Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 2

by Cora A. Murray

  Running to the truck, I jump in just as Blu opens the door. "Zombies are nearby. We need to find another place to get fuel. The scent of fresh blood is driving them into the open." I say as we peel out. I hear soft sniffles coming from the backseat, looking into the review mirror I see the tear stains on Tessa's cheeks. I'm going to have to toughen these kids up, just as my dad did for me.

  Food and gas are now our utmost priority. Keeping a close watch as we head down the road, I know I’m quiet, but all I've had was myself for two years. Just me with my thoughts.

  "Mak?" Blu asks from beside me.

  "Hmm." I respond.

  "Thanks." He says as he flips his shaggy blond hair to the side.

  "You're welcome. As soon as we find a safe place for a couple days, you're all going to get some training on guns. In today's world you need it just in case we get separated." I respond.

  Traveling onward, we reach a small town on the outskirts of Missouri. It looks relatively safe. I drive through once, but know I don't have the gas to keep going. Pulling into the driveway of a small, brick house, I look around for any signs of danger. Two cars sit in the driveway and I hope syphoning gas from them won't be any problem.

  "Stay with the truck. Blu, get in the driver’s seat and take off at the first sign of danger.” I say, giving them all my Dad's serious face.

  "Mak, I can help. Let Gage do it and I can cover you." Blu says from the seat beside me.

  Turning I look into the frightened eyes of fourteen-year-old Gage, he isn't ready for that kind of responsibility yet, but if I have anything to do with it, he will grow up quickly out here.

  "Compromise, you stay with the truck, gun in hand, ready if I need you. Gage and Tessa can't survive in this world without someone looking after them so I'm not chancing something happening to both of us." I say with an easy grin, trying my best to appease them all.

  Running a hand through his hair, Blu just stares at me for a second before responding, "Fine, fine, but you're a damn hard headed woman."

  Smiling, I lean into the side of the truck. "That's the best compliment I've received in two years."

  Walking toward the small house, I decide to walk in a circle around it first, making sure to check far and wide for any movement. When I see none, I tighten the circle, my sawed off shotgun in my hand, at the ready for when it is needed. I cut my eyes quickly to the truck, the kids are tucked safely inside. I can feel Blu's eyes as he scans the area for dangers. I reach the front door and try the knob, it is locked and I’m not sure if that is a good or a bad sign.

  Using the butt of my shotgun, I shatter the door’s window pane. I often feel bad breaking into homes, but not today, these kids need nourishment. I unlock the door slowly, not sure what awaits me inside. Nothing moves as I slide the door open gently. I've been on my own so long I am attuned to the silence that greets me from within the home. Going from room to room, looking under beds and in closets, I find nothing until I enter the master bathroom.

  What greets me there will sadden my heart for as long as I live. Lying in the tub are three bodies; two small children and what looks to be an adult. They are all cuddled together and after two years there is nothing but their precious bones left. A lone tear escapes from my eye, but I quickly wipe it away. This world is too harsh for tears. Straightening my spine, I turn to go in search for a shovel. They will have a proper burial.

  Chapter Three

  The small mound of dirt behind the house will always remain in my memory. The way they had cuddled together in that bathtub is the way I'd buried them. The grave wasn't deep, but it was all I could scratch up from this dry place. Thinking back over the years, I didn't believe it had so much as rained once since the day the earth opened up and let loose the virus and strains of bacteria never seen before. People died off. Animals and plant life died. Parts of the earth rose up, breaking off land masses, leaving the land in destruction. Some parts just opened wide, leaving gaping holes in the surface the size of the Grand Canyon. Shaking myself, I leave my thoughts behind. Turning, I head back to the front of the house.

  Waving for the kids to come out of the truck, I say "Go on inside, there's nothing in there that will bother you. Look for supplies while I try to find a garden hose and a gas can."

