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Buried Obsession: Book 1 of the Obsession Trilogy

Page 3

by Sinclaire, Roxy

  The car headed toward the outskirts of the city, to roads that led away from the large skyscrapers. Buildings got scarce, then placed further apart, and bigger. This must be the rumored area where the upper crust lived. Camila had wondered if they’d go all the way to the Hamptons, but it was in the wrong direction. Still, she got to see so much more lush green than she’d ever expected to within this short distance from the city.

  After a while, the car slowed, then turned down a smaller road. Camila only got a look from the side before the car completely turned onto the road and she couldn’t see anything ahead, but it led to a pair of large gates. It took a minute for the car to arrive at the gates, and there was a short stop, just a few seconds, then the car was moving again, even slower, and the gates closed behind the car. Camila fisted her hands in her dress and bit her lip.

  She was at Samuel Kane’s main house. The place he must have lived in with his parents before they passed away, where he was probably raised. As far as she knew the Kane siblings still owned the original house, and…she actually got to be here?

  Could she…possibly be the only one?

  Don’t get ahead of yourself, she reminded herself. Getting all worked up by herself would lead her nowhere, anyway.

  The car came to a stop, and Camila straightened. She wasn’t sure what to do for a moment, open the door for herself, or wait for the driver to do it? Was he even planning on opening it for her? As she dithered, the door was pulled open, and she scrambled to step out. She stumbled a little when her feet touched the ground, and her face warmed. Thankfully, she managed to right herself quickly, and could only hope not too many people saw.

  “Thank you,” she murmured toward the driver, who just gave a slight nod and got back into the car.

  Camila took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and faced forward. The Kane house was, of course, impressive. It was a large, sprawling mansion with three floors, not accounting for attic space. She stepped forward carefully and made her way up the marble steps.

  She came to a stop at the front door, but before she could wonder whether to knock or find something that looked like a bell to ring, the door opened. Two men, one on each side, were holding the double doors open, and another stood right in the middle of the open doors. He bowed slightly, turned to the side, and gestured her inside with a gloved hand. All three men were in white shirts, with black slacks, vest, and tie. She imagined they were workers in the house, and they were all dressed in uniform, too.

  “Madam,” the man that gestured her inside said. “Mr. Kane has been waiting for you, so if you would please come this way?”

  Camila dazedly followed after the man. The foyer was wide, and connected to the rest of the house through archways. She was led through the middle one, then to the right. They stopped at what looked like a parlor, with several seats arranged around the wide room, clustered around small, glass topped coffee tables. There was a chandelier above, and large windows with the curtains pulled back that let a lot of bright light into the room. The place was tastefully decorated with paintings and other art pieces, a few lamps and flower arrangements.

  It was like a scene straight out of a movie, or one of those books about royalty or…just anything out of her league that she couldn’t imagine she would ever get to see in real life.

  “Mr. Kane will be right with you, Madam,” the servant said.

  Camila barely heard, or noticed that the man had left already. She was looking around the room with fascination, interested particularly in the art pieces. Her eyes fell on one particular painting, tastefully done, and she wondered if she knew the painter. She’d been an art major in college, after all, even though her focus was mainly on photography, she still got to learn plenty about all forms of art.

  “You’re here.”

  The voice came from behind her, and it was the same as before, low and deep, and even from a distance away, it made her insides tighten and her heart flutter. Slowly, Camila turned around. Samuel Kane, in all his glory, descended a spiral staircase as if he was some sort of prince, with one hand on the railing.

  Something is different, she thought, even before she saw him. His voice sounded a lot livelier than their first meeting, too, but seeing how he looked was an even bigger surprise.

  She didn’t have anything against what he’d been wearing when they met last time. It was modest, but chic, though still, nothing that popped out too much. The man in front of her might as well have been a different person.

  Since he was above her coming down, she eyed him from his feet, and the blue sneakers he was wearing were particularly eye-catching. His long legs were encased in dark jeans that were loose around the calves, but tight around his thighs, and she even noted a few artificial rips. The only thing recognizable on him was the white t-shirt, and over it he had a black blazer, with a blue scarf hung loosely around his neck, along with a few silver and gold chains. On one wrist, he had several leather and silver bands, and on the other wrist he had a gold watch, not to mention the silver and gold rings on his fingers.

  The biggest shocker for her, still, was seeing him smiling. It was as if he’d turned from the reserved ex-soldier she’d met to a peacock, and she could feel her eyes widening and jaw dropping in her surprise.

  “I trust your drive here was uneventful?” he said, arching an eyebrow, a corner of his mouth raising a bit higher, and her heart skipped a beat. “You’re a bit earlier than I expected, there was hardly enough time to finish preparing, but I can't say I’m disappointed.”

  After a few seconds, she found her voice.

  “H-hi,” she stuttered, her face warming up even more. “Uh, the drive was…nice. Thank you for sending a car to me, but I could have found the place fine if you’d left me with directions…”

  “But where’s the fun in that?” Samuel said, an eyebrow jumping up, his look turning a little flirtatious. “I like to spoil the women I like, and I wouldn’t have invited you here if I didn’t like you.”

