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Page 14

by Jana LaPelle

  As we walk through the gathering crowd, I see all matter of demon and fallen. If I thought the dark fae were debauched, I was wrong. These people are cruel and vicious, but the slaves don’t seem to care. Those that have found favor with the princes that rule this city have chosen to indulge in all matter of depravity. The music begins to grow louder as the two princes mingle with their guest. The rhythm is primal and leads those that have gathered here to begin to undulate and move to the tribal beat. Before I know it, the brothers are moving beside me, one in front and the other behind me. Strangely, I feel as though I’ve been drugged, and my reservations are suddenly gone. The two males are dancing erotically around me. I begin to give into the pull of the music, until I’m full on dancing with the fallen princes and the crowd around us. The rhythm has everyone dancing with one another, reminiscent of a rave. In a haze I look around to see that everyone has given into the seductive sound of the music as it lures us all into its mesmerizing dance. The rhythm is erotic and intoxicating. The fallen princes bend and dip me and dance suggestively with me and for an infinitesimal moment, I feel the urge to give into their wanton seduction.

  A voice in the back of my mind is screaming for me to stop, but I can’t. Levi and Desmond feed me glass after glass of the richest wine I have ever tasted, and we dance. It feels as though we have danced for hours but then again as if we have just begun. As if in a drugged stupor I look around me to see partners actually having sex as we dance, and my inner voice begins screaming at me to wake up. In a daze, I watch as some sort of demon beats his sex slave to the beat of the music before sexually accosting her and she seems to enjoy the degradation. My movements slow as my short-circuited brain begins to come back online. The music is a constant repetition, undulating, sexual, tribal, but the pull has lost its draw as I turn to watch the masses in the room give into all matter of iniquity. I can no longer ignore my inner voice.

  I stand alone in the middle of a house of horrors. Asmodeus and Levi have released the chains that bind me, and I twirl in the middle of the masses that have gathered here to watch their depravity, and I mutter aloud, “Dear God, we need to leave this place before it’s too late.”

  Chapter 18


  Tournament day.

  The first thing that happened after we ate this morning was that Mammon’s cronies came to collect both Pip and me, and then we were separated. I was taken to the arena and given combat leathers and a breast plate to wear in the games. I have no idea as to what will happen next. So far, there are only a handful of males that are waiting with me for our next instruction. I can only assume that the females are in a different area of the arena. As we wait, the noise above us has become increasingly rowdy as the stands begin to fill, and I find that I’m becoming antsy to get this whole ordeal over with. The last couple of days my training went better than I had anticipated. I’m not as fast, agile, or strong as I used to be before my abilities were bound, but I will not go down without a fight, damn it. I am adjusting and I have skills and wit to fall back on. That and I still have to figure a way to get Pip, Ashlinn, and the rest of our friends out of this wretched realm.

  Outside in the arena, horns begin to sound, signifying that the games are about to begin. The champions that I’m surrounded by begin to shift nervously in anticipation of what is to come. None of us have bothered to strike up a conversation with the other. What’s the point? If we’re pitted against the other it’s a life for a life. The rules are clear. Champions that fight in the arena must be adults, race doesn’t matter, no shades are allowed because their already dead, and the only way anyone walks off the fields is if they are the last one standing, unless the princes intervene. We have been allowed as many weapons as we can effectively carry. Other than my breast plate, I’ve opted to strap a small battle shield to my left arm, it’s oblong and comes to a long sharp point at one end and is spade shaped at the opposite end protecting my hand. It will be a good defensive weapon as well as an offensive, the points are sharp enough to impale an opponent with enough force. I’ve chosen swords and blades that are well balanced for me to handle as well as throwing knives, and four-sided throwing stars that are compact and easy to carry. As far as size is concerned, most of us are evenly matched, with the one exception of a large horned male, his blue skin and four arms are quite alien looking, not to mention his red eyes. If anyone will have the advantage today in the arena, it will be him. My foreboding of what is to come has increased ten-fold in the last few minutes.

