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VP Page 3

by Sienna Valentine

  "You just didn't listen, as usual. You thought you could do whatever the fuck you wanted and you almost fucked everything up. You're just lucky that acting like a whore was the right move in this case."

  That comment stung, and Madison could feel the tears in her eyes start to well up. She was suddenly more embarrassed than before at standing there naked. She clutched her clothes against her even harder.

  She could see Dax's eyes focus on something behind her and he grimaced. "Troy," he said, no longer whispering but still not too loud. "You were supposed to watch her. Take her back to the clubhouse. I'll meet you guys back there later."

  Madison knew better than to argue this time. Dax finally relaxed his grip and gave her another hard look before spinning around and stomping towards the Champagne room. The tattoo on the back of his head seemed ironic now. Shit Happens. Wasn't that saying supposed to mean that life was full of surprises and to just accept them and move on? Madison hoped once his anger died he'd return to living by the credo inked into his skull.

  She quickly started to pull her clothes on, pointedly ignoring the fact that Troy was openly watching her, his eyes missing no part of her exposed flesh until she had covered it all back up.

  "So, are you happy you found him then?" Troy was smiling, but there was no humor or friendliness behind his eyes.

  "Fuck you," she said. He had known what was going on back here, at least partly. He'd had the sense enough to stay out of sight. He could have warned her instead of letting her believe Dax was back here fooling around. "Let's just go."

  She glanced back at the girls on the stage as she walked past Troy on her way to the door. They had stopped what they were doing, obviously aware that something was going on between her and the men. Madison wasn't sure how much they had heard, but it didn't matter. She felt her face redden yet again but she ignored it. She gave them a little smile, and they returned it, sympathy in their eyes.

  "Bye honey," Bambi called. "We'll see you again soon!"

  She just nodded and walked past the stage. She could hear Troy following closely behind as she turned into the little corridor leading to the doors. Pushing them open, she was greeted once again by the loudness of the casino. The crowd and noise were welcome, letting her hide her shame within their anonymity. No one here knew or cared that she had just performed an impromptu sex show in front of two strangers and three bikers, or that she'd been chewed out in front of some of them by her boyfriend. There was money to be won and lost, and with each roll of the dice or turn of the cards, someone was deliriously happy or profoundly disappointed, and none of it had anything to do with her.

  She pushed through the crowd, wishing that her earlier buzz from the whiskey sours had lasted a little bit longer. She considered asking Troy whether she could stop at the bar for a few more drinks, but she knew he would have some choice things to say about that. Besides, there were drinks at the clubhouse. She wanted to just get the hell out of here anyway. Leave the memories of what had just happened behind and hopefully start fresh with Dax when he returned later. She'd have to think of a good way to apologize. Hopefully he'd be more willing to listen, this time.

  She numbly walked back around the building and climbed onto the back of Troy's bike once he had gotten on. She hated having to wrap her arms around him, but she still didn't feel completely safe on a bike in any other position. He started it up and pulled out of the parking lot. He'd only just gotten onto the freeway when Madison felt the tears start to finally fall down her face.

  Let them fall now, she thought. At least no one saw me cry. The wind will dry them before we get back.

  She was right. By the time they pulled up to the clubhouse, she had gotten a hold of her emotions and her face was dry. She hopped off the bike as soon as it had stopped, not waiting long enough for Troy to see her eyes, although it was probably dark enough that he wouldn't be able to see if they were still a bit red anyway. She walked quickly to the front door and pushed it open, thankful that the big main room was empty.

  A clock on the wall said it was only 9:30 PM, but it felt like it was almost midnight to her. The odd combination of booze, orgasms and humiliation had wiped her out and she wished she'd instead told Troy to take her back to Dax's apartment so that she could just go to bed.

  She could hear sounds coming from upstairs, probably some of the guys partying with some of the house mamma's, but she definitely wasn't up for joining them. Her earlier desire to come back and drink had mostly vanished as well. Instead, she made her way to the back, towards Dax's new office. At least there she'd have some privacy, and there was a little couch that she could use to lay down on.

