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The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)

Page 5

by Bellucci, Bree

  “You’re going to love it when I fuck your asshole,” Rurik murmured, rubbing small circles on her clit as his fingertip ass fucked her.

  “Yes!” Olivia cried out, not recognize her own body.

  Grunting with his focus, Rurik began to work harder and harder, moving both his hands against her body, until Olivia exploded around him, pumping her body up and down as she came. “That’s right!” Rurik croaked, his own arousal evident.

  Olivia collapsed on the floor, feeling spent after three powerful orgasms. Rurik picked her up gently and deposited her back on the bed. He moved his mouth between her aching pussy and ever so gently ran his lips against her quivering flesh. “Yes,” he breathed and the breath sent shivers down her body. “You are just about there.”

  Olivia lay sprawled on the bed, her hair messy and tangled across her face. She watched as Rurik sat up on his knees and began stroking the small lump between his legs. He groaned as his thick hands stroked himself and he closed his eyes, murmuring Olivia’s name. Olivia watched as his cock began to take shape and grow. She wanted to wrap her mouth around it, feel the thickness against her tongue and run her teeth along it. Yet, it was so large and so thick that she worried she wouldn’t even be able to get her lips around.

  Slowly, she sat up. She moved towards Rurik, who dropped his hands away and let Olivia touch him. She wrapped her hands around the thick base and slowly pulled them along its length, stroking him from root to tip. Rurik groaned, his head falling back. Opening wide, Olivia tried to take him into her mouth, but she was only able to fit just the tip. She ran her tongue along his rough cock, feeling the bumps and grooves against her own smoothness. Rurik grasped her head, tangling his fingers in her wild hair as she sucked him. Just as Olivia was getting into the act, Rurik pushed her away and pinned her to the bed. Breathing hard, Olivia looked up at Rurik in surprise. Pinning her two hands together with one hand, he reached his other hand between her legs. Olivia gasped as she felt his fingers run through the wetness; she had no idea it was possible to become that wet.

  “You’re ready,” he said hoarsely and in a flash, he had torn Olivia’s dress from her body, leaving her naked and writhing. Olivia felt a moment of intense panic and fear, but she squeezed her eyes shut. “Breathe,” Rurik reminded her. Taking a deep gulp of lavender air, Olivia felt her mind clear. This was what she wanted. She wanted Rurik to fuck her. Own her. Possess her. Kneeling over her body, Rurik grasped his massive cock in his thick, monstrous hands. Slowly he pushed it against her soft opening. Gently, he pushed just the tip inside Olivia. Olivia screamed as Rurik pushed carefully inside her slit. He was so thick, so wide, and she was so very tight.

  “Shh,” Rurik crooned, but Olivia thrashed on the bed as Rurik pushed himself deeper. Olivia’s mouth formed a silent scream, but no sound came out. “You’re so tight!” Rurik exclaimed excitedly. Olivia could feel his girth pressing against all four walls of her and she wanted to cry and scream for him to pull out, to let her be. But she knew that wouldn’t happen. “Yes!” Rurik cried out once Olivia seemed to still. He pushed the rest of his enormous cock inside her.

  Olivia shrieked as she felt herself rip open to accommodate him. The pain was white and blinding as Rurik took her virginity in one swift thrust. Rurik cried out with his own pleasure as he claimed her. With each thrust Olivia felt the pain lessen and lessen. She felt her body adjust to Rurik’s girth and her mind swam with the realization that Rurik had actually fit inside her. In fact, as Olivia thought of Rurik, she began to notice the way Rurik filled her, making her feel complete in a way that could only be described as sinful. The rubbing friction she felt when he pulled out of her was amazing, and she became aware of her ragged breaths.

  Rurik pounded into her, his weight holding her flat against the bed even though Olivia fought to pull herself up so she could rise to meet his thrusts.

  “Argh” Rurik screamed just before Olivia felt his cock twitch and jerk inside of her. In fact, the pulsing of Rurik’s own cock, sent Olivia into spasms of her own, and she came with Rurik, crying out as she felt him spurt his seed into her, each jet of semen hot and powerful. When Rurik had emptied himself, he pulled out, letting his pulsing cock twitch against her stomach. Rurik pawed at her hair, his breath hot and putrid against her.

