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Pawns Daughters of The Underworld Book 1

Page 16

by Leighelle Stone

  “Dude, pour it in a glass. You’re disgusting,” I griped after he took a swig. His brow shot up in amusement.

  “I’m sure you’ve had worse things in your mouth.” A gasp escaped me. I was not expecting those words to come out of his mouth.

  “Alright,” I said, as the microwave beeped. “I am removing myself from this conversation.”

  “Oh, come on, it was just getting good.” He snorted with laughter, his giant body jumping at my expense. I smirked, starting to like the little changes in his personality. I totally took all credit for them.

  “Yeah, well,” I struggled to finish my sentence. Coal laughed again and followed me into the living room with his tray.

  It was just getting good.

  I ignored the heinous bitch and plopped down on the couch, opening my legs and arms, taking up as much room as my tiny body could to claim the sofa before Coal could take up the whole thing. He disregarded me and sat down at the coffee table to start on his meal. Remote in hand, he clicked through the TV to find something. “Why’d you go out on your own?” There it was. I sat and waited for the lashing that didn’t come.

  “Because I wanted to, Dad.” I said with my voice deep to mock him. Blue-black locks swayed back and forth. “Yeah, yeah, I know, it's not safe for me to go out.”

  “You killed those people.” Way to state the obvious. I glared at the back of his head. Fun sucker. I stabbed my fork into the fudge brownie, imagining it was his face.

  Shoving the entire thing in my mouth, I said, “You were there. You let it happen.” His brow furrowed, and his eyes were less than enthused with my statement.

  “You actively tried to evade me. I have no clue where you’re at when you’re blending into the shadows.”

  “That was the point. I wanted to go out on my own.”

  He rolled his eyes, “You’re lucky Chronos hasn’t paid us a visit.” He finished his tray, then savored the brownie as if it were the last morsel of chocolate on earth. I eyed every bite, wishing I could have my brownie back. “You haven’t eaten anything.”

  “Did too. I ate my brownie.”

  His eyes rolled around in his head. “Yeah, because that is proper nutrition. Not much of an appetite?” he asked, as opposed to ridiculing me. I shook my head. “Is it the big scary bats?” he joked.

  “That and maybe a little of the fact that my long-lost sister just so conveniently showed up when we couldn’t need her more or the fact that in a day's time I am going to attempt to kill my father, and if I don’t, that means I’m dead. Or it could even be the fact my carefully constructed world has plunged into chaos in the matter of a week, and it all started when you showed up. I don’t know what to trust anymore, and I don’t, for the life of me, know why it is that when you ask me a question my feelings just explode out of me like diarrhea from a clenched ass hole.”

  Face staying straight the entire time, he grimaced at my last comment. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. And before you say it, I know, you don’t need my protection, but you have it.”

  “You can’t promise that,” I warned, risking my reputation. “I may not need your protection, but I do think I need your help. And for whatever reason, my mind wants so badly to trust you.” A glimmer lit the fire in his eyes, and I almost wished I could take the comment back. I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea of what his help and trusting him meant, and I hated myself for even admitting I needed it––for letting my weakness show, even if I couldn’t help it. I was way out of my league here, and it honestly scared the shit out of me.

  For years, my life had been sort of a joke, never too serious.

  Until now, when the prospect of death was looming uncomfortably.

  “Because you can. I don’t make promises lightly, if ever at all, but I told you I would make it up to you, and I intend to do just that. Whatever you need, but you have to start letting me help you and listening to me. And you definitely need to learn that when talking to someone you don’t know, less is more.”

  “I’m not good at this sort of stuff. I don’t do social interactions.” I pushed my tray towards him. His hungry ass was checking it out.

  “Clearly,” he laughed and stabbed his fork into the processed hunk of meat-looking stuff on my tray. He took a bite, more like ate half of the slab, then started in on the kernels of corn in the little square. “You can’t lay all of your cards out on the table. It's better to let the other person tell you all they plan to in situations like that. And if they don’t, then you need to learn the right questions to ask to get them talking.”