  "On it." Blu says while holding my Glock close to his thigh. Each one files inside, just as the sun starts to shoot its final rays of the day across the small house.

  Looking around, I know this will have to do for the night. Blu and I will have to take turns on guard duty. Turning to the old shack where I found the shovel earlier, I search for a hose and gas can. Sometime later I walk out of the shack with a few usable supplies; a dirty gas can that will hold five gallons of gas, a garden hose that will work wonderfully as a syphon, an old pitch fork that can be used as a weapon and some oil for the truck.

  Walking toward the truck, I realize it's gone dark on me and in the distance I can hear the first moans of the night. Racing to the truck I jump in and pull it behind the house at the closest door in case we need a fast getaway. Damn, I think, I didn't get a chance to syphon the gas. I know we are on empty now, the red light had been on for five miles. Finding this house, and the two cars out front, I had hoped was a good sign.

  Walking in the door, I see that the kids have gotten what few supplies they can muster together. On the floor is a pile of blankets and clothes and the table holds four cans of corn, a can of some kind of soup and three cans of tuna. "Any water?" I ask.

  "We've checked everywhere, Mak, and we only found what you see. There's clothes for you and Tessa, blankets and the small amount of food you see." Blu says.

  "Ok, we'll just have to make do with what we have. I'm not a fan of tuna, but after two years a meal of tuna and corn sounds good." I laugh. "We need to get the house ready. We don't want any unexpected guests during the night." I say trying to be calm for the young ones. Tessa moves closer to Blu and Gage as I am talking.

  Two hours later, the house is as secure as we can get it. We decide to sleep by the back door, as close to the truck as possible. The couch sits in front of the front door and the windows were covered with the drapes blocking out the light from our single burning candle. After the small dinner that will sustain us for a day or two, we all huddle together next to the door. I take the first watch letting Blu, Gage and Tessa rest up.

  "Mak?" I hear Tessa ask softly.

  "Yeah, Tessa?" I answer, looking in her direction. She is lying propped up between her brothers, both having already succumbed to sleep.

  "Mak, will we be ok in here?" She asks.

  Standing, I start a perimeter walk. I've stayed in places like this before and usually they are fine, but there have been times I felt trapped and scared as the night wore on. Sometimes though I ended up having to run, shooting zombies as I raced into the night. The candle flickers and I look at the young girl. I know she is truly frightened. Calmly I answer her question, "We'll be fine here tonight, now go to sleep. I'll be keeping watch."

  Wiping a hand across my brow, I am tired, but don't want to wake Blu yet. He needs his sleep. Besides, I am used to only sleeping here and there. The crashing of a window breaks me from my thoughts. Jumping from my resting place by the door, I wake each child quickly. Tessa opens her mouth to scream as the first zombie comes into view. Holding my hand over her mouth, I draw my katana from my belt and shake my head at her. Not wanting to attract more zombies, we'd have to do this quietly.

  Handing my Glock to Blu, I tell him quickly, "Only use it if they get past me, understand?"

  His big blue eyes shine back at me, fright making them huge. "Got it." He says while his eyes beg me to kill them all.

  The moaning is getting louder as three zombies walk into the kitchen. I run full force at them, my katana connecting and cutting a head from the first one’s body. The body falls to the floor, his nasty brown blood spilling out into a puddle. The second comes at me, trying to reach and claw my arms. One scratch and I know I'll contract the vir
us. What is left of his teeth are rotten and barely hanging in his gums, but they are snapping furiously, hoping to come in contact with skin. I slice the head clean off his body, while his arms keep trying to grab at me. My deadly katana making quick work of all three in turn.

  "Mak, watch out!" I hear Blu scream just as I'm yanked off my feet by a fourth zombie. Falling flat on my back, the zombie falls on top of me, clawing, trying to get a better hold so it can sink his teeth into my flesh. I use everything in my arsenal, and Dad taught me how to defend myself well. My elbow flies into his nose, spilling out his pus-ridden blood over my face and neck. Next I push my fingers into his eye sockets, they are so rotten, they sunk in completely and I can feel the mush of his brains behind the eyeballs. Grossed out was definitely the perfect words for how I feel, but at least the zombie fell over, dead.

