Bambino: A Secret Baby Mafia Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #4)
Page 4
I was naked in the middle of the room. He grabbed me from behind with one hand and scooped me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me out of the room and back into the living room.
He pinned me against the wall so hard that the Starry Night painting I got at a garage sale falls to the ground. I was so turned on by his aggression that I start cumming immediately.
I had Kate pinned against the wall and my hands all over her body. I could practically feel how tight that hot pussy was going to be when it started cumming all over my dick. Speaking of my dick the damn thing was currently as hard as fucking steel in my jeans.
“Touch yourself. Do it now.” I said. She reached down and rubbed her pussy lips in a circle. I was so fucking hot I was about to explode.
I grabbed her hand and pushed it back and against the wall. I kissed her hard and then took my right hand and unbuttoned my belt and opened my fly. One pull and my pants were low enough.
My cock was standing at attention like the fucking soldier of the year standing on a flagpole. It touched her folds and I could feel she was already covered in juice. I slide right in and my cock went back where it belongs. My eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned out a long hard exhale.
“Ah, fuck, Kate.”
I reached both hands around her and grabbed her ass hard. I was thrusting her into the wall. She was screaming, her pussy trying to squeeze the life out of my cock, and my cock moving in and out with speed and tenacity.
I watched as her head rolled to the side and an orgasm ripped through her entire body. She was shaking and moaning and it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.
My spine tingled and my balls drew up. Fuck! Kate! I moaned her name as I exploded inside her.
I heard a cry coming from Dante’s room and I woke up. It took me a minute to realize where I was. We must have fallen asleep on the couch. I was in Vince’s arms. It felt so good. I felt so safe, so protected, so loved. And so warm. His body is so big and puts off enough heat it kept me warm without a blanket. I could fall asleep just like that the rest of my life. But right now, duty calls.
I went into Dante’s room. He wanted fed so I pick him up and take him to the chair in the corner. I like to sit there and look out into the forest when I feed him.
“I got next,” Vince said as he entered the room.
I smiled. “This milk is strictly for Dante.”
“But this MILF is strictly for me,” he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
“Were you sleeping okay?”
“Amazing. I noticed the void in my arms, so I got up to investigate.”
“Well you found me.”
“For the third time now.”
“Lucky number three.”
“Kate.” Vince said. He was looking out the window, focused on something.
“Yes, dear.”
“Do you have neighbors?”
“Not for miles out that direction.”
“Shit. Get down.”
The barrage of gunfire erupted and the window shattered. Dante screamed. Vince dove on top of us, breaking our fall with his forearms.
“Go! This way.”
Vince grabbed Dante in one arm and was pushing me forward with his shoulder as we low crawled along the floor.
We made it to the bathroom. “Stay in the tub.” I got in the tub and Vince handed Dante to me.
He burst out of the doorway, turning to lock the door behind him. I heard the key being removed.
What is happening?
They found me. I low crawled to the living room and grabbed my bag by the side of the couch. I pushed the bills to the side and pulled out my Glock 19. It was locked and loaded with fifteen rounds, but I only need one for the motherfucker who thought he can shoot at my family. I wasn’t not going to miss.
I grabbed a book laying on the end table and low crawled to the window. I got into a squatting position and holding the book low to the floor I tossed it ten feet to the right so it crossed through the visible area of a second window nearby. As shots filled the window I stood and looked through the window I was covering.
There he was, that son-of-a bitch. Hiding behind a tree like the little coward he was.
I took aim and squeezed. I saw the bullet enter his temple and and down he went.
Pick up the cash, my ass.
At my size they surely sent a second guy and he’s was going to be providing crossing fire.
Sure enough a bullet ripped through my window. I spun back behind the glass and got low.
I crawled to the door and pulled it open. I knew his position. He was fucked and he knew it.
“Come and get me you motherfucker!” I yelled. I heard it echo through the forest and I heard footsteps. Someone was running away.
I took off in a dead sprint out the front door. It was me, my Glock, and fourteen rounds. Not a stitch of clothing on me.
I heard an engine fire up and looked right. Fuck. He was going to run for it.
