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Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2)

Page 17

by CY Jones

  Before the jets takes off, I call the Daniel twins and let them know I'll be gone for a couple of days, and that Remy is safe. They're not happy I left her behind, and since I didn’t give them an explanation, I’m sure they’re thinking the worst of me. Their feelings don’t matter. I’m doing this for Remy. That’s all they need to know, and that she’s a lot safer than the way I found her. Fuck, I pray to whatever Gods left that I find a cure, because without one I’m sure this will be the final straw to break Remy for good.




  “What do you mean he left her there?” I hear Hunter roar from all the way down the hall.

  He’s talking to my dads, and he must have not like whatever they just told him. For him to be that angry it must be about Remy. I’m about to head that way when Oreo blinks in front of me, and grabs my arm stopping me.

  “Gabriel just contacted me. We need to meet him at the meeting spot right now if we want to catch him,” he explains.

  I’m torn. I want to know what got Hunter in an uproar, but I also need to speak with Gabriel. Sighing I make my decision to go with Oreo. I can always catch up with my dads later to see what that was all about.

  “Come on,” I grab Oreo’s hand, and he blinks us to Gabriel.

  “About time you two get here,” Gabriel says pacing the alley as he pulls at his hair. The usually put together vamp looks downright distraught right now.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I question, as I watch the man move back and forth like a ping pong match.

  “What the fuck isn’t wrong? I think O’Donnell suspects something, and he’s been acting more out of control than usual. With his money going missing left and right the man is off his rocker. He’s having people killed hourly, and public punishments is the norm right now, like he’s stuck in the medieval era. No one is fucking safe there. You two need to get me out and now.”

  “Not without my sister we won’t,” I growl.

  “This is a suicide mission. The man is unhinged,” he says pleading with his eyes for me to understand.

  “What about Atlas? Isn’t he there?” I ask, trying to figure this shite out.

  “No. He had to leave, but before he left he ordered O’Donnell to not harm a hair on Remy’s head, and I’m sure you know how that went over on O’Donnell.”

  What the fuck? So that’s what Hunter was so pissed about.

  “I’m sure he didn’t leave without reason,” Oreo tells the vamp, trying to placate him.

  “I don’t care why he left. I’m just telling you how things are. O’Donnell is already starting to suspect Silas, and soon he’s going to find me questionable since I co-signed for the mage. This plan of yours is falling apart. I say we just break her out of there.” Gabriel says, staring pointedly at me.

  “It’s your call, but if O’Donnell really is as unhinged as he claims he is, and Atlas isn’t there right now to protect Remy maybe we should think about breaking them all out,” Oreo says weighing in.

  I take in what they’re both saying. It’s suicide to go into that building, but if everything is falling apart then it doesn’t look like we have much of a choice. As much as I tried to avoid my future, and change this path I’m currently on, fate is not allowing me to escape. Everything I’ve seen is starting to pass, no matter what decision I make to try to steer it off it’s course. Sighing hard, I’m about to tell them my decision when I’m interrupted by a voice behind me.

  “Well, if it isn’t the prodigal son, a pampered prince, and a traitor all in one place,” Kelpie says. Her dark eyes are solely schooled on me like some kind of prize, and I guess with how badly O'Donnell wants me back I am.

  “That sounds like the start of a bad joke,” Oreo sneers. His normally chocolate eyes are glowing an eerie shade of red, and I know his incubus is about to burst free any second now.

  Behind Kelpie four other soldiers step beside her. The only one I recognize out the bunch is Pyro, another member of The Circus. The rest must be hired guns, but I can smell that their supes as well.

  “Either walk away, and forget what you think you saw or die,” I shout over to them, and in answer Kelpie smiles wickedly at me.

  “Not going to happen, Phantom. Either come with us willingly or unwillingly. Your choice,” Kelpie replies.

