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Mastered by the Zandians: Alien Warrior Reverse Harem Romance

Page 17

by Rose, Renee

  We look at each other for a second, and I hold my breath. If he doesn’t say yes, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  His eyes, a warm brown rimmed with purple, lock onto mine. I don’t waver. The force of his gaze makes me dizzy, but still I maintain eye contact.

  The king finally nods. “Permission granted for asylum.”

  “I need permission to go on rescue missions.” I add quickly. “I am a rescuer at heart. I will help save more humans and bring them home. To Zandia.”

  King Zander says, “That is a dangerous life.”

  “And fulfilling. I dedicated myself, long ago, to helping humans. That’s part of my DNA now. I can’t stop it, any more than I can change the color of my eyes. My height.” I touch my chest. “It’s in here. I will give it to you, all of you.” I gesture around the room. “If you’ll have me.”

  The king inclines his head. “Once you are well, you may work with Master Seke to determine your capabilities and goals. As long as you obey your mates, who are also your superiors on the job.” He looks at my mates. “You accept her back at your mate? Agree to help train her as a Zandian warrior, and accept that she will be engaging in dangerous, life-threatening tasks?”

  “Yes.” Their voices are full of restrained emotion. “Always.” Lanz squeezes my hand.

  “And forever.” Domm wraps his arm around my waist.

  “Then go.” The king smiles briefly. “And heal. And then thrive.”

  “I will start my new missions immediately.” As soon as I’m well, of course, but the enthusiasm can’t be tamped down.

  “Wait, little vipn. You’re not going anywhere.” Lanz rolls his eyes and scoops me up into his arms. “Not before we get you medical attention. Oversee your training. Verify that you’re ready.”

  “And,” Domm murmurs into my ear, leaning in close so only I can hear, “punish you adequately for ripping our hearts out and leaving them behind.”

  “Ah, yes,” Lanz agrees. “That is an important task. We’ll devote a fair amount of time to it.”

  “Possibly a few planet rotations. Or an entire solar cycle.” But Domm’s face is full of concern and he brushes his lips over my forehead. “You just hang on. We’re going to take care of you now.”

  And I lean into his strong chest. “I’ll take care of you, too,” I promise, letting my eyes drift shut. “We’ll take turns. That’s how it is, with family.”

  Chapter 20


  “I think it’s time to take you to task.” I give her a wicked grin.

  She makes an O of surprise. “And why would you do a thing like that?”

  The mock innocent look she gives me sets my blood on fire. “You left us without warning.” I cross my arms.

  “I’m back now, though.”

  “True, and we couldn’t be happier.” I raise an eyebrow. “But you do understand that as your mates, we need to give you certain…incentives…not to do such a thing ever again.”

  “I just don’t know how you might even do that.” She smiles prettily and starts to slide her garment from her creamy shoulders.

  “We’ll help you understand.” Lanz steps into the room, a nice leather strap in his hand. “Good thing you started taking off your clothing, because you’ll need to be completely naked for this next part.” He slaps the strap into his hand, and the sound echoes around the chamber.

  “My stars. That looks wicked.” The look of trepidation on her face is probably partially genuine, and makes my cock stir.

  Oh, we’d never really hurt her, and she knows it. But a little anticipation always heightens the pleasure. Especially for our little warrior, who loves to submit to us alone. And since we are still her superiors on missions, and her mates—who are in charge of her well-being on Zandia—she owes us her allegiance.

  “No more wicked than a disobedient mate. Who needs to be soundly punished.” I smile and watch her nipples harden in the cool air. Her chest heaves. She might pretend she hates it, but her body tells us how she really feels.

  “But no,” she protests, sliding her panties down her creamy thighs. “I’ve been so good lately.”

  “And you will continue to do so, I’m sure, with the appropriate incentive. Bend over the hoverdisk.” Lanz rips off his shirt and stalks toward her.

  She sucks in a breath and her pupils dilate. “Yes, Master.”

  My horns harden at her tone: honey and silk, but just enough sass to drive me mad. “Wait.” I hold up my hand and strip my garments. “Mirelle, you can suck my cock in between sessions with the strap.”

  “Excellent plan.” Lanz slaps the belt into his hand again, and she jumps. “Training and punishment at the same time. We are multi-taskers, after all.”

  I sit on the soft surface, lean back on my elbows, and spread my thighs. “Come forward, little warrior.” I nod at her. “And get to work, please.”

  She licks her lips and crawls to me, and I groan at the sight. When her soft pink lips close around my malehood, I close my eyes and suck in my breath because it feels so vecking amazing.

