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The Soul Thief

Page 10

by Kim Richardson

  Alexa watched as the last of Lance’s brilliance dissolved, and with a final flash of white light he disappeared.


  ALEXA SAT ON THE FALLEN trunk of a large silver maple and poked at the ground with a stick. The evening sun peeked through the tall trees, and the sky flamed in vivid orange, reds, and purples, catching the clouds on fire with sunset colors.

  She’d waited all night and most of the following day by herself. The dark forest, coyote howls, and crickets were her only company. Now, hours later, she felt like a fool. She felt trapped.

  She’d been in the mortal world for nearly twenty hours, and she still felt fine. Her M-9 suit had healed and was intact again. She couldn’t detect the poison from death blade anymore, so the wound must have been minimal.

  It was a strange sensation to be back in the mortal world and not feel tired, or hungry, or even the need to use the bathroom. In Horizon she had a different mindset, there were no such things as cravings or sleep, but it was odd to be back in the mortal world. She could cry and breathe and even feel the thumping of her artificial heart. At times, she could almost forget that she was an angel.

  I’m dead, she said to herself. Stop trying to convince yourself that you’re alive. You’re not.

  She sat in the dark, not bothering to make a fire for warmth, or even for light. She just felt empty.

  She wished it had all been a dream, that she’d wake up to find she was alive in her mortal body. She missed the dreams of going to college for a chance at a better life, and of falling in love with some great guy and having a real and long-lasting relationship.

  But being back here, doing nothing but sitting and thinking for a night and a day was driving her mad.

  She wondered if Erik was still alive.

  Reluctantly, Alexa had to face the inevitable. She was stuck. Horizon wasn’t really her home. It had felt more like she had moved to a different continent, like Africa, and was trying to adjust. She couldn’t exactly show up at her mother’s house either. She would look like someone else and be stranger to her own mother.

  She wiped her eyes and realized that being alone was doing a real number to her head. Her thoughts were jumbled. Dead mortals with burnt eyes. Higher demons. Angels. Sensitives. Erik. The tightness in Erik’s jaw when she had stood up to him. The way his face flushed when their eyes met. The muscles that peeked from under his shirt. His sensual lips…

  She allowed herself the luxury of daydreaming about him.

  Alexa smacked her forehead.

  “I’m being an idiot,” she said to the small chipmunk that had come out of his burrow and sat across from her, happily eating a blade of grass.

  She yelled out in frustration at herself and tossed her stick. If the Legion had known of her fear of water, why had she been chosen to be a guardian? It didn’t make sense. Surely her combat skill couldn’t be the only reason? Could it? How did the Higher demons discover her? And why did they seek her out specifically? Why her and not another angel? What was so special about her?

  Absolutely nothing.

  But the higher demons had known her whereabouts, and they had been waiting for her at the morgue. The only ones who had known she’d be there were the Sensitives.

  A shudder crawled down her spine as the realization dawned on her. It had to have been them, or at least one of them. She was sure of it.

  It wasn’t Erik, or Santo, or any of the others who had risked their lives with her. But she knew that a traitor hid behind the walls of Hallow Hall and was plotting to kill her. She would discover him.

  “Screw this.”

  Alexa jumped up, brushed off her clothes as best she could, and made her way back to Hallow Hall. They might despise her, but they couldn’t stop her from seeing Erik. She had to make sure he was okay.

  She’d figure out what to do next after she had seen him. And if Rachel got in her way, she’d make her get out of the way. She didn’t care if she broke the rules in regards to harming mortals. Rachel was a bitch.

  The sun was just visible over the western horizon, and she figured it was about half past seven in the evening. Enough time had passed to make her appearance at Hallow Hall less suspicious. Hopefully, Lance would show up soon, and she could tell him what she’d discovered. She knew he would have to replenish his body and soul in the Healing-Xpress, the clinic that specialized in healing angels. She just didn’t know how long it would take.

