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The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)

Page 10

by Bellucci, Bree

  “Frederick injured the guard who clean the vaults. He made it seem like an accident, and he’s paying a small price right now, but I was asked to go in and clean out the vault.” Olivia felt bad for Frederick, but she was impressed, too. She couldn’t believe that Frederick and Leo had orchestrated something that had worked so well. “I only had a few minutes with Mastiv, but he was able to tell me what I needed to know. I know how to get to the portal and I know how to access it so we will land in the proper place when we escape.”

  Olivia allowed herself a small smile; she was afraid to hope but she couldn’t help the small glimmer. “How was your day?” Leo asked. It had become customary for Olivia and Leo to share about their day. Olivia never gave explicit details, but she would give Leo a basic overview of her day. Today for some reason, Olivia felt embarrassed. She didn’t want to tell Leo how she had been forced to sleep with a guard, and not only that, but she had enjoyed it. It was different than being forced to have sex with a monster.

  Olivia shrugged, not looking at Leo. “It was fine.”

  Leo was quiet; he studied her. “Everything okay?”

  “Sure! Fine!” she said her voice a little too high.

  Leo changed the subject and began asking Olivia more about the park she loved on campus. Leo always seemed to ask about her life, but whenever Olivia tried to ask about his, he usually skirted the questions and somehow directed them back at Olivia. She knew next to nothing about Leo except that he had a handful of brothers. He would never talk about where he came from, or what his life had been like before he was captured. This only made Olivia more intrigued about his past.

  All too quickly, the thirty minutes flew by and Olivia had to leave. Leo looked at her with alarm. “Why so short today?” he asked. Olivia shrugged, but she knew that her face gave her away. “I wish you would tell me what happened today,” Leo said softly.

  “I can’t. I’m ashamed.” Even as she said the words, Olivia didn’t understand them. Why did Leo make her feel this way? She hurried away from him and into the elevator.

  * * *

  Nae collected Olivia and took her back down. “Where’s Samuel?” Olivia asked curiously. Usually, Samuel collected her.

  Nae shrugged. “I was told to come and get you.” Olivia frowned but let it go. “Rurik is getting very possessive of you,” Nae said suddenly, as the elevator descended.

  Olivia turned to stare at her. “What does that mean?” she demanded.

  Nae chose her words carefully. “He doesn’t want other people around you. Or touching you. I heard about what Gorside did with you and Samuel. I’m sure Samuel loved it and I’m guessing it was better than Rurik, but Rurik became incredibly angry.”

  Olivia shifted uncomfortably. The last thing she needed right now was to piss Rurik off. She needed to continue to please him and stay until the radar until Leo gave her the okay for the next step in their plan. “Okay, Rurik became angry. But what can I do? I have no control of that!” she said, frustrated.

  “I know you can’t control it and you can’t do anything. But you should be aware. Rurik may start limiting your Rec Room time, or he may keep you in his quarters for hours on end.”

  “I need my Rec Room time!” she said a little too quickly. Olivia regained her composure. “Nae, that is my only respite.”

  Nae nodded solemnly. “Tell Rurik. Show him. Make sure he knows just how much you value that time.”

  Olivia nodded. The doors slid open and Nae hurried forwards, Olivia following. Just as they were approaching their room, there was a terrible banging and roaring sound from somewhere upstairs. Nae looked around wildly, her dark eyes flashing as she pushed Olivia up against the wall with such force that at first Olivia could only marvel at the strength in Nae’s tiny body. “Get against the wall!” Nae cried and she darted a few feet down the hallway where another nymph Olivia had seen before, came barreling out of a room.

  “What was that?” the other nymph asked anxiously.

  “I don’t know but it was, but it sounded like Gorside.”

  Olivia’s mind raced and she tried to think what Gorside could be angry over. He had been pleased with Samuel earlier, and Olivia desperately wanted to know what had happened in the interim. There was a deafening crash and Olivia covered her ears. Seconds later, Calista came tearing into view, her blonde hair flying behind her.

  “What’s going on?” Nae cried.

