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The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)

Page 2

by Bellucci, Bree

  “But how can you not know where we are? One second I was walking across campus and then...” Olivia trailed off.

  “Yes, and then you were here,” Calista finished. “There are portals all over the different worlds and universes. They dump out at random places on the grounds here. I sometimes think that we are in our own universe here, but I can’t be quite sure. We are certainly not part of your Earth.”

  Olivia took a deep breath. She had to be dreaming. Otherwise, there was no way she could wrap her mind around what was happening to her. She had been captured by someone and sent to another world? She remembered the strange hum and vibration she felt when she had hit solid ground.

  “We don’t want to tell you too much,” Daphne said slowly, “Everyone here has a different experience. And some are here for their own sick twisted pleasure and desire for power.”

  Olivia thought of Samuel and Michael. They certainly seemed to be here on their own accord.

  “Right now, our job is to make you nice and pretty and then you will be sent to one of them.”

  “One of who?”

  Calista gave a non-committal shrug; Olivia couldn’t help but feel that something was being kept from her. She let Daphne play with her face and makeup while Calista fooled with her hair. They had pulled Olivia away from the mirror, so Olivia had no idea what she looked like. The nymphs insisted she dress before looking at herself in the mirror.

  The red dress was made of draping silk that gently looped around her neck, leaving her arms and back bare. Finally, Olivia stood and Calista and Daphne excitedly led her to the three-angled mirror.

  Olivia’s jaw dropped. She didn’t recognize the woman in the mirror. Staring back at her was a young woman, whose auburn hair was twisted back, with soft curly tendrils framing her face. Her large green eyes were highlighted and bright and her lips were a soft pink. Olivia touched her face to see if she was real. She took in the dress that clung to her body perfectly, showing an obscene amount of skin, while still looking sophisticated.

  “My guess would be you are being prepped for the master’s son,” Daphne said quietly, toying with her own long hair.

  Calista nodded in agreement. “He’s rough, but much better than the master.”

  Olivia gulped. “Prepped?”

  “No time to explain anymore,” Calista said sadly, “They will be waiting for you.” She gestured towards the door back out to Michael and Samuel, but Olivia vehemently shook her head.

  “I can’t!” she said desperately.

  “You have to,” Daphne said, “We’ll see you again. You’re assigned to us. We work this room. Stay strong and don’t lose yourself.”

  “I don’t understand,” Olivia cried, but Calista was opening the door, her expression pained.

  “Well, well, well!” came Michael’s hard voice, “Looks like you clean up well.”

  Samuel was grinning a sick, twisted grin. “Oh, I hope I get dibs,” he said mostly to himself, rubbing his hands together. “I would bend your sweet ass over and push so hard into your tight cunt—”

  “Enough!” Michael barked, startling both Olivia and Samuel. “You know the rules, Samuel!”

  Michael and Samuel each took one of Olivia’s arms, to be sure she didn’t escape, and led her to another staircase, pushing her forwards. Olivia climbed the dizzying stairs, her feet aching from the heels she was so unaccustomed to wearing.

  Finally, they stopped and unlocked a heavy metal door. The door swung open and Olivia felt a chill in the air. There were still no windows, which she thought was odd. They moved down a dank hallway and finally came to rest before a large wooden door. Samuel knocked three times before the door creaked open.

  The room was poorly lit, and Olivia could barely see her own two feet moving in front of her. Something in the room smelled rotten and Olivia tried not to vomit.

  “Master?” Michael asked softly.

  Olivia’s stomach churned.

  “Bring her closer,” a voice rasped. Panic gripped Olivia, and she felt her hands sweat and her pulse race. She wanted to be nowhere near that voice and she had the sudden urge to make a run for it.

  The men pushed Olivia forward, and Olivia moved into a small glow of flames. There was a large chair before her and it took a moment for Olivia’s eyes to adjust to the grotesque shape in the chair.

  Light danced across the shape and Olivia gasped, taking a step back. Michael shoved her forward again and Olivia heard the raspy voice let out a low chuckle.

