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Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love

Page 69

by Brenda Webb

  “It is not Brother that I wish to see; it is Elizabeth. Surely she expects her sister to wish her joy and a safe journey!” Her face crumpled as though she was going to cry. “I have never had a sister, and I wish to get to know her.”

  Audrey could not help but smile at Georgiana’s argument. “And you shall, but all in good time.” She patted her hand. “The next few weeks belong to them and them alone. Let them get to know each other without the intrusion of family or friends.”

  “I thought they knew each other well enough. After all, they agreed to marry.”

  “Being engaged is not the same as being married. However, since you are so upset, if you wish—”

  Georgiana’s eyes lit up. “I can see her?”

  “No. You may write a note to Elizabeth, and I shall have a footman deliver it tomorrow. That way you may wish her joy and say goodbye before they leave!”

  “Oh, Aunt!” Georgiana declared, her face falling. “That is not what I wished for and you know it.”

  “I suppose not, but it shall have to suffice!”


  Matlock House

  The Library

  Standing at the large floor-to-ceiling windows in his father’s richly appointed library, Richard chuckled at the scene unfolding in the garden just outside. Georgiana had complained to him only minutes before of being unable to see her brother and her new sister.

  “What is so funny?”

  Richard looked over his shoulder and seeing that it was his sister, Alicia, turned back to watch the spectacle. “It is Georgiana! She wants to pay a call on Darcy and Elizabeth!” He laughed aloud. “I told her she might be able to persuade Aunt Audrey.”

  “Richard!” Alicia declared, chuckling as she hurried to stand next to him. “You knew her appeal would be fruitless! Our aunt would never let anyone interfere with our cousin’s happiness at this time.”

  “Yes, but it is far better for Georgiana to be angry with Aunt Audrey than with me! I am her wonderful, doting cousin, and I wish to stay that way.”

  “I did not know you were so devious!”

  Richard turned to her with a smirk. “Yes, you do, for I have been such all my life. You realise, of course, that if I were not so devious, you would not be engaged to your colonel as we speak! After all, it was my idea to take Steven with us to Teddington so that father could learn what a fine fellow he is, though I had no idea your beau would end up saving his life.”

  Alicia slipped her arm through her brother’s and laid her head against him as she offered, “Fortunately, your deviousness is mainly a ruse to help others.” Richard patted her hand and she continued. “Steven and I owe our happiness to you, and we shall never forget it.”

  “I hope not!” he retorted cheekily. Then, continuing to stare into the gardens beyond, he asked more circumspectly, “Could I request something of you?”


  “I… I am not one to manipulate social situations. In fact, I do not have the faintest idea how to arrange coincidental meetings as you ladies do.”

  “You wish me to arrange a meeting?”

  “First, I do not wish for mother to learn of this. Do you promise not to say anything to her or anyone else, for that matter?”

  Alicia let go of his arm and stepped in front of him, her expression sombre. “I promise. You may tell me anything you wish, and I shall keep it in strictest confidence.” Suddenly, Richard seemed self-conscious as he studied his boots. “Richard, tell me. You have nothing to fear.”

  “Lady Tierney.”

  “Colleen Tierney? I met her at a dinner party at the Swansons a few weeks ago. I found her to be very sweet and intelligent.” She smiled wryly at Richard. “I dare say that she is also very beautiful, though I imagine that you are aware of that. Else, why would we be discussing her?”

  “I have always been drawn to green-eyed young ladies with red hair,” he smirked. “It is my greatest weakness.”

  “Are you aware that our mother and Lady Swanson were good friends with Colleen’s mother years before that lady was married Lord Tierney?”

  “I had no idea.”

  “That evening, after talking with her, Mother realised who Colleen was and told everyone who would listen loving stories about the Tierneys. But how do you know of her? You were out of London the night she dined with us at the Swansons.”

  “When returning from Southhaven, Sergeant Powell and I came across a coach on the side of the road with a broken wheel. I sent Powell to the nearest town to secure a replacement coach and stayed with the occupants for several hours because I feared for their safety. Their party included only Lady Tierney, her elderly uncle, and a driver and footman who looked equally old. I was afraid a highwayman might take advantage of their situation.”

  “Then, surely you know her well enough to call on her?”

  “One would think so, but she and I barely exchanged two words, as her uncle talks more than I do! He and I waited outside the coach and discussed everything from Bonaparte* to brandy. Just think, my charming personality was wasted on a man old enough to be my great-grandfather while a beautiful woman sat just inches away!”

  “She must have made some impression if ‘barely two words’ inspired you to seek my assistance.”

  He looked sheepish now. “I confess that she did. But if I decide to pursue an acquaintance, I will need a formal introduction.”

  “If? Brother, you have never shown that much interest in a woman as far back as I can remember!” She laughed out loud. “This has to be serious if my confirmed bachelor brother is considering calling on a young woman!”

  At just that moment, Lady Matlock entered the room unbeknownst to them. “Who is calling on a young woman?”

