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Page 11

by Jana LaPelle

  Pip is by my side in an instant and slapping my hand away from my lips. “Mister, don’t! That’s blight. You can’t eat that! It’s poisonous. You could die!”

  I stand transfixed, blinking at my poisonous find. I could die. He’s right. It’s at that very moment that I realize that with every step I take, I could make one tiny fatal mistake and leave my family on their own, if not for Pip.


  The next day passes by uneventfully. Pip’s knowledge of this place has been invaluable. He has shown me what I can eat and what to avoid. This morning we have fish, spitted and cooked over our campfire. Today is the day that I must get Pip back to the borough. His mother and uncle must be going crazy with worry.

  Pip breaks through my thoughts, gaining my attention, “Hey Mister? Maybe we can talk my uncle into coming with us? That way you can have the guide you need. What do you think?”

  I chuckle derisively, “Pip, nothing against your uncle, but he’s really not a fan of mine. I wouldn’t get your hopes up on that count.”

  Pip sighs, “Then why not let me just come with you?” I can see the concern and fear for my wellbeing etched on his young face, and something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “You know why, Pip. We’ve been over this.” I pause and kneel down so that we’re eye level and smile, “You’re a good kid, and I’m really going to miss you. You’re so smart and loyal, I don’t know what I would have done without you. I think that my creator put you in my path when I needed you most.”

  “I don’t know about none of that, but I’m glad I found you. You sure I can’t come with you, Mister?” Pip’s bright blue eyes shine with unshed tears.

  “I’m sure. It’s not that I don’t want you to come with me. You know that I would welcome you and your mother in my home. I know that Ashlinn would just love you to pieces, but it’s not up to me. Your mother needs you with her. In fact, I’m sure that she’s very worried about you.”

  Pip throws his arms around me and I hug the little guy to me. He whispers, “I know you’re right, but I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too. You know…, you’ve grown on me. Like a rash.” I add that last bit to lighten the mood.

  “Mister, that’s not funny.” Pip punches my arm before laughing, “You know, I’m kind of the color of a rash.” He says with a little snicker.

  Laughing, I ask, “How much further to the caves?”

  “Not far now. Are you going to walk me down?”

  Grinning, I retort, “I think we’ve established that you can manage on your own, but to answer that question, I want to make sure that you are back where you belong.” Pausing, I look around us, and ask, “We’re not going to the forest entrance, are we?”

  “Nope, that’ll just get you in trouble with the gorgers again, Mister. I’ll not have you making that mistake again. Not sure what my uncle was thinking, ‘cept maybe that it is the closest entrance to the Great Divide. I’m not taking you to the entrance from the Fields of Punishment, either.” Pip grabs my hand as we walk along, swinging it back and forth, and says, “Do you know that I watched you walking in that very spot for going nigh on twelve clicks. The fields are funny like that, yous wasn’t gettin’ nowhere.”

  “What do you mean, Pip? It felt like I had been walking for hours.”

  “Yous could’ve been walkin’ forever, Mister. Yous just weren’t gettin’ nowhere. Good thing I found ya, huh.” He smiles brightly up at me. Funny. His once, alien looking appearance no longer seems unnatural. He just looks like Pip. The cute adorable kid that he is.

  We’re coming up on a clearing when Pip halts suddenly and pulls me back under the cover of the dark and twisted trees. The open fields in front of us are at least two times as long as a football field in The Mortal Realm, or larger. I watch as several large beasts make their way out from under the cover of the brush on the opposite side of the grassland. The creatures are reptilian in nature with random tufts of fur that remind me of goats, until they look around at us and I see their strange faces. Their horns jut forward as they graze and to be honest, I have no idea as to what they are. Pip pulls me behind a tree, and I watch as a small squadron of noctorbeast descend on the open plain scattering the herd. Their riders leap to the ground, looking back toward where we stand, hidden in the dimly lit woods.

  Pip whispers beside me, “Oh no… the slavers are here. We need to get out of here.”

  “Pip, I want you to climb this tree and hide up in the branches. I’ll create a diversion and lead them away from you.” I whisper in his ear. He shakes his head and mouths the word no. Looking back at the menacing demons heading our way, I grab his hand and we retreat further into the forest before turning and running back the way we came.

  From behind us I hear, “You can’t get away from us.” The reptilian like demon draws out the s in us before continuing. “We have you boxed in on all sides.” My skin crawls and I think how very snake like he sounds. I pull us up short as several other slavers step out from the trees into our retreating path. We’re surrounded.

  I pull Pip to my side before saying aloud, “Listen…, let the kid go and I’ll go willingly.”

  “No, Mister. I won’t leave you with the slavers.”

  “That’s, not how this works. We want the imps. They have become rare, an imp child is even more so, but a young god is unheard of, your presence in our realm has been rumored for some time now. You and the boy will bring a hefty price. Mammon pays well for those of us that bring him the rarest of finds. So…, you see, both of you are coming with us.”

  Weighing my options, I can’t really fight, I only have the one sword and its dull at best, not to mention that we’re out numbered. Doing so could risk getting Pip hurt. Nodding, I say, “Okay, but he stays with me.”

