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The Soul Thief

Page 12

by Kim Richardson

  Matt followed her gaze and frowned. “Because, unfortunately, we have to share this place with House Michael,” he said with distaste.

  As if on cue the big guy crossed the room towards Alexa, all the while staring at her angrily. He was followed by two of his friends, his bodyguards no doubt. Strangely, she was reminded of Ryan.

  He came right up to Alexa, but Erik stepped in front of him with his hands in his pockets and a strange smile on his face.

  “What do you want, Ash?”

  If Alexa had thought that Rachel hated her, it was nothing compared to the way this guy was staring at her now. He was even larger and uglier up close. He towered over Erik, a good head taller and thicker. His bulging wrestler’s muscles strained his thin training clothing, and Alexa could see his sigil on his collar bone. It looked like the letter P with a tail. She could see that Ash’s friends had the same mark.

  “I never thought I’d see the day when Erik Meyer would get himself a stiff as a girlfriend,” said Ash. He leaned forward, right into Erik’s face. “What’s the matter? Can’t get a real woman? You like them better cold?”

  He laughed as his goons joined in. His voice was strangely high-pitched for someone his size. It was the voice of a mousy sort of man, not a thick brute.

  Alexa peered over to Rachel to see her reaction. Her pretty face was cold as stone. Her eyes were wide, but not with irritation and anger. It looked like disgust.

  Why wasn’t she saying anything?

  Erik didn’t move, but he did smile dismissively. “How about you go back to your playing, Ash. We all know you’re not much in the field. How long has it been since you killed a demon or anything supernatural? Too scared to face what’s really out there? Is there anything you wish to tell us? A shift in your loyalties maybe?”

  Alexa was oblivious to what Erik meant, but she could tell both Matt and Rachel agreed with whatever he was saying.

  Loyalty to what?

  A murderous expression twisted Ash’s face, and he turned on Erik. “You and me. Now.” He gestured with his chin towards the mats. “You know I’ll knock you down before you even have a chance to fight. We’ll see whose house is strongest.”

  Erik was not amused. “Can’t,” he said. “I promised Valerie to show our guest Hallow Hall. Maybe some other time.”

  Ash growled at him. “Coward. You’ve always been a coward…and I heard you cried like a girl after what happened.”

  Erik stiffened. His cocky grin vanished, and Matt and Rachel both gave him worried glances. “You’re on,” he said finally. His tone matched the fury in his eyes. As he made to remove his jacket, Matt cut in.

  “It won’t be a fair fight,” he said, as he put a hand towards Erik. “He’s been injured.”

  “I feel fine.” Erik tossed his jacket on the ground. “Let’s do this.”

  Ash’s smile made him look like a wild animal as they made their way across the chamber to the mats.

  Rachel shot Alexa a glare as though this had been her fault. Then she followed the boys. Everyone in the room had stopped their training and had made a circle around one of the mats.

  Matt stayed next to Alexa. “This is wrong,” he said to her. “Erik’s proud, and he never backs away from a fight. But he’s not fully healed. He’s going to get his ass kicked.”

  Alexa felt she would be partly to blame if Erik got hurt again. It would be her fault.

  “I have to stop it.”

  But just as Alexa started to move, Santo barged into the chamber.


  “I NEED EVERY AVAILABLE person now!” said the lead operative as he stormed in, his voice booming against the walls.

  He looked like he hadn’t slept since she’d seen him last. His movements were stressed and anxious. He caught Alexa’s eyes for a moment and looked surprised to see her.

  But then her attention was drawn to the man who accompanied Santo. He was tall and fit and had a raven-black braid that gleamed as it bounced against his wide back. His blue eyes sparkled against his almost porcelain skin. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, almost too beautiful to be real.