  The thing in the chair was far from human. He had a large, swollen head with an empty eye socket and one yellow eye. Some type of slime seemed to cover his green head, and he had two holes for a nose, with a gold ring between the nostrils. He had a mouth full of rotting, yellow teeth.

  His body was broad and covered in scales, and his arms were merely trunks with four stubbly fingers. His two thick legs rested on the ground, and a long, sharp tail rested beside his feet.

  “You are a gift for my son,” the master wheezed. “I know he will enjoy you immensely. I have chosen well. And should he disobey me, then I will collect you for my own.”

  Olivia’s legs shook in her long gown and she knew the monster could smell her fear.

  “Come closer,” he beckoned, and Michael shoved her towards the creature.

  Olivia turned her head in disgust, as her nostrils filled with the putrid smell.

  “Oh yes,” the monster breathed, his breath coming in fast pants which made her skin crawl. He ran a clawed nail gently down her arm and Olivia felt the bile rise in her throat. “You are so pure. I have half a mind to fuck you first before I turn you over.”

  Olivia let out a strangled cry. This was what she had feared.

  But instead, the monster sighed and leaned back in his chair. “But a promise is a promise, and my son is more than deserving.” The monster abruptly turned his head, “Take her away!” he yelled, and Samuel and Michael were instantly at her side, dragging her out of the room.

  Once in the dank hallway, Olivia dropped to her feet, gagging and panting as she cried. She saw Michael make a move to yank her upright, but Samuel pushed him away.

  “Give her a minute,” he said roughly and Michael rolled his eyes.

  “Please,” Olivia begged, rising to her feet. “Please let me go. Please don’t take me to his son. Please!”

  Some type of emotion seemed to flit across Samuel’s face but then his eyes hardened.

  “Gorside was kind not to claim you,” Michael huffed, “You should be grateful.”

  “Grateful!” Olivia burst out. “Grateful that I’ve been kidnapped and dressed up like some slut before being taken to some monster’s son!”

  Olivia heard the smack before she registered the biting pain across her left cheek. She cried out as she cradled her cheek and watched as Samuel shoved Michael up against the wall.

  “Watch yourself! What are you doing? We have to take her to Rurik, and you’re smacking her across the face?”

  Michael looked momentarily ashamed, and then got control of himself as he straightened up.

  “Let’s go,” he snapped, shoving Olivia back towards the staircase.

  They moved up the staircase again, and before Olivia knew it, she found herself in another dark hallway. At least this hallway wasn’t as dank or forlorn as the first.

  Michael and Samuel brought her to another door, which slowly swung open. Olivia cautiously stepped forward and the door quickly slammed closed behind her.

  She was completely alone.

  She walked slowly forward, wondering what atrocity she would find in this room. If Rurik was anything like his father, then Olivia needed to prepare herself. She moved through the room, which seemed like a large apartment of sorts. The rooms were dimly lit, but she could make out a dining room and a sitting room. When she got to the sitting room, she wondered if she should just sit on one of the stiff-arm chairs. The furniture looked old and worn and she had the impression that it was rarely used.

sp; Feeling as if she were no longer alone, Olivia cautiously turned around.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  Lumbering in the doorway was a tall creature that almost resembled a man until Olivia got a better look. Like a man, he was tall and broad, with thick legs and arms. But upon closer look, Olivia saw that his skin was a strange beige and brown, which resembled cracked stone or cement.

  His calves and forearms were thicker than a human’s and Olivia was relieved to see that he didn’t have a tail like his father. His eyes were a murky green and deeply sunk in his face. He had no nose, but only two small nostrils, giving his face a somewhat gruesome reptilian look. His mouth was far too big, taking up much of his face, and Olivia could see multiple razor sharp teeth within.

  “You are for me,” Rurik stated.

  Olivia nodded fearfully, frozen where she stood.

  Rurik stepped slowly into the room, and Olivia could hear his heavy breathing. He walked deliberately around her, surveying her as he grunted his approval.

