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Douluo Dalu: Volume 23: Spirit Hunting Operation

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by Tang Jia San Shao

  Douluo Dalu


  Volume 23

  Spirit Hunting Operation

  Tang Jia San Shao


  Story Description:

  Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to fulfill his dreams, Tang San committed an unforgivable crime. With his ambition attained, he hands his legacy to the sect and throws himself from the fearsome "Hell's Peak."

  But he could have never imagined that this would reincarnate him in another world, one without magic, martial arts, and grudges. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay.

  The continent of Douluo.

  How will Tang San survive in this unknown environment? With a new road to follow, a new legend begins...

  Original Story can be found here: Link

  Chapter 155: Spirit Douluo Level Collision

  Raising his head, Tang San’s eyes had now already turned completely blue,

  “Mubai, Fatty, prepare to attack teacher Zhao all out. He’s about to come out. Use Hell White Tiger. I’ll tangle with dean Flender. Rongrong, no need to mind me, boost them with all your strength.”


  Everyone shouted loudly. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing instantly dashed towards each other, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong’s hand flared with light.

  The instant Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing collided, altogether six rays of light shot out from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, three falling on each of them.

  At the sixtieth rank, the degree of amplification Ning Rongrong could put out was extremely terrifying. Don’t forget that her father, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi, was also only a seventy something Spirit Sage. He only had one more spirit ability than her.

  By now the degree each of her spirit abilities could boost had reached a terrifying seventy percent. What she poured into Dai Mubai was spirit power boost, strength boost, and agility boost, these three spirit abilities.

  Vast imposing manner abruptly spread out from the core of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s collision, the dazzling light of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda making them expand exponentially after their fusion.

  In the blink of an eye, a snow white, more than twenty meters long, giant white tiger appeared out of nowhere with a pair of wings sprouting from its back.

  For the absolute majority of students, this was the first time seeing a spirit fusion ability, and compared to before, this Hell White Tiger wasn’t as illusory as before, but like a true ferocious tiger, giving a tangible feeling.

  Two sixtieth rank Spirit Masters using a spirit fusion ability could reach at least the seventieth rank level, and even more so when Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai’s level of compatibility as well as the terrifying seventy percent boost of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. This moment, the aura the Hell White Tiger erupted with already surpassed the previous Zhao Wuji in all aspects.

  Just at this moment, with a loud explosion, the countless layers of Blue Silver Prison covering Zhao Wuji abruptly burst open, the Vigorous Vajra Bear’s eighth spirit ring blossoming. The already black giant bear suddenly leapt up, that was Zhao Wuji’s fifth spirit ability, Gravity Crush.

  When fully using Gravity Crush under the effects of Spirit Avatar, his might as a Spirit Douluo was completely brought to bear. Even though the Blue Silver Domain boost was formidable, the Blue Silver Prison was after all only Tang San’s fourth spirit ability. With Zhao Wuji’s fifth and seventh great spirit abilities combined, he immediately burst through.

  However, meeting him, was an incomparably enormous tiger paw.

  Zhao Wuji struck out with one palm almost subconsciously. However, compared to that tiger paw, even in the Spirit Avatar state, his bear paw still seemed a bit small, to say nothing of the enormous amount of spirit power he just expended.

  With a loud bang, Zhao Wuji’s body was actually slapped away, flying into the distance.

  At this moment, Zhao Wuji was completely stunned, he didn’t even understand why he was in midair. Flender naturally also heard Tang San’s shout, and his first response was to charge directly at Tang San, without the slightest hesitation. He was only too familiar with the Shrek Seven Devils, and if he wanted to defeat their team, he would first of all have to contain Tang San.

  However, meeting him, was an enormous spiderweb. Tang San’s third spirit ability, Spiderweb Restraint, blossomed.

  With the second awakening to Blue Silver Emperor, and under the effects of the Blue Silver Domain, the spiderweb’s diameter reached a frightening thirty meters. The extremely durable spiderweb spread open in practically an instant.

  Even Flender didn’t have any desire to tangle with Tang San’s spiderweb. Suddenly halting in midair, eagle claws swinging out, fourth spirit ability brightening, ten lines of extremely sharp air blades cut out.

  However, Flender didn’t expect that the air blades he expected could easily sever the spiderweb only made it turn, without causing any substantial damage to the spiderweb.

  The Blue Silver Emperor spiderweb with the full amplification of the Blue Silver Domain, how could it be so easily destroyed?

  And this moment was also when Zhao Wuji was slapped away by the Hell White Tiger.

  The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda light appeared again. This time a full four lines of light shot out, their target the already soaring, flaming wings completely unfolded, Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun. And these four lines of light were each Ning Rongrong’s second, third, fifth, and sixth spirit abilities.

  In the distance, standing on the edge and watching the battle, Liu Erlong couldn’t help asking:

  “What four boosts are Rongrong giving Fatty?”

  Grandmaster’s eyes unexpectedly displayed the light of schadenfreude,

  “Today we might have roast bear for dinner. If I’m not mistaken, Rongrong’s fifth spirit ability should be attack boost, the sixth spirit ability, would be attribute boost.”