  A loud cheer goes up outside and I realize that the games are getting underway. We are forcibly ushered forward through a short tunnel by the reptilian looking demons that have gained favor in this desolate realm. The tunnel leads upwards and out to a platform that overlooks the arena, but it is not set as high up as the tournament goers in their open circular colosseum seating. We are almost center stage, but not quite. My heart sinks when I see Ashlinn standing on the arena field with one other, Mammon’s female champion. She bows low to show respect of the ones in charge. Her smile is all for show and does not reach her eyes, I watch as she sizes up her competition. Mammon’s champion is dressed the part, but even in all her battle finery she pales in comparison to my kindred, yet I fear for Ashlinn’s life. Mammon’s champion is none other than a fallen Valkyrie. She is magnificent, her black wings are splayed out for all to see and her posturing is one of pure aggression. Ashlinn and her opponent bow low once more before the crowd and the applause is deafening. My kindred looks up and smiles a sweet smile before she waves to the crowd in an attempt to gain their favor. She is dressed in battle leathers, and as soon as the horn sounds, she is off. Her form blends from panther to her elven form and back again, and the spectators go wild. I thank the goddess that she is still able to shift. My heart is literally about to burst from my chest as I watch the scene play out before me. Ashlinn’s panther bounds toward her opponent, I take a moment to turn to look up at the princes of hell as they lounge casually in their box seats, tossing back sweet treats and finger foods without a care in the world. I swear by all that is holy if anything happens to Ashlinn, I will end each and every one of them. That is until I see Pip. I watch as his childlike form looks down at the scene playing out before the stadium and his fear is palpable, he glances my way and our gazes lock, I see his dread. Turning back to the arena, I see that Ashlinn is now in battle with not one but three others. It’s clear that Mammon wants her out of the way and is now playing by his own rules. The Valkyrie has taken flight while Ashlinn’s unconventional fighting style has her taking down the first of her unexpected opponents, but it is not a killing blow. She turns to face her next opponent. Without thinking, I leap from the platform that I’m perched upon and rush to her aid.

  The first thing I notice as I sprint toward Ashlinn is that the stadium has grown quiet at my intervention. Evidently, I have breached protocol. What the fuck ever. Screw them. I engage the first opponent that I come into contact with, she is fierce, but there is something lacking in her attack. Our swords clash as we spar with one another, but I have size on my side. I take her down easily and pause to look over to see that Ashlinn has engaged one of the other opponents and she is holding her own. Looking around, I realize that the males that I entered the arena with are following my lead and there are skirmishes that are breaking out all around me. Mayhem ensues. Before I know it, there are quite the number of males and females that are engaging in battle with one another. The crowd goes ballistic as all hell breaks loose in the arena and the spectators begin chanting, “Kill, kill, kill, kill…” I look around to see that there is all sorts of carnage that is taking place in the arena. Turning, I take out another potential threat to my kindred. I’m like a machine, I take out everyone in my path as I make my way towards Ashlinn, leaving death in my wake. I turn to make my way toward her before realizing that I have left my back open to attack. From the corner of my eye, I turn to see a flash of activity, turning back to my opponent, I see a slight figure swoop in b
etween me, and the giant demon meant for Ashlinn and me, his wings are spread wide. I have no idea as to when he appeared on the scene. Pip’s momentum stalls in midair, his little body bows backward, his arms span outward as his momentum stops, and then he drops like a rock to the ground, his wings curling inward around his body.

  “Pipperton! No… no, Pip,” I race across the tournament field and drop to my knees sliding to a stop beside his crumpled form. The entire arena stills and goes utterly quiet. The unwritten rule replays in my head and I swallow back the bile that is gathering in my throat. No children. The large spear that impaled him waves like a flagpole in the air above him. The spear that was meant for me. My hands tremble and I try to swallow past the thick knot of emotion that clogs my throat. I’m afraid to touch him, knowing that I can’t help him, I can’t heal him. I can’t just remove the spear and heal him with my bound abilities. I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless, and with shaking hands I reach over to cup his little face in my hands, and ask, “Why, Pip? Why would you…” I trail off, tears have gathered in my eyes and threaten to fall.