  I don’t bother to say anything before I’m charging them and Oreo and Gabriel do the same. I meet Kelpie in the middle of the alley, and she sends a wave of water at me powerful enough to send me flying into the wall. Shaking off the pain, I go after her again, hurling a fireball at her. Her eyes widen in shock putting her off footing, and she’s barely able to dodge.

  “Well aren’t you full of surprises,” she mutters, grinding her teeth.

  Throwing another fireball as a distraction, I run past her and flip off the wall landing right in front of her face. Before she can move I punch her in the chest so hard, my fist completely obliterates her sternum, and she crumples to the ground dead.

  Turning back to the fray, I catch Oreo taking Pyro down as he holds a burning hand to his throat in a choke hold. Squeezing tight, he chokes and kills the fire mage with his flames while at the same time his incubus drains Pyro’s remaining power. With my attention on Oreo, one of the guards pulls his gun and fires a shot off grazing my arm. Flinging my uninjured arm, a spear of fire leaves my palm and knocks the gun out his hand while Gabriel sneaks up behind him, and sinks his fangs in his neck, ripping his throat out.

  “What happened to the last one?” I ask as I check on the wound on my arm. It’s just a flesh wound. It will heal in the next couple minutes on its own with my shifter healing.

  “He got away,” Gabriel answers as he releases the guard, and lets his dead body drop to the ground. “He could blink, and he disappeared as soon as he saw the odds were no longer in their favor.

  “Fuck,” I growl.

  “What now?” Oreo asks. “It’s not like he can go back now,” he says looking over at the vamp. “I’m sure that guard is already outing him as we speak.”

  “I know he’s right, but what does that mean for Remy and the rest of them? O’Donnell will kill them. Hell, he only has to kill one of them, and they all will fall like dominoes.”

  “We have no choice. We need to make a deal with O’Donnell,” I tell them.

  “For what? He already has Remy. What can we possibly offer him?” Oreo questions.

  Swallowing hard, I answer, “me.”

  “Fuck no,” Oreo roars, pacing the alley much like Gabe was when we first got here.

  “You know we don’t have any other choice. Five, possibly six, lives hang in the balance,” I say, looking over at Gabriel.

  “I don’t care about anyone else. I only care about you,” he cries out. He voice filled with fear and pain.

  I don’t get mad at his words. I know it’s just the fear talking. I know normally he would never imply that he doesn’t care if Remy lives or not. He loves her just as I do.

  “I have a plan,” I tell him softly. "And I’m going to go through with it if you’re onboard or not.”

  Looking up at me, he gazes deep into my eyes. He knows, I’m not going to waver on my decision, no matter what he says. I will always save my sister.

  “You saw this didn’t you?” he asks defeated.

  I don’t answer, I just nod. I know exactly what he wants to ask next. He wants to know if I’ll make it out of this alive, but the fear of knowing keeps the question inside him. Taking my attention off Oreo, I turn to Gabriel.

  “I need you to go back to O’Donnell’s with a message.”

  “And what message will I be telling him on this suicide mission of yours?” he asks dryly. He’s a dead man walking, and he knows it. Better to go out doing something good by fixing the mistakes from the past, and hopefully the Gods will deem him worthy to have mercy on his soul.

  “Tell him, my life for yours, Remy, Silas, and Hatter.”

  “You’re a brave wolf, and a
good brother. We both know I won’t make it out of this alive, but I will do as you ask, not because I’m forced to, but because I would like to die an honorable man.” With those parting words he leaves, and I turn my eyes to the man that I love almost as much as my sister.

  “Don’t say anything,” he says, taking my hand, and blinking us back to the house.

