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Page 32

by Ella Frank

  He moved around the bed and walked over to stand in front of her. Lena looked at him when he stopped in front of her and held her breath as he reached out to touch her cheek. He stroked his fingers down it, like he had so many times before, but this time the touch seemed impersonal. He was holding back from her and it broke every part of her heart.

  “Now what?” he asked softly.

  She knew he expected her to get angry or scared and leave but he was in for a shock. She reached up and placed a hand over his heart. He looked down at it and then his eyes came back to her face, not missing the importance of where she had put her hand.

  “Now we sleep.”

  “Just sleep huh?”

  Stepping back from her, he reached down, unzipped his jeans, pushed them off, and stepped out of them, revealing he’d gone commando for the night. She sucked in a deep breath and nodded. Stepping forward with all the resolve she could muster, she managed to keep her eyes off his amazing body and glued to his face.

  “No.” She paused and watched a smirk, devoid of humor, cross his face, “Not just sleep. We are going to sleep and I’m going to hold you.”

  He stepped back from her, shaking his head. “No offense, Lena, but if you’re getting in my bed, I don’t want you to hold me. I want you to fuck me.”

  She winced and moved forward, following him, knowing he was starting to panic.

  “Well, that is kind of offensive, Langley.” She reached up, pulled the bow at the top of her corset, and watched his eyes go straight to her hand. He’d taken another step away from her and she tried not to grin at his retreat. “I’m offering comfort, not a fuck.”

  He stopped for a moment, watching her finish with the ties that held the corset together, pulling it apart and flinging it on the floor. She stood in front of him in her fuck-me boots and her tiny miniskirt and nothing else.

  “So what? Now you think its fun to tease me? What the hell, Lena? You never used to be this cruel.”

  She reached up, took her ponytail out, and shook her hair down over her shoulders. Her hair came down to cover her breasts and she watched him as his eyes roved all over her, taking in every inch of her. She finally let her own eyes drop and she was thrilled to see that even if he was angry with her and even if he did blame her for everything wrong in his life, his body sure as hell remembered and liked her. He had a rock-hard erection, and even though she was dying to go to him, it was going to go unsatisfied tonight.

  Finally, he moved his eyes back to hers and he had that now-familiar sneer on his mouth.

  “This must be great for you, right? Finally proved I still want you,” he said, gesturing to his hard-on. She shook her head and reached down, unzipping the skirt and sliding it off. She stepped forward over it and toward him and he backed right up, hit the bed, and fell onto it on his ass. Lena smiled at him and put a boot delicately between his legs where he was throbbing. She looked down into his eyes and whispered, “I’m proving how good we were together.” She stopped, unzipped the boot, and then pulled it off before proceeding to repeat the same move on the second boot while he sat silently spread eagled. She leaned down to unzip the second one and looked right into his lust-filled eyes.

  “I’m proving how good we could be together.” She unzipped it and then yanked it off. Then she stood tall as he sat staring at her in silence, and walked around to the side of the bed she used to sleep in. As calmly as she could manage, she pulled the cover back and crawled into his bed wearing only a small black thong. She watched his back rise and fall with each breath and she counted to four before he turned to face her and asked quietly, “Are you insane?”

  She smiled in the dark and answered softly, “No. Why?”

  She watched him in the twinkle of the lights as he stood and moved to pull the covers back. Staring down at her he asked, “You really think I’m not going to be in you in five seconds flat if I climb into this bed with you?”

  Blinking at him, feeling her heart thump and her legs clench, she spoke softly. “You could do that, we both know it.” She paused and then continued. “But Mason, I don’t want you in me again until you can touch me without regret.”

  Swallowing deeply, she reached out with a hand. “Let me hold you tonight. Even if you don’t think you need it, I do.”

  After her confession, she watched him sigh and then slowly climb into the bed. He pulled the cover over him and rolled onto his side away from her. She scooted over, pressed her naked breasts to his back, and wrapped a hand around his waist, careful not to brush his erection. Her knees came up to bend into the crook of his and she nestled in close, pressing her lips to his shoulder. She lay there listening to his breathing get slower, steadier. She felt his shoulders relax and his body calm as he drifted into sleep.

  “You just keep trying to keep your distance, Langley.” She stopped, felt him take a deep breath, and then said softly, “And I’ll keep showing you I love you, until you’re ready to listen.”

  Predictably, Mason woke with a hangover. The sun was once again shining through his window and hitting him right in the eye. Grumbling to himself, he rolled over, vowing to get some kind of curtain to hang over the wide windows. He froze when he noticed the pillow beside him was indented but empty. The night before suddenly came back to him with startling clarity. He sat up quickly, wincing as his head protested against the sudden movement. His eyes narrowed against the bright light and he looked around his bedroom frantically. Nothing. There was absolutely no sign she’d ever been there. Had he imagined the whole thing? He moved to the edge of the bed where she’d dropped her top and skirt and looked for visual evidence that he wasn’t going crazy. Nothing. Sitting up and resting his back against the headboard, he ran a hand over his face and blew out a deep breath. Shit, maybe he should stop drinking if he was going to come up with lifelike fantasies in his head. It had seemed so real though, and when he looked down at the pillow beside him, there was an impression that looked as though someone had slept there, but the house was silent. There wasn’t a single sound and he was sitting dead still straining to hear everything.

