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Spark of Deception: MacKenny Brothers Series Book 4: An MC/Band of Brothers Romance

Page 6

by Kathleen Kelly

  I scowl at him and walk toward the closed door of his bedroom. I rap my knuckles once on the door and then open it. Tula has her back to me. She has a tattoo that runs down her spine. It’s a blossom tree that swirls and wraps itself over most of her back. There’s no color, just black and grays, and it suits her perfectly. She puts on a large men’s T-shirt that covers her ass.

  “Don’t you know how to knock?” Tula turns, hand on hip, eyes blazing.

  “I did knock.” I sit on the end of the bed. “He’s not an asshole.”

  Tula sits next to me, her bare leg touching my jean-clad one. “He’s worried about you and everyone else.”

  “He won’t give you up. He’s all talk.”

  Tula laughs. “I’m pretty sure if he thought he could save all of you, he’d strip me naked and hand me over.”

  “Maybe. But he wouldn’t strip you,” I tease. Turning to look at her, I take her hand in mine. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re safe here.”

  “You’re a good man, Angus MacKenny, but we aren’t safe anywhere. I thought Locutus was on our side.”

  “What’s your thought process?”

  Tula pulls her hand from mine and tugs on the hem of the T-shirt. “I did a job for him a while back, and we exchanged emails. One of his attachments must have been a trojan horse. It has to be how he found me. I should’ve known. It was a rookie mistake.” Tula moves away from me a little, so she can face me. The shirt is pulled firmly down between her legs. “It was easy to track you. I found out everything about you on our fourth encounter, but Locutus… I never managed to crack any of his defenses. Guys like that always have a past or a present you want to keep away from.”

  “Not unlike you. How did you track me on our fourth interaction?” I’m careful. I give nothing away. There are some scary motherfuckers on the dark web. The last thing I need is one of them trying to fuck me over if I’ve dipped my fingers into one of their pies. Years ago, a hacker sent a virus that wiped out everything on my hard drives. After that, I became careful, paranoid even.

  Tula stares at my chest. “You were always so nice. Polite. Not a lot of other associates are. Then there’s the Star Trek link. I guess, I thought…”

  “I get it. We had common ground. It doesn’t explain how you tracked me down.” Tula shrugs, clearly not willing to tell me. “Okay, we’ll talk about that later. What are we going to do about Locutus?”

  “I asked him for help when I found the first base.”

  “The one where your brother died?”

  Tula nods. “It must have been how he found out about the bioweapons. He must have retraced my steps.”

  “So, it’s true? And our military is involved?”

  “I’ve gone over every shred of material to do with Brian’s base, and I don’t believe they know what’s going on.”

  “Someone knows. Locutus knows.”

  “Bastard.” Tula twists, facing forward again. “We have no choice but to contact him. Who do you think he’s working with?”

  “I have a friend who says Locutus isn’t working with the FBI, ATF, DEA, or NSA. Sean thinks it’s a private military, or I guess it could be someone more nefarious.”

  “Nefarious?” She frowns, and then realization crosses her face as she puts it together. “Bioweapons could mean terrorists.”

  “Right now, we know nothing. Let’s contact him and find out what he wants.”

  Tula stands and opens the closet. “That’s easy, the flash drive. Whose house is this, anyway?”

  “A dead man’s.”

  She stops going through the clothes and looks at me. “Did you?”

  Smiling, I shake my head. “Not me, Sean.”

  “And you think he wouldn’t hand me over without a second thought?”

  “You’ve looked into me. You know my sister, Heather, was murdered. The man who owned this cabin did that. Sean made it so he’d hurt no one else ever again.”

  “Colin Lamond,” Tula replies matter-of-factly.

  I stand and head for the door. She knows far more about me than I do her. “You and I are going to have a sit-down when this is all over, and you’re going to tell me everything about you.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  With my hand on the doorknob and my eyes fixed to the back of the door, I reply, “Because I like you.”

  Tula pushes the door closed. “You like me?”

