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Breaking us Both 3: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 6

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Lily’s eyes are on Richmond’s huge veiny cock. She kicks off her heels and then holding on to his knees she makes herself comfortable on the floor at his feet.

  My legs are weak as I stand here, knees shaking and trousers around my ankles.

  “Mmm,” Lily moans and looks up from the floor around Richmond’s bloated erection. She smiles slyly at him. Her little hand takes over from his and tries to encircle his weapon. Richmond leans his head back on his chair. Lilly straightens her back, her pointy little tongue snaking around the tip and slit of the old man’s shining purple shaft.

  Her head swoops down like a blonde bird of prey. Her mane of hair washing from side to side across his lap as her mouth noisily devours his huge dick. Her hips sway from side to side, buttocks still aglow from her unearned ‘punishment’.

  “See Vaughn: - enthusiasm.” his nostrils flare.

  Guilt seeps through me. How can I let her take all of this? The slapping, the kneeling? Richmond is right. What kind of husband am I?

  My cock throbs in its cage and I’m down on the floor with my wife. Her bare arm and shoulder brush against me. I’m kissing the side of her face, her cheek bloated with Richmond’s erection.

  “Come Lily,” Richmond’s thick fingers stroke the side of my wife’s head, his voice is little more than a murmur. “Let Vaughn take his turn.”

  Lily’s eyes swivel towards me, her face contorted by the pornographic bulge in her mouth. She moves back and the glistening erection plops from between her lips. A string of her saliva still connects her lips to him.

  I’m possessed. I force myself forward, impaling my head on his shaft in front of my wife. I suck frantically. I don’t care that she’s watching. My mouth pulls his powerful manhood so tight against the inside of my famished cheeks and tongue that it hurts. I’m rewarding him, thanking this giant of a man for what he’s doing to my wife and me. Forcing the salty flavour of his cock deep inside me.

  Richmond moans. One of his knees is bouncing.

  Dull pain around my balls. It reaches my stomach. Richmond’s foot repeatedly, rhythmically tapping upwards, digging into my testicles as I suck him.

  “Get face down over the table Lily. I need to fuck you.”

  His words to my wife inflame me. Despite the pain in my balls my chin drives repeatedly down at my chest as I suck Richmond’s monster cock.

  “That’s enough, that’s enough Vaughn,” he’s pushing me away from his groin.

  I stumble backwards onto my ass on the floor.

  Lily’s legs are spread and tower above me. Her calves are tight and her red bottom in the air. She’s leaning on her elbows across the table.

  “Put me in her.” Richmond stands above my head swaying his hips so that his slimy erection shakes in my face. “Put my cock in your wife Vaughn. I need her now”

  Lily moans in reply and her hips do a little sideways sweep back and forth against the table.

  I take his throbbing, greasy pole in my fist again and he manoeuvres himself towards my wife.

  “Part her lips for me.” his voice has thickened.

  One of my hands holds on tightly to Richmond’s pulsing manhood above his heavy balls. The fingers of my other hand forage through the tightly trimmed hair around Lily’s pussy. She groans.

  “Just put the head of it against her cunt lips,” Richmond’s mouth is tight.

  My hand won’t steady.

  I feel the heat from Lily’s pussy. She’s soaking. I groan as the tip of his shiny helmet docks at my wife’s tight entrance.

  “So what do you say Vaughn? Richmond’s voice is gruff now above me, “What do you say to your master?”


  “You ask your master very nicely to fuck your wife.” He grips my hair and pulls sharply. I cry out.

  “Yes Richmond, yes, please, please fuck my wife for me.”

  “Better,” he says, “and you Lily – what do you say?”

  “Please fuck me Master, fuck me with your big dick.”

  “Shall I show your husband how it’s done?” from somewhere above my head comes Richmond’s laughter.

  “Oh yes,” Lily groans.

  Richmond looks down at me on my knees. One of his gold cufflinks catches the light as he moves his hands onto Lily’s behind. He shuffles further forward and his cock inches into Lily’s opening. She whines.

