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A Kingdom Falls (The Mancer Trilogy Book 1)

Page 18

by Alan Scott

  “Yes,” quickly replied Maria as she reached out with her empty glass.

  “Maria,” called Alicia.


  “Never forget that the Brethren of the Night saw fit to grant me a Midnight Guard - that is my standing with them.” Alicia popped another grape into her mouth.

  “I will not forget, Alicia.”

  “Good.” Alicia turned to Tania. “I also will have some of that wine.”

  Maria smiled as she looked upon Alicia. “What you don’t know, Alicia, darling,” she thought, “is that the Lady Joanna Harris has said that, if I do my job well, I will become one of the Brethren, and when that happens, we shall have this conversation again, and it will have a different outcome.” Maria lifted her now full glass. “To us and the future.”

  “To us and the future,” the other women repeated.


  The next day

  Aaron Power sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes as he tried to ease the pain sitting right behind them. Even though he had slept, his entire body ached, especially his throat, and he felt slightly sick. “What the hell happened last night?” he murmured.

  Looking around the room, he spotted a jug and glass on a sideboard. Taking a deep breath, he shakily stood and made his way across the floor. He placed a steadying hand on the top and looked inside the jug. “Water - excellent,” he said, as he poured himself a glass. He drained it in one and refilled the drinking vessel.

  Taking his beverage, he made his way to the shuttered window and opened the bolts holding the shutters closed. Knocking back the water, he placed the glass on the floor, closed his eyes, and opened the shutters.

  The cold instantly caused goose bumps to appear all over his naked body. Opening his eyes, Aaron looked out on the grey sky, across the smallish courtyard to the barren wall of rock that surrounded the complex. Beyond the wall, he could hear the waves smashing violently against the natural barrier. Aaron scratched his chest just where his heart was. There was a minor burning sensation, which was just on the wrong side of annoying. Looking down, he saw what was left of the cross, which had been branded onto his chest.

  Heavy scars cut through the outline of the cross - some very old, some very new. Aaron ran his hand over the scars. The first scar had been caused by a bandit - of all people - many, many years ago. He had missed a parry, allowing the man’s sword to cut across his chest and, in doing so, cut through the branded cross.

  It was five days later, when he was lying on his bedroll under the stars, that he first dreamed of a man in a monk’s habit, his hood pulled up and shadows hiding his face - a man he would later come to know as the Midnight Man - a man who also knew the beauty that lay in death.

  The desolate cry of a seagull caused him to look up into the sky. Seeing nothing, Aaron made his way back to the sideboard for more water.


  “Are you sure he is ready, Lady Joanna?” asked Gideon Sandhu.

  “Positive,” replied Joanna Harris as she powered down the corridor with Gideon and Miriam Gregorious striding hard to keep up with her. “His mind is already corrupted enough by the horrors he witnessed as a young boy,” Joanna slowed her pace, “- the same horrors that created me... Is not fate a strange creature?” she mused.

  “She is,” replied Miriam.

  Ignoring Miriam, Joanna continued, “Yes, a strange creature. Anyway, to answer your question, Sandhu - his mind is suitably corrupted. Over these last few weeks, his body and soul have endured and tasted every deprived act that we have performed on it, or do you disagree?”

  “I agree that the drugs, alcohol, and the most base and deprived sexual acts in which he has participated will have driven out what little goodness and innocence was left within him. However, I would suggest another week...”

  “NOOOOOOOOOO!” screamed Joanna as she turned upon Gideon. Grabbing him by the throat, she lifted him off the ground and rammed him against the cold stone wall. “I will not be denied having my husband by my side any longer!”

  Although not needing to breathe, Gideon grabbed Joanna’s wrist with both hands, trying to stop her razor-sharp nails from digging into his neck and slowly but surely slicing his head from his shoulders. “The Midnight Man cometh,” he managed to say.

  “The Midnight Man cometh -” repeated Miriam.

  “My son comes,” whispered Joanna as she closed her eyes and tilted her head to one side. Her grasp lessened around Gideon’s throat. “My son comes.”