  Once she was in, she closed the door behind herself and locked it. Throwing herself down onto the couch, she buried her face in one of the throw pillows and let herself go again. Her body heaved as she sobbed, and it wasn't long before she had cried herself into a fitful sleep.

  The door slamming shut woke Madison, and through bleary eyes she saw Dax standing over her, still looking angry. Her heart started pounding in her chest. She had meant to plan out what she was going to say to him, but she had been so tired and fallen right asleep, completely forgetting. She'd hoped he would have calmed down a bit by the time he got back, but it didn't seem like luck was on her side tonight.

  "Let's go home," he said simply, reaching out a hand. She grabbed onto it and he pulled her to her feet.

  "What time is it," she said, her head still thick and hazy with sleep. It felt like she had just lain down moments ago, but the grogginess seemed to indicate she had been in a pretty deep sleep.

  "After 1 AM. Let's go."

  "Dax... I'm really sorry..."

  "Forget it, it's done, I don't want to talk about it right anymore," he said, grabbing the door to the office and yanking it back open.

  "You still seem mad and-"

  "Not at you. Come on."

  He stormed out of the office and she could tell by the way he was walking and his brow was furrowed that he was still very angry, but she was thankful it was no longer directed towards her.

  In the hallway, she saw Guts at the other end, talking to the Prez. The Prez looked as though he had just woken up as well, although he was also fully dressed. Dax turned and looked at Guts, but Guts pointedly ignored him. The Prez looked back though, his face expressionless. Since Madison couldn't see the look on Dax's face, she wasn't sure what was going on.

  He finally turned back and continued walking, so she followed him out of the quiet clubhouse and to his bike, getting on behind him and happily wrapping her arms around his waist. As he started it up, she lay her head against his back, her cheek resting against the cool leather of his jacket. She closed her eyes as they drove at first, but then worried that she'd fall back asleep so she opened them even though they stung as the cool night air hit them. She couldn't wait to get back into bed with Dax and go to sleep.

  By the time they arrived, though, she felt more alert. Keeping her eyes open in the wind and the loudness of the engine had cleared the cobwebs from her brain, but she was still happy at the thought of getting into the warm bed next to Dax's naked body. Maybe she'd be able to work up the energy to properly apologize to him. She could think of a few ways to say she was sorry without using any words at all.

  Once they were in his apartment, Dax shrugged off his jacket and threw it onto the couch, his white t-shirt underneath pulled tightly against his muscled body. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and drinking more than half of it without even taking a breath.

  "Are you okay?" Madison asked.

  Dax said nothing, just staring at the beer in his hand. He then put it back to his lips and finished it off in one more big gulp.

  He slammed the glass down on the counter and turned to her. His brow was still furrowed, but some of the anger looked to have died down, at least to a low simmer. He was looking at her oddly, though. He took a step towards her and her heart started to beat faster.

not talking, he grabbed her by the waist and spun her around so that she was facing the kitchen counter. She felt his hands reach around and pull hard against the button holding her pants together, loosening it immediately. Without missing a beat, he slid her jeans and panties down her legs and then stood back up. She could hear him fumbling with his own belt and then heard his pants hit the floor as well.

  Still without a word, Dax pushed her forward so that she had to grab a hold of the counter in front of her as she bent over. One of his hands slid up her shirt and grabbed one of her breasts roughly, and the other slipped between her legs, wiggling a finger between her folds and causing her to instantly start to get wet. With a couple of quick rubs, she had moistened enough and his hand disappeared for a moment, although his arm was pressed between her ass cheeks as he reached down. She quickly felt the head of his cock touch her lips and she gasped in surprise at how hard he already was.

  Dax positioned himself at her entrance with his hand and then moved it up her shirt to join his other one on her tits. With a grunt, his hips pushed forward and his thick cock rammed in between her lips causing her to cry out in an odd mixture of pleasure and pain. She wasn't quite wet enough for his initial thrust, but within a couple of strokes he was sliding easily within her and the pleasure had won the battle over pain.

