obviously designed to house a large volume of women, yuck – but they didn’t skimp when it came to this beautiful bathroom.

  The door of the bathroom opens and Brandy stands framed in the doorway.

  I feel an involuntary surge of anger when I see her.

  Brandy’s sheer dress shows off her body, and it’s ripped down the middle. Her hair is tousled and sweaty, and she has a vacant look in her eyes – like she’s just had her brains fucked out.

  “Oh. My. Gods. It’s true. All the rumors are true,” she squeals – and then throws off her dress, standing proudly naked.

  I want to throw up. She looks like she’s just been soundly fucked by a guy who I’d thought was interested in me. I know I can never change an Aurelian – but, somehow, I’d thought these three were looking at me differently than the other six women.

  I smile and nod. “Good for you,” I mutter through gritted teeth, before I brush past her and stumble into the hallway of bedrooms.

  I step into the room Tiana and I chose and slam the button to shut the door behind me.

  I scream as I throw myself into the top bunk, muffling my cry with the pillow. I hate this feeling. I’ve only known these three Aurelians for a matter of hours, but there’s something they do to me that makes my knees weak.

  The door opens and Tiana comes in, dressed in another thick robe. She smiles at me. “Don’t stress. You can handle a week of this. Then you’ll get to go wherever you want.”

  I nod, wiping my eyes. She thinks my anger is simply from being trapped here against my will. She has no idea that the real reason is my increasingly contradictory feelings about those three Aurelians.

  “You’re right,” I tell her. “What about you?”

  Tiana shrugs. “I’ve never had anyone care about me before. I know I’m not special to the Aurelians – hell, they haven’t so much as looked at me, not in the way they look at you…”

  My stomach roils as I hear that.

  “…but if they’re offering a safe place, a warm bed, and plenty of food… Well, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for my entire life. I’ve got to bed hungry too many times to pass that up.”

  Sorrow hits me. That’s how the
Aurelians gain so many of their harem members. The universe is a cold and unforgiving place, and when you’re a young woman without any other options, the safety of an Aurelian harem is tempting.

  I often forget that most women never had the same options I did. I always looked at the members of the harems with scorn and prejudice. Now I realize that many of them joined the Aurelians out of desperation.

  “And honestly?” Tiana isn’t done yet. She bites her bottom limp, and confesses: “They are fucking hot.”

  When Tiana giggles, I have to laugh with her. I can’t feel frustrated and annoyed with her. She’s choosing her fate, and part of that will require being at the beck and call of those three, dominant aliens – doing whatever they demand of her.

  What would that even be like?

  I shudder. Despite my independence, and my outrage at the entire concept of a harem, it’s still so hot to imagine being a servant to those three big, beastly men.

  I’d never want to actually go through with it…


  But having those three towering aliens snap their fingers and make you do whatever they wanted? It’s fucking hot – even I have to admit that.

  Wait, where the hell did that come from?

  I’ve never thought of myself as submissive. Far from it! I’ve had three boyfriends before, artsy guys from the college I trained in, and it was always very equal between us.

  I’m ashamed of myself for that surge of dark desire. Whatever these Aurelians are doing to me… I don’t know if I like it.

  But couldn’t I just… Try it?

  I don’t have to join their harem. I could just lay with them, once, so I at least know what it’s like to be with an Aurelian.

  Tiana cocks her head. “You look miles away, Petra. What are you thinking about?”

  I know the chances are one in a million… a billion…

  But what if I’m Bonded?

  “The Bond.”

  The little room we’re in isn’t much more than two beds, a small desk with an equally tiny mirror, a set of drawers, and a place to sit. It reminds me of a college dorm.

  “The Bond,” I repeat. “Do you think it’s real? Do you think one of us could be Bonded to those Aurelians?”

  Tiana sits down on the little chair, pointing herself towards me. I let my legs hang off the top bunk, looking down at her.

  “What do you think… What do you think the Bond is even like?”

  I breathe out slowly. I’ve seen the holo-news videos of Queen Jasmine, the human co-ruler of the Aurelian Empire. The way she looks when she’s pregnant with her triad’s sons is shocking. The pregnancy of a human carrying an Aurelian baby is very different to a regular human pregnancy.

  The huge Aurelian infants needs more milk, and the breasts of their human mother swell to impossibly huge proportions. Looking at images of Queen Jasmine, her body looks almost like an abstract sculpture; so distorted from what we’re used to seeing.

  But that’s all I know. The rest of my knowledge of the Bond?

  It’s just rumors.

  “I’ve heard…” I pause, thinking through the hundreds of rumors that have been whispered to me over the years. “I’ve heard that it controls your mind.”

  Tiana shakes her head. “That’s not right. It doesn’t control your mind. It just brings out all the things you truly want, but wouldn’t allow yourself to enjoy – or even know you wanted.”

  My mind is suddenly filled with the image of myself on my knees, staring obediently up at Kreos as he towers in front of me, slowly unbuttoning his pants…

  I rub my eyes. Are there really such desires hidden deep down inside of me? Desires that I’m too afraid to even admit? Even to myself?

  “That’s less insidious,” I admit. “Oh, Gods – and to live thousands of years? I understand why women join harems, even if just for the chance that they might have the Bond.”

  Tiana licks her lips, considering the possibilities.

