Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 3

by Cora A. Murray

  I awake a while later to complete darkness, Tessa is mumbling, "They are out there. We need to leave."

  That's when I hear the moans and their distinct movement. Sliding the key into the ignition, the truck roars to life just as a zombie's face presses against the glass. Blu and Gage awaken as we take off into the night, running over zombies where they stand in the road, the crunch of bone sounding under the tires.

  Glancing in the mirror I see three frightened faces, all looking at me for answers. "I'm so sorry, I needed to rest my eyes for a few. I didn't think I'd sleep the day away." I say throwing a hand against my head. Damn what an idiot, I should have woken Blu to watch over us, I just couldn't stay awake one more second.

  "Mak, it's ok. We're ok. You got us out of there in time." Blu says as he reaches out to pat my back. The young man I met just two days ago has grown into a man overnight and he is ready to help me take on what struggles we will have to face.

  The truck speeds through the night as the eyes of zombies glow from the distance. As long as we stay on the road, the truck between them and us, we'll make it through this night.

  Reaching the outskirts of a small town just before sun up, we drive the streets slowly, looking in windows and doors. The gun shop on the corner calls out to me. I know we need ammo, and maybe a few extra guns. I will need them when we find somewhere safe to train as well. These three are about to get lessons in the same style as my dad taught me.

  When the sun starts to light the sky, I pull over. I know we all need to eat and take care of some business. The night before, everyone kept to their own thoughts, one as frightened as the other. Jumping down from the truck, I scramble to the back, pulling out what meager supplies we have left, a can of tuna and a can of corn. The liquid would do each of us some good. Finding food, ammo and water were at the top of my list, gas for the black beast we rode in next.

  After we finish what is left of the food we all get back in the truck. "There's cars parked at the houses up and down the street and we need gas to keep this thing going. I also want to check for supplies in each house before the sun sets." I say as I hand the Glock to Blu.

  "I'm coming with you. I don't think we should separate." He says as he lifts the gun from his lap.

  Exhaustion is a constant every day and I know I can't give in to it or we'll all end up dead or worse; a zombie.

  Pulling up to the first house, I keep us in the direct sunlight. I know zombies aren't the only dangers around, but I want to keep these three as safe as possible. Opening the truck door, I look at the frightened eyes of Tessa. I want to assure her it will all be ok, but in today's world there is no ok, or assurances.

  Blu, opens his door slowly, his hand resting on the Glock. I know the three bullets within won't afford us much protection, but I hope they will at least get them back to the truck. Hand on my katana, I go to the house’s side door, all is silent. Trying the knob, I find it to be locked. It isn't unusual to find houses locked tight, most left when the earth erupted beneath them. Raising the butt of my katana, I am going to break the window, so I can unlock the door.

  "Hold it. Back the hell away and leave the way you came." An older man says from the other side of the door with a double barrel shotgun pointed between my eyes.

  Taking a step back, I reach for Tessa's hand, pulling her and the boys behind me. Holding up a hand, I say, "We're leaving."

  "Don't stick around in town either. We're decent, God-fearing folks around here." He says.

  The truck roars to life beneath us, reversing fast we squeal out of town, not looking back. I hear Gage assuring Tessa that we are going to be ok from the backseat. Blu's eyes never waver from his sister or brother's faces. "It's going to be ok, Tessa, just breathe." He says lightly.

  Lifting her blue eyes, she looks to each of us. "We're not going to make it, are we?"

  Running a hand through his shaggy hair Blu, seemingly irritated, says, "Hell yes we are. As long as we have each other we can do this. We will survive!"

  The day passes as we race on, looking to see if we can get a good opportunity to find supplies. Everything we pass either looks cleaned out or just too scary for a small child to walk into. The truck’s tank is nearing empty when we happen upon a farmhouse tucked in the middle of acres of dried farmland. The stalks of dried, withered corn stand where they had been abandoned in the fields when the virus struck. The eeriness of this place doesn't escape my notice as we pull into the long, lonely drive. I am reminded of long ago horror movies I used to watch and a shiver races down my spine, but we are out of options. This is as far as the truck is going until we find gas.

  Bracing myself for what we will find in the house, I have my katana already in my hand as I glance sharply around the yard, but see no sign of movement. There are tractors and all kinds of heavy machinery in the fields and I remember that some tractors run off of gas so maybe that's where we can get our fuel.

  The old, two story house rises above us. With its peeling paint, it is very spooky. "Mak, this place is majorly creepy. Let's get what we need and get the hell out of here." Blu says from my side.

  I can't agree more, but I know we all need some rest, food, and water. I hope this place will offer all those and more. Tessa is glued tightly to her brothers’ legs and Gage stands at the ready, shotgun cocked and loaded. I know our ammunition is getting low and we will have to find some asap.

  Walking up to the house as a unit, each taking a step together isn't ideal, but everyone is frightened of the old place. I want to do a perimeter check before entering the house, but don't want to leave them standing around out front. "Blu, Gage, and Tessa, I need to check the surroundings out before going inside. I would feel better if you three stayed in the locked truck while I check things out." I say looking at the three of them.