  Everything about the stranger radiated sensual grace and power. He was dressed in black and looked to be a bit younger than Santo. But there was something far older about his gaze and about the way he commanded the attention of both houses in the room. He wore a wide belt that held thick hunting daggers, narrow dirks, and skinning knives. The P-like sigil that marked his collar bone was the same as Ash’s and his friends. The stranger was from House Michael, too. He scanned the room, taking in the two boys that were about to fight, and finally landed on Alexa. He looked amused. For some reason, he didn’t look at all surprised to see her.

  Alexa did her best not to flinch under his stare and tried to appear indifferent. She waited until he looked away before the tension on her back released a little.

  With barely a glance at Ash, Erik left the mat and jogged over to Santo.

  “What’s going on?”

  “They found another body at Wicked’s Pub,” said the operative leader. “Same marks on the victim’s eyes. And it’s another girl. I don’t believe in coincidences, so we know so far that this demon is after young girls. We need to stop it. Tonight.”

  Santo looked at Alexa, but his face was blank. “Any new leads on your end?” he asked.

  Alexa blushed briefly. “No. The Legion is still investigating. We still don’t know who’s doing it or why.”

  “We could use your help with this, if you’re still willing,” said Santo. “With what happened to Denton…” he paused for a moment. “Evelyn is a mess, and she won’t be back for a while. We could really use an angel right now.”

  Alexa nodded, excited at the idea of finally doing something. She wanted to discover what demons were murdering these girls as much as they did.

  “Of course I’ll help.” She peered over Erik’s shoulder to the tall stranger. His team were darting back and forth to the armory and adding weapons to their belts. He was slowly inspecting a long silver sword.

  “We know the demons are luring these girls into dark alleys at night and killing them there,” said Santo. And then he paused. “FEAR FAIR is opening tonight.”

  “Oh shit, that’s true,” said Matt rubbing his hand over his shaved head.

  “Lots of dark corners,” said Erik. “Perfect time to drag some innocent victim to her death.”

  “And no one would hear her screams over the racket of the fair,” added Alexa, realizing that the fair could present a golden opportunity for demons.

  “So let’s find these SOBs before they kill another girl. Gather all the weapons you can carry and meet me in front in five minutes.” Santo cast a last glace over at the stranger before exiting the room.

  Erik slipped his jacket back on and made his way towards the armory. Rachel and Matt were already fitting themselves with thigh and leg braces and had practically covered their bodies with weapons. When Alexa made her way over, Matt looked up at her and winked. She couldn’t help but smile back.

  She made her way over to Erik and lowered her voice. “Who’s the guy with the braid?”

  Erik slid a dirk dagger into his ankle sheath. “Michael,” he said without looking up. “He’s the head of House Michael.”

  “And his name is Michael?” she said, incredulously. Was it a coincidence that this stranger was named after the archangel of his house? Did his parents know he would become part of the most powerful archangel’s house?

  At the mention of his name, the stranger looked up at Alexa. There was something calculating and cold in his stare. He might not have been surprised to see her, but it was obvious he didn’t like her. This time she looked away.

  Rachel looked worried about Erik as he suited up. Alexa could tell she was struggling with whether she should try to convince him to stay behind. It was obvious she felt Erik wasn’t ready and needed to rest. But the little Alexa knew of Erik persuaded her that he would never agree to stay behi
nd, especially in front of the others and Ash.

  As Alexa surveyed the room, she noticed that the two houses did not mix.


  If Erik felt Rachel’s concern, he didn’t show it. “Take that,” he said as he handed a short dagger to Alexa. He leaned closer. “It’s not a soul blade.” He lowered his voice, and she immediately understood that soul blades were rare in Hallow Hall. “But you’ll still need another weapon. Just in case.”

  “Thanks.” Alexa slipped the dagger into her belt, and for a moment she felt that the room itself was holding its breath and watching her every move.

  When she looked up, Erik said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  Alexa knew that Michael was watching her like a stain that wouldn’t go away, but she wouldn’t dare to look at him.

  She followed Erik and the others down the hallway and out the main doors. Several of the cars parked in the driveway hadn’t been there when she had arrived earlier. Santo and Erik’s collector cars stood out against the larger trucks and big SUVs.

