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VP Page 4

by Sienna Valentine

  "Obviously I can't just fucking contradict him in front of them, make us look weak and like we have internal problems. Then again, since that seemed to turn them off everyone else, maybe it would have helped our case." He paused now, staring at the wall. "Nah. Those guys are brutal. More than likely they would have decided to try to fix our internal problems with a few permanent staff changes of their own design, and who knows whose head would have ended up with a bullet in it in that scenario. These guys are fucking serious, and they don't let anything mess around with their money flow. We're big earners for them, and they're very uninterested in changing the way things work."

  "That's terrible!"

  "It gets worse. Guts was obviously trying to make sure that the Mexican's didn't suspect him of sabotaging the meeting, so he goes on about how he is looking forward to making this work, all a bunch of horse shit, laying it on real thick. Then, he says, to sweeten the pot, he promises them a celebration with one of our girls when we finally strike a deal. He did that shit to annoy me personally."

  "Does he know your history with your mother?" Dax's mother was addicted to crack, and her dealer boyfriend use to pimp her out to people to earn extra money, always telling her that it was just her way of paying for the crack. One day she ended up with her throat slit after one of those meetings. Since then, Dax has been against drugs and forced prostitution. Whether it be because the girl is addicted to drugs and forced that way, or if some guy is forcing her. He only tolerates it at the club because he can keep an eye on the girls, make sure they were clean and doing it of their own free will.

  "No, but he knows that I watch the girls and make sure they decide how far to go. These Mexican guys are brutal. Even if the girl agreed to it, I wouldn't want her alone with them."

  "So what's next? What can you do?"

  He shook his head. "Not sure yet. I have to talk to some brothers. I spoke to Dane and Lurch briefly last night to fill them in on what happened, but we're going to discuss things in more detail today and figure out our next move. If I make a move against Guts, it's going to have fallout, despite the fact that he doesn't hold any official rank in the club. Everyone knows he's the right hand man of the Prez. So that means that his interference last night came directly from above. Since we voted to move out of drugs, the Prez can't do anything directly himself, or the members may rise up against him and toss him out on his ear. But if he goes through Guts, he has deniability. And the way Guts did it, he can always argue that he was just being careful, making sure the Mexican's don't go with someone and then later have to come back to us when it doesn't work out. Or worse yet, blame us for the failure."

  "Well, that's true isn't it? It sounds like, from what you're saying, if they blame you guys it could get violent?"

  "Maybe, but the Mexican's have a way of making their revenue sources work, even if they have to force a regime change, as I said. If they go with another club, I think they'll make it work. And like I said, we don't even know if the rumor about the Riders is true. But even if it is, some of the other things he said about other clubs were even less based in reality. He was careful, though. Nothing was an outright lie, not that I could tell anyway. But he stretched the truth a lot, and relied heavily on many rumors that I know were phony."

  They were quiet for a few minutes, Madison still holding his hand as it gripped the cup tightly. She started to rub it gently, trying to relax him. She was happy as his fingers finally lost some of their tension again. She stood up and walked behind him, putting her hands on his shoulders and starting to rub them, they were even tighter than his hands.

  "I just want you to be careful," she said. "It's enough that you have to worry about the Mexicans, it sounds like if you do something wrong you'll have to worry about Guts as well. I don't trust that guy."

  "Neither do I," he agreed. "But I have the numbers. Prez doesn't have a huge support group outside of Guts and a couple other idiots that are only interested in the money that drugs bring. We make enough through the casino, though, and we could easily replace the lost drug income by expanding that. Cut Yamada out completely and run a few ourselves. We're integrated enough in his operation now that we know how it works. Shit, that feels good."

  She was digging her fingers into the knots in his shoulders, working them out as he spoke. Her bare breasts were pressed against the back of his head, and she felt him lean back a bit, resting against them as if they were pillows.

  "Well you need to relax a bit. If you go out all tense like this, you're liable to say something that will just make the situation worse."

  He grunted and she took that as agreement, so she pushed harder into his shoulders. "When do you have to leave?" she asked.

  "Soon," he said. "I'm meeting Lurch and Dane at the club in an hour."

  "Then we don't have a lot of time," she said.

  "For what?"

  Madison walked around to the front of the chair, pushing the table out of the way so she could get in front of the biker. "To relax you," she said, slowly sinking to her knees with a smile.

  She pressed herself between Dax's legs and he spread them to let her in. Without wasting time, she reached to the front of his pants and undid his fly, dipping her hand in and fishing around. She didn't withdraw her hand until she could pull his cock out along with it.

  "Having you around certainly has its benefits," he said.

  She ignored that comment, and leaned forward, taking his half flaccid cock into her mouth. It started to grow immediately. She could still taste her own pussy on his flesh from last night, obviously he hadn't showered after getting up this morning. It turned her on, though, thinking about how he had taken her on the counter just hours ago.