  Shaking his head, he reached down and grabbed a pair of shorts he must’ve thrown to the floor at some point. He pulled them on and stood scratching his stomach and running a hand through his hair. He moved to the window and watched as a woman crossed the street in running pants and a shirt and started to jog into the park. How long had it been since he’d gone for a run? Actually, he couldn’t even remember the last time. Sighing, he turned and walked to the closet, looking for his running shoes. Grabbing them, he made his way through to the bathroom and turned on the tap, splashing his face with cold water. Sure, his head was hurting, but maybe a run would clear it. He needed to do something to clear his mind after last night. Bending down, he put his shoes on and went out to grab a shirt. Shrugging into it, he made his way around the partition and into his living room.

  Walking into the kitchen, he stopped cold and blinked at what was on his counter. He knew he hadn’t left that there. Moving closer he looked down at the breakfast bar and sitting right in the center was the ripest peach he’d ever seen. Picking it up, he noticed it was sitting on a small note that read, Look after yourself, Langley. Eat some fruit. Doctor’s orders. He couldn’t help the grin that slid onto his face when he realized last night hadn’t been a fantasy, but reality.

  It was three p.m. and Lena had just sat down at her desk when she noticed her phone’s message light was blinking. She blew out a breath and felt her hair flop back over an ear. She hadn’t planned to sneak out of Mason’s place like some kind of thief in the night, or morning in this case, but he’d been sleeping so peacefully she didn’t have the heart to wake him. When she’d left, she had made it down the street and it was right as she was passing by the corner store that she’d spotted the fruit. Automatically she’d snatched it up, hoping Mason was still sleeping and begging the doorman to let her in, lying that she’d left her phone and didn’t want to wake him. In the end, the plan had been
genius. Picking up the phone, she went through numerous messages and froze when she heard his voice come over the line.

  “Lena? Thanks, you’re a real peach.”

  That was it? Nothing else? No, hey about last night, thanks for staying with me. I agree with everything you said. Just, you’re a friggin’ peach? Glaring at the phone, she debated the benefits of picking it up and hurling it across the room. Clenching her jaw, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Okay, so she hadn’t expected him just to wake up this morning and think, oh, I’m an idiot and want her back, and then call her. Sighing, she sat back and admitted that she had hoped for it, though. Glancing at the clock, she stood and made her way down the hall and took the elevator to Shelly’s floor. When she got to her friend’s office, she tapped on the door and was shocked to see a dark-haired man sitting in the chair opposite Shelly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry for interrupting.”

  Shelly’s eyes came up to hers and they looked mad. “You’re not. Paul here was just about to leave.”

  Paul the presumable lawyer stood and nodded once more at Shelly, and then turned and brushed past Lena without so much as a hello. Lena bit her bottom lip and then moved inside, closing the door behind her. “What was that all about?”

  Shelly let out a deep breath. “That was me kicking Paul to the curb.”

  Wincing at her friend, Lena took the vacated seat. “Sorry?”

  “Nah, don’t be. It wasn’t working out anyway.”

  “That’s because you’re too picky.”

  “Oh, and you’re not?” Shelly asked, raising an eyebrow. “The first guy you date in nine years was a local celebrity, not to mention you haven’t dated since.”

  Waving her hand at her friend, Lena said softly, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Want to talk about it?”

  “Nope. But you want to talk about something, so spill.” Then she asked as though she realized she’d forgotten, “How did last night end?”

  Lena shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s the thing.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  Lena raised a hand and scratched her temple. “Well, I stayed the night with him.”

  She watched as her friend’s mouth fell open. “But I thought the rule was—”

  “No, no. I didn’t sleep with him.” Lena paused. “Well, I slept with him but we didn’t have sex.”

  Shelly’s eyes widened. “Okay, we need to take a moment here.”

  Lena stopped and tilted her head. “Why?”

  “Because I want to know how on earth you climbed into a bed with Mason Casanova Langley—”

  “Naked,” Lena added with a grin, enjoying her friend’s amazed and baffled look.

  “Naked? Oh my god, Lena. I want to know how you got into a bed, naked no less, with Mr. Hotness and kept your hands to yourself!” She stopped and then asked quickly, “Or were they tied up?”

  “No!” Lena responded, laughing and shaking her head. “I just wanted to hold him.”

  Shelly looked flabbergasted. She rolled her eyes and slumped back on her chair. “You wanted to hold him?” she demanded incredulously. “I’m trying everything in my power to get the man who just left here to pound me into a wall and you just want your naked man to hold you?” Closing her eyes and shaking her head, she then opened them and focused on Lena. “You do know I hate you right?”

  Grinning, Lena nodded and said, “But this morning he’s being weird.”

  “What do you mean, weird? He was pissed last night and then you didn’t put out. He’s probably even more pissed.”

  “Screw you,” Lena muttered.

  “At this stage I may say yes, so keep your offers to yourself unless you mean it.”

  Sticking her tongue out at her friend, Lena shrugged. “I bought him a peach.”