  “Gorside!” Calista panted. “He’s furious! He summoned me to please him but then...then—’

  “Then what?” Nae demanded.

  “He couldn’t get hard! He tried and tried but he just kept going limp! He began to throw things and was screaming about some tincture and then I ran out of there before he could hurt me.” Olivia’s heart stopped when Calista said tincture. She couldn’t possibly mean the tincture that Samuel gave her? Calista was babbling on about running away and how she had gone two steps at a time as she heard the banging begin.

  “Samuel,” Olivia whispered. No one seemed to hear her and she struggled to say it louder, her mind a muddy, chaotic mess. “Samuel,” she croaked.

  The other nymph looked at Olivia strangely and nudged Nae. “What? Did you say something?”

  “Samuel,” she repeated, feeling the blood drain from her face.

  “What do you mean?” Nae demanded.

  “The tincture,” she stuttered, “he gave it to Gorside.”

  “What?” Calista’s eyes were bulging out of her head.

  “Yes. He gave it to Gorside. He promised he would find a remedy to keep Gorside away from me. After Emily’s death, I was afraid Gorside would take me from Rurik,” Olivia felt the words tumbling out. “But Gorside was pleased with Samuel! He rewarded him!” Her face turned crimson at the memory. “Gorside was pleased,” she continued, “He said that humans couldn’t even satisfy his need because it was so great,” she ducked her head in embarrassment when she realized that while Samuel’s tincture had helped her, it had made things worse for the nymphs.

  Olivia saw the realization hit Calista and Nae but they seemed to move past it. “Then it’s Samuel who’s in trouble,” Nae said quietly. Another awful crash and horrifying snarl filled the floor. This time it seemed the noise was getting closer. “Quick!” Nae said, running to door Number Eight and fumbling with the lock. “Get in! We’ll figure out what is going on!”

  “No!” Olivia cried, but she couldn’t fight Nae’s strength.

  Nae shoved her in the room. “I’m locking you in! Don’t make a sound!”

  “But...Samuel!” Olivia argued.

  “We’ll take care of it!” Calista said quickly. The door shut and Olivia could hear Nae turning the lock.

  “No!” Olivia cried out, banging on the door. She could hear yelling and screaming outside of her door, and a terrible roar let her know that Gorside was on her floor. There was more crashing and banging, rumbling and breaking. Olivia could hear shouts from the nymphs. Olivia wanted to beat on the door with her fists until she had no strength, but she remembered Nae’s words. Frustrated and helpless she slid to the floor and her body wracked with sobs. If anyone was hurt, it was her fault. Olivia crawled to the back corner of her room. She waited. And waited. All was quiet but still no one came for her.

  She began to fall asleep in her spot, and a few times she woke up suddenly, her head snapping back up. It had to be the middle of the night by now. Why hadn’t Nae come back to tell her what happened? Olivia tried to force her eyes to stay open, but they wouldn’t. Her head snapped up again and she knew she had been sleeping. She strained to hear anything and then she heard what had woken her. A faint knocking at the door.

  Olivia scrambled up from the ground and ran to the door. Seconds later, Nae unlocked it. She looked awful. Her hair was wild and her clothes were torn. She had cuts on her face and bruises on her arms.

  “Are you okay?” Olivia cried. Nae nodded but Olivia could see something else was wrong. “What? What is it?”

  “It’s Samuel,�
� Nae whispered. Olivia felt her heart skip a beat. What had happened to Samuel? He had risked his life to help protect her. Nae shook her head. “I’m sorry, Olivia.”

  Olivia stood frozen. “No.”

  “I’m sorry. He stood no chance against Gorside.”

  “He can’t be,” she whispered. But she knew in Nae’s face that it was true. Samuel was dead. He had died trying to keep her from Gorside. Olivia heard a loud ringing in her ears and Nae began to sway. Then all went dark.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4

  * * * * *

  Olivia blinked.

  Everything was dark.

  She was dressed in the soft purple pajamas.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the memories from earlier that evening. It was useless. She felt the urge to scream but instead she drifted off into a heavy sleep.

  * * *

  Olivia awoke again.

  She felt that she hadn’t been asleep for long.