  Looking around quickly, I see all is quiet. No more zombies enter the room. Jerking up the edge of one of the blankets, I wipe the gore off my face and neck. I see the kids staring at me with gigantic eyes. Holding up a steady hand I tell them, "I'm ok, don't be afraid."

  Tessa stares back at me with fear written across her face. Jumping from the floor, I grab my katana and shotgun and walk across the room. I start the search of the house and after going room to room, I am assured there were no more zombies within. When I reenter the living room I notice the shattered glass of the big window and know that we won't be able to stay here the rest of the night. It is too easy for more to come inside.

  I walk back into the room where the kids all sit huddled together by the kitchen table and realize I should stop referring to Blu as a kid, he is almost as old as me. "Get all the blankets and what supplies there are together, we can't stay here any longer tonight."

  "But, isn't it safer in here than out there with the zombies roaming around?" Blu asks.

  Running a hand through my tangled ponytail, I am faced with walking out to the truck with possible dangers just waiting for us or we could stay inside, with eyes on the open window. I don't want us to get overrun as I have very little ammo left. "I'm used to making my own decisions. I'm not sure how to handle these situations any other way." I say as I cast my eyes around the room. The candle is down to the last flicker and the shadows are closing in on us. "We either move now or watch that damn window all night." I state, giving them no quarter to change their minds.

  Chapter Four

  Just as I finish my sentence a loud bang sounds from outside. Edging closer to the backdoor I look out to see where the truck is parked. There are three flesh eaters stumbling around, their moans getting louder as they smell us behind the door. A shiver races down my spine as I wonder how I am going to get these kids out safely. Handing my Glock to Blu, I reach once again for my trusty katana. Whispering I say, "Use that only if it becomes necessary."

  Holding a finger over my lips, I look at the door. The window is high enough up that the zombies can't get in, but it is big enough to fit through. "You watch the broken window; I'm going to go deal with the ones outside." I say quietly.

  Tessa jumps up from her chair, runs to me and throws her arms around my waist, "Please don't go out there. Stay here with us. Please."

  Bending down, I run a hand through her blonde locks before I say, "Tessa, look at me. I can handle what's outside with no problems. What I can't handle is if one of you three get hurt on my watch. Now go over and sit beside your brothers and let me deal with the three or four that are wandering around outside before they find their way in here with us."

  Letting go of my waist, she walks toward Gage, but turns around and says, "Please be careful out there, Mak."

  Pulling the truck keys from my pocket I lay them on the table along with my shotgun. "If I'm not back within thirty minutes, wait for first light and get the hell out of here. Get what supplies you can, including the gas and leave. Do y'all understand me?"

  I look to Blu and Gage, both nod. "I'll keep guard by the door, Gage can watch for movement from the front window." Blu says as he moves closer to the door.

  I'm not liking any of this, from leaving them alone to walking out in the night with just my katana and my Glock trained on my back. "Fine, but remember to stay as still and silent as you can. Do not use the guns unless you have to." I say while grabbing a chair. I'll need it to get out the taller window.

  The moans from outside are gradually getting louder and I know within minutes we'll have a real problem as the sounds would draw in every zombie from the area. Looking out the window, I notice there are now a total of six wandering around by the backdoor and the truck. Damn, I wish I had of gotten the gas earlier, I think to myself. They smell the fresh meat from behind the door, just as the previous four did when they broke the window to get in. The situation is getting deadlier as the minutes tick by.

  Crawling through the small window pane, I look out on the yard. I can see the sun trying to come up, the sky lightening, softly in the distance. Can we hold them off until the sun comes up, or is that just wishful thinking on my part? I’m not sure, but I know I have to do something, or they will soon get inside with Blu and the kids.

