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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

Page 13

by Cora A. Murray

  After laying there for a few minutes, I feel myself being lifted and carried against a strong chest. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I know whose arms I am being held in. Whose chest I am resting against. It is the man I love. The man I can no longer have hopes of any kind of future with. Even if my future looks bleak, he makes it brighter by being in my life.

  Laughing at myself, I wonder what my dad would think of the mess I am now. I know he'd tell me to toughen up, that I wasn't a wussy girl and to get back on your feet girl, lead these people like I taught you, snap to it. I can hear him so clearly in my mind and I wish he was here safe with me. Those are my last thoughts before I fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Waking some time later, I hear arguing coming from one of the front room. Jerking up from the bed, I run a hand through my hair before walking out of the bedroom and straight into the stony faces of Blu, Clara, and Lainey. Gage, Tessa and Ricky are standing off to the side; silent tears are running down both Ricky and Tessa's young faces.

  "What's going on?" I ask, worried.

  "Logan is leaving. He thinks we'll all be safer without him here and he thinks your broken heart will heal faster as well." Lainey stutters out.

  "I swear he's gone loco if he thinks we're letting him just leave, right Mak?" Gage asks.

  Shaking my head, I walk outside looking for Logan. He's standing beside the lab, watching a freshie as it walks out in the open. It must have just been turned. It is much fresher than what we are used to seeing.

  "Logan we need to talk." I say, interrupting his thoughts.

  He turns my way slightly, his eyes flashing copper. "Aren't they fascinating? All they crave is food. Too bad their food is human flesh." He is talking to me, but his eyes are still on the zombie wandering aimlessly in the fields behind the house.

  Logan starts to walk across the empty field to the freshie and I shout out, "Logan, what the hell are you doing?"

  "A little experiment that's all, babe." He laughs.

  I watch, perplexed, as the freshie stares Logan down with its dead eyes, but never lunges for him. It’s almost as if it recognizes some sort of kinship in Logan. "Pretty cool. I wonder if they can be helped at this stage?" He asks absently.

  When the freshie notices me it starts ambling my way, faster than the rotten decayed zombies. Lifting my gun, I click the safety off, but before I can pull the trigger Logan is there, disconnecting the zombie’s head from his body. I'm stunned by Logan's grotesque display, my finger still on the trigger of the gun, still aimed for the zombie that no longer exists.

  "You can put that away now." Logan says, lowering my hand. "Come on, let's get you inside." He adds and starts pulling me along behind him.

  "How did you control yourself around the freshie’s newer blood and flesh?" I ask once I shake myself from the stupor I'd been in.

  "It wasn't as fresh as you think. It was on the verge of turning into the other kind." He tells me, still holding onto my hand. "Makayla, I love you, but as long as I'm around you and the others are in danger. I have it somewhat under control, but I still have these urges. I'll be leaving in the morning and I need you to take care of Lainey and Ricky for me." He tells me as he paces the room. "I'll walk out on foot. You'll need the Land Rover with there being seven of you now." Running a finger down my cheek, he lifts my chin, leaning in he kisses my forehead. "I love you, babe. Take care of yourself."

  He turns to walk away, but I stop him. "Hold up, this conversation isn't over. It’s time for you to sit down and listen!" I demand.

  Holding up his hands in surrender, he sits then buries his face in his hands. "Mak, whatever you have to say I've already thought about a hundred times, but go ahead.”

  Sitting down beside him, I draw his hands into my lap. "Logan, I only have one argument against you leaving; I won't let you. I need you here." When he shakes his head I stand and throw my hands over head, beyond frustrated with the man sitting in front of me. "You already made up your mind to leave and it appears nothing I say will change it so whatever!" I say before turning and slamming out of the room. His laughter follows me outside.

  After the anger finally flees my body, I slump down, sitting on the dry desolate ground and let the tears wash my face as sobs rack my body. I hate this side of me. I can hear my Dad now; get up Mak. Show this world what my girl is made of. Get up now. Go. Shaking myself off I gradually get up and wipe the tear stains from my face. I throw my shoulders back, hold my head high and walk back inside.

  "Do whatever the fuck you want, Logan." I say as I pass the living room.

  The next morning, after a long sleepless night, I jump out of bed. A shower and a cup of coffee sounds really good. Grabbing some clean clothes, I head for one of the two bathrooms.

  Standing in the hallway with tears cascading down her face, Lainey is leaning into Blu for support and his hands are caressing her back. "Oops, excuse me." I say, backing up.

  "Mak, he's gone. He walked out into the morning an hour ago." Lainey says on a sob.