  “Like telling a demon I’m way out of my league and have no idea how to stop it?” I smiled.

  “Precisely. Next time, just leave the talking up to me if you’d like.” I didn’t exactly like putting that many eggs in his basket, but then again, I knew Coal and the Gargoyle race lived by a code of honor. I truly felt trusting him wouldn’t bite me in the ass in the end, even if he could be a bit of a wild card and had a taste for vengeance that wasn’t common for his people.

  Scylla, on the other hand, though chatting with her was easy, something in me didn’t quite gel with the vibe she was putting off.

  “So, this Scylla character,” I verbalized, not sure where I was going with the statement as I repositioned the tray towards him, letting him finish the little bit of macaroni and cheese.

  “What about her?” He swallowed all of the pasta at once, like a vacuum. I would have to invest in a pitchfork for him to use next time because his hand swallowed the tiny shred of metal that was an average person’s fork.

  “You immediately didn’t trust her. Is there something I should know about?” One shoulder jerked up.

  “We do have some things in common. We don’t trust easily.” His eyes went distant as if he were remembering something. “It's crazy, I was there when she was born, she looks just like the woman Hades raped, so I believe she just might be who she says she is, but there is something about her. And it could just be that I knew her mother, but I feel like I’ve seen her before. If I did, that would put her in the realm of the Fae,” he mused. His voice sounded as if he didn’t even believe the words coming out of his mouth. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  “But she said that she couldn’t travel between realms without being detected by Daddy.” I crossed my arms over my torso. “It takes a lot of magic to cross realms.”

  “I know,” he said plainly, but I couldn’t help feeling like there was more he wasn’t saying, just like with Scylla, it felt way too constructed.

  “She didn’t seem to recognize you, though?” I questioned, observing him. His poker face was back.

  “I look different in this realm. This is the only one that we have to blend in––the only one where magic isn’t openly used without fear of persecution and death. That's why most avoid this realm. It’s exhausting keeping up this look.” I could imagine it was, and even though the Coal I saw when I was trying to feed was still very attractive, I was thankful for the magic he used. If only he could make himself just a tad bit smaller.

  “Right. If not, you’d look like a countertop.” A rather sexy countertop that some rich woman was dying to put on her oversized kitchen island, but a countertop nonetheless. He just shook his head at my conclusion.

  “If she is who I think, she's one we need to watch our backs around and choose our words carefully until she proves us otherwise.” My mood fell. A large part of me wanted her to be good. To be the sister that I might just be able to count on. “Don’t worry, it's not over yet,” he added, picking up on my mood. “I could have the wrong person.” I frowned. I wanted to trust both of them, but something was off.

  I appreciated his optimism, but I had already thrown her into the lot with everyone else, minus Coal. The untrustworthy lot. It was a big one. “Why did you all of a sudden agree to go?”

  He looked at me like I was a moron. “Isn’t it obvious? We need her, for one, and we need her to believe that we are on her side, a
t least for now until we know more about her.”

  “What if she isn’t telling the truth and is leading us right into a trap?” I asked, already knowing the grim answer to that question.

  “Do you have any other ideas on finding the dagger?” He raised a brow. I shook my head. “Didn’t think so. So, for now, we follow her lead.”

  I sighed. “This feels a lot like how I would imagine dating someone off of Craigslist would feel.” He paid no attention to me. “Not funny? Or you just don’t know what Craigslist is?” His eyes landed on the balcony with just as much longing as I felt, but even sitting outside wasn’t going to keep our minds occupied. “Well, it’s a little dodgy with a side of murder,” I said with a forced smile.

  “Yeah, that sounds about right,” he uttered in agreement, all amusement lost in his usual slightly optimistic tone. I still couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes avoided mine. Was he hiding something?

  Eager to forget about the prospect of my death, I glanced at my phone. The night was still young, and it would be a couple of hours until last call. I wanted to have a few drinks and dance my ass off. It might very well be my last time ever going out. “How do you feel about dancing?”

