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Who is She

Page 5

by Glina Fastiv

  My sister is at work right now, so I invited Leah over a few minutes ago. Now I'm just waiting on her to get here. Leah and I haven't really talkedabout anything that happened... I don't think we have anything to talk about.

  I hear her knocking on the door, so I get up to let her in.

  "Hi." I grin and she walks inside and grins back at me.

  "Hi..." she says and laughs a little.

  I close the door and lock it and walk back over to the couch and sit down. "Really?" Leah laughs and walks over, eyeing me.

  "I'm tired and I just wanna lay here and enjoy doing nothing." I say and pull a blanket over me.

  She sighs and lays at the opposite end, facing me. "How've you been?"

  "Good. I finally feel like I'm 'home' I guess." I say and she nods her head while I start to flip through the choices on Netflix.3

  We chat about stupid stuff and watch a movie, this goes on for about two hours.

  After it's over Leah somehow convinces me that going out tonight is a good idea. She said she's meeting a few of her friends at one of the local bars for someone's birthday, and she doesn't want to go alone. I wouldn't say I'm in any sort of mood to go out... I would rather stay home, but if it's that important to her I'll force myself to go.4

  Thankfully, this doesn't require me getting very dressed up. Leah is wearing jeans with major holes all throughout them and a white sleeveless shirt with strategically placed, very tiny holes all over it. She's got on a black sports bra underneath it and she's wearing solid black converse to go with it.1

  Leah is very attractive. It doesn't take a fancy dress or a ton of make up to make her look super hot... she just is.

  Following in Leah's footsteps, I put on a pair of destroyed jeans of my own and a tight, plain black wife-beater. The shirt isn't even mine... I stole it from my sister. I think it actually belonged to one of her skinny ass ex-boyfriends. My boobs really fill it out though...39

  Once I'm ready I grab my curling iron to fix my hair a bit and Leah sits down on my bed, waiting and watching.

  I finally finish and turn everything off and look in the mirror, making sure I don't look too crazy. I turn to the side and look over my shoulder and run my hand over the ass of my jeans.

  "It looks good, trust me." Leah mutters and makes a face.

  I shake my head and sigh, "mmhm. I know it does, let's go." I grin.

  She laughs and we head out to the bar.

  It's now past 11:00pm and I'm getting tired. I've had two drinks, neither of which were very strong, and I'm ready to go.

  I look over and I see Leah talking to one of her friends with a drink in her hand. I know she's not drunk either, which is good.

  I make my way over to her and she spots me and smiles, "hey you." She says.

  I smile sweetly and step into her, putting my arms over her shoulders and hugging her. I whisper into her ear, "take me home."

  She slides her hand over my waist and pulls her head back to look at me. I can tell she has no interest in leaving right now.

  After a moment of thinking, I offer something she won't be able to resist. I pull her in again, "fuck me tonight." I say.8

  As soon as the words leave my mouth her grip on my wait tightens. I look at her with a dirty smirk on my face, teasing her.

  "Well, I think we're gonna head out. I'll catch up with you guys later." Leah tells her friend and basically pulls me out of the bar. Well... that worked.1

  On the Uber ride home we both stay quiet. Once we get back to my apartment Leah walks me up the stairs and stops outside the door. She grabs my waist and kisses me deeply and I drape my hands over her shoulders, kissing her right back.

  I feel guilty because of what I said at the bar... I said it so she'd bring me home, not because I was really wanting it. She doesn't know that though.5

  She continues kissing me over and over again and I start to smile. Leah is left kissing my teeth and I can't help but giggle.

  "Okay, okay. Let's go in." I insist and grab my key.

  I open the door and we go inside. I shut the door slowly and as soon as it's locked, I'm shoved against the wall and kissed again.

  I like the way Leah kisses me. I like her, but I still don't know about...this.7

  We stand there for several minutes intensely making out and then I hear someone clear their throat.

  Leah immediately backs off of me and I see my sister standing there looking at us. "Well..." my sister says.6

  "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." I say and Leah fights a smile and turns the other way. This is awkward...