  “Attribute boost? What’s that?”

  Liu Erlong puzzled asked closer.

  Grandmaster said:

  “Attribute boost can be said to be the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s single most significant spirit ability, above all current sixth spirit abilities. The so called attribute boost will amplify the receiver’s most powerful single attribute. Ma Hongjun’s boost is certainly to his phoenix flame. In other words, right now he not only has spirit power, agility and attack boosted by seventy percent, but his phoenix flame effect will also be boosted by seventy percent. This time Wuji’s in trouble. Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda frightfulness truly appears at the sixtieth rank.

  Liu Erlong stared wide eyed,

  “Heavens, these little monsters really aren’t being polite!”

  Grandmaster grinned,

  “The reason I asked you to make it two against five rather than one against five yesterday, besides their own talent, is also related to Rongrong. With her here, Tang San and the others can all be regarded as seventieth ranked Spirit Masters. To say nothing of them still having the spirit fusion ability, and the abilities of several spirit bones. In fact, I feel that the question is whether boss Fu and Wuji can endure for three sticks of incense. Rongrong should have already trained to the Four Aperture Constant Heart level. Wait and see, little San’s strength still hasn’t completely emerged.”

  Zhao Wuji threw off the Blue Silver Prisons and was slapped into the air, naturally he wouldn’t let himself keep flying. His strength instantly erupted, the eighth spirit ring finally flaring.

  A giant bear illusion appeared
out of nowhere behind him. Zhao Wuji’s entire body erupted with intense golden light, the surrounding air seeming to congeal. His flying body abruptly halted, both fists simultaneously gathering at his chest. A one meter in diameter ball of dazzling golden light suddenly appeared. This moment, all of Shrek Academy seemed to tremble along with the appearance of this golden light.

  However, the Hell White Tiger still charged forward. Similar to Zhao Wuji, white light condensed in the mouth of the Hell White Tiger formed by Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, gradually turning silver, a sphere no smaller than Zhao Wuji’s golden light appeared out of nowhere.

  The two gold and silver lights were as dazzling as the sun.

  Grandmaster’s expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted:

  “Midair collision! Do you want to wreck the Academy?”

  Zhao Wuji had released his eighth spirit ability in a moment of desperation, and on hearing Grandmaster’s words, he came to his senses. Hurriedly adjusting the angle, the golden ball of light in his hands shot directly into the air.

  Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn’t dare be neglectful either. The silver ball of light equally charged at the sky. The two dazzling balls of light rose high into the air in the blink of an eye, just like meteors chasing after the moon.

  Being in the air, Flender couldn’t keep himself from cursing in rage. Wings swiftly withdrawing, he dropped towards the ground. Even if he also was a Spirit Douluo, he still wouldn’t want to endure the aftermath of the collision of two clearly Spirit Douluo level attacks in midair. That flavor definitely wouldn’t be good.

  But at this moment, the corners of Tang San’s mouth revealed a trace of a smile,

  “Dean Flender, you still stay in the air.”

  Two deep blue rays of light suddenly shot from Tang San’s eyes, without any glint of a spirit ring, and even more without any warning. Practically in just a flash of light, those two blue lights had already reached Flender. That was Purple God Light.

  Flender had never seen this ability of Tang San’s, but the formidable pressure made his heart beat. Without time to reflect, he could only quickly block in front of him with his hands, his sixth spirit ability suddenly erupting. His whole body was rendered in a layer of heavy yellow light to block the bombardment of the Purple God Light.

  Two explosions resounded practically simultaneously. One came from that gold and silver ball collision, and the other was Flender being stalled in midair under the attack of the Purple God Light.

  The Purple God Light attack erupted based on spiritual force being compressed by the mind condensing wisdom skull bone, and the point piercing attack power thrust at Flender. Even though he relied on his tyrannical spirit power and spirit ability to block the attack, his plan to land was delayed.

  The gold and silver lights erupted in the air, and that mixed two colored light abruptly burst outward, the enormous pressure making the entire Shrek Academy tremble violently, the terrifying explosive sound rousing all of Heaven Dou City.

  The Hell White Tiger once again split into Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai. After attacking with their full strength, and suffering the shock of the two tremendous energies colliding, they were no longer able to maintain their spirit fusion ability.

  Zhao Wuji didn’t feel any better either. If he had confronted the Hell White Tiger alone, perhaps he still could have held some advantage, but what he confronted was the Hell White Tiger with the terrifying seventy percent boost of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. This collision was on the contrary his loss.

  His body flew through the air. This time he wasn’t able to control himself.

  And Ma Hongjun with fire phoenix wings unfolded, was just flying towards where he was falling.

  The qi and blood within Zhao Wuji roiled, but but he also felt the burning heat behind him. Not daring to be negligent, he managed with difficulty to condense the spirit power within his body, and was just about to use Gravity Control to change his trajectory and fall faster, averting coming into contact with the power storing Ma Hongjun. As long as he got the chance to recover his breath, as a Spirit Douluo, he had confidence in continuing this fight. After all, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had already exhausted themselves greatly, and the threat had naturally also become a lot smaller.