  “Olivia you were so tight. The best fuck I ever had. I can’t go back,” he muttered, his thoughts barely coherent. Olivia felt dizzy from pleasure and went to take another deep inhalation of the lavender scent but it was gone.

  Panic gripped her. She knew that soon the scent’s powers would wear off and she tried not to dwell on it.

  Rurik stood up. “You have no idea of the pleasures you brought me. I am beyond pleased with you. Lay here and think of the gift you have given me. I will come back for you.” Rurik stumbled out of the room, leaving Olivia naked on the bed.

  Her entire body felt like rubber from the multiple orgasms. As Olivia lay on the bed, she began to feel a dull ache between her legs. She could feel the rising panic within her, but she took deep, steady breaths, telling herself to relax and calm down. She didn’t seem to have any real physical damage and Rurik seemed pleased. That seemed more than enough given her current circumstances.

  She lay there for an unknown amount of time until her neck became stiff. The ache between her thighs was sore and pulsing. Olivia shivered wishing she still had her dress on, even though the material was light and flimsy. Why did Rurik make her wait like this?

  As Olivia lay on the bed, trying to keep her ugly thoughts at bay, she began to hear a strange sound—almost like heavy breathing. She could hear strange thumping sounds coming from the next room, as well as groans. Olivia lay on the bed, straining to hear the strange sounds, until her curiosity got the best of her.

  She tried to reason with herself that she was getting up because Rurik might be hurt, but deep down she knew that she really wasn’t concerned about Rurik’s well being, she was his prisoner after all. She slowly slid off the bed and crept to the door that Rurik had left slightly ajar. Careful not to make any sound, Olivia peered around the edge of the door.

  She couldn’t help but gasp.

  Rurik was standing upright in the sitting room, bucking his hips back and forth. At first glance, Olivia wasn’t sure what he was doing, but then she noticed the small body that Rurik was plowing into. And not only that, but the face attached to the small body.

  It was Daphne.

  Her long brown locks were twisted wildly around her face, and from what Olivia could see, it seemed that her eyes were shut and she was murmuring some type of incantation. Rurik was growling as he fucked Daphne from behind, his large, grotesque hands splayed across her belly, as he held her tightly to him. With horror, Olivia watched as Rurik drove his cock into Daphne again and again. She was now quietly moaning, but still seemed in a trance.

  “Yes,” Rurik whispered feverishly, “Take all of my cock. Take it all!”

  Daphne bent toward the floor, her hands supporting herself, and Olivia had a clear view of the sex scene unfolding before her. Olivia turned away, disbelieving that tiny Daphne was able to accommodate Rurik’s girth. Olivia’s insides pulsed with a fresh wave of pain as she watched.

  Without warning, Rurik pulled out of Daphne and spun her around. Moaning, her eyes still closed, Daphne opened her mouth and Rurik pushed his entire cock inside. Olivia’s hand flew to her mouth—how did Daphne do that? The door creaked slightly and Rurik’s head jerked towards it. Olivia wasn’t sure if he saw her because he then cried out gutturally before emptying himself in Daphne’s mouth. Olivia ran back to the bed, and threw herself across it.

  She couldn’t shake the image of Daphne’s small, lithe body being fucked by Rurik. Moments later, Rurik was beside Olivia’s bed. Olivia had closed her eyes, hoping that Rurik thought she was asleep.

  “Olivia?” he asked quietly. Olivia opened her eyes. “You saw.” It was a statement not a question.

  Olivia thought it was best to be honest. She didn�
��t look at Rurik, but nodded instead. She expected Rurik to be angry, but instead he sighed and sat on the bed. He slowly rubbed one of Olivia’s thighs with his massive, cracked hands.

  “I’m sorry you saw that. I should have waited until you left. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

  Olivia had to stop herself from laughing out loud; the situation was so absurd. Rurik actually thought that he had hurt her feelings by having sex in the next room? She was more disgusted than anything, and her heart ached for her nymph friend who helped get her ready.

  “It’s just that I was so aroused by our encounter and I needed more stimulation. I knew that you would be too sore, and as amazing as you felt, you are not physically able to accommodate me in ways that the nymphs can.”

  Olivia wasn’t sure she would ever be able to shake the image of Daphne’s mouth stretching to oblige Rurik. She shuddered.