  I think I might throw up with desire.

  High above me he straightens his back, relaxes his broad shoulders and then seems to just relax and sink his hips forwards.

  Lily lets out a wail as her body accepts him. Richmond is up to his balls inside my wife.

  She’s pushing her hips up and backwards to meet his violent thrusts, grunting like a sow rather than the beautiful girl my friends envy me for having married.

  One of Richmond’s hands leaves Lily’s bottom and he’s tugging at the open leather belt around his waist.

  “Help me get this belt off Vaughn!” he pants.

  In between his deep plunges up my wife I try to adjust my position so that I can assist him. He gasps when the belt is eventually freed from around his waist.

  Without breaking from working himself into and out of my wife, he swishes the brown leather belt around in the air and coils it around his hands, leaving about a foot of it hanging.

  Lily whines below him as he pauses from thrusting into her to use both hands to adjust the length of belt hanging off his hand. She’s shoving her hips at him, almost sobbing as she tries to force him deeper towards her womb.

  Richmond swipes down violently at her ass with the belt. It flails across her flesh. Lily lets out a squeal that mutates into a groan. The belt hits her again.

  “You like that? You like that you little whore?

  “Oh yes, yes Richmond, Master, Hurt me please, hurt me,”

  I scurry backwards across the floor on my ass. Out of the way of Richmond’s thrashing arm. I can’t get up. My head is whirling.

  He pauses for breath. Lily looks like she’s fucking the table, her hips continuing to buck even after Richmond has stopped. Her beautiful curved hips and ass striped and colored by this man’s beating.

  With a grunt he rams himself back at my wife.

  I cover my ears, she’s screaming, wailing, her arms and legs stiff against the table, beautiful bruised buttocks clenching. The table screeches on the floor. She’s cumming. He’s inside her, but he’s stopped fucking her. He’s beating her with his belt as she orgasms.

  The belt lands discarded at my feet.

  Richmond’s knuckles whiten on my wife hips. His face contorts and his mouth yawns open. “Yessss,” he yells, slamming frenziedly into Lily as he himself climaxes, draining himself into her.

  “That,” he says pulling himself up straight once his breathing has slowed, “was wonderful. Vaughn your wife is the definition of a keeper.”

  His cock plops out of Lily and as she continues to lie slumped and whimpering over our dining table he points down between his legs.

  A big glob of either cum, or their juices drops heavily on to the floor. It forms a little shiny pool at his feet.

  “Are you ready to do your duty Vaughn?” his drooping cock swings in my face. “While you’re down there I want you to consider giving up the marital bed to your wife and I for tonight. That would be quite a suitable gesture for you to make don’t you think Vaughn?”

  Chapter Ten

  It doesn’t matter what anyone might have guessed was happening inside this house when they saw Richmond’s car on our drive. No-one could have imagined this.

  I turn over yet again onto my other side in this cramped single bed in the guest bedroom. The bed sheets cling to my flesh. Damp with sweat from the strain of trying to force myself asleep. At least the noises from across the landing in our bedroom have stopped now. Those two must have gone to sleep.

  I was tempted to creep out of this room so I could listen at their door. Lily’s moaning, louder and longer she’s ever made before in that bed. She
sounded like she was being scalded, not being made love to. But I was afraid if I crept to their door I might be discovered. Crouching there with my ear against the wood.

  For a second lying here, I’m struck by how ridiculous I was worrying about being found listening to them. Why should I care? How much less of a husband or man could I possibly appear, when I’ve already surrendered my place in our marriage bed to Richmond?

  What would someone like Marion who called here last night think if she ever learnt the true situation here? She’s the type to tell everyone she knows.

  ‘That old guy in the Bentley? He’s not Vaughn’s client. You’ll never guess in a million years. He’s Lilian’s lover. And not only that. Vaughn knows all about it – he’s encouraged it from the start,”

  I turn over again in the bed, my heart rate accelerating as I mentally torture myself.