  “That’s not for you to decide.” The male shoves me roughly from behind and both Pip and I stumble.

  I glare back at him before turning and shoving the lizard demon so hard he stumbles backward, almost losing his footing. I pull Pip toward me and say, “He stays. With. Me. End of story! We’re going with you, so lay off!”

  We’re at a standoff as we enter the clearing. I have just a moment to assess our captors. Reptilian is right, their skin is very scale like, so much so that they do not require armor, then there are their foreheads that forms a plate-like ridge that slopes backward and upward with multiple point-like horns that rise up from the back of their heads. Their hands are more like claws, and their eyes have vertical slit like pupils. Their masculine forms are heavily muscled, and I know that we are not getting away from them anytime soon.

  The squadron shoves us toward the noctorbeast until we are kneeling in subjugation. I can tell that Pip is about to freak out, so I take his hand and assure him, “It’s okay, Pip. We’re going to be okay.”

  “I’m scared, Mister. No one comes back after the slavers take them.”

  I swallow thickly, as his words resonate with me. It’s clear that Pip knows more than what Paynga thought when it comes to these abductions. The slaver before me, quickly binds my hands as well as Pips. Then we are led over to the large crossover beast that they ride.

  “Mister?” Pip’s voice trembles.

  “It’s okay, Pip. I’m going to fight for us to be together. Trust me.”

  The slaver beside me pushes me forward and says, “Keep thinking that you’re in charge, young god.” He says in derision, before continuing, “My prince, Mammon, will have the last say as to your fate.”

  Chapter 14


  The Citadel of Depravity is astonishing, and from a distance, not at all what I expected. The city floats above the ground on a massive chunk of earth. There are at least six enormous chains that tether it to the ground below. As we draw closer, I see all matter of creatures that are groveling before the guards to gain entrance. This lofty city is bright and shining and in stark contrast to the land that it floats above. I can see the appeal for those that are
resigned to live below the gleaming star that the city appears to be. The Great Divide is showcased in the distance. It’s actually quite close to the Citadel. I look over to see a wide-eyed Pip. He’s scared, and I don’t blame him for that.

  A foreboding falls over me as we approach the citadel. From a distance, its polished buildings draw you in, but then you see the tell-tale signs that something is amiss. The nocturebeast’s massive wings beat up and down in a fluid motion and with every beat of their wings we draw closer for a better look. The city looks to be a luminous diamond in the dingy crimson skies. As we draw closer, I see that there are large flying scaled beast that circle the city. They appear to be almost serpent like in the way that they slither and undulate in the sky. Their leathery wings are pockmarked with holes. It’s a good thing they have two sets of wings or else they may be grounded by the perforations I see from this distance. Their mouths are giant gaping maws with row after row of jagged teeth, Then, all the sudden, one of them erupts with fire and brimstone to rain down on the ground below. Squinting I look toward one of the enormous chains that anchors the city to the ground and see that there are quite a number of people that are running away from the hellfire that is showering down on them. The sky demons converge and with a like mind they swoop down to continue their assault on those below. Their screeches bellow out in the sky as they hone in on their prey. It’s then that I notice their handlers that sit astride the beast. They are dressed from head to toe in armor as dark as soot and the only thing that stands out on them are the fact that their eyes glow an eerie orangey-red light, almost as if fire runs through their veins.

  There appears to be an army marching toward the city. I can hear the sound of their marching boot’s footfalls. Chumph, chumph, chumph, chumph… Behind them strange creatures hall several cages full of what can only be those unfortunate enough to have been caught and brought back to be sold into slavery.

  Looking over I see that Pip is now truly terrified, and I call out over the wind that buffers us, “Pip.” He looks my way and I smile, trying to reassure him. I don’t think that it works. His gaze is one filled with trepidation.

  The nocturbeast carrying us, begin their ascent upwards toward a tall glittering tower that appears to glow from within. An enormous male awaits our arrival. When he catches sight of us, he begins to laugh, a loud rumbling sound that echoes around us. The nocturbeast nimbly land and let out a deep throaty caw as we come to rest on the overly large balcony. As scary as the beast are from the air, up close they are actually quite magnificent, they are a perfect blend of raven and panther. They prance behind us as the huge male lumbers toward us, he is giant size, and his joy at seeing us is evident for all to see. Other than his enormous stature, I notice that the man before us seems to be adorn with all matter of jewelry. His fingers are laden with jeweled rings, his bare arms sport golden arm cuffs, his neck and bare chest has several large choker style golden chain necklaces, and he sports a rather obnoxious crown that belies his station here in The Underworld. His hair is black as midnight and he wears it long and straight, it’s pulled back at the nape of his neck and bound by leather bands. By most standards he would be considered very handsome, almost bordering on pretty as his golden-brown skin gleams. His attire reminds me of ancient Egypt, he wears a white pleated skirt that looks very much like the shendyt of that time period, and it is belted with a wide golden jeweled belt. The robe he wears is colorful, sleeveless, and hangs open in the front, flowing behind him. The strands of golden threading shimmer in the firelight from the many large braziers that are strategically placed throughout the enormous hall, and with each barefooted step he takes, he shrinks in size until he is about my height.