  I nod, and she takes a step toward me, her hand resting on my chest. “I don’t do casual, Angus.”

  My arm encircles her waist, and my lips find hers. Tula’s body melts into mine, all soft and curvy against the hardness of mine. My hand travels to her neck, but I stop when my fingertips brush up against the edge of the bandage. It pulls me out of the moment, and I break away.

  “Sorry,” I murmur the word on her forehead, wishing I’d kept going but knowing now isn’t the time.

  “Sorry?” I take a step back from her, and she clutches the front of my shirt. “I like you, too.”

  I don’t know this woman, and she seems to know everything about me. Looking into her eyes, it dawns on me that I don’t care. I want her. I’ve wanted her from the moment she walked into the park. Hell, from our first online correspondence. Tula gets me. She’s probably the only woman I’ve ever known who understands what I do and how I do it.

  “When this is over, we’re going on a date. You’re going to tell me everything about you. In the meantime, let’s try not to get killed and nail Locutus to the wall.”

  “A date? What’s this, the middle ages?” Tula laughs, and I nod. “Okay, Angus, a date.” Tula leans in and kisses me, her tongue darting into my mouth for the briefest of moments. “It better be a full-service date.” Her face goes a lovely shade of red.

  “Full service?”

  “It better start with dinner and end at breakfast.”

  With a growl, I push her against the door, my tongue playing with hers until she moans my name, and only then do I pull away. Her face is flushed, and my cock is hard, but now isn’t the time.

  “As I said, I like you.” I smile down at her. “Get dressed… we’ve got a hacker to catch.”

  Tula groans as I move away from her, then she shakes her head as though attempting to clear it and scowls at me. “Full. Service.”

  I laugh and leave the room.

  Tula comes out of the bedroom in a pair of jeans that are too big and long. She’s rolled them up and has a belt tied tightly around her waist. Tula must be a bit of a fashionista as she has the front of the T-shirt tucked in, but the back and sides hang out loosely.

  “What the fuck are you two going to do?” asks Sean as he glares at me.

  “It’s nothing that with Tula’s help we can’t get us out of.”

  “Let me get this straight… you’re going out on a limb for her?” He points at Tula. “And putting everyone you care about in danger?”

  “You’re already in danger. The minute I met with Angus, I put you all at risk.” Tula moves to stand next to Sean. “Let me fix this.”

  Sean is a sucker for a pretty face and a vulnerable woman. His gaze goes to Beth, who nods at him, then he looks up at the ceiling, probably searching for divine intervention.

  “Fine.” His head drops, and he points at my laptop. “Do what you do.”

  Tula takes a seat, and I sit next to her and slide the laptop, so it’s in front of me. She raises her eyebrows in surprise.

  “My toy,” I tease her.

  “Oh, so it’s going to be like that? You don’t like to share?”

  “On some things, yes. My laptop, no.” I smirk, and Tula shakes her head.

  Sean snickers. “You want his password? He’s used the same one forever.”

  Tula laughs. “You built a firewall, didn’t you?”

  I grin at her. “Yep. I’ve had one since I was thirteen.”

  Sean cocks his head to the side. “What does that mean?”

  “It means his thirteen-year-old self has been hiding shit
from you for a long-ass time.”

  Sean’s mouth drops open, and his gaze fixes on me. “Is that true?”

  I shrug. “I didn’t want Da or anyone to worry, so I let you guys have a certain amount of access. Later, it became a habit.”

  Sean sits opposite us. “I knew you had mad, scary skills, Angus, but I just didn’t realize you kept secrets from us.”

  “Not really secrets.”

  Tula interjects. “More like keeping you safe.”

  Sean rises. “I’m going to make coffee. Want one?”

  In unison, we both say, “Yes.”

  Opening my laptop, I type in my password and then slide it to Tula. “After you.”

  She grins but doesn’t say anything. Her fingers move at lightning speed across the keyboard. Sitting back, I put my hands behind my head and watch the screen.