  "Not happening today. Besides, what can the truck offer us for protection when it’s out of gas?" Gage asks.

  "He's right, Makayla. We stick together on this one." Blu chimes in.

  "Ok, ok, but you all have to do as I say." I cast my eyes around the yard. It is definitely deserted or we would have been pounced on by now. Damn I am losing my edge around these kids and that's dangerous. We all could end up dead if I don’t pull it together.

  Chapter Six

  As I had previously thought, after a thorough inspection, the land and all the outbuildings are deserted. The house looming above us is the only place left to check. We found a couple full gas cans in what appeared to be the mechanic’s building and after checking for dangers, we filled the truck with the few gallons of gas. I knew it wouldn't get us far, but at least we weren’t stuck here any longer. I would try siphoning the tractors after checking the house.

  Gage and Tessa are now sitting in the truck. I'd demanded they stay inside the locked truck; it is running just in case we need a fast getaway. Blu stands by the front porch steps, I will go inside alone, a fact that none of the kids are happy about.

  "Mak?" Blu asked.

  "Yeah." I answer.

  "At least take one of the guns." Blu says looking determined.

  "No, you may need them if something happens to me. Besides I have my trusty katana and she hasn't failed me yet." I say as I try the knob. The door slides open soundlessly.

  Moving into a huge living room I find cobwebs covering everything from the ceiling fan down to the couches. Moving onward, I step into a bright kitchen. All the windows are uncovered and the sun’s rays are shining inside. I don't have time to check the cupboards yet, because this is just a check to make sure no one is here.

  "Mak, are you ok in there?" I hear Blu ask.

  "Shhhh! Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, being as quiet as possible. Moving onward I come in contact with a tall sweeping staircase and several rooms, each with the door ajar, letting the sunlight spill into the hallway. After checking each room, I gradually move up the stairs, katana braced out in front.

  After I check every room, closet, and under the beds and know the house is completely empty, I
stand on the upper balcony and shout down to the others. "Blu, all’s clear. Y’all come on in."

  Running back down the stairs, I check the cupboards and I am happy to find cans of vegetables lining each one. A smile lights up my face as I think that the people who lived here must have left in a hurry, or succumbed to the virus. Either way, at least we won't go hungry for awhile and the water packed inside the cans would sustain our thirst. Pulling a knife from one of the drawers, I start opening cans, grabbing one for each of us. Everyone is all smiles. Finally, something good is happening for us.

  I leave Blu, Gage and Tessa to pack up the contents of the kitchen as I go on a search for ammo, and possibly more guns. In the cobweb-covered living room, by the fireplace, sits two gun cabinets. It appears the guns and ammo are all still safely tucked inside. Finally, I think, God is smiling on us. That's when I look outside to see that dusk is just settling in and four sets of eyes are staring into the room. Their skin so rotten it’s hanging from their bones and brown blood is dripping from every orifice on their wilting bodies. I know, without a single doubt, these are the home owners.

  Rapidly, I unload the guns from the gun cases, taking all the ammo. Seven new guns with ammo to boot is an awesome find. But the four zombies staring hungrily at me from the window, um...yeah, not so great. I know I could end it fast by putting a bullet between their eyes, but I don't want the sounds to draw in more.

  "Blu, Gage, Tessa, hurry up and gather the food, we have company and they appear hungry." I don't want to startle the kids out of their minds, but I do want to rush them a little.

  The moans from the four zombies start getting louder as the minutes tick by. Wrapping my hand around the hilt of my katana, I slowly open the door. The hungry guests see me and turn, hands reaching out to grab at whatever they can. I swing my katana at the first set of groping hands, slicing the arm off just above the elbow. Her foul smelling blood spurts out, covering the porch as she walks closer. The three others walk on top of the first as fast as they can to get to my flesh. Their teeth snapping in their sunken faces, eyes barely hanging in the sockets. These zombies are literally on their last leg.

  I've never felt sorry for a zombie before, but these make me feel that way. Plus, I wonder if the rumors about them dying off are true. I recover quickly when a small female reaches out, snagging my arms with her rotting hand. Her nails grazing my skin, but before she can get a better hold I jerk away, cutting her arms off her body. They move about on the porch for a couple seconds before falling still.

  Twirling my katana, I slice one’s head off above the ear, the mush of brains falling on my shoe. I want to be grossed out for just a second, but know I am fighting for our lives here. I make quick work of the three remaining, leaving the gore to dry and burn in the sunlight of tomorrow.

  A little while later the canned goods, ammo and guns are all packed up tight in the truck. I know we need more fuel, but going into the fields at night is deadly. After pulling the truck around back, not wanting anyone seeing it during the night, we gather together in the kitchen. My Glock, shotgun and a couple new handguns at the ready.