  “I can hardly believe it.” His voice is heavily accented. “You found the young god… and… an imp child? Come, your team will be paid handsomely for your find.”

  “My friend and I are not something that can be bartered so easily. We are not property to be sold like cattle.” I interject forcefully.

  Mammon swings his head back my way at my words, assessing me, and his size grows once more as he steps toward me. “You are not in charge here, young god! This is my domain and I will do with you what I see fit. Though, I respect your brave words, in light of the fact that you have been bound by iron forged from angel fire. Bad luck, that is, very bad indeed.” His voice booms around the hall that we find ourselves in, and I hear Pip whimper in response.

  I call out to the prince of greed, “What you are doing here in this place is wrong! These people? They are not things to be bartered. Especially the children!”

  Mammon’s rumbling laughter booms all around us in the spacious hall. “Wrong?” He guffaws, “Wrong? You’re entertaining. I enjoy your cheeky banter. In all seriousness, what are you going to do about it?” He pins me with a darkly dangerous look, before saying, “Your abilities have been bound. You are more mortal than you would like to think. So…, I will ask you again, what are you prepared to do about it? I own you now, just like I own your little friend. I’m your lord and master, so I urge you to think carefully before you proceed.”

  The fallen angel before me is correct. There is nothing that I can do, not one thing. This prince of hell can do anything he wants with me and Pip because he holds all the power, even unbound, I would be limited in what I could do here. I stare back up at the giant-sized demon before me and know that I must protect Pip, so I reply, “Then let me be your champion. I will fight for him, he’s just a child.”

  “Aye, that will do.” Mammon calls over his shoulder to several others in the chamber, “Put the young god in the games, two full cycles from now! I want to see what the male is made of… and take care of the slavers who brought me the rarest of finds. Fifty gold pieces for the young god and thirty gold pieces for the imp child. Set the slavers up in new quarters, they deserve an upgrade for their find this fine day. Well? What are the lot of you waiting for?” His servants scurry about to do his bidding.

  Without a backward glance, the prince walks toward the enormous jewel encrusted throne set at the back of the hall. His stature grows once more with each step he takes until he is large enough to settle himself on the throne in his chambers. He looks my way and declares, “I will not accept defeat, young god! If you lose…, then the imp child will perish!”

  From behind, I’m pushed to kneel before my new master, and on my knee, I plead, “Please…, my lord, reconsider.”

  “That’s more like it. I like seeing a god groveling before me on bended knee. If you and the imp child want to remain together, and I sense that you do, then you will win…, you will win for me. You will prove your worth. We are done here. Take them away and see to it that their chambers are accommodating. I want him well rested and fed before his first match in the arena.”


  We’re led to our quarters by a ghostly female, her specter-like beauty is breath taking, but she is unlike any of the other shades that I have seen thus far. Her form shimmers and at times she appears to almost take a physical form as she opens the door to our rooms. We step through and she closes the door behind us and says in a haunting voice, “I hope these rooms are to your liking, my lord. I’m very sorry that I am unable to do more for you and your ward.” She hangs her head in silence as her form appears to flicker from the physical form and back again.

  “What is your name, my lady?” I ask.

  “Only my master is allowed to know my name.” She replies with her head bowed.

  “Mister, I don’t think she can give you her name. Mammon owns her, I think that she’s a Jaini. He holds her captive. If I’m right, she is bound to a physical item that she will reside in until someone releases her from her curse. I’m willing to bet that Mammon holds that item.” Pip says.

  “You mean…, she’s a jinn?” I look back at the apparition in front of us and ask, “Are you a jinn? A genie?”

  She nods.

  “I’m sorry for your plight. I wish there were something that I could do, b
ut my hands are tied.”

  She smiles a sad smile, “I have been with my lord, Mammon, for a very long time. Since the beginning of time in this realm.” Her form flickers again before she continues, “He will never let me go. It is my fate to serve him. It doesn’t have to be yours, my lord, you must find a way out of this depraved place. I fear what will happen to us all if you do not.”

  “I’m bound. All of my abilities have been nullified. I don’t know what I can do for us to escape this place, but I will do what I can. In the meantime, I’m going to give you a name. I’m going to call you Siena. Now, Siena, I’ll do what I can, but any information or help that you can send our way will be appreciated, and in return, I’ll see what I can do for you.”

  “Siena is a pretty name. I like it. I will do what I can, my lord. In the meantime, please eat and rest. On the morrow, you must train to meet your first opponent in the games. The games are ruthless, and your opponents will be fierce.”

  Siena says her farewells for the evening and then her form flies from the room as she moves through the door at her back and then Pip and I are left alone. I turn to my little friend and say, “Well, let’s check out this place and then get something to eat. Hopefully, there will be some clothes for us to change into and we can wash up.”

  “Mister, if you don’t mind, when we sleep…, well… I want to sleep in the same room with you. I don’t like this place.”

  “Neither do I, Pip, neither do I. The citadel may look nice from the outside but I’m sure that we have yet to witness what this place offers for the likes of us.”


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