  He’d already reached the bottom of the steps, and Camila could only watch as he walked even closer to her. He was so much more friendly and charming, compared to before, that she didn’t know what to do with herself. So she just stood there dumbly, watching him get ever closer, with her hands holding onto her clutch purse in front of her and her heart beating so fast in her chest, she thought it wanted to escape.

  “You look absolutely amazing,” Samuel said, his voice dropping down an octave.

  As if she wasn’t already taken in before, she really thought she would swoon with that low tenor in his voice. She wondered what it would feel like, to have him call her name like that, and felt her breath hitch in her throat. Even if he was just playing with her, she didn’t think she would refuse him, and she wondered if that was the secret behind the rumors, how he could be known as a womanizer and still be so popular with women.

  His eyes intent on hers, he raised a hand slowly toward her, and her eyes shifted from his face to that hand. It was coming ever closer, and the closer it moved, the faster and harder her heart beat, and her breath even started coming short. Her eyelids fluttered as that hand got closer to her face. She thought he would cup her cheek, and a slight tremor went through her body at the thought of that wide, warm palm touching her skin.

  Before it could happen, though, they were interrupted.

  “You better not be doing what it is I think you’re doing.”

  Camila startled, she even gasped out loud, as both she and Samuel turned to face the man that walked into the room. Only, Camila’s eyes widened once more as she gaped at the man that was completely identical to the Samuel in front of her. Actually, no. Now that she looked closer, she could see the subtle differences. But the man standing in the entrance to the parlor looked a lot closer to the Samuel she’d met before, since he was dressed simply in a polo shirt, dark slacks and brown casual shoes.

  Camila’s eyes shifted from the ‘Samuel’ in front of her, and the one several feet away. He crossed the spa
ce between them quickly, eyes narrowed dangerously at his twin, before looking at her with a slightly gentled look.

  “Camila, I’m sorry about my brother. He can be a bit insensitive in his behavior.” Then, he turned back to his twin. “Adrien, that was out of line. I know you like playing tricks, but please leave my guests out of it.”

  The twin, now known as Adrien, raised his hands up, palms out, a slightly wounded look on his face.

  “I didn’t do any harm,” he said defensively. “I was only greeting her, and it’s not like I said a single lie.”

  Samuel sneered. “No, just twisted the truth instead of outright telling her you weren’t me. Anyone who didn’t know us wouldn’t understand. Please don’t behave like a child.”

  Camila just blinked as she watched the two of them banter back and forth, too stunned to even speak up. She did realize pretty quickly that she’d been tricked, but the fact that Samuel had an identical twin was even more shocking for her. He’d only mentioned having younger siblings before, Samuel didn’t give her this little detail.

  Looking at the two of them, a thought entered her mind, and some of the rumors going around suddenly made a lot of sense. The two of them looked like carbon copies of each other, if you didn’t look at how differently they were dressed. Also, the fact that Adrien looked easier on the eyes with a smile playing at his lips, and Samuel had this dark and foreboding look on his face.

  I wonder…who between the two of them has the womanizer reputation?

  “I have everything ready,” Samuel said with a sigh, turning to look at her with a slight frown. “Would you like to have it here instead of the dining area?”

  “U-um,” Camila stuttered when both men turned to look at her, Adrien with slightly arched eyebrows in a curious look. “The…dining area?”

  She made the suggestion, because she was a bit worried about spilling something on the expensive looking seats in the parlor. Samuel gave a sharp nod, then looked over his shoulder. A servant Camila hadn't even noticed was standing there, and he nodded at Samuel then left in a hurry. Samuel then turned back to Camila.

  “Everything will be set up momentarily. If you would please come with me?”

  He raised his hand toward her, gesturing her to move. She was still feeling a little dazed, but she had gotten over the surprise enough that she could walk just fine, and she walked toward Samuel. He turned as she reached him and they walked side by side. She didn’t miss the fall of footsteps approaching them, and neither did Samuel as he looked behind them. Camila glanced up at his face, only to see him scowling fiercely, and she looked away quickly.

  The ‘dining area’ as Samuel had called it, was even more impressive than the parlor. The room was about the same size, only this seemed larger because it was more bare. There were still paintings hung up around the walls, and several large windows letting in light. In the middle of the room was a large table, enough to seat a dozen people if not more. Samuel led her to a seat, to the right side of one end of the table, even pulling out her chair for her, then took the seat at the head of the table himself. Adrien smiled at the two of them as he sat to Samuel’s left, and right across from Camila.

  “Did I ask you to join us, little brother?” Samuel asked, his voice sharp, the frown that hadn't left his face deepening.

  “I’d just like to sit down to something myself,” Adrien said amicably. “I was up late last night and I only got up a short while ago, so I haven’t had breakfast, either, you know.”

  Samuel didn’t say more, but with his lips pressed flat together, it was easy to tell he was unhappy. The atmosphere was a little awkward, and when several servants walked in to set the table, both men and women in the same uniforms, only with the women wearing skirts instead of pants, Camila couldn’t help but be relieved.

  “My brother called you Camila, yes?” Adrien said, addressing her.