  Sliding through the window as quietly as possible, I land near where two zombies stand moaning with their hands on the door. One swings back, landing a fist down on the wood. It rattles and shakes, but thank God, doesn't give way. Pulling my katana out, I swing, slicing the head from one. The other continues to beat at the door until he lifts his head and takes in my scent. Turning, he moans with his hands reaching greedily for my flesh. My katana makes quick work of his hands as they are sliced clean off, shooting out the brown pus-filled blood.

  The four other zombies turn, facing me now. I hone in on my training, swinging my blade from side to side. My Dad never wasted precious time with me, it’d been all about survival of the fittest. Now I thank God for his relentlessness.

  Another zombie falls at my side. I don't hear the shot, but I know immediately Blu just saved me from a bite. Twirling my katana to the side, I behead a zombie as another races toward me, leaving me only moments to go into action. My katana slices through his middle, leaving his legs twitching and his teeth still chattering, trying to get in a bite. Another shot rents the air and down goes another zombie, it's body falling across my legs, I am trapped. Shots ring out and I see Blu standing in the open doorway, shooting anything that moves. The other two zombies fall, holes in the head of each.

  The sun is beginning to stretch its rays up from the earth, lighting everything in its path. Looking around from my position on the ground I see zombies scattering for cover. The weight from the zombie is lifted from my legs as Blu throws it to the side. He really has grown up overnight. I don't view him as a kid anymore, I look at him as if he was someone who can aid in the day to day responsibilities of looking out for his sister and brother.

  Chapter Five

  Standing just inside the door, I see Tessa with a death grip on Gage, fright clearly evident in both their eyes. They will have to do a lot of growing up as we make this journey together.

  Blu reaches a hand down, offering to help me up. "Thanks for those saves." I say.

  Tilting his head slightly he says, "You're welcome. I couldn't let you become zombie food, now could I?" He laughs as he turns to head back inside. Just as he reaches the backdoor a brave zombie crawls from under the house, grabbing for Blu's neck. Before he can take a bite, Gage raises the shotgun, blowing its head clean off. Brown blood and brain matter are thrown across the yard, covering both Blu and I in it's disease-ridden nastiness.

  Looking at the doorway both Tessa and Gage wear shocked expressions.

  "Bring me something to clean this off with. Blu, come wipe your face and please tell me your mouth and eyes were shut.”

  "They were. I think. I tried to turn my back, but it happened so fast." He says with a deep frown on his young face.

  Gage, with Tessa hanging onto his arm, walks outside with the same soiled blanket from before. Using my katana I rip it into pieces, handing some to B
lu as I clean myself up. The last thing we need is for one of us to contract the zombie virus!

  Hours later we are all settled in the truck with our merger supplies rolled up in the back. I'd been able to syphon enough gas to fill the tank, which surprised the hell out of me, but I knew it wouldn't last long. My Glock rests in my lap, the last three bullets loaded. We need to find some more supplies and fast. My eyes keep casting to Blu, I am ever watchful for any signs that he or I were changing. So far we are both fine, but I know it takes a couple days for the change to complete. The first sign is a high fever, the second is becoming almost unresponsive, and the third is dying and awakening as a flesh eater. So far both Blu and I seem ok, but who knows what the next few hours will bring.

  Pulling to the side of the road, I get out to stretch. No sleep for two days is wearing me thin, but I know I have deep responsibilities now. Blu, Gage and Tessa have slept as the miles went by and I'd been left with only my thoughts to keep me company. The carnage of the earth is visible everywhere along the way. Avoiding the sinkholes, wrecks, and cars abandoned on the sides of the road; it’s taking us much longer to reach a safe resting place for the night. I know I have to get a few hours of sleep or I'll be no good to anyone. Resting my head on the steering wheel, I think I just need a moment of sleep.


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