  She enters the chat room.

  Locutus, when and where?

  We both watch the cursor blink on and off.

  After a minute, I let my hands drop and sit forward. “I guess he’s not on?”

  Tula shakes her head. “A guy like this would know we’ve reached out. He’s making us wait.”

  Sean walks back in and puts a cup in front of each of us. “Anything?”

  Tula shakes her head. “Give it time.” She puts both her feet on the seat and crosses her arms across the top of her knees.

  I pass her a cup, and she smiles at me.

  “Elixir of the gods.”

  Tula scrunches up her nose. “I prefer tea, but that’ll do.”


  Tula giggles. “Have you tried tea?”

  Looking at Sean, I slowly shake my head. “You know, I don’t think I have.”

  “Seriously?” I nod. “Damn, we’re going to have to fix that. How do you have your coffee?”

  “Like my women, strong and black.”

  Sean barks out a laugh. “Worst pick-up line ever.”

  Tula goes a shade of red. “Well, I’m thinking a strong black tea for you then. Maybe even a flavored tea?”

  “Yep, that’s my brother, strong and fruity.” Sean walks away, laughing, and I’m left alone with Tula.

  “Your brother likes to give you shit.”

  “Yeah, he’s good at that.”

  “It’s nice. Brian was like that.” She’s staring at the screen, her eyes shiny with unshed tears. I’ve never been good with crying women.

  “Older brother?” Tula nods. “They sure know how to push your buttons, don’t they? You got any other family?”

  “No, it was just Brian and me. He thought going into the army for his country was the best way he could serve. He wanted to make a difference.” Tula rests her chin on her arms. “Got himself killed for it.”

  “Tell me about him.”

  “He was five years older than me. Brian always had a smile and was one of the good guys, you know?” Not knowing what to say, I nod. “He didn’t understand computers at all. He thought I was a wizard when I’d order pizza online.”

  I laugh. “My family is like that, too. Although, I’ve proven lately that I can be used for more things than ordering pizza.”

  “I know, right?”

  The screen beeps.

  Hellman Airstrip outside of your quaint little town. Six hours from now.

  Tula types back a message.

  Too exposed. Somewhere public.

  The cursor flashes as I hold my breath, waiting for his response.

  It’s a matter of convenience. I need to fly in. Meet me there or not at all. I know where you live, Landru. Finding Archon won’t be that hard.

  “Bastard,” hisses Tula.

  “We don’t have a choice unless you want to stay cooped up here forever?”

  Tula scoffs at me and starts typing.

  See you then.

  “Why do you think he’s giving us six hours?” asks Tula as she shuts the laptop.

  “So, he can set up surveillance. I’m guessing he wants to be prepared for anything.”

  “Seems weird.”

  I shrug and stand. “Come on, let’s fill Sean in.”


  The MC has people hidden all around the airfield. We’re as safe as we’re ever going to be. We left Tula at the cabin with Bags and Arrow, trusted members of the MC. The van that was parked out front of the compound disappeared as soon as we got Locutus’ message.

  The afternoon has turned cold with a frosty wind that seems to slice right through me. Tula wasn’t happy at being left at the cabin, and although she seems better, Sean felt she should stay behind, so Beth stayed with her.

  “He’s late,” states Kyle as he rubs his hands together in front of his mouth.

  “Set up?” asks Sean.

  “I don’t think so. He wants this.” I hold up the flash drive. “He’ll be here.”

  Kyle puts his hands in his pockets and hunches in on himself, trying to stay warm. “I hope so. I don’t like my MC feeling like they’re under the watchful eye of the law.”

  “Wasn’t the law.”

  “Yeah, we know. But maybe they’re working in conjunction with them?” Kyle straightens up.

  There’s a plane in the distance. He lets out a piercing whistle and points so his men know to be prepared.

  “Think it’s him?” asks Sean.

  “Has to be. There are no flights logged to land here tonight.”

  A small jet lands on the strip then taxis toward us.