  Pip’s body trembles with pain and the shock of it all. His eyes close briefly before he whispers, his breath staggered, “Don’t cry, Mister. You need to… get… back to your… babes. I did… what needed to be done… to see to that. They need you.” His breathing becomes more labored and he pants before saying, “It’s okay.”

  “No!!! This is not okay,” I bite out and lean down to gently kiss his forehead, stroking his unruly locks away from his sweat covered brow. His pink skin is tinged with an unnatural paleness. Pulling back, I see a single tear leak from his eye, and I lose it. I cry out to the heavens, “Father! Help me. Please…, I beg of you! Help me save him! Remove these cuffs that bind my ability. I can save him.” The entire arena has grown eerily quiet as I wait for divine intervention that is not forth coming. I beg on whispered breath, “Please Father, please help me to heal him. Being born in the Underworld should not define him!”

  From behind me I hear Ashlinn’s voice call to me from a distance, “Alaric?”

  I turn to see her racing across the ground in our direction. Turning back to Pip I see that he is near death and I whisper, “You honor me, Pip. From the moment that I met you, you have been my savior, my protector, my guide in this realm. I never deserved your devotion. You are so very brave, so selfless, and I’m honored that you befriended me. I love you Pipperton.”

  “I love you too, Mister. Don’t… cry,” his breathing has grown shallow and shutters within his small frame. In the distance I hear his mother’s anguished cries. I wonder, how is she even here?

  When Ashlinn reaches me, she kneels beside me, silently lending me her support. I look up into her amber eyes and see my anguish reflected back at me. I whisper, “You can fix this, Ash.” I plead, “You can make sure that his next life is a good one.” I beg, my anguish cannot be contained. I look back down at Pip and settle on to the ground, pulling his limp form onto my lap, and I cradle his broken body to my own. I whisper, “I’m so sorry, Pip. I was bad news for you. I didn’t mean to be, I swear, I never meant for this to happen.” I rock his near lifeless body as my anguish takes hold. Looking up at my kindred, I smile and nod while tears track down my face, “You can fix this. You can usher his soul to The Overworld or to the Soul Reliquary for another chance at life outside of this realm. You can do this, you can fix this. Tolin can be your Guardian in my stead. You can do this, right?” I plead.

  Ashlinn shakes her head, tears streaming down her anguished stricken face, “I really want to,” her breath shutters as she continues, “I would give anything if I could, but I can’t... It’s against the rules.”

  “What do you mean, it’s against the rules. You… are the Keeper of Souls,” I shout. Tears are coursing down her cheeks and I know that I should stop, but I can’t because this is Pip, so I push on, “He’s a child, Ashlinn. He deserves better than this! Now reap his soul and care for it… because it’s precious…” tears clog my throat and I can’t continue.

  “I’m so sorry, Alaric. I can’t. I’m not allowed to reap souls from The Underworld.” She sobs.

  “Break the rules, Ash. Just this once. Break them, now!” I shout, and my demand rings out across the field for all to hear.

  She shakes her head and sobs, “I’m sorry. I can’t.” She drops her head to her chest as she begins to cry in earnest before both Pip and me.

  Paynga’s anguished wails grow closer and I hold Pip even tighter. His final breaths rack his slight frame and I whisper, “You are so brave, Pip. My fearless little imp friend. You can’t go. I need you, Pipperton. What will I do without you?” I whisper.

  Pip looks up at me, his light blue eyes dull as his breath escapes him, he whispers, “It’s okay to let go…, Mister. I think… I’ll be okay.” His body shutters as he takes his last breath.

  I cry out, “Ash… Please?” I beg one last time.