  “- and the faithful shall rejoice, and the land shall burn,” said Miriam as she gently applied pressure on the arm which was pinning Gideon to the wall.

  “- for He is saviour and the leader,” continued Gideon.

  “- for He lives within us all,” finished Joanna as she slowly lowered Gideon to stand on his feet. Removing her nails from Gideon’s neck, Joanna patted him on the head. “Do you think Aaron is ready?”

  “Yes, Lady Joanna,” came Gideon’s quick reply.

  Still looking at Gideon, Joanna asked, “Gregorious?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Good. Then we are all in agreement, are we not?”

  “Yes, Lady Joanna,” was the joint reply.

  “Then we must go.” With that, Joanna Harris continued making her way down the corridor. Miriam and Gideon followed quickly in her wake.


  Aaron hurriedly finished the last of the water and ran his hands through his hair. A sudden gust of freezing cold wind from the open window made him shiver violently as it brutally blew against his naked flesh. “Yes,” moaned Aaron as the pain of the cold sent waves of pleasure through his battered body. Gripping the sideboard, he fell to one knee. Breathing deeply, he smiled as another gust blew over his trembling body, stimulating him even more. “Oh, fuck, yes,” he mouthed.

  A heavy knock at the door interrupted his pleasure. “Ent... enter!” he shouted whilst trying to stand.

  The door was thrown open and in strode Joanna Harris. “Husband-to-be,” she called.

  “My lady,” replied Aaron, standing upright.

  Casting her eyes over Aaron, Joanna smiled. “You enjoyed last night, Husband-to-be.”

  “It was a night of great pleasure, my darling.”

  Joanna walked over to Aaron and placed her clawed hand over what remained of the branded cross. “Are you worthy of Him, Husband-to-be?”

  “Yes!” declared Aaron.


  “Truly,” stated Aaron as he quickly looked over at the doorway to see Miriam and Gideon walk in. “Shut the door!” he commanded. Miriam raised an eyebrow in surprise, but did as she was bid.

  “Oh yes, Husband, you are ready,” cooed Joanna as she ran a hand threw his hair.

  Aaron grabbed her throat and pulled her face toward his. “Do not fuss over me, woman,” he sneered. Joanna’s eyes widened in fury. Aaron kissed her full on the lips, slipping his warm tongue between her cold lips. With his other hand, he gripped her hair and pulled her head back. “Never doubt that I am ready to bring the Midnight Man back into this world, Wife.”

  “I do not doubt anymore, my lord.”

  Aaron turned his attention to the two vampyres at the door. “Do you believe, Moon Stalkers?”

  “Yes, my lord,” replied Miriam.

  “With all my heart, my lord,” responded Gideon.

  “With all your heart,” repeated Aaron.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Would you die for Him?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Mmm...” Aaron locked eyes with Gideon and a tense silence reigned.

  “Husband-to-be,” whispered Joanna.


  “Decide his fate; do not dally.”

  Aaron smiled. “Go. Both of you go. Now.” Both vampyres quickly left.

  “Now, Wife-to-be,” said Aaron as he backhanded her across the face, “you will obey me.”

  “Make me!” sneered Joanna.

  Another backhand, “You will do as
I say, Wife-to-be.”

  “Is that all you have... Boy?”

  Aaron grabbed Joanna’s hair and pulled her to the ground before pulling her head up. “Knees, bitch!” Joanna stayed on her knees.

  “Now open that mouth of yours.” Joanna kept her mouth shut. Aaron raised his hand. Joanna opened her mouth, fangs clearly showing. Aaron laughed as he stuck his cock in her mouth. “Now, suck.”


  It was four hours later when Joanna looked across the bed to the man who was lying on his front and was gently snoring beside her. Joanna smiled as she saw the long ugly and bright red scratch marks that covered his back and bum. The bruises were just starting to show on his ribs.