  Dax removed one of his hands from her shirt and put it against the counter, next to her own. With more leverage, his thrusts now became more powerful. With each shove of his cock into her wetness, he let out another grunt, the only sounds he had made since they had arrived back home.

  She was making small noises now as well, little squeaks of pleasure that matched each one of his own.

  His thrusts suddenly got faster and Madison knew he wouldn't be much longer. She was far from orgasm herself, but she didn't care. She had cum enough that day, and was just happy that Dax was no longer angry with her. Aside from the obvious pleasure she felt from stimulation, the feeling of his hardness filling up her pussy also filled her heart with contentment, and although Dax couldn't see her, the smile she wore was plastered across her face from ear to ear.

  His strong hand squeezed her breast hard as his hips slammed against her ass one final time. With an even louder groan, she felt his cock expand within her and then explode, filling her with a jet of hot cum. She felt his weight against her back as he leaned forward, trying to push his cock in even deeper as it continued to spasm. His hand was still squeezing her breast, the nipple caught tightly between his index and middle finger.

  Madison squeezed her muscles, trying to milk more of the hot prize from his cock even as it continued to spill its load. She could feel his warm breath against the back of her neck until he was done, finally pushing off of the counter and lifting his weight from her as his hand slipped out of her shirt. His cock was the last bit of flesh to lose contact with her, slipping out easily along a trail of their mixed juices.

  She leaned forward for another couple of moments, letting her own breath catch up. Despite the fact that she had already cum twice today, she couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed at the quickness of their encounter.

  Dax had kicked his pants away and now pulled off his sweaty shirt, dropping it on the floor as he walked, naked, towards the bathroom. She watched his firm and muscled ass flex with each movement until he disappeared behind the bathroom door. She then finally straightened up herself, grabbing a couple of paper towels from the counter and using them to catch the remains of their session that was now threatening to soil the kitchen floor.

  By the time Dax had emerged from the bathroom, she had pulled off the rest of her clothes as well, and met him naked on their way to his bedroom. He still hadn't said a word.

  The clock on the nightstand said that it was already half past 2 AM. They both climbed silently into bed. Madison lay there, staring at the ceiling, wondering whether or not she should say something or just leave Dax alone until morning. He was clearly mad about something still, and despite the fact that they had just had sex - fucked was a more appropriate term - his silent treatment made it hard to believe that he wasn't still at least somewhat angry with her.

  Before she had made up her mind on whether and what to say, though, she could hear by his deep and rhythmic breathing that he was already asleep. With a mental shrug, she turned over and closed her eyes. He'd made up her mind for her, as he often did. She didn't have to fret over it for too long though, as she fell asleep within minutes herself.

  Morning had almost past before Madison opened her eyes again. A quick peek at the clock said that it was almost lunch time. She rolled over to check on Dax, but discovered the bed empty next to her. Her nose gave her a hint at where he was, though, as the smell of coffee seeped into her consciousness.

  Slipping out of bed and consciously deciding not to put anything on, she walked naked into the kitchen. Dax was sitting at the table, mug in hand, staring silently at the wall in front of him. He was already partly dressed in jeans, but nothing else. The tattoos on his chest and arms rippled with each movement as he brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. His eyes shifted to her as she entered the room, and his gaze quickly took in her nudity appreciatively, although she still didn't see a smile touch his lips.

  "There's more coffee in the pot," he said.


  Madison walked past him and grabbed a cup, filling it with the hot black liquid. She got some cream from the fridge and poured it liberally in, despite the fact that Dax often made fun of her for not drinking it black. Cream was the only thing that made coffee drinkable, in her opinion.

  Madison walked over to the chair next to Dax and sat down. The cool wood against her bare ass made her eyes widen, but it quickly warmed beneath her. "So are you ready to talk about what happened last night?"