  Alexa watched as Michael moved towards a black Audi Q7. He sat behind the wheel, and Ash sat in the passenger seat. A redheaded girl and a guy with a cap slipped into the back. Even though he was behind the tinted windows of his car, Alexa couldn’t shake the feeling that Michael was watching her. But before she felt too uncomfortable, the SUV backed up, turned, and left in a giant dust cloud.

  After a quick word with Santo and Haru, Erik moved towards his car. “We’re going to cover the east side of the fair,” he said as he swung his door open.

  Alexa assumed Matt would ride in the front with Erik, and so she moved towards the back passenger seat. Before she could grab the handle, Rachel stepped in the way.

  “You cannot be serious,” growled Rachel. She leaned on the door and crossed her arms, but her question was directed to Erik.

  Alexa clenched and unclenched her fingers.

  “We don’t have time for this, Rachel,” said Erik. “Santo wants her on the team, so she’s coming with us. Get in the car.”

  “I’m not getting in with the stiff,” she spat. She turned to Alexa. “What the hell is she doing here anyway? What? Her own kind cast her out? Is that it? This isn’t right.”

  Rachel seemed to have found her voice and to have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to voice her hatred for Alexa.

  Matt shifted uncomfortably on his feet and stared at a spot on the ground.

  “You’re a monster.” Rachel’s pale skin was flushed as she sneered at Alexa. “Angels are monsters. You’re no better than demons, and you have no place among the living.”

  “Shut up, Rachel.” Erik had had enough. “Alexa is coming with us. You heard Santo. You don’t like it…then ride with him.” He looked at Alexa with the same sympathy and gratitude that he had showed her earlier. Alexa was tempted to reach out and brush away the strands of hair that had fallen in front his eyes.

  Rachel pushed off the car and rammed her shoulder hard against Alexa. “How can you take her side?” she howled. “How can you let that thing ride with you after what happened to your parents?”

  Erik tensed. His smile vanished, and a storm of emotions flashed in his face. And when he glanced at Alexa, all his sympathy seemed to have disappeared. In its place she only saw hatred now. She knew it was directed at her.

  Rachel gave Alexa a winning smile. “I think I will ride with Santo. I don’t want to be anywhere near this stiff.”

  She practically hopped with glee as she hurried over and waved for Santo to stop his car. She slipped inside. And before the car sped off, Rachel made sure that Alexa had seen the stupid grin on her perfect face.

  Alexa wished Lance would appear and take her out of here. Anywhere was better than this. She stood like a fool, not knowing what to do. Without a word Erik slipped behind the wheel and closed his door. He didn’t tell her to leave, but he didn’t ask for her to come along either.

  She watched Santo’s car tear down the driveway. Matt stood next to her looking like someone had punched him in the gut.

  “What happened to his parents?” she asked him softly.

  Matt sighed heavily and said, “They were killed. They were investigating demon activity in Coffin Grove two years ago. They must have found something really bad because they asked for the Legion’s help. But the Legion refused to send them angels as backup, and they were ambushed. They say their bodies were so carved and mangled that they were barely recognizable.”

  Alexa’s eyes burned. “What did the Legion do after that?” The pain in her chest almost seemed real.

  Matt set his jaw and finally looked at her sadly. “Nothing.”

  Without another word, he moved to the front of the car, opened the door, and fell into the passenger seat.

  Erik’s hatred of angels made sense now. Although she understood his pain, it left her feeling hollow and empty. Whatever friendship she’d hoped for had vanished like a puff of smoke. Her mouth was dry. She wanted to comfort Erik, to tell him she was sorry. But deep down she knew it was pointless.

  No exchanging pleasantries, then. Her throat throbbed as she tried to control her shame and disappointment. She could handle it. She had a job to do. She would ignore her feelings, figure out who wanted her dead, and get to the bottom of these killings.

  I’m a monster.

  Rachel was right.

  But it would take a monster to destroy a monster. There would be no loss of mortal life. No soul would be stained but hers. Even though she was dead, mortality weighed on her heavily.