  “Please forgive me. You are my most favorite pet, and you cannot imagine the pleasure you brought me this afternoon. This does not in any way mean that I am not satisfied with you.”

  Olivia nodded again; praying that this would be the end of their time today, and Rurik would dismiss her.

  “You may get up and get dressed,” Rurik said gruffly, “I will tell Nae of your reward.”

  Olivia waited until Rurik had left the room, and her eyes flew open. Did that mean she would be granted more time in the Rec Room? Her mind flew to Leo and she desperately hoped he would be there if that was her reward. Olivia went to pick her gown off the floor and she was dismayed to see it was nearly ripped to shreds. Trying the best she could, she slipped it around her, and then pulled it closed, just managing to cover the important parts of her body.

  As she made her way across the bedroom and out towards the door, the full realization of what happened hit her. She felt her eyes well with tears and she wanted to be as far from Rurik’s room as possible. She wrenched the door open, hoping to see Nae, but instead it was Samuel.

  Suddenly the day’s events caught up with her, combined with her emotional distress and the sight of Samuel as opposed to Nae. Olivia burst into tears and Samuel sprang into action, slamming Rurik’s door shut and whisking Olivia into the stairwell.

  “You need to stop,” he hissed, his arm around Olivia’s shoulders. For some reason, this only made Olivia cry harder; her body wracked with sobs. “Olivia, please,” Samuel pleaded. “They can’t see you like this.”

  “W-who?” Olivia choked, as tears cascaded down her face. She pulled her shredded dress tighter around her, feeling exposed in front of Samuel.

  “Any of them,” he whispered. “Enough, please.”

  Olivia took a few ragged breaths, and wiped furiously at her tears. Her breathing began to steady and she realized that Samuel was rubbing her back and murmuring quietly. Shocked, Olivia flinched and backed up against the wall, her eyes wide. As if caught, Samuel scowled at her.

  “What were you doing?” she demanded.

  Samuel shrugged. “Let’s go,” he snapped, moving down the stairs.

  “Samuel wait!” Something about Olivia’s voice made him turn around. This time his eyes were not unreadable. They were filled with sadness and longing.

  “Why were you being nice to me?” The mask came over Samuel’s face once more, and he continued down the stairs. Olivia pleaded with him again, but this time Samuel said nothing, depositing her outside of her sleeping room. Confused, bewildered and broken, Olivia entered her room. The four bare walls and tiny bed were a welcome respite.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Nae came for Olivia. She had a purple robe under her arm and wordlessly she helped Olivia into it. Olivia had little dignity left, but she appreciated Nae’s efforts. Nae led Olivia back upstairs to Room number Eight where Calista and Daphne usually prepped her.

  “The room is empty,” Nae whispered. “Have a quick shower and come back out here and meet me. I left an outfit for you on the couch.”

  Olivia gave Nae a grateful look and slipped into the room. It felt strange being alone in there and she wondered where Calista and Daphne were now, especially Daphne. She took a quick shower, scrubbing her skin clean until she was raw. When Olivia walked past the mirror, she had to do a double take. Angry bruises bloomed across her lower half.

  Ashamed, Olivia hurried to the couch to find the pajamas Nae laid out for her. To her surprise, she found regular clothing. Lying on the bed was a pair of black yoga pants, a white camisole and a pale blue fitted sweater. Happily, Olivia dressed; glad to be wearing something other than cocktail dresses and pajamas.

  Olivia left the room and Nae quickly led her back downstairs to the small dining room. To her relief, there was no one else in there. Nae quickly cooked Olivia a meal and once Olivia began to eat, Nae took a seat next to her.

  “Are you alright?” Nae asked.

  Olivia shook her head, and took another bite of her meal. “Who was Mastiv?” Olivia asked.

  Nae seemed taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure. “He was a monster that was helping smuggle some of us nymphs out. He was caught by Rurik.”

  Olivia nodded, Nae only confirming what she had believed. “And who is Leo?”

  Nae shrugged. “He’s just another prisoner here. I don’t work with him. I only help the female humans.”

  “But why are there other monsters here that are prisoners?”

  Nae laughed a hard laugh. “Who knows why Gorside captures other monsters? Sometimes they have disobeyed. Other times he uses them to do grunt work around the fortress.”

