Book Read Free


Page 9

by Marianne Spitzer

  “I’m so sorry. If there’s anything we can do, please let us know.” Kellie took Becky’s other hand in hers. “We’re family, remember we’re always here.”

  “You have done so much. Sharing the inheritance with Kyle helped more than anything. If not for it, Sandra never would have gotten into the rehab.”

  “It was the least I could do. It was only fair.”

  Austern brought in a cart with tea and cookies and the conversation turned to lighter topics.

  Kellie invited Becky and Kyle to Thanksgiving dinner. Becky readily agreed.

  “Thanks,” we needed a little time off.

  They hugged and Kellie promised to visit soon.”


  After dinner, Kellie related everything Becky had told her to her friends. Taylor sat wide eyed and quiet. Drew stood, fists clenched tightly, he began to pace the room. Hunter rested his chin in his hand and glanced sideways at the parlor windows. He rubbed his hands on his pants legs and said, “This is all related.”

  “Are you sure?” whispered Taylor.

  “I’m positive. Unfortunately like last year, Kellie’s the center of all of it.”

  Kellie nodded, “I agree. This has to do with me, but what?”

  “I’ve been thinking. All this started when Old Man Malone’s body was taken, if it was ever in there. I know the coroner said there was trace elements of a body, but was it his? Then we are plagued with the man in black. We’re all scared it was a ghost, but what if it’s him—alive. Kyle is being harassed. Poisoned farm animals could be chalked up to kids. Then Sandra’s apartment catches fire. What if he wants her dead?”

  “Everyone thinks he’s dead. Why do all of this?” Kellie shifted positions on the sofa, she couldn’t get comfortable. Fear tightened her chest. She forced her breathing to slow down.

  Hunter said, “I’m not sure, but what if he didn’t die, but faked his death. Perhaps there was something that would have come up or happened if he were alive. He might have stayed safely dead in hiding, but there’s a reason he needs to be here now.” He stood and walked to the front window. He shrugged and turned back toward his friends.

  “If Sandra’s getting better, maybe he’s afraid she’ll recover and remember something.” He held his hands out in front of him, and tightened his fists, but shook his index fingers as he spoke. “If there’s a reason, and I’m thinking it would be a financial reason, he couldn’t take the chance she could put him in prison.”

  “Maybe, but that is evil, even for him,” Kellie said.

  Hunter’s lips twisted. “Is it? Look what he did to Robert. He was his own nephew. You gave away half his fortune. I’m not sure he could legally regain it. If he suddenly appeared back from a supposed coma, or some other odd thing instead of death, he might try.”

  Hunter’s face tightened, his eyes staring at his friends. “If Sandra died in that fire and you and Kyle are frightened enough to give up the fortune, it’s enough incentive for him to try anything. Or he’s dead and someone is trying to get the money away from both of you. Either way, this is dangerous.” Hunter sighed, and sat down with a thud.

  “Okay, you have given us a lot to think about, but how do we find out if he’s really dead?” asked Drew.

  “That I’m not sure of,” replied Hunter.

  “I saw that twinkle on my mother’s gravestone the same way as I did last year. I think it was a warning. I don’t know of what.” Kellie hugged herself tightly.

  Drew looked at the group, “We can’t set a trap the way we did for Mrs. Casey. What can we do?”

  “A séance?” asked Taylor.

  “No way,” Drew jumped up off the sofa. “I don’t believe in them, and I won’t do it.” He hit his fist against the fireplace mantle.

  “Okay, but think about it.”

  They all sat in silence as the clock ticked away the minutes. Hunter snuggled up next to Taylor and fell asleep. Taylor whispered, “Hunter made a point. We could all be in danger.”

  Drew walked around the house checking door and window locks and security cameras.

  The figure in black laughed knowing they were playing into his hands. He hurried in the cold with his hands in his pockets. Rubbing the back of one hand with the nails of the other, the figure repeated the motion with the other hand. He went back and forth between hands until they were red and sore. They would all pay.