  "I'm here.." my sister mutters. "I'm going to bed, night." She says and she walks away.7

  I look at Leah and we both start to laugh quietly. "I'm sorry..." I say.

  She shakes her head and hugs me, "don't worry about it."

  I put my hand on her chin and kiss her lips slowly, "I don't want you driving home after you've been drinking."

  Her brown eyes instantly roll back. "Jennifer, I'm not drunk!" She insists.

  "I know, but still!" I say and she bites her lip.

  "Then I'll sleep here with you." She says and kisses my lips quickly.

  "But- I can't..."

  Leah laughs and shakes her head at me, practically reading my mind. "I didn't say we had to do anything. Come on..."

  "Fine. But that door stays open and you stay on your side of the bed. I can't do anything with my sister down the hall... that's weird." I sigh.

  She agrees and smiles, "okay, okay. I got it, mom." She winks and slaps my ass as we head to my room for the night.3

  "And don't call me mom..." I groan.


  I wake up when my sister throws a pillow onto my bed. I slowly sit up and look at her and then at Leah, who is still sleeping beside me.

  "I made breakfast." She says and walks away. I can't tell if she's madthat Leah stayed here or not, but something is definitely bothering her.

  I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before I wake Leah up.

  "Hey, sleepyhead." I say and she starts to stir. "Wake up, we have breakfast waiting for us." I tell her.2

  She stretches and slaps the bed beside her. I look out the door, checking to see where Jackie is, and then walk over and lay down beside her.

  "I'm sorry for last night." I whisper.

  She smiles a little, "I told you not to worry about it." She says.

  "Well, it's hard for me not to."


  "Fine, I'll make it up to you somehow. Let's go eat." I tell her and grab her hand and drag her to the kitchen with me.1

  We have breakfast with my sister and Leah leaves for the day. Rather than just sitting here doing absolutely nothing, I decide to go look for a job. I get dressed... in a dress... and head out to look for a job.

  To make a long story short, I have been to five different places and no one has given me a second look, until I got to my current destination.4

  It's a big company and the lady at the front desk made a call to one of guys here and he sounded pretty excited to meet me. After sitting on the small leather couch in the lobby for some time, a man in a grey suit approaches me, "Jennifer?" He asks.

  I stand and shake his hand and smile widely. "That's me. You must be Mr. Diaz?" I ask and he nods his head.

  "I am, but please. Call me Aaron. Look, I know this is short notice, but if you'd be up for an interview I have a fifteen minute slot open... I'm looking for a new assistant of sorts..." he says.5

  "Oh, I didn't bring anything, but sure." I stutter. That caught me off guard.

  The well-dressed man takes me up to his office and I'm slightly intimidated by his office itself. It's very... big.

  He's got everything organized in a certain way, it's almost like he's OCD. I carefully walk over to the chair on the side of his desk that faces the window and he sits on the large chair and unbuttons his suit jacket.

  "So Jennifer, tell me a little about you." He instructs with this s
ly grin on his face.1

  I go to speak, but my words seem to have some trouble finding their way out. "Oh... Um. Well, I-I-"

  "You're nervous?" He laughs.

  I smile and bite my cheek. "Slightly... I feel a little unprepared." I admit.

  "No worries. Let's try this... I'll ask the questions, you give me answers." He pauses and looks at me intently. "Where did you work before?"

  "I actually didn't. It's sort of complicated... I was in a relationship for a really long time and my fiancé didn't want me working, so I stayed home. We split, and now I'm back at square one." I say.

  "Oh, I'm sorry about that." He says.

  "Yeah, it's okay. I mean- I have a degree, I just don't use it..." I pause and sigh, "what else would you like to know?"

  "Are you a good worker?"

  "I would like to think I am." I say and laugh a little.

  "Then that's all I need to know... you're hired. Start next Monday?" He asks me.3

  I'm very shocked to hear this and I don't know what to say. "I-oh-I-"

  "Is that a yes?" The man asks me, his brows raised.