  Coal grunted, looking less than pleased.

  “What does that mean?” I got up from the couch and started towards the bedroom. I wasn’t going to shower or do my hair, there wasn’t time for all that, but I could at least throw on something sexy. Would it be sexy to Coal, though?

  Wait, why do I care?

  There had to be major differences between the way I dressed and the way Onyx did. Probably the sluttier, the better. That way, it wouldn’t be anything close to something she would wear, and he would keep us separate.

  The thought of jumping in bed with him as a last rendezvous before our trip to the Mata caves passed through my mind, but I thought better of it. That was something you did when you were positive it would be your last. I was coming back from this. I had to.

  We are coming back from this.

  “Maybe,” I muttered.

  “Maybe what?” Coal broke through my thoughts, right on my heels.

  “Oh, huh?”

  “I asked you where we were going and what you were planning to wear.” His expression said I had lost my mind, and he was a little concerned.

  “The club and I don’t know. I haven’t fully committed to anything yet.”

  “Okay, well, if I’m going to follow you around the club—”

  “No, no, you are not going to follow me around the club, except for maybe with your eyes to keep track of me and make sure I don’t get lost. You can stay at the bar or something. I don’t need you messing with my mojo.”

  He scoffed. “Have I ever steered you wrong when we’ve gone out?”

  True dat. Coal had a point. “We’ve only gone out a handful of times.”

  An inky black brow crawled up his forehead.

  “Okay, fine, you’ve been pretty great when we’ve gone out, especially at pool. But you tend to get a little possessive.”

  “I know, I’m sorry for that,” he confessed.

  “I know it has to be hard seeing her as me.”

  He leaned against the door frame of my bedroom, resting his head to the wood as he said, “I know it’s you and only you in there. I get that loud and clear. You are just her face, that's it. I will try not to let it get the best of me.”

  “And I’ll try not to be too zealous with the fellows, okay?” It was the least I could give him. “Hell, maybe you’ll even find a hot little tottie.” His eyes flashed, but the fire went out prematurely. He wasn’t interested in someone else. That much was evident.

  After running the brush through my hair and throwing some mascara on, I started towards my closet. Midway through, Coal covered his hand with his mouth and gave a mock cough.

  Instantly, my tattered clothes were replaced with a rose gold sequined dress that wrapped my hips and thighs like a second skin. A small slit split the fabric over my left knee. The tops of my shoulders were exposed, but the long sleeves would warm my arms perfectly outside. The sleeves coated my arms in sequins down to the little swatch that covered the backs of my hands and wrapped around my middle finger. He added a pair of beautiful black, alligator skin stilettos but left my legs bare. I wore no jewelry other than a stunning pair of diamond stud earrings. My neon orange hair was up in the tidiest of buns on the tippy top of my head, and my hand slipped into the side strap of a black leather clutch.

  A little classy, but I had to admit, I felt like a million bucks, and if the fire in his eyes was any indication of just how much he liked it, then he was more than thrilled. It was like looking at the sun. His eyes burned so brightly. I peeled my gaze from his.

  “Thanks,” I marched past him and grabbed my keys, feeling the heat of his eyes as if I were standing next to a raging fire.

  “Welcome,” I heard him say as I wrapped myself in shadows and whisked myself away to my car. Once there, I took in the deepest breath I could muster. My emotions were all over the place, and I had to chalk it up to the fact that my death was most likely going to happen in just a day's time if I didn’t die in the caves first.

  Or you’re catching feelings for Coal, and the fact that he just dressed you has you burning for his touch.

  Maybe. I agreed with my inner lonely bitch. Hell, it was a damn good possibility. It felt amazing having him look at me like that––like I was the key to all the happiness in the world and not just sexually. No one had ever looked at me like that, mainly because I didn’t stick around long enough to give them a chance.

  Then, the thought occurred, maybe he was dressing her, not me.

  No, he said he knew it was me.

  Maybe he just wants to show you how beautiful you can be, that you don’t need to be trashy for someone to see you.