  Drew stood and watched the dark yard through the kitchen window. His eyes moved rapidly to try and see the entire yard at one time. He walked from one window to another peering into the night for any movement. Something was out there waiting to terrorize them. Drew didn’t believe in ghosts. He knew the figure in black had to be human. A flicker of light in the back yard caught his eye. It disappeared in the direction of the south wing.

  He raced through the open doors into Hunter and Taylor’s apartment and out the sliding door that led to their patio. Drew ran into the middle of the backyard turning to look in all directions to see if he could find the light. It appeared again at the edge of the small graveyard in the yard adjacent to the mansion. Without thinking and pushing back his uneasiness of living near a graveyard, he ran toward the light. He stopped short when he reached the metal fence surrounding the graveyard. Whatever it was originated inside the small cemetery. Could it be the same light Kellie saw? He swallowed, took a deep breath, and walked along the outside of the fence to the back corner of the graveyard. Her mother’s headstone was visible in the moonlight. Drew could also see the glimmer of light twinkling above the headstone.

  “Who are you? Are you here to help Kellie?”

  The light brightened, hovered slowly over the headstone, and disappeared. Drew shuddered as chills ran down his spine and he ran back into the house. Maybe a séance wouldn’t be such a ridiculous idea after all.


  Drew returned to the parlor to find the girls whispering. Hunter was asleep. He wasn’t sure how to bring up the twinkling light, but did his best to explain what he saw. Drew hedged at the idea that her mother’s spirit was contacting them. A part of him hoped it was some sort of prank. Kellie and Taylor were positive Kellie’s mother’s spirit was watching over them.

  Taylor looked up at Kellie’s mother’s portrait, “Maybe she’ll give you a clue the way she did last year.” Her eyes glanced over to the window. They widened in terror before her scream echoed through the house. She ran out of the room through the foyer and library toward her apartment in the south wing. Hunter followed Drew and Kellie as they ran after her. Kellie’s fear for her friend grew as she ran her heart pounding and her hands sweating.

  Taylor ran through the double doorway to the apartment. She saw the man in black in the master bedroom doorway and screamed. She spun on her heel, screamed again when she ran right into Drew, and fainted.

  Drew walked around trying to figure out what made Taylor scream. Kellie knelt at her side until she came around. Hunter picked her up and carried her to a sofa in the library. Taylor’s eyes were filled with fear, her hands shook, and her breathing was fast and shallow. Her mouth opened, but her sobs kept the words from making sense. Hunter did his best to calm her down. Austern appeared inquiring if he could help.

  Drew said, “We don’t know what happened. We heard Taylor scream.”

  “I’ll make some tea.” Austern retreated as quietly as he appeared.

  Drew asked, “Why does he always make tea when something happens?”

  Kellie replied, “I think it’s the only way he knows how to help in these situations. It keeps him busy.”

  “I guess.”

  Taylor’s breathing slowed as she was finally able to speak, “I was looking at the portrait and glanced out the window. I saw the figure in black standing there. I panicked and ran. Then I saw him in our apartment.”

  Hunter said, “This doesn’t make sense. Where were the guards? Why didn’t the motion sensor lights go on if someone was out there? We have more security lighting than
they do at city hall or the bank. This is impossible.”

  “Not if it’s a ghost,” Taylor said through her tears.

  Austern hurried into the room. “Mr. Drew, may I speak with you alone?”

  The men went into the foyer. “What’s up, Austern?”

  “While I was making tea, I noticed one of the guards lying in the grass in the back yard. I called 911. Should we go outside and help look for the other guard?”

  “Yes, let’s go.” He grabbed his coat and called to the others, “I’m going to help Austern with something.” His hope of keeping things quiet was short lived when two patrol cars and an ambulance raced down Willow Way with lights on and sirens blaring.

  Hunter, Kellie and Taylor huddled in the kitchen and watched from the large window. Drew and Austern were speaking with the patrolman. Fortunately for the two guards, they were incapacitated with a Taser, and not killed or bludgeoned as were the former guards. Detective Mike arrived. Drew invited him into the house while the guards were taken to the hospital.