  Alexa strode angrily up the path. She was tired of being overlooked. She had been treated like dirt in life. She wouldn’t put up with it in death. She wasn’t here to make friends.

  Deep down, she knew she could conquer her aquaphobia. Even if it took months of practice, she would overcome it in the end. It was a promise.

  She was a badass guardian. She could feel her skin tingling like static. She was meant to do this. Someone wanted her dead, and she wasn’t about to let herself become an easy target.

  The grounds of Hallow Hall were deserted except for the squirrels that chased each other across the manicured lawn. In another life she would have enjoyed just sitting on the grass and listening to the wildlife. But she didn’t have time to enjoy the views now. She needed to check on Erik and find out who was trying to kill her and why.

  Erik’s car was still parked at an awkward angle, just as she’d left it. She made her way around it and walked up to the front entryway. She noticed the intricate symbols carved into the wood. Sigils. She recognized Erik’s, but the others meant nothing to her. They were all unique and beautiful. As she grazed the wood with her fingertips, she wondered whether to knock or not. Did angels even knock? Or did they usually just show up? She didn’t want to make another rookie mistake.

  “Angels don’t knock,” she whispered.

  She grabbed hold of the cold iron handle and pushed.

  Inside she saw the lustrous marble floors, polished wooden doors, gleaming windows, and sweeping oak staircases that she had seen the night before. There was no sign of an attack, and no shouts or cries rose up from hidden chambers below.

  Each tile in the floor had its own brilliant sigil painted in the colors of precious jewels. The sigils were everywhere—on the drapery, chairs, and sofas, even carved into the handrail of the grand staircase.

  So far so good.

  Alexa made her way through the entrance and down the hall, listening for any sudden footsteps. She smelled coffee and cooked meat, so dinner was being served. Perfect. If they were all busy eating, they wouldn’t notice her.

  The place was enormous. Lance had mentioned that they’d have some sort of medical wing or clinic. The trouble was she didn’t know where. In the lower levels, perhaps?

  She made for the staircase that led to the lower levels.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” said a voice behind her.

  Alexa whirled around.

  Valerie, the Head of House Uriel, regarded her with an icy-cold stare. She had changed into a light gray suit. Her hair was perfect, as was her makeup. She held a tray with an assortment of cheeses, cold meats, breads, and a tall glass of water. She had the face of someone who could see through lies, no matter how well-crafted they might have been.


  Alexa sighed, but her body tensed. “I’m here to check on Erik.” Her throat was tight, and although Valerie’s looks could kill, Alexa watched for any indication that would tell her if Erik was still alive. But the woman’s face was stone cold.

  Alexa feared the worse.

  “Well, he’s not down there,” said Valerie.

  Alexa let out a shuddering breath. Her emotions were getting the best of her, and she knew the woman had seen it.

  Valerie watched her for a moment, and something told Alexa that there was more to this tiny old woman than a cold stare and thin lips.

  “This way.”

  Alexa followed Valerie up a staircase, and then down another hallway with more doors leading to adjacent rooms. Alexa had only been in one hotel before, a very small
one, and this was a palace in comparison.

  After going up to the third floor, which looked exactly like the second floor, Valerie said, “Second and third floors are the sleeping quarters for guests and residents. One the first floor you’ll find the dining area and kitchens, as well as the great hall where we convene for council meetings.”

  Why was this woman telling her all this? Was it some kind of test? Did she feel obligated to do so because Alexa was an angel? Alexa couldn’t sense any animosity in the woman’s voice. Her tone was simply stern. She sounded like a teacher.

  Valerie looked at Alexa’s clothes. “The pool is on the main level, in the east wing. But you know that already, don’t you?” Valerie’s eyes were cunning and calculating. “You smell like that pond, and you’re still wearing those clothes. One would assume the Legion took better care of their angels. Why are you not changed?”

  “I didn’t have time to change. I barely even thought about it, to be honest. There’s still so much we don’t know about these killings. I had to come back. I don’t want anyone else to die.” It was partly true, but she wanted to kick herself for not asking Lance to bring back a change of clothes.