  Richard and Alicia each startled, turning in tandem to face their mother. Alicia glanced to her brother whose face was flushed.

  “I am, Mother!” Alicia declared a little too brightly. “I was telling Richard that I had met a lovely young woman at a dinner party, and I wished to further my acquaintance with her.”

  Her mother’s face lit up. “And who might that be, dear?”

  “Lady Tierney.”

  “Oh, that is a wonderful idea! I meant to ask her to tea before now, but with all the commotion surrounding Fitzwilliam’s marriage, I forgot.”

  Alicia looked at Richard out of the corner of her eye. “Then I shall send an invitation for tea tomorrow, if that meets with your approval. You will be available then, will you not?”

  “I shall indeed! And you should be here to meet her too, Richard. I suppose Alicia has told you that she is beautiful as well as intelligent.”

  Acting the part of the reluctant suitor, Richard sighed heavily. “You know how I feel about your matchmaking, Mother.”

  “Surely you cannot object to an introduction if you are here when she arrives?” Lady Matlock declared.

  “Of course not!” Richard said, hoping to sound properly offended. “If I happen to be here when she comes, I shall gladly suffer an introduction. I am a gentleman, after all.”

  His mother patted his cheek condescendingly. “Of course you are!” Then her expression became pensive as she began plotting the menu in her head. “I shall meet with Cook immediately regarding what to serve.”

  And with those words, she completely forgot her children and headed back out of the room. Used to being abandoned when their mother became distracted, Richard turned to Alicia and winked.

  Laughing, Alicia said, “As I said before, you are devious! Mother is on a mission and has no idea that you instigated the entire thing.”

  “But, it makes her happy to think she is in charge,” Richard retorted. Then he took his sister’s hand. “Thank you for not giving me away.”

  “Even if you had not done so much for Steven and me, I would do whatever in my power to help you. You have been the best of brothers.”

  “It is not hard to best Edgar!” he laughed.

  Alicia’s expression softened. “Do not make li
ght of my compliment, Richard. You are everything a brother should be.”

  Richard pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I have told Darcy numerous times that sisters are not so bad after they are full grown.”

  Alicia exacted her punishment by pinching his arm.

  “Ouch!” he declared, vigorously rubbing his injury. “Perhaps I shall have to amend my opinion on that subject!”


  Darcy House

  The Mistress’ Bedroom

  As faint light was beginning to filter through the French doors into the bedroom, from his perch on the rail that surrounded the balcony, William watched patiently while the sky transitioned from gray to shades of blue and orange. Having stirred Elizabeth from her sleep last night, kissing her until she woke in order to make love again, he was determined that she should sleep at least until morning. Judging by her response, she had not minded being awakened, but it was evident that she needed rest, as she had not roused when he had. So, unable to quell his rising passion, William had slipped from the bed and taken up his vigil almost an hour ago.

  However, seeing that the sun’s appearance was imminent, he took several deep breaths of the invigorating morning air and re-entered the room, taking a cautious seat on the small sofa placed nearest the bed. There he observed her silently. Most of the candles lit last night had burned out leaving only a few producing a dim glow, but he was content. His wife’s pleasing form was easily discernible from the light now invading the space.

  As William watched her sleep, he felt for the first time that she was his. Certain that nothing could surpass the happiness he felt at this very moment, he was jolted from his contemplations when Elizabeth suddenly rolled from her side onto her stomach. The picture that she now presented tormented his passion anew, for she lay sprawled across this huge bed almost completely exposed. The sheets had slipped during the night and lay across her buttocks, while only her hair covered her back.

  Instantly, his eyes flew to the mass of ebony curls that ended just above her perfectly rounded bottom. Reminiscent of a nude he had seen in a Renaissance painting, he envied Georgiana’s ability to draw. He would have given anything to capture Elizabeth’s likeness just then. Occupied with this new deliberation, he failed to see that she had awakened and was watching him through hooded eyes.

  “Fitzwilliam,” she murmured sleepily, gaining his full attention.

  Instantly he was sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand eagerly interlacing with the chocolate ringlets. “Good morning, my darling. Are you well?”

  “A bit tired,” she offered. The corners of her mouth lifted in a drowsy smile. “I think I could lie here forever.”

  Disappointed with her reply, William tried not to show it. “If that is your wish, then you may. I shall not insist that you rise.”

  The regret in his voice was so palpable that Elizabeth instantly detected it. Thus, she rolled over on her back, making no attempt to cover up or to flinch under his gaze.

  Staring open-mouthed, he said not a word, so she began to tease. “Then you would not care if I slept all day?”

  William murmured, “I did not say that you should sleep all day, Elizabeth.” Gently he cupped one soft breast with his large hand, palming it until the center hardened. “In fact, it is my theory that exertions of a pleasurable nature can greatly improve sleep afterward.”

  “I fear I have not had enough practice to concur with your theory. Would you be willing to put it to the test once more?”

  Instantly William was on his feet, discarding his robe as rapidly as possible. Falling on the bed and rolling over to trap her beneath his body, he heard her giggle, exclaiming, “Fitzwilliam, your feet are cold!”