  As soon we enter the bedroom, he pushes me onto the bed. Normally I’m the dominant one, but I let him take over. I know he needs this. Needs me. His mouth devours mine. Each kiss lit by the fire inside him. His hands grip my body everywhere. Feeling, touching, and stroking. With a growl he rips my t-shirt from my body, and pulls my jeans down my legs, before continuing his attack on my mouth. Doing the same to him, I tear his clothes from his magnificent body, and let the scraps fall onto the bed. Gazing deep into his eyes, I push him on his back and slowly climb down his body, taking his hard cock in my mouth. Slowly, I suck up and down his length, hollowing my cheeks as I take him deep down my throat. His moans fill the room spurring me on, and soon I’m sucking him in such a frenzy pace that it doesn’t take him long to spill his hot seed in my mouth, and I swallow him like a tasty treat ready for more.

  Still hard, he flips me in an impressive move and pushes me down on the bed by placing his hand in the center of my back. My muscles ripple up under his touch, and he enters me in one hard thrust. Grabbing a tight hold on my hair he pounds in and out of me like a man possessed. Moaning, I give back as much as he gives, bucking against each and every thrust in our own perfect rhythm. We get lost in each other’s body as we trade places fucking each other into oblivion. Each kiss, each stroke is filled with so much emotion it makes my heart feel like it’s about to burst. How can it be possible to have anymore room in my heart with what this man has to give? Is still giving. Every move we make is a desperate attempt to keep each other close as we fill each other with our seed. We spend a couple of hours basking in each other's love, like this is the last time we’ll ever be with each other, because despite what I said earlier about having a plan, in our world tomorrow is not promised.

  “I fucking love you, more than my own damn life,” he cries. His tears are gathering small pools in his eyes, and one escapes and trails down his cheek.

  I wipe the tear away with my thumb, and kiss him tenderly. I hate that I am the cause of reducing this strong man to tears. I hate I cannot reassure him, so I give him what I can.

  “Our love is eternal, and I’m glad the Gods allowed us to find each other,” I tell him softly.

  “Promise me you’ll come back. Promise me that this isn’t a suicide mission,” he pleads.

  Instead of answering, I kiss him soundly, sliding my cock inside him, and reveling in the pleasure of his body all over again until we both fall into an exhausted heap.

  “I love you more than the moon and the stars in the sky. More than life itself,” I whisper right before sleep takes me.


  Bloody Surprise


  After Atlas leaves, I lay in bed for another couple hours. Despite his reassurances I’m still a little stressed. What the hell am I going to do if he can’t find a cure? No way in hell do I want to bring a child into the world from that family tree. I rather die. I’m still in shock that he will do something so extreme.

  “Hey sleepy head,” Nat says entering my room dressed to the nines in an off the shoulder dress.

  “Hey, what’s up with the outfit,” I ask warily. The last time she came to my room dressed up was the night of that awful dinner.

  “O’Donnell wants us all at dinner tonight again,” she answers apologetically.

  “Great,” I mutter. Just what I thought. O’Donnell is going to torture us over dinner again. I wonder who's on the chopping block this time?

  “I’m glad you’re back,” she says plopping onto my bed, and hugging me tight.

  “I’m glad I’m back too,” I tell her honestly. Well maybe not that honestly. I’m not glad I’m here, but I am glad I’m away from Blake's bat shit crazy arse. “Is Silas back from assignment yet?” I ask changing the subject.

  “No, but he will be at the dinner tonight as well as my mum,” she says sadly.

  "I’m sorry,” I tell her. I don’t know what else to say. I don’t want to lie to her, and tell her everything will be ok. Even though Silas still has a day left on his deadline, I don’t know what is going to happen tonight.

  “You should jump in the shower, and I’ll find you something to wear. There's a beautiful Elie Saab couture gown I’m dying to see you in,” Nat says enthusiastically.

  I nod and give her a small smile. I know what she’s doing. She’s trying to keep busy so she doesn’t have to think about later. About how much a disaster this dinner can be. I hope for all our sakes, Silas comes back with a solution.

  I stay in the shower for a long time as I try to forget about the hell I went through at Blake’s. I’m ok, Atlas saved me. I did not break, I tell myself this over and over as I start to panic. My breathing quickens, and it takes a while to calm myself down. I will not break, I will not break, I will not break, but I did get damaged. I can never forget that. I have scars, but each scar is a reminder that I’ve survived, and I will survive this, I tell myself lowering my hands to my flat stomach.