I ran, covering half the distance and I saw the movement of the car peeling out. I stopped and steadied myself against a tree. I tried my best to slow my breathing, just before squeezing the trigger.
The car skidded left and rammed into a tree. Got you, you piece of shit.
I ran to the car and there he was. Dead as a doornail in the front seat.
“I trust you. I tell you about my family and you come at me like this. Fuck you you piece of shit. Fuck you!”
I pull out my dick and piss on his face. Nobody fucks with me or mine.
I reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. I scroll to the last called number and hit the redial button.
Someone picks up.
“Done,” I say.
I hear a click.
I opened the bathroom door and saw Kate had the toilet bowl tank lid off and was using it as a shield to protect Dante. My girl is bad ass.
“Five minutes, Kate. Only the most important things. We’re out of her forever.”
“What? What’s going—”
“Do it now, Kate!”
Dante was calm. I have no idea how, but he must have gotten that from me somehow.
I took him from Kate and walk with him into the living room. I got my pants on and went through my things. Buy the time I had my pants on, Kate was in front of me with a backpack over her shoulder.
“I’m ready.”
“Dante’s stuff too?”
“In there.”
“Car keys,” I said as I held out my hand.
She reached into her pocket, pulled them out and firmly planted them in my palm.
“Let’s go.”
Her car must be twenty years old but it fired right up.
I peeled out of the driveway and onto the old road. They wouldn’t send more than two guys. Not for this hit. They had too many guys doing other things right now anyways.
“Will you please tell me what’s going on?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Complicated? Are you kidding me? Someone just lit up my house like the Fourth of July and now we’re on the run for our lives and you tell me it’s complicated?”
Kate was right. She deserved better than that.
“It’s my work.”
“Your work?”
“Yeah. What I do for a living.”
“And that involves people trying to kill you?”
“Apparently yes.”
“Vince. I’m holding our baby. Our baby. The baby you didn’t even know about until yesterday. This is my child. The one who was inside me for nine months. The one who I’ve been raising for the last three months. And the one who almost died a few minutes ago. I have a right to know what the hell is going on!”
“I work with the mafia.”
“You what?”
“Work with the mafia. How clearly can I say it?”
“You’re in the mafia? Oh my God, this is just perfect.”
“I’m not in the mafia. I work with them.”
“And that makes all the difference, I suppose you’re going to tell me.”
“You are unbelievable.”
“Listen, Kate. I’m not one of them. I work with them. I had a delivery to make. That’s the whole reason we met. I was on my way to make a delivery for them. Both times. But I’m not one of them.”
“But you’re Italian.”
“But I’m not one of them. And that makes all the difference in the world. I’m their mutt. Their muscle. Their delivery boy. Yeah, it pays well and the perks are out of this world, but I’m not one of them. I’ll never be. I’m just on the outside. Right on the perimeter, but never quite inside.”
“And they sent someone after you.”
“Yeah. Someone I thought I could trust.”
“You told them where you were?”
“I had to.”
“You could have gotten me killed. You could have gotten Dante killed.”
“That’s what I was trying to prevent. I told them generally where I was so they could finish the delivery. They put the pieces together and narrowed it down to the exact location. I wasn’t expecting that. Not so fast at least.”
“What were you expecting then?”
Kate was still furious. She had every right to be. I couldn’t believe how easily I was telling her this, but I had to. If we were going to be a family there were no secrets. Ever.
“Kate. Open the backpack.”
Kate reached around and picked the backpack up off the floor of the backseat. She looked at me as she undid the zipper. She stuck her hand in and her expression immediately changed. She looked down at the bag and pulled the zipper all the way open.
“Oh my, God. There’s at least a hundred thousand dollars in here.”
“Two hundred thousand?”
“It was my delivery. And it hasn’t been delivered.”
“Can’t you just give it back?”
“It’s too late for that.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“I’ve got a surprise delivery of my own for them.”
I trust Vince, but I was terrified.
We were checked into some hotel in the middle of nowhere.
