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Caribbean Nights

Page 7

by Tressie Lockwood

  “No, I don’t think so. Whatever you think you heard was just a woman scared someone was about to die right in front of her. Anybody would have been terrified in that situation.” She managed to free her hand and turned her back on him like she planned to go back into the building. “He made his feelings clear when he strode on by me without speaking, like I meant nothing. If you’ll excuse me…”

  “He’s miserable.”

  She stopped with her hand on the handle to push the revolving door. It registered that the guard had probably locked it and she’d need to use the side one instead. Her thoughts jumbled in her head, along with an ache in her heart. Nic couldn’t be miserable over her. He was the one who had chosen not to come.

  Mace walked up behind her and laid gentle hands on her shoulders. “Okay, so he’s an ass who doesn’t deserve five minutes of your time. I get that. But he’s my best friend, and I’ve known him most of his life. The fool has decided that he’s just unlucky in love, and the only place he belongs is in the army. He’s planning to go back in.”

  “What?” Fear clutched Keeta’s chest. “Why would he do something like that? Things have gotten somewhat better than they were at the beginning of this war, but it’s still crazy over there. He got out unhurt. Why would he go back in?”

  “You can ask him yourself.”

  She grunted. “Stop saying that!”

  He raised his eyebrows, lips quirked to the side. The man was almost as sexy as Nic, and if her heart hadn’t been stolen, she could have seen herself flirting with him.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll go, but will you take me home the second I want to go, no questions asked and no arguing?”

  Mace grinned. “Agreed.” He stepped back with a sweep of his arm in the direction of the car. Keeta walked over to the Lincoln and slipped into the dark interior. Her pulse raced, and her mind was jumbled with thoughts of what Nic would say. Mace may think his friend was miserable without her, but she didn’t believe it. She’d never told him not to come back. He’d done that all on his own, and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why he would dismiss her as he had. Above all, she prayed that this little trip wouldn’t end with her even more broken than she already was.

  * * * *

  Mace stuck his key in the lock of the apartment door and let Keeta go ahead of him. She stopped in the foyer with a view of the living room. At floor to ceiling windows overlooking the street below, Nic stood with his back to them. Even from where she stood, Keeta recognized the tension in his shoulders. A longing to stroke his tight muscles overcame her, but she resisted the sensation.

  “I didn’t give you a key so you could come and go as you please,” Nic grumbled.

  His friend was time enough for Nic’s grumpy attitude. “Aw, and here I was thinking I was doing you a favor by bringing you a gift.”

  “Spare me, Mace. I don’t need any stupid—” He stopped speaking when he turned around and spotted Keeta. The blood drained from his face, leaving him pale and, she realized, thinner. A month and the wound had changed him a little. How she’d missed him. Memories washed over her, of their time on the beach, laughing over good food, and making love until early morning hours.

  “Hello, Nic,” she whispered.

  “What are you doing here?” His dark gaze flitted from Keeta to Mace and back again.

  “Well, I did my duty,” Mace announced.

  Keeta whirled to him. “But you said you would—”

  “I know. I know.” He pressed a business card into her palm and then planted a kiss at her wrist. From the growl coming from Nic’s direction, she suspected he’d done it to piss off his friend and get back at him for the attitude. “You call me. I’ll be here. Good night.”

  Keeta stared at the closed door, not believing Mace had abandoned her here that quick. If Nic didn’t want her in his home, what in the world would she do? Stand out on the sidewalk waiting for him to pick her up? Just thinking of the chilly night seemed to bring on a sneeze. Nic stomped over to her, a frown on his face.

  “He brought you out here in this weather with no jacket? What the hell was he thinking?” He took her arm and shuffled her to where a vent blew out heat. The temperature had dropped several notches since morning when she’d dressed for work. The fact that Nic seemed worried about her warmed her much more than the heat. She ducked her head so he wouldn’t see it in her eyes as she extended her hands to the vent. Nic disappeared from the room to return a few minutes later with a mug that read, U.S. Army, Ready, Willing, and Able. For some strange reason, the saying seemed sexual. Maybe it was the fact that he was so close, and her body sang to feel his touch.