  Mike said, “This sort of thing is getting all too common around here. You can get more guards, but I think it might also be advisable to have an inside guard. He could check the locks and security footage to be sure no one is gaining access to the house in a way we haven’t yet figured out.”

  Hunter stood with his arms crossed. “It doesn’t matter. Taylor is going to move in with her parents. I’m not staying under the same roof with her dad so I’ll get a hotel room downtown. I won’t let her go through this again. Drew, if you love Kellie, you would get her out of here, too.”

  Taylor was on her feet, her fists held tightly in balls at her side. “What do you mean you won’t let me stay here? You don’t have the right to let me do or not do anything regardless if we’re married. In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t 1900. It’s the 21st century. I do what I want, and I want to stay here. If we all run, the man in black wins. After he scared me, there’s no way he’s winning.”

  “Taylor, calm down.” Hunter tried to put his arms around her.

  She glared at her husband, and he sat down.

  “I agree with Taylor. Kellie has worked so hard to make this a wonderful home. It’s the prettiest house in Malone Springs again. We even had kids trick-or-treat here on Halloween. We made this our home, and if Kellie wants to stay, I’m staying with her,” Drew said.

  “I give in, but I don’t want to stay in that wing until it’s searched again.”

  “You can sleep in either of your old rooms. Hope always kept them clean,” Kellie offered.

  “Sounds like my work is done here,” Mike said. “You all have strong opinions, but keep that inside guard in mind. It would be beneficial. You need to be secure.”

  “We will, Uncle Mike. I’m nervous about a stranger walking around my house at night. I know he would be from the security company, but any stranger in the house scares me.” She frowned at him.

  “If you decide, I’ll hand pick the guard for you.”


  Both girls hugged him and he said goodnight. Everyone decided it was time for some sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Saturday was a typical day for the four friends. Kellie and Taylor spent the afternoon shopping at the mall, and Drew and Hunter watched sports on TV. A few flurries fluttered around outside the windows.

  During a commercial break, Drew took a sip of his beer. “Remember how we caught on about the secret entrance last year when we found footprints in the first snowfall?”

  “Yea, do you think we can do that again this year?”

  “I’ll tell the guards to keep a couple of feet away from the house while on their patrols. If they have to check a door or window, they could note it. It might work again. At least I hope it does.”

  “Me, too. I’m worried about the girls, but they are adamant about staying here.”

  “I understand Kellie’s attachment, but I am surprised Taylor wants to stay.”

  “She’s attached to Kellie. They’re closer than sisters.”

  “True. Drew heard the announcer discuss the previous play. “Hey the game’s back on.”

  The figure in black was elated. He strode around his dark place rubbing his hands together. They all were staying in the house. It would make their demise that much easier. He chuckled quietly.


  Kellie and Taylor arrived home with several large shopping bags. Drew wondered what there was left for them to find and purchase. Everyone enjoyed a hearty meal. Kellie went upstairs to put on her robe. Relaxing in front of a nice fire in the parlor was a wonderful way to enjoy a quiet Saturday night. The friends came down from their rooms and decided to have dessert first and sat at the dining room table. Kellie could tell Taylor and Hunter had been arguing again about moving.

  The four discussed ways to keep themselves safe, and discover the identity of their intruder. Kellie, wrapped in her warm fuzzy blue robe, rocked back and forth in her chair at the dining room table. Hunter moved his chair so he could hold Taylor and apologize for the third time. She had finally stopped crying.

  The subject of a séance came up again. After what Drew had seen in the graveyard, his mind was more open to the idea. After Austern served tea, Kellie told him that he could retire for the night.

  Drew said, “Maybe after all that has gone on, a séance might not be such a bad idea. It’s possible that Kellie’s mother’s spirit is watching over her and us. I really don’t believe in ghosts. Even with my questionable belief about Kellie’s mother, if Old Man Malone is a spirit, what if we conjure him up? What do we do then?”