  Their lovemaking had been brutal and harsh - not as brutal or as harsh as it would have been if it had taken place in the pleasure dungeons on the other side of the island; however, it would have taken him weeks to recover, if it had happened down there, and they did not have weeks. The wedding was tomorrow night at midnight and he had to at least be able to stand.

  Joanna slipped naked from the bed, her pale skin hardly showing any of the damage that had been inflicted on her by Aaron. The damage had easily been repaired by one of the many handmaidens who roamed the complex. She had called one an hour ago. Joanna stepped over the woman’s bloodless body as she made her way to the window. “Pity,” she mused, “I could do with a drink just now.” Looking out the open window, she gazed into the darkness. “Soon, the entire world will be dark, and he and I will rule over every pitiful living thing that is left.” Manic laughter escaped from Joanna’s lips and she clamped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes widened as she looked quickly around the room, then at Aaron, who moaned and stirred. Placing a finger against her lips, Joanna whispered, “Shhh.”

  Making her way back to the bed, she sat down next to Aaron and smoothed his hair. “Shhh, sleep well, Husband.” Suddenly, Joanna froze; then slowly - very slowly - she turned her eyes to face the far corner of the room. She let out a low snarl. “I won’t let you harm him - oh, no!”

  She whipped her head violently to look in another corner of the room. “No, no, no, you shall not harm him!” Joanna placed her hand on Aaron’s back and started to rock back and forth. “No, you will not harm him.” Her head whipped around again as the wind blew against the open window, causing it to rattle.

  Standing, Joanna Harris screamed, “NO! YOU SHALL NOT HAVE HIM!” She bared her fangs and claws to the open window and stood defensively over Aaron Power.

  “What... what is going on?” asked Aaron, sleepily.

  “Oh, nothing, beloved,” cooed Joanna as she hastily turned round and stroked Aaron’s hair. “Sleep, Husband of mine, sleep.”

  “Get off,” Aaron shooed Joanna’s hand away as he settled back down to sleep.

  “Of course, darling,” replied Joanna as she moved her hand over his head. “Now sleep, darling, sleep. I will not let the nasty man get you.”

  Joanna sat down on the edge of the bed and surveyed the silent room. “You shall not get him,” she hissed as the wind once more moaned through the open window. To Joanna, the wind was talking to her, for she could make out a name each and every time it entered the room - a name that had the power to unsettle her - a name linked to the Midnight Man. She did not know why this name should affect her so; maybe it was women’s intuition or a sixth sense. All she knew was she hated and despised the name.


  The next night - two hours before midnight

  Gideon Sandhu stood on the highest spire of rock that rose from the Brethren’s island fortress, looking out at an unnaturally calm sea. Massive dark and ponderous clouds filled the sky, blocking out the stars and moon. Even at this great height, the wind barely caressed his cheek. A thought drifted through his head, “It was as if the world was holding its breath.” No, that was wrong; it was as if the world was waiting, waiting with dread and a dark anticipation of what was to come in the next two hours - the wedding of Lady Joanna Harris and the Dark Paladin, Aaron Power, and from that union, the rebirth of the Midnight Man.

  Gideon Sandhu raised his arms wide and opened his palms to the sky. “Soon, Father Jacob, your plan will be fulfilled! You were one of the first to follow Him, to learn the truth and see the world as it truly is. You were the one who rebuilt the Brethren and kept us safe from our enemies. It was you who sacrificed himself and defeated the dark and hungry storm - who caused the Ver to retreat into insanity. Your master plan will soon be fulfilled!” Gideon bowed his head and closed his eyes. “HE cometh, Jacob! HE COMETH!” Gideon lowered his arms, opened his eyes, and raised his head.

  A flicker of movement at a spire twelve feet to his left caused him to turn and look. Miriam Gregorious stepped from a shadow-door and firmly gripped the rock. Gideon smiled.

  “I thought I would find you here,” said Miriam, telepathically.

  “Go back down, Miriam.”

  “Damn it, no!”

  “Go back down, Miriam. You will only fall.”


  Gideon shrugged his shoulders.