  “Drink this,” he commanded.

  Keeta thanked him and took the mug. A quick sniff revealed it to be tea, and she took a sip. Just enough sugar as she liked it. The hot liquid heated her insides, and the shivering that had wracked her body subsided.

  “Why are you here, Keeta?” he asked again.

  She glared at him. “I don’t know. It’s not like I dragged you out of the ocean or anything and wanted to be sure you were okay.”

  He watched her for a minute and then turned away. “Thank you for your help. That’s not open for discussion.”

  “Excuse me?” She set her mug down and put her hands on her hips. “I know you didn’t just brush me off, Nic. That half way thanks is all I get?”

  If possible, his shoulders tensed more, but he didn’t face her. “You couldn’t have wanted more. We found ourselves in an ideal location. We became lovers. It’s over. No harm, no foul. As you can see, I’m fine. Thanks again.”

  Despite how hard she tried not to cry, the tears spilled down her cheeks. She was glad that he didn’t look at her. She fumbled in her purse to find a tissue and wiped her nose. If she spoke now, he’d have the satisfaction of knowing he hurt her. No way in hell would she let that happen. Keeta whirled around and walked to the door.

  “You feel the same,” he said before she could get the door open. Had there been anguish in his tone? No, not him, not that cold-hearted bastard. Keeta waited for him to continue. When he spoke again, she jumped because he was right behind her, and she hadn’t heard him move. “You blew me off to arrive at the club dressed like that, on another man’s arm.”

  Keeta gasped. All of a sudden, she remembered his past, his model ex-girlfriend. In no stretch of the imagination could Keeta be mistaken for a model, even a plus-sized one, but the impression she must have given Nic with that about face in her clothes and makeup must have shocked him. On top of that, she showed up with that loser man she had no interest in. Since Nic’s mind was filled with these thoughts, she began to wonder if he felt something more for her than just a temporary fling. She needed to set the record straight and see what would happen next.

  “The truth is, I love you,” she admitted and was rewarded with his gasp. “I don’t know when it happened, but it did. All of a sudden, I couldn’t imagine my life without you, and I got scared…”

  “So you chose someone else.”

  “No!” She faced him. He saw her tears and wiped them away with his thumb. She leaned into his warmth, but before their bodies touched, she moved away. If he was going to reject her, then touching him now was a mistake. He had her heart. He couldn’t have her sanity. “I got scared that I could never be what a man like you would fall for, and I admit, I let Kite make me feel even less worthy of you with her evil comments. I thought if I dressed better, added more makeup...” She shook her head. “I feel like an idiot. My self-esteem is never that low—even among the naturally beautiful people.”

  “And the man?” This time his tone revealed nothing of what he was feeling, whether he believed her or not.

  “I had been told by your fellow bodyguard, Kevin, where to find you, and when that fool grabbed me outside the club, I figured you’d pluck him off me the minute you saw him. I usually handle my own business, but I don’t know. I guess I thought I was looking good that night and that you’d fight for me. Boy, was I wro

  Nic reached for her, but she backed up. He crowded her and pulled her into his arms. She struggled, but he held on. He needed to say something to her, but all he did was lay his head on top of hers. Keeta melted into his hold, breathing deep his scent. With everything in her she resisted her need for him, but she was losing the battle big time. Why can’t he love me back?

  “I do love you,” he admitted.

  She swallowed. She’d said that out loud? Her pulse kicked up higher. He’d said… Nic leaned back and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. Keeta could hardly believe what she saw reflected in his.

  “I love you, Keeta. I don’t know when it happened either. I just know I wanted you there all the time. And if I couldn’t have that, then I planned to join up with the army again. I was just waiting until my wound healed and I could pass the physical examination.” He paused long enough to kiss her. Keeta parted her lips, allowing his tongue to invade. She reached up on tiptoes, crushed her body to his, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Too soon, Nic broke off their hungry devouring of each other. “I need to explain about that night.”

