The Outback Cattleman's Hired Wife

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The Outback Cattleman's Hired Wife Page 9

by Natalia Elder

  Jared was at the far end of the barn. Several hurricane lanterns lit up the area. As she neared him, she realised he was slicing off part of a hind hoof of a temperamental cow. Roped down, it mooed loudly and shook its head about.

  ‘You’re hurting her,’ she blurted out.

  Jared looked up and gave her a piercing stare. ‘No. There are no nerves in the hoof,’ he bit out. ‘She doesn’t want to be immobilised that’s all.’

  Kirra strode over to the cow and stroked its head in comfort, then started humming. To her amazement, the cow settled down.

  ‘Thank you.’ Jared continued to tend the hoof. ‘What brings you out here?’

  Kirra stopped humming. She wanted to say that she missed him, but that wouldn’t do after she’d experienced the raw emotion that had poured out of him after their love-making. Instead, she said, ‘Max Miller rang. He and his brother will be back at work tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Thank goodness for that,’ he said, his face visibly relaxing and the tension in the air between them eased a little too, before he dressed the hoof. ‘Now, I can catch up on the accounts.’

  He was in work mode. She knew that. But she was on holidays. Was she being selfish because she wanted to spend time with him, but she knew better than to complain? She knew from being around her father and Zac, when a man was in work mode, all his thoughts were on the jobs that had to be done. Who knew how pressing the accounts were? Perhaps, she could help him with that too, as she managed all her home finances with success.

  A yawning silence brought the tension between them back in full-force. A small cry escaped from her lips and his steely-blue eyes locked with hers.

  ‘What is it, Kirra?’

  Kirra swallowed hard. ‘You know.’

  He nodded grimly. ‘But there’s nothing I can do about it now,’ he said, shifting uncomfortably to his haunches.

  Kirra could see he was aroused by her nearness and though it gave a surge of triumph in her heart, making it swell and beat faster, she stood and took a step back, her hands coming to rest low on her hips.

  ‘I’d better go,’ she said, before I make a fool of myself. She turned on her heel, then abruptly turned back when she remembered the rest of the message. ‘Oh, I forgot.’

  Jared’s gaze narrowed. ‘Mm?’

  ‘Max is bringing a Kelpie puppy over for Caleb,’ she said, her eyes shining with delight. ‘Apparently, Bridie promised him one from the litter.’

  He grunted, wiping the sweat from his brow, before pushing his fists on thighs to stand.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Kirra said quickly. ‘I shouldn’t have come out here.’ Heaven knew he didn’t need more responsibility.

  ‘No need,’ he said softly, giving her a reassuring smile. ‘I was expecting the puppies would be ready to leave their mother soon.’

  The tension eased between her shoulder blades. Perhaps, she wasn’t intruding in his man cave after all. Her eyes followed his muscular frame that she desperately wanted to roam her hands over, as he released the cow back into the corralled area, then led another cow out and roped it down. He lifted one of the hind legs to examine the hoof.

  Kirra felt herself instinctively drawn to him again like an electromagnet that was being turned on and off, taunting her senses. She came a little closer, fascinated by the work he was performing. This cow had a calmer temperament and Jared performed the surgery with expert ease.

  Remaining quiet until the hoof was dressed, she said, ‘I‘ve made dinner.’

  He glanced up at her and gave her a perplexed look, but he wasn’t annoyed. ‘I didn’t expect you to.’

  ‘It’s the least I can do. I enjoy cooking. It’s no hardship.’

  His smile reached his eyes. ‘I’ll make this the last one, then.’ He released the cow and returned it to the recovery area. ‘I’ll finish up here and be home soon.’

  Home? From the determined look in his eye, she knew not to read anything into it, so she drove back to the homestead.

  Once there, she hunted around for a cardboard box and an old blanket to make a bed for the puppy. Excitement coursed through her veins. She’d always wanted a puppy as a child, but couldn’t have one. Her father was allergic to cat and dog fur. She’d had to settle for fish but that wasn’t the same. Without a second thought, she decided that she would take good care of it until Caleb came home. When satisfied with the puppy’s make-shift bed, she placed in the corner of the laundry.