  “Pray,” Hunter quipped.

  Kellie said, “Let’s try. My mother’s spirit protected me before. Maybe she’s stronger than the old man.”

  Kellie found a small candle and some matches in the china cabinet. She lit the candle and placed it in the middle of the dining room table.

  Even if we turn off the lights, this isn’t going to look very spirit inviting,” Hunter said.

  “Wait,” Taylor said. She ran to the kitchen and returned with an old-fashioned metal colander. The holes cut in the colander were in the shapes of small stars. She placed it over the candle.

  “This is great, what now?” Hunter asked.

  “Drew, turn off all the other lights,” Kellie said.

  The room was plunged into darkness. Except for the tiny star shaped lights emitted from the colander, the dark surrounded them.

  A dank, musty smell filled the room. It reminded Kellie of rotting leaves found in spring under the melting snow. The overpowering odor drove all four from the room to the front door for fresh air. After several minutes Drew returned to the dining room. He turned on the overhead chandelier in the dining room and found the entire table was covered in foul smelling brown sludge.

  “What the hell is that?” asked Hunter.

  “I have no idea, but it’s going outside now.” Drew rolled the muck into the tablecloth from the table and found a plastic bucket in the kitchen to hold it. They followed him outside when he placed the bucket on the back patio.

  “Maybe this has something to do with the séance. It might be his evil. We should burn it.”

  Drew reached for the matches in his pocket. The bucket burst into flame on its own. Burning quickly, it left nothing but a small puddle of melted plastic behind.

  Taylor screamed and ran back into the house. Kellie was right behind her.

  Hunter and Drew stared at the melted mess. The two newly hired guards rushed over when they saw the flames. They hadn’t seen anyone near the house all night.

  “Could it have been spontaneous combustion?” Drew wondered aloud.

  “I don’t know. Someone dumped that mess on the table. It smelled so foul; it could have contained some sort of accelerant and began to burn when the chemicals came into contact.”

  “Great theory, and it sure beats a ghost causing a fire. I have to call Detective Stellion again. Maybe his la
b can find trace elements of what might have been in there.”

  “I hope so. I think Kellie and Taylor are convinced it’s the old man,” Hunter said as he bent over to get a closer look at the burned mess.

  Drew called Mike Stellion as he and Hunter walked back into the house. The guys found Kellie and Taylor huddled together in front of the fireplace in the parlor. They were smiling trying to act brave, but the fear in their eyes gave away their feelings.

  Only a few minutes passed before the front doorbell chimed announcing Detective Stellion’s arrival.


  Detective Stellion listened intently and gave them his opinion of holding a séance, and said he would have the remnants of the bucket and sludge evaluated. Pulling on a plastic glove, the detective placed the bucket into a large plastic evidence bag. He sealed it, wrote the date and contents on the bag. Mike waved at the guard in the backyard. The second guard was coming around the south wing and walked over to join them. They both told him that they hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Mike walked around the outside of the house and placed the evidence bag in his trunk. Kellie waved from the front window, he looked up and smiled. She watched him drive away.

  “I think he’s upset with us,” Kellie said.

  Drew answered, “I don’t think so, and it’s his job to investigate odd things.”

  Taylor said, “Kellie’s right. Uncle Mike had that ‘I’m at the end of my rope’ look on his face. Kellie and I have seen it a lot when we’d spend weekends with Aunt Rita and him. It’s the same look he had when we giggled too much past bedtime.”

  “I hope he doesn’t send Aunt Rita over to ‘talk some sense into us’ because you’ll get an earful, too,” Kellie raised her eyebrow at Drew.

  It was getting late. Taylor and Hunter retired to the apartment. Drew and Kellie went up to their room. The night grew quiet.

  The figure in black lay down in his dark place and plotted.


  The following day was quiet. Everyone chatted during Sunday brunch. Laughter could be heard during the large evening dinner. They decided to try and forget about the previous night.


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