  She waited, hoping he didn’t expect her to say never mind. From the vulnerable expression on her hardened soldier’s face, she believed he loved her, but she wanted to know what had come between them, to be ready for any future misunderstandings. Spending a month away from him was more than she ever wanted to bear again.

  “I’m sure you’ve figured out how insecure I was about the woman I love cheating.” His face reddened, and he ran his fingers through his hair, no doubt embarrassed to admit his vulnerability. “Common sense told me you wouldn’t see that guy. I was sure of it while I watched you. I was more sure when I saw the hurt expression on your face as I passed you.”

  Keeta jerked away, but he chased after her and pulled her back against him at the window. She let him cocoon her in his hold, knowing she wasn’t moving whether she liked it or not.

  “Forgive me, please,” he said. “I was angry that you let yourself get into that position, to make me doubt you. I’m ashamed to admit it. At the same time…” He paused. “An assignment I had needed to be dealt with. I intended to have it out with you later, but then I was shot. That damn bullet wound hurt like hell for a while. In fact, maybe you won’t want me when you see the ugly scar left behind.”

  “Don’t say that!” She smacked his hand. He chuckled. The man knew he was fine even with the scar he referred to.

  “Anyway, flat on my back, I started to doubt what I knew, that you cared for me like I cared for you. Those sweet, innocent eyes told me how you felt each time I looked into them, but my past clouded that truth. Keeta, if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  She began to tremble. “You’re not saying…”

  “I’m saying it,” he affirmed. “Will you, Keeta? Will you marry me?”

  “It’s so soon. We haven’t been seeing each other that long.” She was scared out of her mind. Never, in all the fun with him, or even during this past month, had she believed it would, or could, come to this.

  Nic turned her around to face him. The mischievousness in his expression made her wonder what he was up to. Nic scooped her up in his arms like she weighed nothing.

  Keeta shrieked. “Are you crazy? Nic, put me down before you hurt your wound.”

  “If you wiggle too much while I’m carrying you, you will be the one to hurt me.” That made Keeta freeze, her eyes so wide they hurt. Nic chuckled and headed toward the back of the apartment. “I’ve just been assigned a new mission—to convince the woman I love that I am the man meant to be her husband. I believe my work will not be done until morning.”

  Chapter Eleven

  As soon as Nic set her on her feet, Keeta scrambled to open his shirt. He grinned, and she rolled her eyes. “I’m checking your wound, you nut!”

  “I’m fine.” He caught her hands, but she pulled them free and yanked his shirt wider. Buttons flew everywhere. His side was still bandaged, but Keeta breathed a sigh of relief to find that there was no blood soaking them. Nic lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “See? But if you’re still concerned, you can kiss my boo-boo and make it better.”

  The deep rumble of his voice forming the words “boo-boo” made Keeta giggle. The man was delirious with happiness now, and it thrilled her to know she’d caused him to feel that way. She rested her hands on his broad chest and leaned in to kiss his warm skin. A shudder rippled over his body, and Keeta stuck her tongue out to taste him. His breathing became shallow.

  Getting into what she was doing to him, she ran her tongue along his taut skin to a nipple, then pulled it between her lips to suck. Nic groaned. His hands went to her hips to drag her closer, and need more powerful than she’d experienced before took over her body. His shaft was rock solid against her belly, making her want to rip his pants off as she’d done his shirt.

  Keeta closed her eyes, resting on him “You won’t leave now?”

  “No, I won’t rejoin the army. I can never be away from you, Keeta. We’re one.” He guided her down to the bed and pushed her back with gentle hands. Little by little, her clothes fell to the floor by his nimble fingers.

  The thought to hide her nakedness didn’t enter into Keeta’s mind. She raised her legs and spread them. He ran the back of his hand along her thigh, eyes wide and staring at her moist center. “Seems like it’s been years since I got to taste you,” he muttered.

