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The Old English Baron: a Gothic Story

Page 27

by Clara Reeve

myinfluence reaches, of the Baron."

  He was silent. Edmund assured them of his constant prayers for theirhappiness.

  Soon after, the commissioners, with Edmund, set out for Lovel Castle;and the following day the Lord Clifford set out for his own house, withBaron Fitz-Owen and his son. The nominal Baron was carried with them,very much against his will. Sir Philip Harclay was invited to go withthem by Lord Clifford, who declared his presence necessary to bringthings to a conclusion. They all joined in acknowledging theirobligations to Lord Graham's generous hospitality, and besought him toaccompany them. At length he consented, on condition they would allowhim to go to and fro, as his duty should call him.

  Lord Clifford received them with the greatest hospitality, and presentedthem to his lady, and three daughters, who were in the bloom of youthand beauty. They spent their time very pleasantly, excepting thecriminal, who continued gloomy and reserved, and declined company.

  In the mean time, the commissioners proceeded on their journey. Whenthey were within a day's distance from the castle, Mr. William and hisservant put forward, and arrived several hours before the rest, to makepreparations for their reception. His sister and brother received themwith open arms, and enquired eagerly after the event of the journey tothe North. He gave them a brief account of every thing that had happenedto their uncle; adding, "But this is not all: Sir Philip Harclay hasbrought a young man who he pretends is the son of the late Lord Lovel,and claims his estate and title. This person is on his journey hither,with several others who are commissioned to enquire into certainparticulars, to confirm his pretensions. If he make good his claim, myfather will surrender the castle and estate into his hands. SirPhilip and my lord have many points to settle; and he has proposeda compromise, that you, my sister, ought to know, because it nearlyconcerns you."

  "Me! brother William; pray explain yourself."

  "Why, he proposes that, in lieu of arrears and other expectations, myfather shall give his dear Emma to the heir of Lovel, in full of alldemands."

  She changed colour.

  "Holy Mary!" said she; "and does my father agree to this proposal?"

  "He is not very averse to it; but Sir Robert refuses his consent.However, I have given him my interest with you."

  "Have you indeed? What! a stranger, perhaps an impostor, who comes toturn us out of our dwelling?"

  "Have patience, my Emma! see this young man without prejudice, andperhaps you will like him as well as I do."

  "I am surprised at you, William."

  "Dear Emma, I cannot bear to see you uneasy. Think of the man who of allothers you would with to see in a situation to ask you of your father,and expect to see your wishes realized."

  "Impossible!" said she.

  "Nothing is impossible, my dear; let us be prudent, and all will endhappily. You must help me to receive and entertain these commissioners.I expect a very solemn scene; but when that is once got over, happierhours than the past will succeed. We shall first visit the hauntedapartment; you, my sister, will keep in your own till I shall send foryou. I go now to give orders to the servants."

  He went and ordered them to be in waiting; and himself, and his youngestbrother, stood in readiness to receive them.

  The sound of the horn announced the arrival of the commissioners; atthe same instant a sudden gust of wind arose, and the outward gates flewopen. They entered the court-yard, and the great folding-doors into thehall were opened without any assistance. The moment Edmund entered thehall, every door in the house flew open; the servants all rushed intothe hall, and fear was written on their countenances; Joseph only wasundaunted. "These doors," said he, "open of their own accord to receivetheir master! this is he indeed!"

  Edmund was soon apprized of what had happened.

  "I accept the omen!" said he. "Gentlemen, let us go forward to theapartment! let us finish the work of fate! I will lead the way." He wenton to the apartment, followed by all present. "Open the shutters,"said he, "the daylight shall no longer be excluded here; the deeds ofdarkness shall now be brought to light."

  They descended the staircase; every door was open, till they came to thefatal closet. Edmund called to Mr. William: "Approach, my friend, andbehold the door your family overlooked!"