  Shelly grinned, slowly nodding. “A little tit for tat, huh?”

  Lena would have agreed but for the annoying message he’d left her. “Well, yeah. It was supposed to be fun, sexy. Remind him of the night he invited me over with a peach and it ended in juicy kisses.” Knowing she was extremely close to whining, she stopped talking.

  “So? What happened?”

  Letting out a sigh, Lena mumbled, “He left me a message telling me, thanks, Lena, you’re a real peach.”

  There was dead silence, and then Shelly burst out laughing. Lena’s eyes moved to her friend and she glared at her so hard she almost felt her eye begin to twitch.

  “Well, I’m so glad you find it funny.”

  “It is funny. You two are hopeless,” she said, and began laughing all over again.

  “I came here for advice and all you’re doing is pissing me off.” Lena stood, about to storm out.

  “Wait, wait,” Shelly said, waving her hand and trying to stop laughing. Once she seemed to have herself under control, she asked, “You want my advice? Drive him crazy, Lena. Make sure that man never stops thinking about you.”

  Lena paused and looked at her. “I’m not having sex with him. That’s too easy and he’ll hate me for it.”

  “Right now he would,” Shelly said, standing and walking around the desk and moving over to Lena. “But if you slowly drive him out of his ever-loving mind and make him remember all the reasons he wanted you in the first place, it will all fall together.”

  Lena nodded, starting to like this idea. “So what did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I’d start with sending a little message of your own.”

  Mason was sitting on his couch watching the Cooking Channel. He’d gone for a run and he had to admit he felt better. Maybe it was time to get his shit in order. After all, how long could he possibly keep going the way he was? He needed to check in with Rachel and Wendy, start going back down to the restaurant, and try to move forward. He needed to work out a way to heal. The chef on the television had just started peeling potatoes when Mason’s cell phone buzzed next to him. Picking it up, he flicked it open and read,

  312-555-7654: A peach huh? So… I’m juicy?

  He read the message several times, noticing that the number in the corner was one that wasn’t in his contacts, but knowing exactly who it was at the other end. Adding her name, he hit Reply.

  Lena? Is this you? Not a minute later, the phone buzzed.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Well I hope so, who else has been leaving peaches in your house?

  Finding himself smiling, he typed, Well I’m not sure. It didn’t come with a note.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Yes it did.

  Okay, the note wasn’t signed.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Well I thought it would be obvious, Casanova :P

  Grinning from ear to ear, he wrote back, To answer your question, from what I remember, yes you are very juicy.

  There was a pause. A minute or maybe two passed and then the phone buzzed in his hand.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Do you still like peaches?

  Frowning at the phone, he typed, What are you asking?

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Did you enjoy the peach this morning? Or didn’t you eat it?

  Of course I ate it, my doctor told me to.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: YOUR doctor huh?

  He paused and then wrote quickly, You know what I mean.

  There was silence for about five minutes before his phone lit up.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: I could be your doctor. If you wanted me to be.


  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Yes Mason?

  He tapped his leg, having completely forgotten the program on the television, and wrote back. Were you really in my bed last night?

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Yes.

  Were you really naked?

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Yes.

  Did I really just fall asleep with your arms wrapped around me and your breasts all up on my back?

  Pause. Long pause.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Yes and my hands were right above your naked cock.

  Did you just write the word COCK to me?

  Dr. Lena O’Donn
ell: Yes.

  You’re trying to drive me crazy, right?

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Is it working?

  He took a deep breath, leaned back on the couch, closed his eyes, and then typed, I think it is.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Good

  So Lena, other than driving me crazy, is there a reason you’re blowing up my phone?

  He was sure she would get angry with him but he was once again proven wrong.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Well I figured you wouldn’t let me blow anything else so this is what I’m going with.

  Letting out a laugh, he reached up and wiped a tear from his eye. He was sitting on his couch in the middle of the afternoon and he was the happiest he’d been in a long time.

  I’m going to be at Exquisite tonight. Come? He waited, wondering what she’d do. Did she mean everything she’d said to him last night? He wanted her to show him. He wanted to believe in her again, in them.

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: I’ll come to Exquisite but there’ll be no other sort of coming.

  Feeling his smile grow, he wrote back, Tease :P

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Not always

  So 8?

  Dr. Lena O’Donnell: Don’t know. I’ll see you when I get there.

  Frowning at that reply, he ended the text with K and put his phone away.

  Lena sat in the cab as it pulled up to the valet in the front of Exquisite around ten p.m. She’d thought long and hard about what she was about to do and honestly, she didn’t think she’d be able to pull it off. However, at this stage she was willing to try anything. She just hoped he was there. Getting out of the car, she made her way around to the service entrance in the back of the building and knocked twice. Wendy opened it and looked at her standing on the bottom step under the floodlight.

  “Is he here?”

  Nodding, Wendy grinned and pulled her inside. “Yep. He came in at six thirty p.m. just as he used to. I don’t know what you did, but he’s different tonight. More like himself.”

  Shaking her head, Lena moved past and said softly, “I didn’t do anything except annoy him last night and tell him to straighten up.”


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