  Sean stares at it as it comes to a stop. “Nice. It can only fit five passengers. It’s a Cirrus. Worth about two mill.”

  Staring at my brother, I shake my head. “And you think I know some weird shit.”

  Sean shrugs. “You do you, I do me.”

  “Yeah, you with a side of explosives and guns.”

  Kyle looks at Sean. “Are we prepared?”

  “Of course, brother. I won’t let you down.”

  The door to the jet opens, and a man in a white suit emerges, carrying a case. He walks straight to me, does a bow, and opens it. It takes a moment for the screen to come alive. When it does, there’s a man in the shadows on the screen, but I can’t make out his face.

  “Greeting, Archon.”

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “This is the way I conduct business. My associate, Mr. White, comes in my place, but I’m here.”

  Staring at the screen, I ask, “What do you want?”

  “The locations of the bases. Give me that and any other information you may have, and I’ll leave you and your family alone.”

  “And if we say no?”

  The man’s laughter comes through the speakers. “That’s not an option. I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your troubles.”

  “How much?” asks Sean.

  “Name your price.”

  “If we give you the information, how do we know you’ll leave us alone?” I ask as I ignore Sean.

  “I’ll give you my word.”

  Now, it’s my turn to laugh. “Yeah, you’ve given us plenty of reasons to trust you. It’s not like you haven’t tried to kill me.”

  “That was a mistake.” He pauses. “An associate acted on his own. It won’t happen again. How does fifty thousand sound?”

  Sean shakes his head. “It’s worth a whole lot more than that.”

  “One hundred thousand,” replies Locutus.

  “What are you going to do with the information?” I ask.

  “Does it matter?”

  “You were prepared to kill us, so yes, I think it matters.”

  “Mr. White?” Locutus asks.

  The man takes two steps back and turns the screen around. We all watch him as he nods, and it’s only then I notice he has an earpiece. Mr. White glances at us, nods, and snaps the case shut.

  “Wait, that’s it?” I ask.

  Mr. White nods once. “It appears we have reached an impasse. You aren’t going to give us the information. What else is there to discuss?”

  “But we�
�ve barely started negotiations.”

  Mr. White turns around and walks back to the plane.

  “What now?” I shout at his retreating form.

  Mr. White doesn’t respond.

  All three of us stand there and watch as the plane taxis back out to the runway and takes off.

  “What the fuck?” asks Sean.

  “I don’t get it.”

  Kyle looks at me and pulls his cell phone out of his pocket.

  “Who you ringing?” I ask.

  Kyle swears, holds a hand in the air and makes a circling motion. “Bags, and he’s not answering.”

  No one at the cabin is answering their cell phones. Sean’s face goes visibly white—Beth is his world. With the MC backing us, we hightail it back to the cabin. The door is open, and there’s a body lying in the entrance. Sean stops his bike and drops it as he runs for the open doorway.

  “Beth!” he roars as he runs inside.

  Kyle shakes his head, gun drawn, and advances into the cabin. I don’t have a gun, and I know walking into the building without one is stupid, but Tula and Beth are in there. Hanging back slightly, I go in behind Cutter. He’s one of the most lethal MC members, and he doesn’t seem to have a conscience.

  Cutter glances at me as he breaches the doorway, anger flashes across his features. It’s not until I’m through it that I see why he reacted the way he did. Arrow is lying on his back, lifeless, eyes staring up at the ceiling.

  The entire room has been upended. Tula’s bed that was in the middle of the great room has been flipped over. I push past Cutter and continue further into the room. The place is a mess. I can see Sean and Kyle in the main bedroom, so I move into the kitchen. Bags is propped up against the kitchen cupboards, gun still in his hand. Blood drips down his arm, making an even bigger pool on the floor. Dropping beside him, I check his pulse by putting two fingers to his neck. An almighty roar escapes him, and he grabs me around the neck, his gun firmly jammed up under my chin.

  “Bags! Bags!” I yell, fearful that he’ll pull the trigger.

  “Fuck you!”


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