  "What? No, no, I never thought he would really leave." Throwing the clothes in my hand to the floor, I race for the door. I'd thought I could change his mind. I'd thought being strong and throwing it back in his face would keep him here. Oh my God, I'd been so wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The next few days pass quickly. They soon turn into weeks, then months and still, there was no sign of Logan. On the up side, we didn't see many freshies or zombies much anymore either.

  Somewhere along the line, Lainey and Blu have started a relationship and they are all smiles around each other. Always touching and yucky sweet.

  "Hey, what are you thinking about?" Clara asks as she walks up beside me.

  "Not much. Just how life changes so rapidly." I respond bitterly, looking at Blu and Lainey. I know it isn't their fault, but I really miss Logan and their intimate displays are grating on my nerves.

  "I think we need to get out and explore. We've been stuck in this place for ages." Clara says, standing with her hands on her hips.

  "Ok, gather the troops." I agree as I stand and reach for my Glock.

  "Nope. I mean we go alone. Leave the house and SUV to Lainey, Blu, Tessa, Gage and Ricky." She explains, stunning me completely.

  "You mean leave for good?" I ask, looking around. I see Tessa and Ricky playing near the kitchen with the carved wooden toys Blu made them, Survivor lay by their feet snoozing in the sunlight. Lainey is standing by the sink, washing the morning dishes, but I didn't see Blu anywhere.

  Can I leave my family behind? I’m not sure. A tear leaks from the corner of my eye as I gaze up at Clara. "Are you serious?" I ask, still stunned.

  "They don't need us here. We can search for survivors, or for Logan. What do you say, Mak? Even if you don't go I am. I want to look for survivors and explore this big, desolate world we live in." She replies, then turns to walk away.

  Sitting at the dining room table with everyone I think of as family around me, I know the announcement I am about to make will have Tessa begging and crying. Sadness grips my heart as I gaze upon each face. I will miss them all, but they are safe here and have years of supplies at their disposal.

  Sliding my chair back from the table, I start to pace, not at all sure how to begin this speech. Clearing my throat, I start by saying, "Clara and I have been talking and we've decided we are going to leave. Not forever, but we want to search for survivors and maybe I can find Logan. You guys don't need me anymore. You have each other to lean on and now is a good time. I trust Blu and Gage to keep you all safe."

  Tessa throws herself at my body, holding on tightly. This is what I feared all along, my Tessa will have a broken heart. "Don't leave us, Mak. We will always need you. Please don’t go." She begs as sobs rack her small body.

  Gently I lean down and kiss her forehead. "Tessa, I will always need you too but, baby it's time for me to move on. You have Lainey, Blu, Gage and Ricky and they need you to stay here and help. Besides, I'll be
back to check on you. You're my family and family never leaves each other for long." I say as I wipe the tears from her face. Holding onto her tightly, I feel all the love she has for me in that one simple gesture.

  "Mak, I'd like to go with you and Clara." Gage surprises us all as he stands from his chair.

  "No, Gage. What the hell, man? You're our brother and we need you here." Blu responds, stunned.

  "No, I'm needed with Mak and Clara." Gage tells him firmly, standing his ground.

  Running my fingers through his dark hair, I’m not sure of my response to him wanting to go with us. Firstly, I feel proud, but secondly I am afraid for him to be on the open road with us again.

  "Gage." I begin, but he holds up his hand to stop me.

  "If you're doing this, so am I." He tells me then walks toward his room to begin gathering his things. Blu jumps up from the table to follow him.

  "When will you be leaving?" Lainey asks, looking at both Clara and I with sad eyes.

  "In the morning or as soon as we can gather enough supplies to last us a week or so on the road." I answer, watching Tessa and Ricky. Both have tears streaming down their young faces.

  The next morning, with everything packed in the truck, Gage, Clara and I stand ready to go. Lainey stands in the center of Blu's arms with Tessa, Ricky and Survivor all staring at us with sad eyes. The hugs and I loves you had taken an hour, but I didn’t want them to end.

  Looking at my Tessa, I know I will miss her the most. Drawing her back into my arms, I tell her repeatedly how much I love her and how much I'll miss her. After a moment passes, I let her go and turn away from all of them, blocking them from sight. I hop in the truck and start it without looking back. I slowly back out of the drive with silent tears falling down my face.

  Once on the road, I look back at the small house and say a quiet "Goodbye."

  The End

  About the Author

  Cora A. Murray is a pen name I devised from the love of two great women, my mother and my sister, who may no longer be with us, but will forever reside in my head and heart. I am the mother of two adult sons and the grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren. I have been married for the past thirty-two years and have always been an avid reader. I decided to turn my love for reading into something more.




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