  "Blu and Gage, let's push the fridge in front of the backdoor, then we can push the couches in front of all the other doors." I say, gesturing to each of them.

  The night passes slowly with Blu, Gage and I taking two-hour guard duties. By the time the first rays of the early morning sun touches the sky we are all exhausted. Tessa, having slept fitfully during the night, is just as tired as me and the boys are. I am too keyed up to start the boys’ lessons in survival to sleep any more though. The old farmhouse and land will sustain us for a day or two at least. It may be creepy as hell, but it will afford us food and shelter from the night, and maybe even some much needed rest.

  On my quick search the day before, I found that mechanic’s building and today that will be the first place I look today. We need gas and, at least, another gas can.

  Gathering up our blankets, I fold and tuck them beside the door before I grab up one of the pistols, a few bullets and my katana and I walk to the door. "Blu, help me slide the fridge out of the way. It's time to start our search for more supplies. Then later we'll start your survival training!" I say as I grip the side of the fridge. "Tessa, Gage check the house for clothes, and any other supplies we may need; from suitcases to water containers. We may come across some water sooner or later." I say on a rush as I walk out the door.

  Chapter Seven

  Survival training is in full gear by the time noon rolls around. Before we got started, I'd syphoned off enough gas to fill the truck and have two extra gas cans in the back. There is more gas out there, but we can't find anything to store it in.

  "Gage, aim to the right of your target, the site is off slightly. Tessa, boot to stalk’s middle and use more force." They all glance my way as I speak and I see the sweat pouring off their young faces. "Ok, let's call it a good day and get out of this sun." I say while wiping my brow.

  I know we only have a few short weeks left before winter sets in, and finding shelter from the winter storms is a must. For the past two winters I survived by the skin of my teeth, freezing and very hungry. I learned to live off little to nothing. Losing all the animals when the Earth dried up and died made it so much harder on what was left of mankind.

  I glance up to see Blu studying my profile. "Mak?" He asks.

  "Yeah." I reply simply.

  "We're in this together now. We can make it if we lean on each other." He says looking at me so seriously. I always forget he's almost my age.

  "When do you turn eighteen, Blu?" I ask.

  "What, I'm not even eighteen yet? Damn I feel like I've lived a hundred years in just the last few days." He says as a joke. I know I can count on him to help us survive. He's turned into a man in front of my eyes.

  A scream shakes me from my thoughts and I run around the house; pistol raised, ready for battle. That's when I see the five men gathered around Gage and Tessa. Damn, there goes my thoughts of this house being safe. The men's dirty hands roam over Tessa's young body as they jerk her back and forth between them, always keeping Gage in front of them.

  One snakes out a hand, patting Gage on the cheek, "Well, aren't you a pretty boy. We're having fresh meat tonight." They all laugh at the man's crude joke. Tears stream down Tessa's face and I want to reach out and snatch both her and Gage from them then shoot all their privates off. Raising my gun, I aim first at one then the other. I know I can only get in a shot or two, but Gage is in the way.

  "Take me instead. Let the kids go." I yell out as the air leaves my lungs in a big breath.

  "We'll take you, too, but we're not letting anyone go." The leader says, showing me a mouth full of rotten teeth as he smiles. My shot rings out true, hitting him straight between the eyes when he steps around Gage. I guess they weren’t expecting a girl to kill them.

  The remaining four look on, unnerved, after I shot one of their comrades. "Hand the gun over or the boy and girl will die." One says as spittle runs down his face.

  I know Blu is standing behind me when I hear the fierce growl escape him. "Duck, Tessa, Gage."

  The men holding Tessa and Gage drop, both dead from a shot between the eyes. Only two left. After the kids run behind Blu, they start to run off, but I give them no quarter, shooting them in the back of the head as they run. The whimpering and sobbing of both Tessa and Gage draws my attention. Wrapping my arms around my small family unit, I am bound and determined nothing will ever happen to them. Even if I have to lay my life down to keep them safe.

  This place is no longer safe so I direct everyone to start loading the truck, our supplies now growing thanks to this house we once thought of as creepy. "Are you guys ready?" I ask walking toward the truck.

  In unison, they all answer, "Yes."

  Climbing in the driver’s seat, my mind switches to Clara and Beth. I hope they are both still alive. I'm coming bestie, it's just taking me awhile to get there. I know Clara would never give up hope of me f
inding them. She knows I have the survival training to kick ass across this big country and get to her side, but now I have others I am watching out for and it makes the trip harder. Am I glad I came across these three when I did? Hell yeah. I’m not alone anymore, but the extra responsibilities are wearing me out.


  Pulling the truck to the side of the road, I glance up to see the Welcome to Kansas sign. I need a break from driving. We'd been on the road for two days and I've barely had any sleep, letting Blu drive only when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Even then I made Gage stay awake and armed, just in case. As of yet we haven’t come across anyone, and I am hoping it stays that way. I know we have to keep driving, stopping only long enough to stretch our legs for a few minutes at a time.


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