  With a sinking ache in her chest, Alexa reached for a thread of courage and yanked open the door of the car.


  THE SILENCE DURING THE twenty-five-minute car ride was taut as a bowstring. Alexa felt like shouting at Erik. His mood swings were getting to her. Friend today. Enemy tomorrow. She was tired of it, and she wished he’d just make up his mind. Either like her or hate her. Not both.

  Matt kept giving Erik nervous glances, as though he was afraid if he said anything it would piss Erik off more, and they would both end up in a shouting match. There was a bond between the friends that was strong enough they didn’t need to speak to understand what the other was feeling.

  Alexa was restless. It was hard enough accepting one’s fate as being dead and an angel. She didn’t need Erik’s ever-changing moods added in the mix.

  He had lost his parents, and as tragic and painful as it was, it wasn’t on her account. However, there had to be more to it than that. The Legion would never have been so callous as to abandon the lives of mortals, especially when Sensitive operatives were few and far between. She would find out what really happened. Maybe Erik had it wrong. There were probably details that only angels would know. And she would discover them.

  The car sped down the street. Headlights gleamed from the passing cars. It was like a bad school bus ride, where every bump made you jump and land hard on your ass. It was almost as though Erik was purposely hitting every bump he could find, as though he enjoyed watching her get tossed around in the back seat.

  Alexa was thrown hard against the back seat with the next bump, and her wound slammed against the backrest. She hissed under her breath as she felt her skin rip. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since the attack, and her wound was getting worse.

  She was angry, and when she spoke her voice was hard. “I think I’ll catch a ride back with Santo.” Alexa was careful not to put too much emotion in her words. “That way your girlfriend can ride with you.”

  She doubted that Rachel would sit in the back. Her ass was probably too fragile and small for the seat anyway. Alexa knew she should probably go back to Hallow Hall. She didn’t know of any other safe place. Besides she should be waiting for Lance.

  Erik caught her eyes in the rearview mirror. The fierceness on his face shifted between irritation and amusement. Her chest tightened.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” His voice was flat. His attention alternated betwee
n her and the road, as though he was waiting for her to say something.

  Alexa couldn’t help but notice his emphasis on the word not, and she felt a strange warmth rise in her chest. She tried to will it down, but it refused to go anywhere. The damn M-suit read her emotions and created an appropriate response in her demeanor. Her face would give her away. Erik had seen it, and she could see the smile on his face in the mirror. But she refused to look away for fear that he might discover her true feelings. Feelings that were wrong. She was being ridiculous. And Erik was still staring at her.

  Matt kept looking between Alexa and Erik, as if he wished he were somewhere else.

  Erik was quiet for a moment, preparing for what he was about to say. “You can ride back with me.” His voice was soft, like a rolling purr. The tension had left his shoulders, and he leaned back more comfortably in his seat. “Unless you’d prefer to ride with Santo. It’s fine with me. Whatever you decide, but you have a place here if you want.” He held her gaze in a silent challenge, and Alexa squeezed the leather seat with her fingers.

  Why did he have to be so damn good-looking?

  She felt pleasure, guilt, and confusion, but she tried to push her emotions aside. Her anger dissipated like mist in the morning sun, and her suit made her feel warm again. Whatever heated words she’d prepared also vanished. Finally, she looked away and gazed out the window.

  By the time they arrived at the fair, Erik’s mood had changed, and he was making small conversation with Matt. Alexa kept looking in the mirror to see if he’d make eye contact with her again, but he never did.

  They pulled into a crowded parking lot, and Alexa could hear laughter and music. But as soon as she slipped out of the car, she felt a shift in the air. It was unnatural, like a cold breeze in a closed room. There was definitely something sinister lurking somewhere close.

  Alexa followed Erik and Matt as they made their way between parked cars and arrived at the pay booth. The words FEAR FAIR were painted on a sign above the booth. The fresh red paint dripped from the letters and looked strangely like blood. A small clock read 10:15 p.m.


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