  They came forward; he drew the key out of his bosom, and unlocked thedoor; he made them observe that the boards were all loose; he thencalled to the servants, and bid them remove every thing out of thecloset. While they were doing this, Edmund shewed them the breastplateall stained with blood. He then called to Joseph:--

  "Do you know whose was this suit of armour?"

  "It was my Lord's," said Joseph; "the late Lord Lovel; I have seen himwear it."

  Edmund bade them bring shovels and remove the earth. While they weregone, he desired Oswald to repeat all that passed the night they satup together in that apartment, which he did till the servants returned.They threw out the earth, while the by-standers in solemn silence waitedthe event. After some time and labour they struck against something.They proceeded till they discovered a large trunk, which with somedifficulty they drew out. It had been corded round, but the cords wererotted to dust. They opened it, and found a skeleton which appeared tohave been tied neck and heels together, and forced into the trunk.

  "Behold," said Edmund, "the bones of him to whom I owe my birth!"

  The priest from Lord Graham's advanced. "This is undoubtedly the body ofthe Lord Lovel; I heard his kinsman confess the manner in which he wasinterred. Let this awful spectacle be a lesson to all present, thatthough wickedness may triumph for a season, a day of retribution willcome!"

  Oswald exclaimed. "Behold the day of retribution! of triumph to theinnocent, of shame and confusion to the wicked!"

  The young gentlemen declared that Edmund had made good his assertions.

  "What then," said they, "remains?"

  "I propose," said Lord Graham's priest, "that an account be writtenof this discovery, and signed by all the witnesses present; that anattested copy be left in the hands of this gentleman, and the originalbe sent to the Barons and Sir Philip Harclay, to convince them of thetruth of it."

  Mr. Clifford then desired Edmund to proceed in his own way.

  "The first thing I propose to do," said he, "is to have a coffin madefor these honoured remains. I trust to find the bones of my otherparent, and to inter them all together in consecrated ground.Unfortunate pair! you shall at last rest together! your son shall paythe last duties to your ashes!"

  He stopped to shed tears, and none present but paid this tribute totheir misfortunes. Edmund recovered his voice and proceeded.

  "My next request is, that Father Oswald and this reverend father, withwhoever else the gentlemen shall appoint, will send for Andrew andMargery Twyford, and examine them concerning the circumstances of mybirth, and the death and burial of my unfortunate mother."

  "It shall be done," said Mr. William; "but first let me intreat you tocome with me and take some refreshment after your journey, for you mustbe fatigued; after dinner we will proceed in the enquiry."

  They all followed him into the great hall, where they were entertainedwith great hospitality, and Mr. William did the honours in his father'sname. Edmund's heart was deeply affected, and the solemnity of hisdeportment bore witness to his sincerity; but it was a manly sorrow,that did not make him neglect his duty to his friends or himself. Heenquired after the health of the lady Emma.

  "She is well," said William, "and as much your friend as ever."

  Edmund bowed in silence.

  After dinner the commissioners sent for Andrew and his wife. Theyexamined them separately, and found their accounts agreed together,and were in substance the same as Oswald and Edmund had before related,separately also. The commissioners observed, that there could be nocollusion between them, and that the proofs were indisputable. They keptthe foster parents all night; and the next day Andrew directed them tothe place where the Lady Lovel was buried, between two trees which hehad marked for a memorial. They collected the bo
nes and carried themto the Castle, where Edmund caused a stately coffin to be made for theremains of the unfortunate pair. The two priests obtained leave to lookin the coffin buried in the church, and found nothing but stones andearth in it. The commissioners then declared they were fully satisfiedof the reality of Edmund's pretensions.

  The two priests were employed in drawing up a circumstantial account ofthese discoveries, in order to make their report to the Barons at theirreturn. In the mean time Mr. William took an opportunity to introduceEdmund to his sister.

  "My Emma," said he, "the heir of Lovel is desirous to pay his respectsto you."

  They were both in apparent confusion; but Edmund's wore off, and Emma'sincreased.