  "Of course! Thank you, Mr. D- I mean, Aaron." I say and smile shyly.4

  "Great. Come on, I'll walk you out." He says.

  "Thank you."

  After my interview I call my sister, Jackie.

  "You find a job?" She asks.

  "I did actually, I'll start on Monday. So I have the next four days of freedom. Let's do something fun!" I say.

  "Mm, I'll see. Some of the girls wanted to go take a little road trip." She sighs.

  "Alright, well let me know." I say and end the call.

  As soon as I end one call, I get another. I see Danny's name on my phone and roll my eyes. "Hello?"

  "Jennifer, don't hang up." He pleads, knowing I am in no mood to talk to him.

  "What?" I ask him, anger lingering in my voice.

  "I want to see you, can we do lunch?" He asks.

  "For what possible reason, Danny?!"

  "I just want to talk to you. I know you hate me."

  "I don't want lunch. I want to see my dog. Meet me at the park in fifteen minutes." I say and end the call.10

  Once I get to the park I see Danny's car and get out and walk over and tap the window. He gets out and the dog follows, running to me and jumping up on me.

  "Hi my baby!" I say happily and shower my dog with kisses. "I miss you so much." I say.

  Danny chimes in, "he misses you too." He says, his eyes glued to me.

  I stand up and look at him, "he wouldn't be missing me if you weren't a cheater." I remind him and he sighs hard. I'm glad to see that he's miserable after what he did.1

  "Jennifer I'm sorry. I know it was wrong and I wish I could take it back..."

  "Oh well." I say dryly, not feeding into him.

  "How are you?" He asks.

  "Don't worry about how I am." I snap.


  I shake my head, "what did you want to talk about?"

  "Everything." He says.

  I look at him and give a sarcastic smile, "there isn't anything left to talk about, Danny. I loved you and trusted you for years. I let you into my life and agreed to marry you because I thought you were the one and that you'd never hurt me. You cheated on me... for years. I can't forgive that, Danny. I don't trust you, I think you're a horrible person and I will never look at you the same way again. That's all there is left to say." I tell him.

  "What about money?"

  "You're seriously asking about money?" I laugh, thinking he is ridiculous.

  "Yeah, I am. I know I can't get you back, but I still care and want the best for you. Do you need money?"

  "No. I don't want your money." I grit.



  "I'll get you a check for what's in the savings account and give it to Leah. You still see her?" He says. I don't object only because some of that money is rightfully mine.

  "Occasionally." I lie.

  "'ll have what's yours soon." He says.

  I don't know if he thinks this is going to somehow win me back, but if he does he's wrong. Nothing he says will win back my trust. I do want my savings account money though.... that could be useful.


  I'm meeting Leah for dinner tonight and I'm pretty excited to see her. She's my girl... regardless of the sexual tension and prospering feelings... that is my girl.43

  I walk into the restaurant in my destroyed jeans, baggy Def Leppard t-shirt, and my black high-top converse and find Leah at a table waiting. She smiles when she sees me and I smile right back. "Hey, punk." She says and stands up to hug me.1

  "Hello, hello!" I say and put my purse in the chair beside me.

  "You look cute. I like the hair." She compliments me, nodding towards the messy curls around my face.

  "I was going for comfortable but not bum-ish. I think I did alright..." I say and the waitress brings me a water.

  Leah grins and gives all of her attention to me, "how was your day?"

  "Good, I told you about the job. Then I saw your brother...." I say and roll my eyes hard.

  "What did he have to say?" She growls.

  "Same old shit... nothing worth my time. He's giving you my money from our account soon. You're the middle man." I tease her.

  "He knows you still talk to me?!" Leah gasps, her eyes widening.

  "He does now..." I shrug, not thinking anything of it. Who cares if he knows? Leah isn't the one who fucked me over, Danny is.

  "Oh." Leah says.

  Her attitude changed dramatically when I mentioned it and it has me worried now. Oh well... that's a topic to tackle another time.