  “Are you—are you going to eat me?” Olivia squeaked.

  Rurik laughed. Or at least, Olivia though he laughed.

  “Eat you? No.”

  Olivia’s shoulders slumped with relief.

  “But I do plan on fucking you until you break in half.”

  Olivia’s head snapped up and her eyes were wide with fear.

  “Please! Please, no! I’ll do anything else you want, but please don’t take my virginity!”

  This made Rurik freeze, and he studied her shrewdly, his beady eyes boring into her.

  “You are a virgin?” he whispered.

  Tears running down her cheeks, Olivia nodded. She had been raised to save herself for marriage. And while Olivia never completely conformed to that belief, she had believed to save herself for someone who she actually cared for, and someone who cared for her in return. She had watched too many of her friends sleep with immature frat boys after too many red Solo cups from the keg. They had always regretted it, and Olivia couldn’t imagine it was much fun to lose your virginity when you were drunk.

  “I didn’t think my reward would be so great.”

  “Reward?” Olivia decided the best tactic would be to keep Rurik talking so he would either forget or she could come up with an escape plan. So far, she saw no exits that could make an escape a possibility.

  “Yes,” Rurik explained. “My father has many sons. I was able to capture an elusive creature that had been smuggling out some of my father’s favorite nymphs. My father was extremely grateful.”

  “The nymphs belong to your father?” She thought of Calista and Daphne.

  “Yes and no. We capture many nymphs to work here. They take care of our human women, and they also serve sexual duties.”

  Olivia swallowed, not wanting to ask, but wanting to keep the conversation going.

  “Sexual duties?”

  Rurik took an excited breath, clearly aroused. “Yes. Nymphs are highly sexual creatures. While humans are exquisite in their own right, and that is why we have many here, nymphs have unparalleled skills and stamina.”

  Olivia was appalled. Rurik had just admitted that there were more humans here, and that nymphs were basically slaves to pretty up the humans and then used for sexual satisfaction.

  “Where exactly are we?” Olivia asked bravely.

  Rurik let out a low, throaty chuckle. “I can’t disclose that, but I can tell you that we exist within our own universe.” He moved closer to Olivia. “No more questions,” he said roughly as he moved his thick fingers along her bare arm.

  Olivia shuddered from his touch.

  “Why are you a virgin?” Rurik whispered, his breath hot and stale against her ear.

  Not wanting to share her personal convictions, but again not wanting to face the alternative, Olivia spoke.

  “I hadn’t met the right guy,” she said her voice quavering.

  “Ah, yes. You humans have a thing about waiting for the right person. How darling.”

  His eyes never leaving Olivia, he moved to a large, stuffed chair and sank into it. Olivia remained rooted to the ground.

  “I don’t want to defile your beautiful body just yet. You are by far the loveliest creature I’ve ever been given.”

  Olivia watched with mingled horror as Rurik laid his head back in the chair and brought his hand between his legs. She watched as he rubbed at a small nub and Olivia watched it begin to grow before her eyes.

  She looked away, disgusted and embarrassed.

  “Watch me,” Rurik ordered, his voice cracking.

  Olivia forced herself to look back and saw Rurik sliding his thick hand over the growing mass between his thighs. He began to move his hand faster, all the while his eyes trained on Olivia. Her eyes grew wide as she watched the mass grow longer and thicker between his legs. She had nearly no experience with men, but she knew that no human man was anywhere near that length or width. The size of him made her head spin, and she couldn’t imagine a human actually having sex with Rurik; he would rip her in two.

  Olivia had no boyfriends in high school and only two boyfriends in college. She had only shared a few PG kisses with her first boyfriend, but she had gone much farther with her second boyfriend, Dan.