  Camila jumped a little, not expecting him to talk to her, and her eyes flitted quickly to Samuel, then away.

  “Yes, my name is Camila Blake.”

  He nodded. “You’ve probably figured this out already, but I’m Adrien Kane. It’s nice to meet you, Miss Blake.”

  Camila’s face flushed, and she wondered if her coloring would ever go back to normal. “Please, no need to be so formal,” she said quickly. “Camila is just fine.”

  Adrien grinned. “Then, feel free to call me Adrien, Camila. Could I serve your coffee for you?”

  Even feeling awkward, and a little shy for being in the same room as not one, but two really good-looking men, Camila wasn’t sure how to reply. Not that she got the chance to.

  “I’m sure Camila can serve herself just fine,” Samuel said, shooting a resentful glare at Adrien. “I would like it if you hurried up and went wherever you got dressed up for, Adrien.”

  Adrien didn’t look at all put out by Samuel’s words, but Camila couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. She didn’t know him that well, but from their brief encounter, she’d thought Samuel was…nice, if a bit stiff. But the way he was acting toward his charming brother was only making her feel even more awkward. She felt like he was being an asshole, but she couldn’t even speak up and say it, since this wasn’t her house. She was only a guest here.

  The not-date went on, with each of them helping themselves to coffee and some pastries which had been served with it. There was some light conversation, with Adrien mostly taking the lead, Camila joining, and Samuel occasionally cutting in. Her impression of him only kept falling lower. And then, in the middle of speaking more about his work, Samuel was interrupted by the ring of his cell phone, and he got up as he pulled it out of his pocket.

  “I need to take this, but I’ll only be a short moment,” he said, shooting a narrow-eyed look at Adrien.

  Camila sighed, feeling as if the atmosphere had completely relaxed with him stepping outside.

  “I’m really sorry about that,” Adrien said.

  Camila looked up and met his eyes, and he had this apologetic smile on his face.

  “Oh, no, there’s nothing for you to apologize for,” she said quickly.

  “I feel like I should, still,” he said with a sigh. “I can tell that my brother doesn’t want me here. He clearly wants to be alone with you, but I don’t think I can do that.”

  Camila frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”

  The smile on his face relaxed a bit, became more joyful, and he leaned forward over the table. He couldn’t move that much closer because the table was also pretty wide, but Camila was still mesmerized by the move.

  “Because I don’t find it fair that he should have you all to himself like he has some claim,” Adrien said. “I’m going to leave when he gets back, before things get too awkward, but I would like to ask you something first.”

  Her heart was picking up again, and she couldn’t believe this was happening. No way. There’s just no way.

  “Ask,” she said, her voice lowered to a whisper.

  Adrien grinned. “Camila Blake, may I have the honor of taking you out to dinner some time? I can let big brother have his way today…but you should have the choice of who you want to spend time with, no? I promise to show you a good time.”

  Camila bit down on her lip. They were practically doing this behind Samuel’s back, but it wasn’t like there was anything between them in the first place, so it was fine, right? Besides, how could she not be charmed by an invitation like that?

  “I would like that,” she said, a small smile curving her lips, that Adrien returned with an even wider grin, and Camila could feel her heart skip a beat.

  Chapter Four

  Camila knew she was dreaming. It was the only explanation, because she was pretty sure the last thing she remembered was falling giddily into her bed and hugging her pillow. Yet now, she was lying on a wide bed with silk sheets, in a large, dark room. There was a window with curtains that bathed parts of the room in moonlight, including part of the bed.

  The first thing she was aware of i
n her dream, was that she was not alone in the room, on that bed. There was a presence next to her, but even as she thought about turning to look at whoever it was, her body wouldn’t move.

  She felt thick, long arms circle around her waist from behind, bringing her back to a wide, muscular chest. The simple contact let her know two things, that the person in bed with her was definitely a much bigger male, and they were both stark naked. She shivered, tingly feelings of pleasure sparking all over her body. Wide, soft lips were pressed to her ear, warn breath washing over the back of her neck, sending wisps of her hair flying and tickling her.

  Camila could feel a shiver go through her, as an idea of who the man was entered her mind. It had been a while since she’d even thought about sex, let alone had an erotic dream, but her attraction this time was undeniable. Arching her back slightly, she pushed back against the man behind her, and felt a hardness press against the back of her thighs, and heard a moan from the man in response to her actions.

  The arms around her held her even tighter, before suddenly going lose. She made a strangled cry, her hands grabbing onto those arms to keep them around her. The man went still, then made some soothing noises, pressing soft kisses to her nape, as if assuring her that he wasn’t leaving. Reluctantly, she released those arms, shivering in disappointment as she was let go. Only for hands to grab onto her and roll her onto her back, that large body pressing down on hers from above.

  Her eyes fluttered open, but before she could see the man’s face and confirm who he was, she felt his lips pressed against hers, and she sighed as she let her lids relax, melting into the kiss. It started out soft, careful, just a simple press of lips. One kiss, then another, and another. Then the kisses started melting into each other, and Camila felt it as her lips were lightly nipped and nibbled and licked. With a sigh, she parted her mouth, meeting the other’s lips with a few little licks of her own.


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