  Admiring her handiwork, she was about to go into the kitchen, when Jared pushed open the back door.

  Kirra gasped, one hand flying to cover her mouth.

  Briefly, he touched her shoulder and electricity zapped her. She pulled back a little, unable to move anywhere in the small confines of the room.

  ‘Sorry, if I frightened you.’

  Kirra eyes widened and she dropped her hand to her waist in a protective gesture.

  ‘Don’t look at me like that.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Like you think I’ll hurt you.’

  ‘I know you won’t and for the record, I don’t think you bumped off your wife, even though you weren’t charged.’ How could she? She never would have made love with him, if she’d thought otherwise.

  ‘Thank you,’ he said, running strong, straight fingers through his hair. ‘I’m not used to people being in the laundry.’

  Kirra smiled. ‘I’m not usually a laundry loiterer,’ she teased, rocking back and forwards heel-to-toe. ‘I’ve been busy,’ she added, pointing to the puppy’s bed. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘What’s this?’ he said, as he pulled off his gumboots.

  ‘I’ve made a bed for the puppy,’ she said proudly. ‘It’ll need somewhere to sleep until Caleb gets back.’ She rewarded him with a smile when he didn’t complain, then asked, ‘Who’s Bridie?’

  Without taking his eyes off her, Jared washed his hands at the laundry tub. ‘Max’s sister and highly-likely Caleb’s girlfriend.’

  ‘But he’s only four.’

  ‘Seven, nearly eight,’ he corrected. ‘I’ve had ‘Blinky’ for three years.’


  Jared stepped into her and wrapped her in a loving embrace, before kissing her thoroughly.

  Breathless, desire stirred in her loins, as she looked up and met his bedroom eyes. ‘What was that for?’

  ‘For being you.’ He kissed her lightly on the forehead. ‘I want to take you to bed again, but I’m famished.’

  A ripple of pleasure sizzled through her body. Knowledge of such power over him gave her a little thrill. Zac had never wanted her so much. She thought it was her fault because she’d made him wait so long initially.

  ‘Come, eat!’ she said ever-the-practical, ‘Man cannot live on sex alone.’

  He laughed and slipped his arm around her waist. ‘I’d like to try.’ He strolled with her into the kitchen. When Jesse rose her head to look at him, he hunkered down and said, ‘Hi, girl! I’ve missed you.’ After a good scratching behind the ears, he stood and washed his hands at the sink.

  ‘So this living on sex alone is a fantasy of yours, then?’ she teased, scooping the delicious-smelling stir-fry on two plates.

  Jared found some cutlery, two wine glasses and a bottle of good-quality Cabernet Shiraz. ‘I think it’s every red-blooded man’s fantasy.’

  They carried the dinner and accessories into the dining room and placed them on the traditional tablecloth.

  Pleased that they were back at ease with each other in the house, Kirra sat down.

  Jared placed a candle on the table and lit it with a match.

  Such a simple romantic gesture made her heart sing.

  He sat down adjacent to her and took her hand in his. His eyes shining, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it, before closing his eyes for a moment. ‘You’re an angel,’ he said. ’I feel very blessed to have you with me.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Wine?’ he said, showing her the label.

  ‘Yes, p
lease, half a glass.’ She’d disciplined herself, not to drink too much. When she did go out with Zac, he’d inevitably imbibed until he was over the limit and she would always be responsible for driving them home.

  Jared poured them both half a glass. ‘I can’t drink too much. Occasionally, I’m called out in the middle of the night to help deliver a foal or calf.’

  Was he testing the waters to see if she would want to fit in with his lifestyle? She wondered, but was glad that he took his work seriously, responsibly. She couldn’t say the same for Zac.

  Kirra lowered her eyes to her plate and swallowed hard. The reality of her farcical marriage came home to her all of a sudden, like a destructive tidal wave.

  What a fool she was to put up with him for so long!

  ‘Having second thoughts, Kirra?’ His low, ominous tone broke into her thoughts. ‘Don’t you want to stay with me?’