  She rolled over again, muffling her cries into her pillow.

  She fell asleep again.

  * * *

  Olivia awoke, this time her head was pounding.

  She felt that something had woken her, but all was quiet.

  She rolled over.

  Suddenly, a loud pounding on the door rang out and she staggered out of bed, assuming that must have been what she'd heard moments earlier.

  She pulled the door open and Nae was standing there, her bruises and cuts already healing from the previous night.

  “I can’t do this today,” Olivia said hollowly as she walked back to bed.

  “I know how you feel, but I’m afraid you have no choice.”

  Olivia whirled around, her eyes flashing.

  “Samuel was killed because of me! He was helping me! I can’t just go out there today and pretend that everything is fine!”

  Nae went to interrupt her, but Olivia continued.

  “I can’t fuck him one more time, Nae! I can’t do it!” Olivia sobbed, falling onto her bed.

  “I know, I know,” Nae crooned, as she sat beside her and gently stroked her hair.

  The minutes ticked by without either woman saying a word. Olivia’s sobs finally quieted, but Nae continued to stroke her hair.

  “I will tell Rurik that you are sick. I can’t make any promises. If anything, it might buy you one day. But he will be all the more eager for you tomorrow.”

  Olivia nodded; it was worth a try.

  “Thank you.”

  Nae stood up. “Call for me if you want me to bring you anything.”

  She left the room, gently pulling the door closed behind her.

  Olivia crawled back under the covers. She saw a small white pill that Nae must have slipped onto the nightstand.

  She swallowed it quickly and shut off the light.

  * * *

  “Olivia? Olivia?” came a soft voice.

  Groggily, Olivia flipped the light on. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, since Nae left her alone, but she thought it had been an entire day. Olivia had hardly woken up, and it had been a dreamless sleep. The obvious signs of a sleeping aide. She knew she should feel rested, but she didn’t.

  She pulled the door open and she saw Daphne standing in the hallway. She hurried into the room and shut the door.

  “Where’s Nae?” Olivia asked stupidly as she stared at Daphne.

  Daphne sighed. “Indisposed. Gorside is back in working order and Nae has becoming his current favorite. I believe Michael is in the process of finding a new human for him as we speak,” she said disdainfully.

  Before, Olivia had felt horrified at a new women being subjected to this fortress of torture, but now she just felt empty.

  “You can’t dwell on that,” Daphne said matter-of-factly, “It was bound to happen.” She moved to make the bed. “Now we need to get you up and fed and dressed. Rurik was an absolute bear without you yesterday.”

  Olivia knew that the one day she had been granted had been a gift and she woodenly followed Daphne out of the room to eat breakfast. Olivia felt as if she had lost all of her fire. She was empty inside and while she ached to see Leo, she also dreaded seeing him, too. Even his comforting presence felt like too much for her to endure.

  As Calista and Daphne made her beautiful, Olivia tried to talk her through dealing with Samuel’s death. She had hardly liked Samuel, and she had been afraid when he told her he had feelings for her. Just because she didn’t love him, didn’t mean she had wanted him dead. And then things had become complicated after Gorside had forced Olivia to have sex with Samuel.

  He was the first human Olivia had sex with and it had been so unlike the sex with Rurik. Not to mention that Samuel had been killed trying to protect Olivia from Gorside’s sexual appetite.

  Of course, Olivia was reeling from his death.

  Suddenly, Emily’s questionable death was more appealing to Olivia.

  “Snap out of it!” Calista hissed, bringing Olivia back to the present.

  Olivia blinked at her.

  “All of us just learned that Samuel actually had a heart, and of course it’s horrible. But we can’t do anything about it now and we need to move on. I know it sounds harsh but if you’re not careful, you’re going to get yourself killed. Don’t let Rurik know you had feelings for him!”

  “But I didn’t have feelings for him!” Olivia argued. “It was just that he was nice to me and he gave Gorside that tincture,” she trailed off, unable to say any more.

  “So, Samuel gave him the tincture? He was already acting recklessly. It could have been a matter of time. We need to be realistic and you need to take care of yourself. Don’t go getting yourself in trouble.”