  "I have been long desirous," said he, "to pay my respects to the ladywhom I most honour, but unavoidable duties have detained me; when theseare fully paid, it is my wish to devote the remainder of my life to LadyEmma!"

  "Are you, then, the heir of Lovel?"

  "I am, madam; and am also the man in whose behalf I once presumed tospeak."

  "'Tis very strange indeed!"

  "It is so, madam, to myself; but time that reconciles us to all things,will, I hope, render this change in my situation familiar to you."

  William said, "You are both well acquainted with the wishes of my heart;but my advice is, that you do not encourage a farther intimacy till mylord's determination be fully known."

  "You may dispose of me as you please," said Edmund; "but I cannot helpdeclaring my wishes; yet I will submit to my Lord's sentence, though heshould doom me to despair."

  From this period, the young pair behaved with solemn respect to eachother, but with apparent reserve. The young lady sometimes appeared incompany, but oftener chose to be in her own apartment, where she beganto believe and hope for the completion of her wishes. The uncertainty ofthe Baron's determination, threw an air of anxiety over Edmund's face.His friend William, by the most tender care and attention, strove todispel his fears, and encourage his hopes; but he waited with impatiencefor the return of the commissioners, and the decision of his fate.

  While these things passed at the Castle of Lovel, the nominal Baronrecovered his health and strength at the house of Lord Clifford. Inthe same proportion he grew more and more shy and reserved, avoided thecompany of his brother and nephew, and was frequently shut up with histwo servants. Sir Robert Fitz-Owen made several attempts to gain hisconfidence, but in vain; he was equally shy to him as the rest.M. Zadisky observed his motions with the penetration for which hiscountrymen have been distinguished in all ages; he communicated hissuspicions to Sir Philip and the Barons, giving it as his opinion, thatthe criminal was meditating an escape. They asked, what he thought wasto be done? Zadisky offered to watch him in turn with another person,and to lie in wait for him; he also proposed, that horses should be keptin readiness, and men to mount them, without knowledge of the servicethey were to be employed in. The Barons agreed to leave the wholemanagement of this affair to Zadisky. He took his measures so well, thathe intercepted the three fugitives in the fields adjoining to the house,and brought them all back prisoner. They confined them separately, whilethe Lords and Gentlemen consulted how to dispose of them.

  Sir Philip applied to Lord Fitz-Owen, who begged leave to be silent."I have nothing," said he, "to offer in favour of this bad man; and Icannot propose harsher measures with so near a relation."

  Zadisky then begged to be heard.

  "You can no longer have any reliance upon the word of a man who hasforfeited all pretensions to honour and sincerity. I have long wished torevisit once more my native country, and to enquire after some verydear friends I left there. I will undertake to convey this man to avery distant part of the world, where it will be out of his power todo further mischief, and free his relations from an ungrateful charge,unless you should rather chuse to bring him to punishment here."

  Lord Clifford approved of the proposal; Lord Fitz-Owen remained silent,but shewed no marks of disapprobation.

  Sir Philip objected to parting with his friend; but Zadisky assured himhe had particular reasons for returning to the Holy Land, of which heshould be judge hereafter. Sir Philip desired the Lord Fitz-Owen to givehim his company to the criminal's apartment, saying, "We will have onemore conversation with him, and that shall decide his fate."

  They found him silent and sullen, and he refused to answer theirquestions.

  Sir Philip then bespoke him: "After the proofs you have given of yourfalsehood and insincerity, we can no longer have any reliance upon you,nor faith in your fulfilling the conditions of our agreement; I will,therefore, once more make you a proposal that shall still leave youindebted to our clemency. You shall banish yourself from England forever, and go in pilgrimage to the Holy Land, with such companions as weshall appoint; or, secondly, you shall enter directly into a monastery,and there be shut up for life; or, thirdly, if you refuse both theseoffers, I will go directly to court, throw myself at the feet of mySovereign, relate the whole story of your wicked life and actions, anddemand vengeance on your head. The King is too good and pious to letsuch villany go unpunished; he will bring you to public shame andpunishment; and be you assured, if I begin this prosecution, I willpursue it to the utmost. I appeal to your worthy brother for thejustice of my proceeding. I reason no more with you, I only declare myresolution. I wait your answer one hour, and the next I put in executionwhatever you shall oblige me to determine."