  “Alaric, you don’t know what you are asking of me.” She rocks back and forth in an internal battle beside me, tears streaming down her beautiful face, Tarron and Tolin are now on either side of her supporting my kindred and I feel as though I’m being torn into a million jagged pieces.

  Tolin pulls her in to his arms and looks my way, he shakes his head before saying, “Alaric, I’m truly sorry, but she can’t do as you ask. You ask too much. The rules are clear.”

  “There is still time, Tolin. She’s the Keeper of Souls, she can do this,” I plead.

  Tarron kneels down before me, “No… She can’t brother. Luc’s rules were clear. He only reminded Ashlinn of what you both already knew after you ascended. You ask too much of your kindred and you’re breaking her tender heart. I’m sorry for your loss, brother.”

  As Tarron’s words sink in, I bow my head and cradle Pip’s lifeless body to me. Paynga reaches my side and she wails her grieve for all to hear. I gently hand over her son’s lifeless body to her, knowing that her brother was right all those days ago. I brought this on Pip, on their family. Pip’s life is on me. He was just a child and I don’t think that I will ever be able to move past this.

  Someone claps a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Tolin, “We need to go. It’s time.”

  Shaking my head, I say, “I can’t. How can I leave them to grieve, this is my fault…, I can’t …”

  “Alaric, it’s time to go back to the realms of the living. Your family needs you. I’m sorry, but our time here is done.”

  “But… Pip… I can’t just leave him…”

  Luc strides up at that moment, “Alaric, I’m the keeper of souls in this realm. Trust me when I say that Pipperton, will be well cared for.” With his arrival, it’s as if time stands still all around us.

  “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.” I bow my head in bitter resolution as my breath heaves from me.

  Luc leans in, “Your kindred found you. You should be happy. You are finally leaving The Underworld.”

  “But at what cost, Luc? Pip was a child in this world and his death is on me, because of these infernal games and my lack of understanding of the goings on in this realm. You did this! You left me for Pip to find!”

  “Maybe that is so… I gather that you cared for this tender young soul?”

  “Yes! Is that so hard to believe? He was special! He was my friend…” I pause looking around the tournament field to see that the spectators and everyone in attendance except for the few of us here have been frozen in their places, and I ask, “What’s happened here?”

  “I’ll make it so that it looks as if you all vanished into thin air. In actuality, you all will trace to the tear between our realms and you will go home. I will take care of Pipperton and his mother Paynga. Alaric… let me do what I can for these imps. Let me take care of those that dwell in this realm. It’s what I do. It’s time for you and your kindred and your friends to go home. You now have an understanding of this realm, and what role it plays in the universe. The good, the really bad, and the ugly. It dese
rves to be saved just as your realm deserves to be saved. It has its own unique special souls and it provides balance for all the realms. So now, it’s time to go, Alaric.”

  Nodding, I turn and kneel before Paynga and say, “I never wanted this. Pip was special. I’m so very sorry that it came to this.” Paynga’s only response is to hold Pip close, and keen over her son’s still body, her wings snap out as she cradles her son in her arms, her alabaster wings close over them, sheltering them from our view. It’s not something that I will soon forget, and my soul mourns for the loss of my little friend. Pipperton was special and I’m not sure that I will ever be ready to let him go.

  I back away, shaking my head in disbelief at the turn of events this day. Ashlinn lays her hand on my shoulder and says, “I’m so sorry, Alaric, but it’s time for us to go.” Her voice is full of remorse, but it is also cold and distant, and I fear that I have harmed her tender soul in my quest to save Pip.

  I look over my shoulder to watch as she places her hand on my shoulder to trace us to the tear between our realms. I can’t help the anger that wells up within me. I know she feels it, but I can’t help feeling as though I’m betraying the ones that gave me sanctuary in this realm and I’m helpless but to follow their lead, as if I’m a puppy on a leash.

  I have always been the leader but now I’m useless.

  I’m unsure of my purpose.

  I’m broken…


  Part 2

  Chapter 19



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