  However, just at this moment, Zhao Wuji suddenly felt his body tighten, sparkling and translucent crystalline Blue Silver Emperor already tightly twisting around him. Tang San’s second spirit ability, Parasite, had activated at this moment.

  Parasite wasn’t particularly powerful, but its suddenness was incomparable. When he was trapped within the Blue Silver Prison before, the Blue Silver Emperor’s seeds had already scattered over him. And Tang San’s choice of timing to use them, was naturally ingenious.

  The Gravity Control he originally planned to release was interrupted at the same time as his body suddenly tightened. Zhao Wuji even felt the constantly growing thorns on the Blue Silver Emperor prick his skin.

  And just at this moment, his body hit the ground.


  The surrounding atmosphere instantly distorted, Bathing Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Ascension, Ma Hongjun dropped down with the dual boost. Fatty’s fourth spirit ring, Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, erupted simultaneously.

  Within that distorted light, just about to throw off the Blue Silver Emperor, Zhao Wuji was completely slowed. The next instant, burning hot currents were already enveloping him.

  The terrifying amplification of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda made Fatty’s originally already extremely formidable burst strength display a hundred seventy percent effect. Incomparably burning hot flames turned into an enormous column of phoenix flame soaring towards the sky, and behind Fatty, a phoenix illusion spread its wings wide, a more than five meter in diameter pillar of flame instantly drowning the Motionless Bright King inside.

  Zhao Wuji didn’t feel good, and Flender in the air wasn’t doing much better. The Purple God Light strike made his arms ache as if fractured. What should be blocked was blocked, however, he also simultaneously felt a terrifying aura.

  Gold and silver light spread out. Within that terrifying burst of energy, Flender was flung away like a broken burlap sack, the violent and peerlessly explosive might practically tearing his defense to shreds. With countless feathers scattering in the air, the lord dean was directly smacked more than a hundred meters away.

  A gentle energy poured into Tang San from behind, currents as mild as water instantly spreading through his entire body, and Tang San immediately felt his consumed spirit power rapidly recover. No need to ask, it was Ning Rongrong’s spirit power boost. What she boosted was the upper limit of Tang San’s spirit power, and the present effect was naturally that his consumed spirit power recovered.

  On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai also received the same treatment.

  Flame vanishing, Fatty spread his wings and flew up. As that orange phoenix flame gradually receded, Zhao Wuji, returned to his original height, stood there. However, right now he looked like an enormous coal statue.

  Ma Hongjun’s burst attack power was absolutely second to none among Spirit Masters on the same level. Let alone when he still had the boost of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. But what Zhao Wuji could endure the least, was that seventy percent boost to the effect of the flame. Right now, he truly smelled like a roast.

  Of course, Spirit Douluo weren’t so easily injured. Ma Hongjun also hadn’t had the nerve to truly go all out. Therefore Zhao Wuji wasn’t truly damaged, but his bear fur was already thoroughly ruined, and the burns on his skin wouldn’t be able to recover within eight or ten days.

  The spectating students had long ago turned lifeless. Who could have imagined that this battle that was originally about enduring for three sticks of incense would actually turn out like this.

  Two Spirit Kings, three Spirit Emperors, confronting two Spirit Douluo level powers, actually turned into this entirely suspenseless outcome. The majority of the students couldn’t eve
n understand what just happened. Dumbstruck watching the Shrek Five Devils in the middle of the field, they, were they really only twenty years old?

  Flender was undoubtedly an astute person, with great difficulty managing to control himself in the air, seeing the five monsters gathering again below as well as Zhao Wuji’s miserable appearance, he immediately made a decision.

  Right now, Liu Erlong had just lit the second stick of incense in her hand.

  Dai Mubai sighed,

  “Unfortunately little Ao isn’t here, otherwise, we could have gone into the air to chase dean Flender.”

  Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

  “Who says we can’t go into the air because little Ao isn’t here? Follow me.”

  While speaking, four strands of Blue Silver Emperor quietly shot out, twisting around the waists of the four. The next moment, Tang San was already pulling up, swiftly rising into the air as if he had lost the effect of gravity, directly flying in Flender’s direction.

  Seeing the Shrek Five Devils flying towards him, Flender couldn’t help staring wide eyed,

  “Impossible, little San, you can even fly?”

  Tang San’s smile widened,

  “In this world, nothing is impossible. Dean, you see, we’ve also expended a lot of spirit power, continuing to fight to get injured and spending energy is no good. We sue for peace, what do you think?”

  Flender immediately nodded without the slightest hesitation,

  “En, your strength is pretty good, to be able to turn dean Zhao Wuji into roast bear, your progress hasn’t been small. Fine, we’ll do it like that.”

  Zhao Wuji’s appearance made his mouth sting. If they continued, Heaven knew what kind of “pleasant surprises” these five little monsters would give him. Even though they didn’t have Oscar’s replenishment, very clearly, Ning Rongrong’s spirit power was still sufficient to continue supporting for a very long time. Further adding Tang San’s control strength that gods nor demons could not measure, and the more and more numerous abilities of all kinds, he didn’t have the confidence to continue.


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