  “And you?” Olivia asked quietly, “How were you captured? What exactly do you have to do?”

  Nae turned away quickly and Olivia could hear the emotion in her voice as she spoke. “I was playing with my family. One of my children ran off into the woods and I chased after him. Next thing I knew, I was falling through a dark hole. I’ve been here ever since.” There was a long pause. “I think it’s been around five years.”

  Olivia was sad for Nae, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking the next question. “And what are your duties here?”

  Nae eyed her warily. “If you’re asking me, then you probably already know.” Olivia waited patiently. “My job is to help with the human females. I cook for them, help them get ready, and take them back and forth to the masters.”

  Olivia decided to tell Nae what she saw. “I saw Daphne and Rurik today. I was right there. In the bedroom. I could hear everything.”

  Nae gave her a rueful look. “They’re disgusting, aren’t they?” she asked. “They can’t even wait until you’ve left the room before they have to continue with us. Daphne is a favorite among all of them.” Olivia couldn’t believe how chipper and happy Daphne was, considering that she was one of the favorites sex toys for the monsters.

  “You’re turning into one of Rurik’s favorites,” Nae said wryly, “Once you’re finished, you’ve been granted an hour and a half in the Rec Room.”

  Olivia’s heart leapt. Perhaps she would meet Leo there again. She quickly finished her meal, not even tasting the food. She hurried to follow Nae upstairs. To her disappointment, the Rec Room was empty except for Emily. Olivia was surprised, considering the bruises she had seen on Emily that morning.

  Emily gave her a small smile. “I was extra good today,” she said rolling her eyes. “I guess Gorside wants to reinforce my good behavior.” Olivia laughed quietly with Emily. Emily moved to the big windows. “I miss it, don’t you?” she said wistfully.

  “What?” Olivia asked, pressing her nose to the glass to look at the lush surroundings.

  “The outside. Home. Everything.” Olivia nodded vigorously, she missed it all too.

  The elevator door swung open and Michael stood there. Olivia had forgotten how mean he looked.

  Emily sighed. “There goes my twenty minutes.” She got in with Michael, and gave Olivia a small wave.

  Olivia moved over to the art table and began drawing. Paint was her medium of preference, but she di
dn’t mind charcoal either. She drew her family’s house, complete with her tire swing in the backyard. She became so engrossed in her work that she barely registered the elevators opening and closing.

  “Somewhere special?” a voice asked over her shoulder. Olivia whirled around to see Leo peering over at her drawing. He instantly repulsed her, but then she was filled with hope and happiness.

  “Leo!” she exclaimed.

  He chuckled. “That was quite a greeting. It’s nice to see you as well.”

  “I wanted to apologize,” Olivia said in a rush. “I felt so bad about yesterday and how rude I was to you. I didn’t really believe that you were a prisoner, but now I know you were being truthful.” She lowered her voice just in case. “And I’m in. Whatever you are planning, I want to be a part of it. I can’t stay here.”

  Leo’s snout seemed to spread into a smile. “That’s the spirit.”

  “But we don’t know when we will see each other!” Olivia argued. “I sleep in one of the rooms and you sleep in the dungeons. Meeting up here is random-”

  Leo cut her off. “This is not random,” he whispered quietly, “We both are up here for good behavior. If we keep behaving, we will keep getting sent up here. Even if we don’t meet for a day or two, it has to happen again. I’ve been doing all my work, plus the work of Mastiv—that’s how I’ve managed all this Rec Room time.”

  “Where is Mastiv?” Olivia asked, knowing that Mastiv could have answers to helping them escape. If he was still alive.

  “I don’t know. I was hoping you might be able to find out from Rurik.”

  Olivia inhaled sharply. She would need to be coy, and act dumb. It was certainly worth a try. “Okay. I’ll work on that. What else?”

  “That’s the first step. And making sure we don’t step out of line. Don’t go acting like that dumb blonde of Gorside’s. She’s going to get herself killed.” Olivia knew that he meant Emily. Everyone seemed to think that Emily was doomed. “Once we know where Mastiv is being kept, I will try to get to him. I think he had found a portal in the castle. But I’m not sure if it was only smuggling the nymphs back to their land.”


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