  His cock was fully erect now, and her tongue was rolling up and down his shaft, followed closely by her closed fist. Each time she reached the top of his dick, she'd pop her mouth off and run her tongue down to the base, giving each of his heavy balls a lick before dragging back up to engulf him once more.

  Dax snaked his hands around her back and up to her head, pressing gently as she sucked in an effort to guide her and control the speed. In the interest of time, she let him instead of teasing him like she normally did. He needed to get going and she needed to get ready, but he also needed this release if he was going to hold his temper today.

  She could feel each vein and ridge along the inside of her cheeks as she sucked his thick shaft, barely able to close her mouth around his girth. She pushed down as far as she could go, letting the head of his cock press against the back of her throat, thankful once more that she had long ago learned to suppress her gag reflex.

  She started to pick up speed at the subtle urging of his hands on her head, using one hand to rub his shaft each time her mouth moved above it, while the other massaged his balls gently. She could smell his musky odor, the manliness of it making her own juices start to flow. She was disappointed that she couldn't pursue that further, but maybe she'd get a chance later in the day. If he left her alone at the club house, she could always take care of it herself in his office.

  Her head bobbed even quicker now as his hands gripped her hair, pulling and pushing at the rhythm he required to get off quickly. His hips started to thrust as well, moving up and down in the chair each time her mouth rolled back and forth along his cock. With a sudden hard jerk, he pushed upwards with his waist while at the same time pushing hard down with his hands against her head. The back of her throat expanded as his cock pushed into it, and a hot blast shot forth, sliding directly down and leaving a warm trail all the way to her stomach.

  Her nostrils flared as she struggled to breath around his thickness, happy that he was coming but also anxious for him to loosen his grip. With another explosion into her throat, he finally did and his cock pulled backwards into her mouth as she welcomed the cool air into her lungs. Another smaller spurt filled her mouth, this time letting her taste the saltiness on her tongue as she rolled it around before swallowing.

  She gripped his dick ha
rd as he pulled her head up, licking away all of the remnants of his orgasm as she continued to breath heavily. When he was finally clean, she pulled her head off of him and looked up at his face, giving him a big smile. He winked back at her and then pushed her away, quickly sliding off the chair and standing up to fix his pants.

  "Thanks babe, that did the trick. Now get ready quickly, we've gotta get going."

  They both took a quick shower together, the blowjob Dax had just received ensured that there was no hanky panky, although both of them did end up with very clean private parts thanks to each other. They were on their way shortly after, Lurch and Dane already waiting for them when they arrived.

  "Madison!" Trish walked over with open arms, giving her new friend a hug as the men spoke to each other quietly away from them. "How have you been?"

  "I'm good," she said, as they broke their embrace.

  Some banging came from the stairs, and the stringy frame of Troy came bounding down, followed by one of the girls that hung around the house, doing chores and occasionally sleeping with some of the unattached bikers. Trish had referred to them as house mamas. She was wearing Troy's jacket, and it didn't look like much else other than underwear. They both stopped at the foot of the stairs, surprised to see the others.

  "Dax! What's going on, brother?" He turned to the girl and whispered something to her, she turned and he gave her a little swat on the ass as she started back up the stairs.

  Dax greeted the man. "We're discussing our next move. Why don't you come along back with us. We could use the extra help on this." The four men then left the girls behind as they headed down the corridor leading to Dax's office.

  Madison and Trish moved over to some chairs in the room and sat down to wait for the men. Other than them, the room was empty, although there had been a few bikes outside so others were probably around, probably upstairs.

  "Have you spoken to your folks lately?"

  She had told Trish about how her parents weren't happy at all with her choices, and Trish had confided back that her situation was similar. She was a few years older than Madison, but had gone through a lot of the same things when she first starting hanging out at the club. She said eventually she just stopped talking to them as she couldn't take the guilt. She wanted to live her life in a different way than what they had dreamed for her, but she was of the opinion that that was fine. Madison was as well, but it was still difficult to leave them behind completely. The wounds were still fresh.

  "I had to start blocking their calls," she said.

  "Been there," she put her hand on Madison's knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's your life hon, if this place makes you happy, excites you like it does me, then you're doing the right thing. Can you imagine going back to having a curfew and spending your Saturday nights watching reruns of Sons of Anarchy, instead of being here and actually living it?"

  Madison smiled at the reference, but the older woman was right. There was no going back for her. She couldn't even imagine that life anymore, and it hadn't even been a week since she left it behind. So much had happened since then. So much had changed for her. But her parents were still stuck in the past. Her past. They just didn't see it. She was done with living it safe.

  "Anyway, I don't even want to think about them anymore. How are things with you?"

  "Great, things-"

  The front door to the club banged open and Guts and Courtney came in. Neither of them looked particularly happy, although from what Madison had seen of them in the past, that was their usual demeanor. She wondered if Guts had been made VP after all, whether he would even have cracked a smile on hearing the news.