  “I’m sorry about the smell.” Alexa grimaced.

  Without another word Valerie turned around and walked down the hallway.

  Alexa followed the woman, knowing full well that she didn’t like her or trust her.

  Who cares.

  She wasn’t here to make friends. She was here to see Erik. Maybe Valerie was the traitor. It was a stretch, but she had the feeling this woman would do just about anything to protect her people.

  Valerie stopped in front of a door with 305 written in brass above it and knocked three times.

  “Come in,” Alexa recognized the voice as Erik’s.

  Valerie pushed open the door and walked in, Alexa right behind her. “Got you some dinner,” she said as she settled the tray next to a large bed.

  “Thank you,” said Erik. He sat with his back against the headboard of a large queen-sized bed with gray-colored sheets and a thick striped coverlet. His dark hair was rumpled from sleep. With the soft light of the table lamps hitting his features, he was even more handsome than she’d remembered.

  His room was large enough to fit his bulky bed, an armoire, and his dresser without feeling cramped. It even had its own bathroom suite. A desk faced the only window, and scattered above it were daggers, long and short swords, a few books, and even something that looked like a gun. The furnishings were tasteful, but still very masculine, just like Erik.

  Erik didn’t bother to hide his surprise at seeing her. “Alexa? What are you doing here?” His face didn’t hold any traces of the hatred she’d seen on it before. His smile was genuine, and it lit up his face. He was actually glad to see her.

  It was no secret he was painfully beautiful. Everything about him screamed masculinity and sensuality. All the females in Hallow Hall probably threw themselves at his feet. Worse, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. The thin white bandage that covered the lower part of his abdomen gave the only indication that he’d been injured. The rest of him was impossibly muscled, lean, and smooth. His olive skin…perfect. Alexa felt a sudden urge to run her fingers across it…

  His smiled widened when he caught her staring, and she tried to conceal her blush from Valerie’s hawk-gaze.

  “Just wanted to make sure you were okay,” she said, stepping forward until she stood right next to the bed. “You lost so much blood. And when you passed out in the car, I thought…” She frowned when she inspected him more closely.

  Erik looked good, too good for someone who’d just had a brush with death. His skin had a healthy glow, and his eyes were clear. Even with a blood transfusion and the best medical care, he must still be in a lot of pain after being stabbed. But he didn’t falter when he reached over to grab his tray of food.

  Could Sensitives heal faster than normal mortals? Was it because of their angel blood? She looked him over from his chest, down to his long legs, and back up to his smiling face. Their eyes met, and she quickly looked away.

  Alexa cleared her throat. “You seem…better,” she said for lack of a better word. “A lot better.”

  Still smiling he said, “I am. Much better.”

  “Is that…normal?” Alexa ventured and looked at Valerie.

  Erik frowned and took a bit of cheese. “Of course it’s normal. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “She means because you’ve recovered so quickly.” Valerie implied that Erik might have more to say on the matter.

  “Oh that. Yeah, well, all Sensitives from our house have enhanced healing abilities. Not like you angels, but we do heal faster than the average mortal. One of the perks of belonging to House Gabriel,” he said.

  Alexa nodded, keeping up her pretense that she knew all about the seven houses. “Right. House Gabriel.”

  The smile faded from Erik’s face, and he looked serious and sincere before he spoke again. “Thank you for coming back for me,” he said. “You saved my life.”

  Their eyes met, and Erik smiled again slowly. His eyes gleamed in a way that said he wished he could say more, but couldn’t.

  You saved me too, in a way, she wanted to say. But the words would not come. No one said a word, and the room seemed too small and intimate for a moment. Alexa wished she and Erik had been alone. She felt Valerie’s eyes on her, but concentrated her attention on Erik.

  “It’s part of the job,” Alexa said finally. “It’s what I’m here for.”

  “Is it?” asked Erik.