  Olivia nodded. She knew Calista was right and she needed to suck it up for a few more days. Leo had said that things were getting bad and they needed to put their plan in action in the next week.

  Feeling a renewed sense of hope, Olivia knew she had to be extra good to Rurik today. She had to get to the Rec Room to see Leo. She just needed to hear his voice and have him reassure her that they would be free soon enough.

  Ten minutes later, Michael deposited Olivia to Rurik’s room.

  She was sick of being led back and forth like cattle.

  Olivia perched stiffly on the couch, surveying the shimmering emerald dress that draped seductively over her legs. Calista and Daphne had pulled out all the stops, knowing that Rurik was on edge from not seeing Olivia the day before.

  Rurik came into the room and his eyes lingered over her dress and body.

  He nodded approvingly before walking to the bedroom and beckoning Olivia to follow him. She did as she was asked and on sky-high heels, she teetered behind Rurik. She quickly glanced back towards the door, which she now knew led do the water. Only, Leo wasn’t interested in that door.

  Olivia had no more time to ponder the hidden door because Rurik was groping at her breasts, his putrid breath in her ear.

  “I missed you yesterday,” he growled, “Why were you sick?”

  Olivia swallowed nervously. “I’m not sure why I was sick. I’m sorry that I didn’t see you.”

  Rurik made a sound deep in his throat. “Did it have anything to do with that slave my father made you fuck?”

  Olivia blinked. “No!” she exclaimed a little too quickly.

  Rurik seemed to accept her answer and moments later Olivia’s nostrils filled with the calming scent of sugary sweet lavender. She inhaled, knowing how much she needed that scent to help her.

  As Rurik groped her again, Olivia moaned now, her head lolling to one side as she writhed under his thick hands. Hungry and rough, Rurik yanked at her dress straps, causing them to slide carelessly down her shoulders. Rurik held Olivia upright and he brought his scaly lips to her nipples. He tugged her pink nipples between his lips, grazing them with his yellow teeth. The sensation was exquisite and Olivia begged him not to stop, pushing her full breasts further into his grotesque body.

  Rurik groaned
loudly, before sitting on the bed and pulling Olivia into his lap. Eager to please, and extremely aroused, Olivia straddled Rurik’s thick body and pulled herself closer to him as he licked and sucked at both her nipples.

  Olivia could feel her breasts getting heavier with her arousal and she grinded against Rurik, desperate for more of him.

  “Greedy,” Rurik murmured, stroking her hair as if she were a pet. He ran his hands down her long hair again and again and then let his hands trail down the small of her back. He moved further south, gripping her buttocks in his large hands and squeezing firmly. Olivia cried out from the pain, but it quickly turned to pleasure and she gasped as Rurik squeezed her again.

  Olivia’s heart pounded in her chest and she could feel her desire bubbling over as she reached her hand down between her legs and began rubbing her swollen nub. The sensation was delicious and she continued to rub herself until Rurik caught sight of her and yanked her hand away.

  “I do it,” he snapped, pushing a stubby finger against her clit and rubbing it back and forth. Olivia grinded against him and Rurik moaned loudly as her juices covered his fingers. Unable to contain his need for her, Rurik roared loudly and tore her dress in two down the seam.

  Olivia’s dress ripped loudly as Rurik pulled it apart with his fingers, the material falling to the floor in two long jagged pieces. Rurik continued to rub her pussy and then he pushed two fingers inside her, rubbing up against her ribbed walls.

  Olivia cried out loudly as Rurik’s fingers moved inside her, pushing and thrusting into her as he rubbed them against her tight opening. Olivia’s mind began to spin out of control as Rurik moved his fingers faster and harder inside her. She reached down to Rurik’s thighs and began to rub between his legs. His cock was hard and thick in her hands and she rubbed against it, making it grow within her palms.

  Rurik squeezed at her plump pink flesh, making Olivia moan wantonly. She bucked hard against him, begging him to fuck her. She could feel his cock pulse within her hands and she knew that Rurik wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. Seconds later, Rurik pushed her legs wide apart, and tugged Olivia towards him.


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