  "Look who it is? The whore that's trying to sleep her way to the top and her bitchy friend who's trying to tag along for the ride." Courtney's mouth was as filthy as her clothes. It looked like she had worn the same ones for at least a week.

  "Who the fuck-" Madison started to respond but stopped as Trish squeezed her knee in warning.

  "Don't bother," she whispered. "You don't want to start something now. Too much is going on."

  She was right, of course. Dane must have filled her in on things just as Dax had for her. Still though, she found it very difficult to hold her tongue.

  "Nothing to say for yourself, whore? I guess when you know something is true, there's not much left to say, right?"

  Madison's blood was starting to boil, but Trish's fingers digging into her knee keep her focused and she bit her tongue.

  "Come on," Guts said to Courtney, pulling her by the hand and starting down the hallway, likely heading to talk to the Prez. Courtney followed, giving the girls the finger as she went. Madison responded in kind.

  "Fuck that bitch," she said when they were out of sight.

  "I know," Trish said, finally relaxing her grip on her knee but not removing her hand completely. "She's always been that way, but worse now that Guts got passed over. Before the vote, she was always talking to the other girls like she was better than everyone because Guts had the president's ear. She always acted like it was just a matter of time before he became VP. I think when the opportunity finally arose and he didn't get it, she was embarrassed and now is lashing out at you in particular, like it's your fault."

  "I guess," Madison said. She was still angry, though.

  "Don't let it get to you. She really isn't worth it."

  Madison said nothing, just sat their stewing. She hated not being able to put that tramp in her place. She had a few choice words for her, but she may have said something that she'd regret. Or worse, something that Dax would have regretted. She already walked a thin line yesterday, she really didn't need to make him angry again so soon.

  They sat there quietly for a few minutes. Finally, she decided to see if Trish knew anything more about the plan, since she seemed to know what happened yesterday. "I guess Dane filled you in about last night," she started.

  Trish nodded. "Guts is an asshole, too. He and Courtney deserve each other."

  "What do you think they're going to do? It sounded like Dax is running out of other clubs to send the drugs to."

  "Dane said that he mentioned the Triad last night."

  "Who are they? Another biker club? I've never heard of them."

  "No. The triad are a Chinese gang. Basically the Chinese mafia. They're very big around here. Make all the MCs look like high school glee clubs."

  "Really? What are they into?"

  "Everything. Guns, drugs, prostitution, counterfeiting, extortion, smuggling, you name it. They're bad news."

  "Wait, you said drugs? If they're already into drugs, how would they be a good solution for taking over the Mexican distribution?"

  "I was wondering the same thing. From what Dane said, they currently don't have a relationship with the Mexicans. They get all of their drugs from Southeast Asia, bringing it over on ships. Apparently that has caused some supply issues in the past. Dane said that he and Dax thought that if they had a more local source, it may help ensure they don't have any holes in their supply calendar. And even if they just took enough to do that, they would be taking far more than the Desperados could ever move."

  "Oh," said Madison. "Is it safe for Dax to approach them?"

  "They already have a relationship that Dane said is pretty agreeable. They currently supply the club with all of their guns, among other services, when needed. As the former Sergeant-at-Arms, Dax had been their main contact at the club and that is now transitioning to Dane. Between the two of them, they think they can probably broker a deal with the Mexicans."

  "That would be fantastic!"

  "Yep. If it works. These things are always dicey, with so many things that could go wrong, as you saw last night. I think the plan is to keep it on the down low for now. That's why it was only the three of them, I guess four if they're bringing in Troy. But they definitely aren't telling Guts or the Prez. Not until the deal is done and it's too late to screw it up, anyway."

  "Good idea." Madison was quiet again. Dane obviously
trusted Trish a lot more than Dax trusted her, since she got far more information out of her man that Madison had from Dax this morning. Of course, they had been together far longer, and Madison had just pissed him off the night before by almost screwing up the original deal. It was probably a good thing, for her at least, that Guts had gone and made things even worse. That seemed to distract Dax from his anger at her and focus it on him, instead. Then again, if Guts hadn't screwed it up, the club would have gotten out of drugs and Dax would have been happy. That probably would have made him just as forgiving. That would have probably been a better outcome than dealing with the Triad, from the sounds of it.

  The two women sat for a while longer, chatting quietly between themselves before the men finally emerged. They both got up and walked across the room to great them.

  "We've got a meeting to get to," Dax said after a quick kiss.

  "With the Triad?" she asked.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  "Sorry," Dane said, "I have a feeling that was Trish's big mouth. Or maybe mine, for telling her in the first place." He shot a glare at Trish.

  Dax laughed. "It's all good. It saves me having to explain it. So yes, we have a meeting with the Triad. Guys I've dealt with in the past. It works out well in that we were supposed to schedule something with them anyway to hand over duties between myself and Dane. That means we won't draw suspicion from the Prez, Guts, or anyone else they have working for them. We're going to keep the group small and tight for now, and just close this shit down as fast as possible."

  "Okay," Madison said, giving him another kiss.


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