  Leaving the bathroom in a cloud of steam, I gaze down at the beautiful gown laid carefully on my bed. It’s lovely, more like an art piece than a gown. Glittering silver with a plunging heart shape bodice. The lower part is completely sheer shimmering all the way to the ground like iridescent wings. Gold detailing glitters throughout the dress, and I’m absolutely in love with it. I’m not the girlie type, but I can appreciate beautiful things, and this dress is fucking fabulous. Stripping my towel away. I don the beautiful gown, twirling around with it on like a princess.

  “That dress looks gorgeous on you,” Nat says walking in with a gold wreath crown held tightly in her hand. When I give the crown a funny look she quickly says, “I thought I’d put your hair in an updo and have you wear this.”

  This is a bold choice. Wearing the crown with this dress is me taking a stand. It will not only admit that I am a supernatural, but also I’m the mate of a fairy prince. That I am now Remy, princess of the Summer Court, and I will no longer hide that fact. I thought I’d freak out, like when I first found out about Cody’s heritage, but now it just feels right.

  “It’s beautiful,” I tell her, holding my head up high ready to accept my destiny.

  Sitting at the vanity, I let her do my hair and makeup, and we chat for hours until Hangman finally shows up to take us to dinner. As soon as I see his face I know something is wrong. Don’t get me wrong, he looks hot in his all black suit, but there's a tightness to his normally carefree features. Usually when he sees me he has something cheeky to say, but now he barely spares me a glance. Without a word, he motions for us to follow him. Nat gives me a scared look, and I grab her hand, squeezing it tight in support.

  When we make it down to the dinner table everyone is already seated, like we are the ones late for the party instead of waiting to be escorted down. Maddie gives me a small smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, but he does seem relieved to see me ok. Silas keeps his eyes trained on his covered plate with his famous bored expression. I’m glad to see his mother and Gabriel aren't here, so maybe this isn’t going to be the dreaded meal I thought it would be. Natalie is definitely happy she isn’t here, and practically skips over to the empty seat next to her brother.

  “Daughter, ye are looking well,” O’Donnell says sneering at the wreath around my head.

  Ignoring him, I walk over in Maddie’s direction set on sitting next to him when Hangman grabs onto my arm stopping me.

  “What the hell?” I growl, shaking him off.

  “Ye will be sitting next to me tonight. You’re the guest of honor, and I have a special surprise for you,” O’Donnell says, looking over at me sinisterly.

  Raising my brow, I walk over to O’Donnell
s side and sit down. O’Donnell has never given me anything in my life. What kind of surprise could he possibly have for me?

  “Tell me, daughter, did ye enjoy your stay at the Sampson’s mansion?” he taunts. He knows damn well I didn’t enjoy myself, and I wonder if he knows what Blake did to me.

  “As much as I enjoy getting burned alive,” I answer dryly.

  “We need to work on ye manners, daughter,” he replies frowning. “I’m tired of that smart mouth of yours.”

  Shrugging I say, “I thought we already established your only concern was teaching me to kill and not proper etiquette.”

  “A skill that has served you well,” bimbo barbie comments, weighing in her opinion.

  “Will you like to see how well I’ve learned that lesson, Alice?” I question, as I glare at her. After my stay at Blake’s, I’m done playing nice. It’s about time I start reminding people just who the fuck I am. I can feel my powers swirling inside me, and my wolf’s growl in agreement.

  Giving me the stink eye, she turns her attention back on O’Donnell, and looks up at him like he hung the moon and stars himself, and I really want to know how he has such a hold on her.

  “What is your deal?” I ask her.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she questions.

  “I mean,” I say slowly, "what-is-your-deal? Why do you work for this arsehole? Are you so fucked up in the head that you don’t see the monster he is?” I’m being reckless with my words. I know it, but I seem to care.


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