  “You knew I wanted to give my praise, as well.”

  “I wanted to do it privately.”

  “That’s not… fuck! Shit! …fair!” Gideon watched as Miriam wobbled on her perch. “I loved him, as well.”

  “Apart from the Midnight Man, he was the greatest of us.”

  “I know; that is why I wanted to give my praise.”

  “What is stopping you?”

  “I wanted to do it together… shhhiiitt!”

  Gideon shook his head, opened a shadow-door, and stepped through. He wrapped his arms around Miriam’s waist and stepped back through. Standing back on this spire, Gideon held Miriam tight to him. “Then do it now,” he said aloud.

  “Father Jacob, you tasked us to continue your work. We promised you that your dream would not die, and tonight will see the fulfilment of that promise. I miss you. I miss your guidance, your kind words, and wisdom.”

  “We shall sacrifice to his name tonight,” said Gideon, softly.

  Miriam leaned her head back against Gideon’s chest. “We will remember him.”

  Both vampyres stood silently watching the unnaturally dark, still, and empty vista.

  “Right, I need to go,” Miriam finally said.

  “Ok,” replied Gideon as he released his grasp of Miriam. Forming a shadow-door, she stepped through and vanished. Gideon took one last look before opening his own shadow-door and following Miriam.


  The wedding celebrations had been underway for two hours and the death toll already stood at thirty-five.

  Maria Clough walked through the large cavern with Guard walking two paces behind. It was lit with a number of flickering torches on the cave walls, which caused the changing shadows to dance. Somewhere, a band was playing. The song had a heavy and deep bass, against which the female singer’s husky and hypnotic voice rose and fell.

  Stepping over a body (dead or merely unconscious, Maria could not tell), she continued towards the back of the cavern, which was drenched in light. To her left, she saw a group of people engaged in the most sordid and debased sex. She raised her glass in silent salute. As she neared her destination, narcotic smoke from braziers filled the air and the scene started to take on a hazy otherworldly look.

  Maria sat down next to Tania Stone, who was sitting at a table along with Alicia Saunt and their bodyguards.

  “You took your time,” stated Tania.

  “The queue for the toilets was massive.”

  “Did you not force your way through?” asked Alicia.

  “Of course I did, but even with Guard breaking an arm or two, it took awhile.” Maria drained her glass. “Did I miss anything good?”

  “Nah,” responded Alicia, “a few knife jugglers and a couple of death jesters.”

  “So I haven’t missed the fight.”

  “No,” said Tania.

  “Good,” grinned Maria.

  “I see the happ
y couple are enjoying themselves,” commented Alicia with a nod of her head towards the top table, which stood alone in a circle of yellow light. At the table sat Joanna Harris and Aaron Power, their wedding feast before them on the table - platters of wafer-thin slices of blood red meat, bowls of fruit, bottles of wine, a whole roasted piglet with an apple in its mouth, and a number of tied small pouches.

  A high-pitched squeal sounded out from the left of the table. Everyone turned to see a naked man lying on the floor trying to hold his guts inside himself, whilst another naked man stood over him holding a long knife covered in blood. Two naked women appeared and started to kick the prone man, who screamed even louder.

  The man with the knife shooed away the women. They watched him go down on one knee and slit the throat of his victim before hacking and sawing off the head. He then proceeded to the edge of the yellow light and held up the head. “A present for the bride!” he boomed out.

  “What colour?”

  “Ice-blue, my lady.”

  “Wonderful. My favourite.” Joanna turned to Aaron. “Oh, Husband-to-be, what do you think?”

  “I think that my bride should be happy on this day. Here,” said Aaron as he lifted up a pouch from the table and weighed it in his hand.” No.” Aaron put the pouch down and lifted a heavier one. “This one, I think. Fair pay for a fair gift.” Aaron then tossed the pouch to the man.

  “Thank you, my lord,” grinned the man. “May I approach?”

  “You may.”

  The man walked to stand before Joanna. “My lady, your ice-blue eyes.” He bowed his head.


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