I didn’t understand why we had to do this but Vince said if we didn’t stop this now they’ll just keep coming. And stopping it meant stopping all of it. He said it would all be over in a few hours. But for who? If he wasn’t back by tomorrow morning I was gone. This guy had come into my life twice and both times were like a tornado. I couldn’t imagine what a third time would be like. He had left the backpack full of money with me. I wasn’t going to run out on him, but at least if something happened I knew I could go somewhere. Start again. Two hundred thousand was more money than I could imagine. My checking account hadn’t even seen four figures since I found out I was pregnant.
But the thoughts weren’t just mine. Vince told me if he wasn’t back tomorrow to take the money and go. Just go away as far as possible. Fly to Hawaii if I had to. Just keep going and don’t look back.
I held Dante in my arms and imagined if this was how it was always going to be like. How would Dante get anywhere in life, if his life was already starting out like this? But the thing I couldn’t explain was that I trusted Vince. He was cocky and self-assured, and said everything with such certainty. It was never a matter of if or maybe, if he said it I knew it was going to happen.
But this was too much. I had no idea how he was going to pull this off.
And if he didn’t I had no idea what I’d do without him.
The hit had to come down from Uncle Tony. Only he’d have the authority. He was the one who took me in, and he was my guardian angel.
And one thing I knew about Uncle T…he loved to eat. And not just anything. He had lunch every day at his favorite deli. His operation had grown so large he was sure no one would fuck with him. He knew he could just come and go as he pleased. Well, he was wrong. I was going to assure him of that.
But I was going to save Uncle Tony for last. Out of respect for what he did for me. And not only that. Once he was knocked off, the power struggle would begin. There would be so many dead bodies they’d forget who shot who or even why. Everyone all over town would be gunning for the top spot. It would be a free-for-all and I could slip out the back door. I didn’t even care who took over. Hell, they’d probably even thank me if they knew I was behind it. But I wasn’t after praise. Never was. Not my style. I just wanted to secure peace for the future of my family.
I pulled up to the massage parlor and sure enough, Sal’s car was parked out front. Sal was a Capo who was addicted to sex. Didn’t matter if it was live in a strip club or pictures on the internet. If there were naked girls, he was there. And to make matters worse, the sick fuck liked his kink with some seriously sick twists. I’d heard about the stuff he liked to watch. The world would be a lot better off without him.
I walked right in the front door. A small Asian lady smiled and said, “Massage?”
I grabbed the logbook off her desk. Room six.
I set the logbook back down and walked towards the hallway.
“Mister, first you need appointment.”
Oh, I’ve got an appointment and it’s way past overdue.
I opened the door slowly. No need to make a scene.
“Shut the fucking door you—“
He was right in the middle of a rub and tug. Figures. I motioned for the girl to step aside. I point to the closet. She steps inside. No need for this poor lady to see this or get covered in blood.
I pull the trigger.
Twelve bullets left.
A mile down the road I pulled up the car and put it in park. Didn’t even take the keys out of the ignition.
Everybody knew me here. No way they heard about the hit attempt yet.
I walked down the stairs just off the sidewalk and pulled out my key. I opened the door and there they were. Dino and Vito. Running a card game like always. What else?
I put a bullet in both of their chests. The guys at the table knew better than to reach for their pieces. Their hands went up.
“House always wins,” I said. I grab a handful of cashews and walked right out.
I jumped in the car and drove off.
Mrs. Bianchi even waved at me as I drove pass. I love that old woman. Used to bake me cookies back when I delivered her groceries. Hard to believe she lives right above one of the biggest illegal card games in the country and has no idea what’s going on. I guess you don’t when you’re her age. And she always minded her own business. Smart move.
Dino and Vito. Not so much. That was their problem, or at least my problem with them.
They tried to get weird with me when I was just a boy. Uncle Tony stepped in before anything happened, but I always remembered. And if they tried it with me, well then, who knows who else they tried it with.
Two less of those kinds of guys in the world make this a better place to live.
Ten bullets left.
This was driving me crazy. I didn’t have a phone. I couldn’t call anyone. No way to get ahold of Vince. What if he was already dead?