  “They’ve got some kind of sick S&M game going on. Like fifty shades but the old guy not Vaughn is Mr Grey. Vaughn even gives up his bedroom to Lilian and this guy when he stays over night. Sleeps in the back bedroom. Can you believe this shit?”

  How would we possibly deal with this being discovered? We’d have to move home, leave the area. Oh God; is it really worth it? Ruining our lives?

  I roll over to check the alarm clock. 6:14 a.m. Lily’s not due up for work for another hour or so.

  I’m on my back and now, wondering how Richmond was able to get away from his wife overnight. Where did he tell her he was? When did he tell her? Did he and Lily arrange that he’d stay here even before they mentioned it to me? Earlier in the day when they talked on the phone maybe? My heart pounds with a mixture of jealousy and anger. But there’s a spark of arousal as well, demented excitement. This time, at the thought having been excluded from their planning.

  What if Richmond didn’t need to tell his wife because she doesn’t care? Maybe they’re separating? Or she has a lover of her own. What if he wants to be with Lily permanently and I’m lying here already in the middle of the process of him taking her away from me forever?

  Footsteps on the landing, Lily’s muted voice thick with sleep. Her footsteps light down the stairs and the beeps of the burglar alarm being de-activated. A knock on this bedroom door. It’s pushed open a couple of foot. I sit up swiftly against the pillow and headboard.

  Richmond, immaculately groomed in his suit and tie peering at me. He doesn’t look like a man suffering from being awake most of the night fucking someone else’s wife.

  “Good morning Vaughn. I need to be away to the office now,” his voice is soft, “I’ll email you later. In the meantime I should say thank you for your hospitality last night.” He smiles warmly, “Your wife was wonderful as usual. Well done and thanks again.”

  My whole body throbs and my mouth is stale, baked.

  When I’ve heard the front door close and am sure he’s gone, I cross the landing to our room and the en-suite shower. The bedroom window is open but the smell of sex is thick. The sheets are thrown back off the bed as if to air it. I run the water for the shower and mentally rehearse exactly what I’m going to say to Lily.

  By the time I’ve finished showering and am back in our bedroom to dry off Lily’s there too. She has a large towel around her body and another smaller one around her hair. She must have showered herself before letting Richmond out.

  She doesn’t look at me when she says good morning. Guilt, or are her feelings changing? I try four times to get the words out of my mouth and start the conversation while we’re both getting dressed.

  “This can’t go on Lily,” I keep my towel over my groin so that the chastity belt doesn’t show. I don’t want her reminded of Richmond’s power over me.

  She’s not answering.

  “I can’t handle it. What if someone was to find out?” I say, sliding an arm into my shirt.

  “Maybe you should have thought of that earlier Vaughn,” Lily has the towel off her head and picks up the hair dryer.


  “Before you introduced me to a man like him,” she yells above the steady blast of the hairdryer.

  “We’ve been through that Lily,” I yell back, “Can’t you turn that off for a minute? I want to talk to you.”

  “I don’t have time. I’ll be late for work. I don’t want to be working my notice period on bad terms.”

  “So you’re planning to take the job with him?” my stomach churns and I push my thumb over hers, switching the machine off and silencing it. She lowers it to her side.

  “I have to,” she says looking directly into my eyes now.

  “You have to?” my insides are cold.

  “It’s a great opportunity Vaughn. You must be able to see that. He’s got a big, successful business. It’s a responsible role not like the place I’m at now. And think of the money,” her voice trails away. I stare at her brushing back her damp hair.

  “You’re not likely to be able to earn another 75% on top of my current salary to make up for it are you?”

  There’s no need to fucking rub it in.

  “I can’t afford not to take it.” She checks the time on our alarm clock. “I’m going to be late” she says, switching the dryer back on.

  “He just wants you close by so he can fuck you whenever he likes.” I yell at her.