  Ignoring her protest, he made quick work of warming her, and as their love-making took on a steady rhythm, her protestations became moans of pleasure. Afterwards, having proven his theory beyond all doubt, they slept in each other’s arms.

  And so it was that the servant’s bell, signaling the Darcys’ wished to bathe, did not ring until nearly midday. If there had been more servants on duty, undoubtedly more eyebrows would have risen, other than those of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and the footmen summoned to bring water.


  The huge tub was perfect. It was large enough that William could stretch his legs out completely and, if he was not sharing the tub with her, Elizabeth could lie completely down if she wished. As it was, the steaming, scented water barely rippled as he slid into the tub behind her and Elizabeth stopped running a cloth over her legs to lie back against his chest. William smiled contentedly. As she made a pillow of his shoulder and closed her eyes, he took the soap-filled cloth and began to glide it over her body. Unable to imagine a more pleasurable pursuit, his thoughts immediately flew to transporting the tub to Pemberley and ordering a new one for Darcy House.

  Elizabeth was full of curiosity. “Fitzwilliam, are you sure this is quite proper? I have never heard of a man and a woman bathing together.”

  “Would you prefer we bathe separately?”

  Elizabeth giggled in the delightful way that he adored. “Of course not, but I have to wonder what the servants will think or, more importantly, what they will say.”

  “The servants will say nothing, Elizabeth. I have dedicated people who are paid well not to gossip. I can assure you that nothing that happens in either of our homes will ever be discussed.”

  She ran a hand along his leg, unaware of the effect it had on him. “I confess that I enjoy imagining the shocked faces of the ladies of the ton, should they learn our secret. It almost makes me want to spread the rumour.”


  “I am only teasing,” she interjected. “But surely, the glares of jealousy at our wedding breakfast did not escape your notice. Most of the ladies acted as though I had stolen you out from under their noses.”

  “I saw no one but you, my love.”

  She sat up and turned to kiss him. They settled in each other’s arms, her head resting on his shoulder.

  “If we are leaving for Pemberley on Thursday, should we not say our farewells to the family beforehand?” she whispered dreamily.

  “I believe that our family has seen enough of us to suffice until the end of our honeymoon. I have no wish to interrupt our privacy to bid them farewell.”

  “I know that Jane and Papa have returned to Hertfordshire, but Georgiana—”

  “Georgiana has accompanied our aunt on trips for weeks at a time. Believe me when I say that she shall survive this separation.”

  Taking a few moments to consider his argument, Elizabeth replied, “Still, I would not wish for her to think I had ignored her.”

  “You are too kind to worry over your sister at a time like this, but to ease your mind, if you will write her a note, I shall have it delivered tomorrow by a footman. Then, she shall know that you were thinking of her. I shall also send a greeting for her and one for the rest of the family from us both.”

  “What an excellent idea!” Suddenly she sat up, her brown eyes twinkling deliciously. “How shall I thank you for thinking of it?”

  William’s eyes were trained on the trickles of soapy water drizzling from the tips of her firm breasts. “Oh, I imagine that you will be able to think of something.”

  Elizabeth erupted with peals of laughter, falling into William’s arms. And it would be much later that day before she realised that she had made a valuable discovery. If it was large enough, a tub could be used for so much more than just bathing.


  Just before dinner on the morrow, Elizabeth received a note from Georgiana, and about the same time, Georgiana received a note from her new sister. As both read the missives they smiled, content to know that although it would be over a month before they were together again, they had acquired a sister who thought of their feelings regardless of the circumstances.


  So it was that first light on Thursday morning found the newlyweds beginning their jour
ney to Derbyshire. Elizabeth was eager to set eyes on the home that her husband loved so dearly, and Fitzwilliam was just as keen to show it to her. For he was convinced that his ancestral home would be set to right the minute his wife stepped inside.

  After all, with Elizabeth’s arrival, the true mistress of Pemberley would be in residence at last.


  Chapter 48


  Seven weeks later

  As the coach approached the circular drive of the manor house, Lady Audrey Ashcroft leaned out the window, eager to see if there were any changes to Pemberley since she had last been in residence. Pleased that everything looked just as she remembered, she smiled as she sank back into the cushioned seat of Darcy’s coach. Then remembering what had brought her back to Derbyshire sooner than expected, her face took on an entirely different expression.

  Elizabeth’s note had been terse, offering no real explanation as to why she needed to talk to her so hastily. But considering that she had to return in a few days in order to prepare for her wedding, it had been no inconvenience to come earlier. Since receiving the letter, she had prayed diligently that nothing major was amiss; however, she was apprehensive that whatever the problem, it just might concern Georgiana. After all, her niece had returned to Pemberley two weeks before and she, of all people, knew how demanding Georgiana could be. Naturally, Elizabeth would have been eager to please her new sister, and that could have served to create the perfect disaster.

  Why did I not think of this before? I should have had a good talk with my niece regarding Elizabeth’s priorities before I let her return to Derbyshire.


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