  Olivia and Dan were together for the first half of her senior year. They had fooled around plenty, kissing in dark corners with groping hands. Dan was always pressuring her to go farther, and while Olivia wanted to, she was always unsure if Dan was the right person. A handful of times, Dan’s roommate had left the dorm, allowing Olivia and Dan complete privacy. Olivia had self-consciously stripped off her clothes, knowing she was the exception among most college girls. Dan had greedily explored her body, shoving his hands between her legs and rubbing her much too hard for Olivia to feel any pleasure. He also had gone down on her a few times, but Olivia didn’t understand what it was all about. Dan’s tongue had never pushed into the right places, and it had been incredibly awkward.

  To sum up Olivia’s lack of sex and awkward sexual encounters, she had gone down on Dan two times, each time refusing to let him cum in her mouth. None of the experiences had been good ones, which had led to she and Dan breaking up.

  Olivia was brought back to the present as Rurik’s breath came in heavy pants and his eyes raked over her lithe body. Olivia wished desperately she didn’t have so much skin exposed.

  Rurik groaned loudly, closing his eyes as his entire body tensed and then his massive brown cock began to spurt thick creamy semen as his body jerked. Olivia couldn’t help turning away this time, and when she looked back, Rurik was wiping at his fluids and leering at her.

  “A preview,” he whispered. “I’ll have to prime you so you can handle me. I don’t want to hurt you the first time, because then you’ll be useless to me.”

  For what seemed like the hundredth time, Olivia shuddered.

  Rurik stood up and Olivia couldn’t help but stifle a yawn. Rurik cocked his head towards her.

  “When did you sleep last?”

  Olivia shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said honestly, “I’ve lost track of time.”

  Rurik nodded. “You need sleep. Especially for what I have planned for tomorrow.”

  He grunted and stood up, moving towards the exit.

  Olivia feared what he had planned for the following day, but she was anxious to follow him towards the exit.

  “Someone will take you down so you can sleep. Tomorrow you will come to me and I will begin your sexual awakening.”

  He paused as if he were waiting for a thank you of sorts, but Olivia felt too sick to do more than scurry towards the door. She would rather die than be subjected to any type of sexual experience with Rurik.

  Michael was right; she was in Hell.

  Rurik pulled the door open and Samuel was waiting, his face fixed in an unreadable mask. Samuel jerked his head for Olivia to follow, and she quickly moved behind him, following him down the dark hall. They went to a different staircase, and Samuel led her
down. They reached a landing, and Samuel pulled out a ring of keys.

  They walked down another dark hallway, lit again by torches. Why was it that the hallways were lit by torches but Olivia had dressed in a state-of-the-art dressing room?

  Olivia was busy pondering this question when she realized that they were walking past a row of doors.

  “You’re lucky you don’t have to sleep in the cells downstairs,” Samuel spat and Olivia wondered what his back story was.

  She wanted to ask Samuel what his problem was, but she didn’t want to give him any reason to take her to the cells if she was about to be led to somewhere nicer.

  Samuel paused before door number eight. He fumbled for his ring of keys and quickly unlocked it.

  “You’ll be locked in for the night. If you need something, ring the bell.”

  He pushed Olivia into the room and slammed the door behind her.

  Olivia took a deep breath and fumbled for a light switch. To her relief, she found one and she flipped it on.

  She was in a small, but comfortable room. There was a small bed, end table with lamp and a toilet and sink in the corner. No shower. Olivia felt around at the walls, but they seemed to be solidly made. She saw a buzzer by the door, and she assumed this was the bell that Samuel had mentioned.

  Weary and exhausted, Olivia moved towards the bed. She saw that there was a set of soft purple flannel pajamas. Grateful, she pulled off her ridiculously fancy dress and slipped into the pajamas. She climbed into bed and flicked off the light, pulling the covers up high over her head. She prayed that this was all a terrible dream and that when she woke up, she would be safe and warm in her off-campus apartment.

  * * *

  Olivia was moving down the hallway, almost floating. All the doors looked the same. Why was she by herself? Where were Samuel and Michael? She came to a door and she wanted desperately to go inside. She knew that behind that door lay something wonderful.

  She turned the knob, and to her delight the door swung open. Olivia moved through the door, feeling giddy with anticipation. She was dressed in a slinky black dress and she moved through the familiar surroundings.


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