  We get through dinner and talk a little longer... then things get tense.

  "We should go." I say and stand up.

  "You're right." She laughs quietly and we both walk out together. "So... my parents are at the beach house for the next few days... why don't you come stay with me?" She asks and I bite my cheek and cut my eyes at her. "What?!" She laughs.

  She walks me to my car and I put my things inside and then look at her. "You really want that?"

  "Yes, I enjoy having you around, believe it or not." She says and grins.

  "I'll have to think about it."

  "Yeah? Am I allowed to try and persuade you?" She flirts, her eyes dropping to my lips.

  "I guess it depends on your method of persuasion." I whisper, flitting right back.

  She slowly slides her hands around my waist and kisses me. One kiss leads to two... then three... then four and so on. Next thing I know her tongue is in my mouth and I'm pinned against my own damn car.

  "Leah..." I mutter and she looks at me and tucks my hair behind my ear.



  "Do you want me to stop?" She whispers and I look at her for a second and take a deep breath.

  "Get in." I say and open the back door. She climbs in, laughing and I go behind her. I close the door and grab her face and kiss her again. This... this is high school shit.

  I'm laying on my back and she's inbetween my legs, unable to keep her lips off of me. She moves to my neck and I feel her thighs rubbing against mine through our jeans. Do I want this? Is this bad? I don't know anything... jeez.

  "Fuck." I whisper and she stops and looks at me.

  "What?" Leah asks, a bit breathless.

  "I- I think started my period." I lie and she sighs.3

  "Alright." She says and gets off of me.

  "I'm sorry... do you still want me to stay with you?" I frown.

  "Yes." She says and runs her hand through her hair, "why wouldn't I?"

  "I don't know... I just- okay, come on then. Let's go." I say and hop into the drivers seat. We go by my apartment to get my clothes first, then to Leah's parents house.

  * * *

  "Hurry upppp! I wanna watch this movie." I yell, rushing Leah to finish her shower.

  "Okay, okay. Get changed into something comfort
able and I'll be out in a few minutes." She insists.

  I start to change in the bedroom when she calls my name. I walk into the bathroom in my electric blue, cheeky panties and put my arms over my chest. "What?!"

  "Hand me the face wash on the counter." She says, not looking at me. I grab it and walk to the door and open it enough to stick my hand inside. She takes it and looks at me, then freezes... we both do. I think I started it though.

  "What?" She asks and I start breathing heavy and then it's like my body takes action before my mind can process the thought.

  I practically fling myself into the shower with Leah, not even taking the single article of clothing I have left off of my body.

  "Leah. I can't take it anymore." I whine as I stand under the water, inches from her face.

  "I thought-"

  "I lied. I was scared. But- I-I want this. I want it bad..." I tell her and grab her face, holding her close to me. She grips my ass and pulls at my now soaking wet panties (for two obvious reasons) and I moan a little.

  She just looks at me and then puts my back against the wall and kisses my neck slowly and deeply. Her lips travel down my body and end up around my nipples, making me bite my lip and causing my breathing get even more uneasy. She keeps traveling down until my panties are the only thing in her way.

  She quickly fixes that problem, tossing them to the floor and kissing where they sat. She looks up at me while she does this and I bite my lip, wanting her to do more. She keeps her eye contact with me as she uses her tongue please me as throughly as she possibly can. The moment her tongue hit me it was over with... I was moaning and yelping and wiggling under her touch.... she's like some sort of wizard with that tongue of hers. I thought her fingers were magical... I had no idea.

  After not very long at all she has me at climax number one and counting...

  "I-uhh-I want out." I mutter, talking about the shower.

  She quickly gets up, turns the shower off and pushes the door open. She drags me out with her and puts my back to the cold wall again and her fingers disappear into me. With each movement I moan and grow weak in my knees.

  I end up sliding down the wall... all the way to the floor. Before I know it I'm on my back, legs open, and she's got her head between my thighs. She makes me orgasm two more times and then looks up at me.


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