  Alexa heard the challenge in his words. She had saved his life, but she hadn’t even considered the safety of the others, not really. Her actions spoke for themselves. She felt a little foolish.

  Alexa and Valerie stood in awkward silence for a moment.

  Does she think I want to jump his bones? Why is she still here?

  “It is,” Alexa said, glad that she sounded as if she were speaking with conviction. “You had been stabbed, so I reacted. I did what I felt was right at the time to save your life.” It was the truth, more or less. But she couldn’t really explain it.

  “Is my car still in one piece?” he teased.

  The hatred he had first directed at her was gone. Now she felt his kindness and even a little admiration. She also felt something else that she couldn’t figure out.

  Alexa’s body tingled with a warm feeling in her core that was startling. She dug her fingernails into her palms to keep her emotions under control.

  “Of course it is. Technically, I don’t have a real license, but I think I did a pretty good job driving you here. You’re still in one piece, aren’t you?” She met his cheeky grin.

  “What is she doing here?”

  Even before Alexa turned around, she knew who was there.

  Rachel stormed into the room, her long hair wet from a recent shower. She ignored both Valerie and Erik and confronted Alexa.

  “What are you still doing here?” she said again.

  Alexa frowned. “I think you should step away from me before I do something I’m going to regret.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to grow wings and fly away, or something?” she mocked.

  A smile formed on Alexa’s lips. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Get lost, angel,” hissed Rachel.

  Her perfect teeth and her clean minty breath provoked Alexa as much as her nasty attitude. She was even more stunning up close—no zits, porcelain skin, full lips, and perfect delicate features. Even mad she was hot. God that chick was pissing her off something fierce.

  “How about you back up. You’re invading my space,” said Alexa. She straightened up. She wasn’t about to let this girl intimidate her.

  “Nothing here is your space,” spat Rachel. “Go back to where you belong, stiff.”

  Alexa tensed, but she didn’t move. “This is where I belong,” she growled. She was surprised at how much this mortal girl had managed to get under her skin. She saw the hilt
of a sword strapped to Rachel’s back. Had she seriously fitted herself with a weapon before storming in?

  Rachel gave a sniff, her perfect features twisted in a sour expression. “She smells like death, like the rotten corpse that she is.”

  Alexa couldn’t disagree with her. She did smell like death. But before she had a chance to react to Rachel, she was distracted when a young man entered the room. He had mocha-colored skin and a shaved head, and he wore casual jeans and military style jacket. He looked like a normal teenager except that he wore four different sized daggers on his belt. He also had the same A shaped birthmark as Erik. The strange smile on his face indicated he had clearly been watching the interaction between Alexa and Rachel.

  “Give it a rest, Rachel,” said Erik, sounding a little peeved. “You’re not helping.”

  Finally, Rachel stepped back from Alexa. “That thing doesn’t belong here.”

  Alexa smiled coldly. She wanted to punch that beautiful face, just once.

  Erik had clearly had enough of her. “That thing saved my life. I won’t let you disrespect her.”

  “What’s the matter with you? You hate angels. What’s so special about this one? She’s not even that pretty.”

  Erik’s face darkened. “Let it go, Rachel. I’m warning you.”

  Rachel opened her mouth to protest, but Erik’s glare silenced her. Alexa saw a flash of hurt cross her face before it was quickly replaced by an angry frown.

  The stranger crossed the room and held out his hand to Alexa. “I’m Matt,” he said, beaming. His face was rough, but kind and genuine. Alexa liked him immediately.

  She shook his hand. It was hard and callused. “Alexa. It’s nice to meet you, Matt.”

  “Yeah, I know,” said Matt, still smiling. “Erik told me all about you.”

  Alexa raised her brows. “He did, did he?”

  Erik was looking at his plate of food. His face was flushed, but she couldn’t tell if it was from anger at Rachel or because he had confided about her with Matt.

  Valerie cleared her throat. “And where will you be staying, Alexa? You did imply that your investigation is still ongoing.”


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