  So saying, they retired, and left him to reflect and to resolve. Atthe expiration of the hour they sent Zadisky to receive his answer;he insinuated to him the generosity and charity of Sir Philip and theLords, and the certainty of their resolutions, and begged him to takecare what answer he returned, for that his fate depended on it. Hekept silent several minutes, resentment and despair were painted on hisvisage. At length he spoke:--

  "Tell my proud enemies that I prefer banishment to death, infamy, or alife of solitude."

  "You have chosen well," said Zadisky. "To a wise man all countries arealike; it shall be my care to make mine agreeable to you."

  "Are you, then, the person chosen for my companion?"

  "I am, sir; and you may judge by that circumstance, that those whom youcall your enemies, are not so in effect. Farewell, sir--I go to preparefor our departure."

  Zadisky went and made his report, and then set immediately about hispreparations. He chose two active young men for his attendants; and gavethem directions to keep a strict eye upon their charge, for that theyshould be accountable if he should escape them.

  In the meantime the Baron Fitz-Owen had several conferences with hisbrother; he endeavoured to make him sensible of his crimes, and of thejustice and clemency of his conqueror; but he was moody and reservedto him as to the rest. Sir Philip Harclay obliged him to surrender hisworldly estates into the hands of Lord Fitz-Owen. A writing was drawnup for that purpose, and executed in the presence of them all. LordFitz-Owen engaged to allow him an annual sum, and to advance money forthe expences of his voyage. He spoke to him in the most affectionatemanner, but he refused his embrace.

  "You will have nothing to regret," said he, haughtily, "for the gain isyours."

  Sir Philip conjured Zadisky to return to him again, who answered:

  "I will either return, or give such reasons for my stay, as you shallapprove. I will send a messenger to acquaint you with my arrival inSyria, and with such other particulars as I shall judge interesting toyou and yours. In the meantime remember me in your prayers, and preservefor me those sentiments of friendship and esteem, that I have alwaysdeemed one of the chief honours and blessings of my life. Commend mylove and duty to your adopted son; he will more than supply my absence,and be the comfort of your old age. Adieu, best and noblest of friends!"

  They took a tender leave of each other, not without tears on both sides.

  The travellers set out directly for a distant seaport where they heardof a ship bound for the Levant, in which they embarked and proceeded ontheir voyage.

  The Comm
issioners arrived at Lord Clifford's a few days after thedeparture of the adventurers. They gave a minute account of theircommission, and expressed themselves entirely satisfied of the justiceof Edmund's pretensions; they gave an account in writing of all thatthey had been eyewitnesses to, and ventured to urge the Baron Fitz-Owenon the subject of Edmund's wishes. The Baron was already disposed in hisfavour; his mind was employed in the future establishment of his family.During their residence at Lord Clifford's, his eldest son Sir Robert hadcast his eye upon the eldest daughter of that nobleman, and he besoughthis father to ask her in marriage for him. The Baron was pleased withthe alliance, and took the first opportunity to mention it to LordClifford; who answered him, pleasantly:

  "I will give my daughter to your son, upon condition that you will giveyours to the Heir of Lovel." The Baron looked serious; Lord Cliffordwent on:

  "I like that young man so well, that I would accept him for ason-in-law, if he asked me for my daughter; and if I have any influencewith you, I will use it in his behalf."

  "A powerful solicitor indeed!" said the Baron; "but you know my eldestson's reluctance to it; if he consents, so will I."

  "He shall consent," said Lord Clifford, "or he shall have no daughterof mine. Let him subdue his prejudices, and then I will lay aside myscruples."

  "But, my Lord," replied the Baron, "if I can obtain his free consent,it will be the best for all; I will try once more, and if he will not, Iwill leave it wholly to your

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