  She finishes drying, sheds the large towel and starts to wriggle into her white bra. My stomach leaps at the now familiar sight of fresh bruising on both her breasts. Cruelly, my groin stirs.

  “I thought that’s what you wanted to happen when you set me up with Richmond,” she shrugs and pulls her panties up her legs. “Look I really do need to get ready now,” she says, studying herself in the mirror.

  How can she seem so laid back after what took place last night? My jaw aches from clenching my teeth. All of this is down to me, I made it happen.

  The email from Richmond arrives late afternoon, shortly before I’m expecting Lily’s return from work. I’m in my home office, adding a ‘News’ page and some stories to a clients dated-looking WordPress site. My heart thumps as I click into the contents of the message entitled: ‘Last Night’.


  I wanted to reiterate how much I appreciated last night. It can’t have been easy to have submitted like that in your own home. Especially given that you only recently learned Lily would be coming to work for me and so starting to spend more time in my company.’

  His whole tone is that of her ‘new job’ being a foregone conclusion. Like there’s no doubt Lily will soon be working with him.

  ‘You really shouldn’t be too hard on yourself if you find you still relapse into serious doubts about the wisdom of this project of ours. That would be perfectly natural.

  As ever in such circumstances I would counsel you to take the time to remind yourself of the reasons your approached me in the first place. That you and Lilian alike need the firm hand and what will ultimately become the strict control that I am now beginning to provide. You need only realize that any such doubts you have are indeed natural, but also false and as such, ultimately unhelpful.’

  Despite my conviction since the early hours that this has to stop, his crafted words are already scattering seeds of doubt throughout my head.

  Please be assured that you are progressing well. Indeed you both are.

  I suppose if I had to be a little critical, I would say only that your wife appears at this stage to be better able to fully surrender to her compliant side. I understand from a male point of view that total submission to another man carries greater social stigma. However, this is something I will continue to work on with you. Long term chastity will certainly assist in our objective.

  I look forward to talking with you soon about the next step I have in mind. In the meantime I need you to offer support and reassurance to your wife for the further plans I will be sharing. Your input is vital in making sure we succeed here Vaughn.

  Kind Regards,


  I sit with my chest pounding and st
omach twisted. I read his words over and over again, replaying the pummelling he gave my wife over the kitchen table. Imagining what he did to her in our bed while I sat sweating in the back room. The same cock of mine that betrayed and humiliated me last night when Lily was offered to me – now throbs against my cage.

  This is complete madness.

  Around 5.30pm when Lily gets home I hug her to me like my life depends on it. She looks at me confused, amused.

  “Did Richmond contact you today?” she asks, shrugging herself out of her jacket. My famished eyes linger on the outline of her breasts in her navy blue satin blouse. Breasts that Richmond marked as his property again last night. My cock pulsates until it aches with soreness from rubbing on the chastity belt.

  “Yeah he just emailed me,”

  “How are you feeling about everything now Vaughn?”

  “I’m not sure. You?”

  “I’m Ok,” she shrugs and kicks off her shoes

  “Have you spoken to him today?” I ask, my eyes resting on her anklet.

  “He met me after work. We went to talk things through. I think he wanted to make sure I was feeling OK after what happened. You know, last night.” she looks away from me

  “Where did you meet?” I follow her into the kitchen

  “We just went to a quiet spot in the car,” her voice is barely audible.

  Oh my God, she doesn’t mean that woodland area where I watched them weeks ago? Has he taken her dogging again?

  “He says he wants to introduce us to another couple he knows.”

  “What do you mean another couple?” I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

  “He says they’ll help mentor us. He wants us go to their home.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m sitting in the back of Richmond’s Bentley with a metallic taste of fear in my mouth. Lily is silent at my side as Richmond slows the car, indicates and turns right into a leafy lane.

  What are we doing? What the hell are we doing agreeing to come here?

  My eyes slide across to Lily’s bare thighs under the short denim mini skirt Richmond presented her with when he picked us up to come here. He had her change into it and thicken her eye make-up before we left.


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