  Kirra’s eyes flew up and met his levelly. ‘No. It’s not that. I love it here.’

  ‘City girls often do like the novelty of a Farm-Stay,’ he said, regret in his tone. ‘But once they return to the city with all conveniences on their doorstep, they soon decide which they prefer.’

  ‘Are you talking about the nannies?’

  ‘Yes, most didn’t settle well into country living. It’s been hard for Caleb especially.’

  ‘I can only imagine,’ she said sympathetically, ‘Tell me, what’s Caleb like to do for fun?’

  ‘He’s like most boys his age. He likes to play soccer and computer games.’

  ‘He’s not insecure?’

  He grimaced. ‘A little. He relies heavily on Mother, but she’s getting older and less energetic.’

  ‘You’re a good father,’ she pointed out. ‘You are the constant in his life.’

  He nodded and his shoulders visibly relaxed.

  Kirra lifted her glass. ‘A toast,’ she said spontaneously and he lifted his glass to meet hers. ‘To Caleb, may he grow up to be just like his Dad?’

  Jared laughed and clinked glasses with her. ‘To Kirra, a constant source of surprise and wonderment to me.’

  Kirra’s eyes lit up like diamonds sparkling. ‘You’re serious?’

  ‘Yes.’ He clinked glasses with her again. ‘Once your mind is set, you seem to always carry through with your plans?’

  Unwanted old fears and doubts resurfaced. Was he referring to her coming out here under false pretences? Did he deep-down think she would still write a story about him?

  Kirra bristled and said testily, ‘I make plans certainly and like to finish what I start. Is there something wrong with that?’

  Dark eyebrows drew together. ‘No, I like independence in a woman. I’m just wondering if there is anything you can’t do on your own?’

  She thought for a moment, then said, ‘Yes, have children.’

  ‘And would children make you happier, complete, as they say?’

  ‘Why?’ she said, wondering where he was going with this.

  ‘It’s a simple question, Kirra. Yes or no?’

  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Good!’ he said, pleased. ‘We’ll talk about it over dinner tomorrow night. I’m taking you out.’

  What could they possibly have to discuss about her dream to have children? Surely, he wouldn’t consider being a sperm donor for Artificial Insemination, like the cows were impregnated?

  The absurd thought became apparent, when she recalled that she’d toyed with the idea when she couldn’t fall pregnant with Zac. Somehow, it’d had seemed so impersonal at the time. Besides, Zac would never have agreed to raise a child if he wasn’t the biological father.

  Zac had adamantly refused to have tests for the Invitro-Fertilisation Program. It was an impossible situation. ‘It would be a blow to my ego,’ she remembered he’d said, ‘if I was found to be sterile.’ That’s why she’d surrendered and found a job.

  Anger and frustration with past disappointments burned at the back of her mind. Somehow, she had to put all that aside and stay in the present. Jared was a very different man from Zac. She had to give him a chance. Perhaps, he didn’t mean that at all. Maybe, he would graciously make love to her at the right time in her ovulation cycle. She blinked and visions of pigs suddenly flew across the back of her eyelids! What an idiot she felt like at that moment.

  In a few days’ time, she would come into her fertile time. Since they hadn’t been using protection, it was a possibility. Though they hadn’t discussed it beforehand, she knew she was healthy. She’d assumed, Jared being a vet and widower for so long, he would be too. She looked at him then with a sceptical eye, but common sense told her to hear him out, so she asked, ‘Where? Where are you taking me?’

  ‘There’s a new German Teahouse Restaurant I’ve been wanting to try in Toowoomba.’

  The following evening came around soon enough. She was looking forward to going out very much. That she was going with Jared on their first date, only added to its specialness. A story to tell the grandkids, she hoped in some whimsical part of her brain.

  Kirra watched the sun set a vivid orange on the horizon from the front verandah with Jesse, after she’d spent an age coaxing her out of the kitchen. Surely, some movement was good for her.

  After leading her back into the warm of the kitchen, Kirra padded into the en suite and showered, a little bounce in her step. She hadn’t seen Jared since this morning and to say she missed him was an understatement, but she had kept herself busy.