  “I’d never thought I’d want to live thousands of years. Life has never been that good, until now.”

  It’s so crazy to me that this small, comfortable room is such a blessing to her. I resolve to never forget the privileges I’ve enjoyed throughout in my life – and to never again judge a woman for wanting to join an Aurelian harem.



  I prowl down the hallway, seething with frustration. Kreos and Riff’s auras simmer with the exact same discomfort, pulsing in the back of my mind.

  It’s pure frustration, mixed with a swirl of deeply unsatisfied lust.

  I could have pumped my seed into that masseuse, Brandy, but I know would have felt no relief. I’m permanently half-erect now, and all I can think about is Petra. I walk past the lounge filled with willing woman and I catch a glimpse of their disappointed faces as I walk right on by, without even acknowledging them.

  Further down the corridor, I press the button to the dining room and stride in, locking the door behind me so the rest of those overly-eager women won’t follow me.

  Kreos is in the dining room, as if he’s been there waiting for me. He’s sitting down at the table. There are two dirty plates in front of him, and he looks like he’s been hit by a rock.

  As I enter, Kreos growls. His voice is raspy. “That damn woman has ruined me!”

  I slam my fist against the table. I know exactly what he means.

  This wasn’t the plan.

  The plan was to buy a half-dozen or so women, fuck them hard, and find out if one of them was our fated mate – the woman we’ve been searching for our whole lives.

  And if none of them were our mate? We’d still planned to do well by them regardless, and offer them positions in our harem. They aren’t much use to fuck and seed if they’re not our fated mate – the only woman in the universe capable of birthing our sires – but it would still feel wrong to use these women and then just kick them out.

  Women sold into slavery don’t have many options – and the frail species of humanity needs all the protection they can get.

  That had been the plan.

  Petra fucked that plan up royally.

  “Nothing changes,” I snarl. “We plan for war, and we take back what is mine.” I’m focusing my pent-up frustration on the upcoming confrontation with the Toad cartel.

  Kreos shows his teeth in something resembling a smile.

  “Open a map of Taton, sector 92,” I command the AI.

  A hologram appears on the dining room table. Our territory is marked in blue. It’s a tiny swathe on the outskirts of the city, like an island in a sea of venomous green that marks Don Slip’nak’s Toad cartel holdings. His outfit controls all the main city centers of Taton, and almost all of the profit. Patches of yellow show holdings by human gangs – but we won’t find any allies among them. Not until we’ve struck Don Slip’nak a significant blow and proven we can survive the counter-attack that’s sure to follow.

  “There,” I say, pointing to a compound consisting of a refinery, warehouse, and two factories. It’s on the border of Slip’nak’s territory and our own. The compound is part of Slip’nak’s weapons production line. He sells most of the weapons he manufactures for profit, and the rest arm his mass of troops.

  If we cut off production, we don’t just increase our profits by taking over the business Slip’nak suddenly can’t provide for. We also deal a blow to his counter-punch capabilities.

  It’s a declaration of war, make no mistake – but I have lived my whole life waiting to declare war on Slip’nak; and see it through to its bloody end. My hand twitches as I imagine ripping out the throat out of Don Slip’nak – avenging my father by feeling that Toad’s filthy blood gushing down my arm. Rage broils up inside me.

  Kreos nods slowly. He’s never seen a fight he’d shy away from. “When do we strike?”

  “In two weeks. We’ll send a spy in to gauge the defenses first. Slip’nak will be expecting us to put our forces in defensive positions at the casino.”

  I sigh deeply. I realize how foolish I was to plan this trip. Our men need us on the ground – but I desperately wanted just one last chance to find my fated mate.

  One last chance for this life to have meaning, before I step into the bloodiest battle of my life.

  Darkness spills up inside me. My vision goes red.

  Snarling, I slam my fist down against the table. The Orb-Rings hum as I smash my fist right through the hard granite. It splinters, shards flying out and embedding in my body. The pain just drives me wilder.

  I’m panting as Kreos grabs my arm, holding me still. “Focus, battle-brother. Soon we will be at war.”

  My vision slowly clears.

  “Damn it all! We strike at the end of the week. I have no interest in these new women, and neither do you or Riff. Forget them all…”

  I pause.

  “All, but Petra. If she will not mate with us, then we go to war.”

  Again, I fall silent – and then I turn and my eyes meet Kreos’ stony gaze.

  “Can you feel it? I believe she may be our fated mate.”

  Kreos slams his open palm against my shoulder in agreement. We both feel it – deep inside our bones, as true as the rise of the sun and the tide of the sea.

  …we could find out, right now.

  We could rush down the hallway, throw the doors open, and take her.

  I pant, trying to force down the mating frenzy as it builds inside of me. I’ve never felt it like this before. It’s suddenly a barely-controllable urge, building and building inside of me like a pressure boiler. I feel as if my balls are full of boiling hot seed that needs to be shot deep inside her tight, wet little cunt before they explode.

  I clench my hand into a fist as the AI sends robots to repair the table I just destroyed.

  I don’t know how long I can last before I explode. The longer this gorgeous little wench is on my ship, the more like torture it becomes.



  Eventually, the rest of the girls file in from the lounge, giggling and drunk, and showering off one by one. I can hear their delighted squeals when they discover the rows of warm towels and scented robes – but it’s paired with disappointed chatter.


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