  Dax stared into his cup for a few moments before responding. "Fucking Guts," he said.

  So it was something Guts had done that pissed him off. Whatever it was, at least it took his mind off how angry he had been with her. She waited to see if he would continue on his own, but he remained silent.

  "What happened? Who were those men you were with?" she prodded.

  Dax sighed heavily, his fingers gripping the cup so tightly they were turning white. "The Mexicans. Our suppliers. Supposed to be our former suppliers by now. That's what we were there to discuss. The talks have been going on too long, we should have cut off ties already, but this meeting was supposed to close things up."

  Drugs. This was about Dax moving the club out of drugs, as he had promised when he was made VP. Madison knew that they were supplied by a Mexican cartel and have been one of their biggest clients for months. It sounded like they weren't interested in losing that business.

  "I didn't do anything to screw it up, did I?" she asked, still worried that he was mad.

  Dax shook his head. "Your little... show... distracted them." He was quiet for a moment. "It was a smart move." Madison smiled but he then looked her in the eye. "A smart move to cover up a very stupid one."

  Her smile faded as he stared at her, but then he shook his head and exhaled again. "Look, shit happens, right? Just try to listen to me when I tell you something. There's usually a fucking reason."

  "I will, I promise."

  He looked again at her, cocking his head. "I don't believe that for a second," he said.

  "I mean I'll try, anyway."

  He finally laughed, and she felt the tension drain away, at least between the two of them. She reached forward and lay a hand on his, and he didn't pull it away. It relaxed a bit at her touch, some color returning to his knuckles as his grip on his cup loosened.

  "Bambi told me to tell you that she's still interested in having a turn with you," he said. "She was disappointed that Cleo got first crack between your legs. Burst your lesbian cherry."

  Madison again felt her face redden. "How does she know I haven't done that before?"

  Dax didn't say anything, he just stared at her with a look on his face
that seemed to question whether she was asking that seriously.

  "Fine, it was my first time, but that doesn't mean there will be a second one."

  "You certainly seemed to enjoy it."

  She looked at him sharply, but then smiled softly. "What can I say. I guess a girl knows best how to please another girl. Anyway," she said, trying to change the subject, " what happened after I left? Why are you so upset? What did Guts do?"

  She felt his hand grip the mug again under her touch. "The man needs to learn his fucking place," he growled. "I was made VP, not him. I think the fact that the Prez voted his way gives him some fucking misguided belief that he can do whatever the hell he wants.

  "Our discussions were going alright with the Mexicans, but they're still unwilling to let us walk away from distribution completely. I had offered to help find them someone else to pick up our end of it, and that was what we were in the midst of talking about. There are a few other clubs I can talk to that would love to earn some extra money. Let them take the heat and be responsible for all the shit that this stuff causes."

  Ever since Dax had opened up to her about his own past with drugs and how it had ruined his family life, Madison knew how personal this fight was to him. But the president of the Desperados had never been on board with it, despite the fact that many of the members were firmly on Dax's side. Guts was the Prez's man all the way, though.

  "So what happened?"

  "Guts opened his shit eating mouth, that's what. Each time I mentioned a potential club that could take over the business, he would say something negative about them. He'd do it slyly, like he was just thinking out loud or some shit, but it was always enough to make the Mexicans think twice and nix that choice. Like when I told them that Hell's Riders would be a good fit, Guts initially agreed, but then said something like as long as you don't mind the fact that they've had issues with a mole in their club lately, sending two of their members to the pen in the past three months without any ideas yet who it is."

  "Is that true?"

  "Doesn't fucking matter. He shouldn't have said it. I think it might be true, that's the rumor, anyway. But that's not the point. If they went with the Riders, that would be their problem, not ours. We're supposed to be trying to get rid of them, and that comment turned them right back the fuck around to look at us again. And he did it over and over with each club I mentioned. By the end of the night, the Mexicans said that they weren't comfortable with changing anything now, and then before I could say anything, Guts said he understands and maybe it isn't a good time.


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