  The shower was warm and refreshing. After drying herself, she slipped into expensive silk lingerie and a long-sleeved, kingfisher-blue velvet dress. Brushing her hair until it shone like spun gold, excitement built in every cell of her body, while anticipation almost threatened to burst through her skin.

  There was something thrilling about getting dressed up and going out with a gorgeous man for dinner. She even put on light make-up and some copper lipstick. Looking into the mirror, she slipped some sparkling drop earrings into her pierced lobes, then stood back and smiled satisfied with her appearance.

  It shocked her that she glowed like a woman in love and when she took a moment to think about it, they’d been making love almost non-stop the past two days.

  After dinner last night, they’d cleaned up together and played a game of Chess. She’d never realised how erotic playing Chess could be. She’d always thought it was for cerebral-types. All it took was her to unconsciously rub the king up and down, up and down between two fingers while she was contemplating her next move and ...

  Jared had lost concentration, sworn and carried her to his bed, like some medieval knight.

  They were so compatible on that score, making love until dawn. Just thinking about it made her want him again. To dampen her feelings down, she turned her mind to the adorable puppy that Jared had brought into her just after dawn.

  The puppy had followed her around all morning. When she’d decided to wash some clothes and hang them out outside, she’d taken him with her. She’d even put him in her Subaru, when she’d cleaned it out, the mud having dried on the driver’s side seat.

  Jared had been out all day, tending to neighbour’s cattle with footrot problems.

  Guilt roiled through her. That she’d been curled up most of the day on the bed in her granny flat, finishing off her crime novel with the puppy asleep in her lap, it seemed too decadent for a dedicated workaholic. Even one on holidays.

  ‘Ready?’ Jared’s deep voice held warmth and the promise of a wonderful night ahead.

  ‘Coming.’ Her pulses racing, Kirra grabbed her silver clutch purse and matching wrap from the vanity. She slipped her feet covered in shimmering stockings into strappy sandals that matched her purse.

  When she came out, a soft smile formed on her lips, the anticipation of a night out with Jared made her feel like Cinderella going to her first ball at the palace.

  From where he stood in the doorway of the granny flat, Jared looked tired, but incredibly handsome in his navy-blue suit, white shirt and platin
um silk tie.

  She went straight to him and kissed him on the mouth. Her senses went wild at the intoxicating smell of his masculine scent, mixed with soap and spicy aftershave.

  ‘Kirra -’ he muttered against her lips. ‘We must go out to dinner now. I’ve made a reservation.’

  Kirra looked up at him. ‘I’m sorry. You look so handsome in your suit.’

  She could help herself. Every time she went near him, the powerful pull of connection was like the north pole of a magnet and he was her south. She was deeply in love with him, but was he in love with her? He’d never said, so she wasn’t sure.

  He kissed her forehead, then slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the front door. ‘I’ve brought the Range Rover around the front so we can go out in style.’

  ‘What about the puppy?’

  ‘He’s in his bed in the laundry fast asleep,’ he said. ‘Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. I’ve locked him in for safe- keeping.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said, putting her arm around his waist. ‘I would have worried. Now I can go out and enjoy myself.’

  Jared drove the immaculate car up the winding mountain road with precision and dexterity, making it a comfortable, yet exhilarating ride.

  He asked her to choose some music to play which made her heart sing. She chose a Mozart CD and kicked back, the classical melody of the harpsichord washing over her like a dreamy cloud.

  Jared parked the car in the gravelled car park. The quaint, white Teahouse was lit up with fairy lights around the eaves and amongst the lush rainforest gardens. White candles in glass cups lit a cobbled path that wound into the forest.

  ‘It’s magical,’ she said, ‘like something out of a fairytale.’

  ‘I’m glad you like it.’

  Once alighted from the car, Jared took her hand in his, brought it to his mouth and kissed it. She shivered a little. It was colder on the mountain range on which the country city of Toowoomba was settled. Even with her shawl wrapped around her, she wasn’t nearly warm enough.

  ‘Cold?’ he asked.



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