  This time I growled at her. I was way too far into my feelings for comfort.

  I jammed the clutch to the floor and turned the car on, letting the loud rumble of exhaust drown out any other thoughts. I rested my head back against the seat in hopes of letting my heart settle down.

  Or I could’ve been waiting for Coal to show up. Who knew.

  A few short seconds later, he appeared, scrunched up in the seat. A black t-shirt so tight it strained to stay intact accompanied a crisp pair of gray Dickies. He wore his usual black Vans with white laces, and his hair fell to tease his shoulders.

  Saliva collected in my mouth, and I had to look away to keep from saying something I’d regret. Or doing something I’d regret, for that matter.

  “Let’s go,” he ushered me, an unmistakable cocky smirk turning up the corner of his delicious mouth.

  Even more frustrating, I enjoyed every second of it, and a part of me, be it small, wasn’t looking forward to the glances of other women that were guaranteed to be thrown his way.


  Coal and I danced closely despite my earlier protests of being left alone. It felt right to be dancing with him. Our hands roamed over one another like we were the only ones on the dance floor. It was intimate but comfortable, and I quite enjoyed his touch, even if I wouldn’t admit it. His intoxicating smell encompassed me, and for a bit, I believed we were the only ones there. Mainly because his intimidating size had everyone staring and moving out of the way so they didn’t get squashed. But I was lost in the world of the music, in complete denial that I was dancing with Coal like we had been lovers for decades. Our bodies knew what the other was going to do, what the other needed. We were fluid and magical.

  And I was so obviously wasted.

  I tossed my head back, letting the music flow through me.

  Sound was the first thing to go.

  Then, the room around me started to go fuzzy. I blinked quickly, trying to refocus on Coal. Woozy, I stumbled a bit, tripping over my own feet.

  My vision winked out. I waved my hands in front of me, hoping I had just closed my eyes too tight, and they were doing that lost in space crap they do w
hen you rub them too hard. Nope, nothing, and I was positive my eyes were open because I could still feel the sting from the fog machines. Coal must have thought I was crazy, looking at him all wide-eyed when he was right in front of me.

  Next to go was my sense of smell. That was even more troubling. I had a keen nose and often relied on it heavily. Panic started to set in. It gripped my chest and invaded my mind. My pulse started racing, and it felt like my heart was growing like a ball of gas ready to explode. Even worse, Coal’s smell went with it.

  People bounced around me. Elbows nudged my ribs and stomach. Feet stepped on the gorgeous shoes that Coal picked for me, cracking my toes. I winced, my sense of touch way too strong. Finally, after being shoved from behind, I fell forward into who I assumed was Coal. He gripped both biceps, and I felt him bend down as if he were trying to get on my level. I imagined he was asking me what was wrong. I opened my mouth, inhaled, and started to tell him that I had gone blind and was losing my other senses one by one.

  But my voice didn’t work either.

  Shit. I felt my eyes moving, frantic as if I were searching for a way out. Coal’s arms wrapped me in a hug. I gripped his shirt, relying on him and only him to keep me upright and out of harm's way. A vibration tingled the hair on my ears, causing goosebumps to ripple over my skin. I felt the heat of his breath on my cheek then his lips. His hands slid down my arms, and for once, I happily welcomed his touch.

  We needed to get out of here so I could figure out what was going on.

  His hand on the small of my back urged me forward. I shuffled my foot slightly, then slid the other to meet it, one cautious step at a time. An elbow lodged itself in my side, and I cried out, or at least I was supposed to. I lost my balance, my ankle bending impossibly from its heightened position, and I crashed to my knees.

  Breathing through the pain, I started to try to stand when what felt like a spike went through my hand. Pain exploded from the center of my palm, and I felt blood well up, ready to pour over the edges of the wound. I wasn’t sure if it punctured or merely scraped, but it hurt like hell. Unable to help myself or do anything, I sat like a clump of dirt in the middle of the club, lost. Bodies jammed into me, feet kicking, and knees banging against me.


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