  “Then eat me, baby.” She reached down between her legs, ran a finger up her channel, and pulled it out wet with her juices. Nic looked like he was about to burst. Keeta repeated the action, this time with two fingers. When she pulled them out, she raised her hand toward Nic. Her lover grabbed for her hand and stuffed her fingers into his mouth. He licked like a man addicted to a drug. Keeta’s hips rose in anticipation. “Lick me, Nic. You want it, don’t you?”

  “Hell yes!” Nic put a knee up on the bed and lifted Keeta by the hips to place her higher. She wished he would stop straining himself, but then, he didn’t seem bothered at all. She had to admit, she was turned on by his strength.

  To tease him, she flipped to her hands and knees and climbed up the bed. Nic whistled. When Keeta was in place, head on the pillows, she presented her body to him with a raised eyebrow. Nic sprang across the bed and snatched up her thighs. Her ass came off the bed and rested in his palms. “Don’t ever deny me your body,” he demanded and buried his mouth between her legs. Keeta screamed before she bit it off and grunted. She writhed under Nic’s wild and hungry lapping at her cream. She took hold of the back of his head and pumped into his mouth. Nic ran his tongue strait up her tunnel, bringing her orgasm slamming down. Keeta’s whimpers through the sensation filled the room.

  Nic switched tactics. He moved to cover her nubbin. Keeta’s body responded with clenched muscles and a growing pleasure that threatened to make her faint. Keeta braced one hand on the bed and the other at the back of Nic’s head. She raised her hips higher, begging him not to stop.

  Nic sucked harder. Keeta whined and trembled from head to toe. The muscles in her core contracted. She was going to come a second time. Nic held her down on the bed and reached between her legs to widen her folds. “So pretty and pink, baby.”

  “Nic, don’t torture me.”

  “Never, my love.” He dropped his head between her legs to suck her nubbin. Keeta arched up to him. Her orgasm began to build. She couldn’t think straight.

  “I have to come,” she screamed.

  “Do it, baby. Come now, Keeta. I’ll eat up every drop you give me.” He licked her nubbin like a desperate animal, alternated between that and sucking her nub into his mouth. His tongue delved inside to scoop up every creamy bead he said he would. Keeta had already been on the verge of explosion, but when Nic reached out to pinch her nipples while not lessening the rate he ate her, she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Pleasure crashed though her, taking with it every rational thought. Bef
ore Keeta could get a grip and let her emotions settle, Nic sat up, jumped to the side of the bed, and pulled Keeta with him. He marched her over to the wall and instructed her to hold onto it. Not sure what he planned, but willing, Keeta obeyed.

  Nic dipped a finger in her wet core while holding her back against him. He pushed his damp digit into her rear entrance in slow, easy degrees so as not to hurt her. Keeta arched her back and went up on her toes. She closed her eyes, moaning at the incredible penetration.

  “You want more, Keeta?”

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  He pulled out and moistened a second and third finger. By the time he had worked each into her, Keeta lost the strength to stand. Nic held her up while he fingered her ass, teasing her, bringing her close to a third orgasm. Keeta let her head fall forward. She didn’t think she could take anymore, but Nic wasn’t done. He bent his knees deep so that his hips were level with hers and replaced his hand with his stiff shaft. Penetrating her anus, he wrapped both arms around her waist and pushed. Keeta cried out his name. Nic kissed the sensitive skin behind her ear.

  “Is it too much, baby?” he whispered, his breath heavy and fast. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, don’t.” She tried to raise herself higher, but she couldn’t. All she wanted was every inch deep inside. Nic seemed to anticipate her need and pushed farther. He lowered one hand and used his thumb to massage her nub. Keeta lost control. She writhed and cried out, unable to get enough. Nic picked up the pace, pumping harder. When her muscles began to relax, his grind in her ass became frenzied. Their bodies banged together and drew apart. Sweat slickened their skin. Keeta searched out Nic’s mouth and hungrily kissed him, loving everything about him.


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