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Page 31

by Jana LaPelle

  I run out to the banister and call down, “Clover, send Meri up, if you would, and can you please bring up some tea for us, and some of those lovely pastries you made this morning?”

  Not waiting for an answer, I race back into my studio, I quickly busy myself cleaning up the room around me and clearing the table nearest the balcony overlooking the gardens in the back of the house. Spring is in full bloom below us, and I open the balcony doors to let the fresh air in. I hear Landon in the hallway greet Meredith, “Ms. Meri, look at my latest work. Before long you will be selling my work along with Mums. Isn’t it brilliant, Mum said it was? She’s going to have it framed.”

  I hear Meri as she continues her way toward my studio, her voice full of swagger, “My, my, Master Landon, that is a fine piece of artwork we have here. Are you sure you want your Mum to frame it? I might be able to find a buyer for it.”

  “No, Ms. Meri, I made this for Mum. It’s special. Last week she took me up on the London Eye. She said that I was finally old enough. I won’t give it up.” My son explains as they continue my way. I had no idea that day meant so much to him. For a moment I feel weepy as his simple words sink in.

  “Then we absolutely must get this framed! It’s bloody brilliant, Landon!” Meri exclaims as they enter the room together.

  “Words!” I scold as they walk into the studio together.

  Meri looks at me and laughs, “Whatever, Lindy.” For a moment, I’m taken back to another time when my best friend from the past said the exact same words to me, “Whatever, Melinda, you’re so peculiar.” Ghost from memories past haunts me from time to time. Shaking my head, I dispel the memories.

  Clover enters with tea, and we have a seat before she leaves us to catch up, Landon is playing with his Lego’s, and I decide to address Meri, “So, what brings you over this way? It can’t be my latest work, seeing as how it is not complete yet.” I take a sip of tea and reach for one of Clover’s amazing scones.

  “No, Lindy, it isn’t,” I watch my friend daintily take a sip of her own tea, “Remember when you told me to let you know if anyone seemed to become “obsessed” with your art.” She uses air quotes when she says obsessed, “Well, there is this one buyer. He really wants to find you. I think that he may have tracked you to England. You know how many handlers I work with to front your sales, there really should be no reason for any of the buyers to even suspect that you are in the UK or to know that I’m the one representing your work. Over the last several days I keep getting messages from this American man wanting to know when your next piece will be available. He said that he would like to eliminate the many handlers driving down the profit for you and your son. My alarm bells immediately went off. Lindy, how would this man know you have a son? I thought you should know.”

  “Bloody hell!” I exclaim putting my tea down abruptly, the china clatters loudly on the table in front of me. My panic begins to suffocate me as it wraps its icy hands around me. William is on to our location. Damnation. I always knew he would come looking for us. Shaking my head, I get up to pace the room in front of the doors to the balcony.

  “Words…” Meredith scolds, looking over toward Landon who is oblivious to our conversation. Lost in his imagination.

  “I need to go talk to someone,” I say in a rush to leave.

  Meredith grabs my wrist keeping me still, “Listen, Lindy, you’re my best friend. I know that you’re keeping secrets, I’ve known for a while. You can trust me. What do I need to do? I can help. I know that you keep a low profile here in London, never venturing out into society. That doesn’t seem like you at all. Not the vivacious Lindy that I’ve come to love. I’ve never questioned you about it because you seemed so determined to stay out of the limelight here. I’ve always thought it had to do with Landon over there and his father, who you never talk about. Are you in hiding Lindy?” Meri’s concerned is etched on her face.

  I look at my friend and then pull my arm away from her grasp to scrub at my face with both hands before massaging my temples and say, “Meredith, it’s complicated on so many levels. It’s not that I don’t want to confide in you because I do. You have been so good to Landon and me, it’s just best for you if I keep my secrets to myself.”

  “You are in hiding, and my guess is that you’re an American. You’re in trouble and came to London to hide.”

  “Meri,” I hold up my hand to stop her from continuing, “It really is for the best that you know nothing about me and where Landon and I come from. As far as you’re concerned, you met us four years ago and formed a professional relationship that soon became a friendship. You know nothing of my past before meeting me, and it should stay that way. I mean it, Meredith. You need to let this go. As far as the American buyer, have your assistant return his call and feign ignorance of the identity of the artist in question. If he presses the matter, then you speak with him and tell him that the artist is a recluse that you have never met, and all arrangements are handled by a third party. Do you understand?” I demand.

  Meri looks from me to Landon and back again before saying thoughtfully, “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you both safe. If you have to keep your secrets to do that then, I’m okay with that. Lindy just know that I’m here for you. Who is it that you need to see?”

  “He’s with the Met, his name is Bennett Leighton,” I reply with a soft smile as I think of the handsome Chief Inspector.

  Meri’s eyes light up, and she smiles broadly at me, “The. Chief Inspector Bennett Leighton? The seriously, smoking hot Chief Inspector? You have been keeping secrets. I want details. I’ve been to several social functions where he was in attendance. The man is bloody beautiful… and you like him!”

  “I have no idea as to what you’re talking about.” I shake my head denying her accusation. Meredith studies me, her chocolate brown eyes narrow taking me in, making me uncomfortable under her scrutiny, “What?” I ask.

  “You like him, but something’s holding you back. You only live once Lindy, and for as long as I have known you, you have been focused on your art and Landon. You rarely take a break to look around you. It all makes sense now. You’re afraid, of what I don’t know. Whatever or whoever you are running from is still in control of your life. You need to take back control, Lindy. Live a little.” Meri imparts before turning to look at Landon, “Both of you, need to live. Landon is surprisingly well rounded to be home tutored. He’s living a very sheltered life.”

  Sighing, I know she’s right. My beautiful friend that looks strikingly similar to the classic beauty of Audrey Hepburn, with her dark hair and eyes, concern etched on her lovely face. Inhaling deeply, I admit, “I know you’re right, Meri. I was just beginning to think that it was possible to live again, but I think he may have found us and if that is the case, I will have to uproot Landon and move again. To where I have no idea, I really don’t want to do that again, Meri. I like it here, but we may have no choice. I need to go talk to Ben.”

  “Ben, is it?” Meri smirks, “You do like him. A lot.” My best friend is grinning like a loon at me as she picks up on my attraction to Bennett.

  I chuckle before laughing out loud, “You’re crazy, you know that right? What’s not to like? Bennett has to be the most gorgeous guy on the planet. Besides his looks, he’s kind, thoughtful, and he’s really good with Landon. He is quite possibly perfect. That’s exactly why I will never pull him into this crazy messed up life of mine. It’s better that way.” I say resolutely.

  “Whatever you say, Lindy, I’ll stick around for a bit and hang out with Landon while you step out to go speak to your incredibly sexy inspector.” She snickers before walking across the room to sit at the table with Landon as the two begin playing make-believe with his Legos. She calls over her shoulder, “Lin, you might want to freshen up a bit before heading out.”

  “Whatever, Mers!” I call back with a smile as I take her advice to slip into something more suitable than my painting frock.

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