  I let her suck for a long time, until she’s panting and I can feel her lips trembling around my iron cock. Then I reluctantly reach down and pull her head from my body. “Good. Now a little dose of the strap to keep you eager. Bend over and stretch out your arms.”

  She does it without comment, her immediate compliance making me even harder.

  Lanz comes up beside her and puts a hand onto her shoulder. “Don’t move,” he warns, then straps her across the buttocks with the leather, leaving a gorgeous red stripe.

  She makes a little sound, but to her credit, doesn’t flinch or try to move away.

  “I’m going to give you a good dozen.” Lanz brings the strap down hard and she whimpers. “Then you’ll suck my cock for a while and Domm will whip you.” He straps her again, and this time she tenses up, lifts up one foot. Puts it down. Grabs the covers with her fists.

  “And then, if we both agree that you've been obedient, we’ll let you come.”

  “Oh, please, I’ll be good. Ah.” The last part comes as he whips her again with the leather, harder.

  “That’s what you say every time. I want to ensure that you finally mean it.”

  “Ow,” she whispers, lifting her other foot as he brings the strap down again and again. She grinds her hips into the cover, trying to stimulate her clit, and I put my hand on her back.

  “No. Not yet. First you’ll feel the burn before you get the pleasure.”

  “Not fair,” she whines.

  “Oh, is that so?” I bend over and bite her neck, enjoying the way she’s shifting her hips, trying to alleviate the burn, as if moving her ass in the air will help cool the hot skin. “You see, I think it’s entirely fair to punish a mate when she’s been unruly.” I kiss her where I bit, then retract and nod to Domm.

  He straps her again and she cries out in surprise. “Ouch.”

  But she doesn’t reach back or move; we’ve trained her well. By the time she’s taken the entire twelve, her ass is nicely striped with marks and she’s panting.

  “I can smell your pussy, Mirelle.” I reach down between her thighs and she spreads them eagerly to allow me access. “You can complain all you want, but all three of us know how much you need this.”

  “I need that,” she breathes, pushing into my fingers. “Please, please.”

  “Oh, beautiful, you’ve got a distance to go before we even contemplate letting you come,” I chastise her, slapping her ass. “Get on your knees again, because it’s time to pleasure Lanz.”

  “Yes, Master.” When she gets up, her eyes are already glazed with need. Before I let her get down into a submissive position, I pull her to me and close my lips around her plump nipple. She cries out as I suck and tease with my tongue, and then she’s straddling my thigh, riding me, moaning as she pushes her dripping pussy against my flesh. “Oh,” she gasps. She tosses her head back, closing her eyes, an expression of bliss on her face. I almost let her come, just
because the way she looks at her pinnacle is a vecking rush. But it’s fun to make her wait.

  I bite her nipple and lift her off my body. “Not yet.”

  Lanz steps forward and takes my place on the bed. He hands me a pair of shiny silver clips. “Dr. Daneth said these are good for the human nipples. First they punish, then they help provide pleasure.”

  “That sounds perfect. Hands at your sides.” I turn to Mirelle and wait for her to obey.

  She licks her lips, eyes wide. “What…”

  “Little clamps.” I open one, close it; it’s spring loaded and can be made to bite tighter. “I think we’ll set it to a good hold. If it hurts, you just think about how important it is to communicate with us at all times.”

  “I already do. Ouch.” She winces as I apply one of them. Then the other. “Ow.” She shifts, lifts up her hands, puts them down.

  I close my mouth around one of the nipples and lick all around the clamp. She writhes in my grasp, making alternate gasps of pleasure and pain as I tease her and pull at the devices with my mouth. When I touch her thighs, they’re already wet with her desire.

  “Time to please Lanz.” I give her one last lick. “You’ll wear these the entire time, Mirelle. No complaints, not even when it’s my turn to strap you.”

  She gasps, but gets on her knees in front of Lanz. Opens her mouth like the best little sex slave in the universe.

  * * *


  My nipples are on fire, and so is my ass. But I revel in it. There’s nothing more satisfying, physically, than being on my knees, my body aching for release, obeying my two masters.

  My jaw aches as I suck Lanz’ cock, and my eyes drip tears of concentration. I’m sweaty and my thighs are sticky with my own juices, my need to orgasm...and I’ve never felt better.

  “My turn to spank her. You want to come in her mouth, or wait?”

  “I say we take her at once. Go ahead and get her ready for us.”

  “With pleasure.”

  They talk about me like this and and it makes me burn hotter. I whimper as Domm picks me up and places me on the sleep disk, on my stomach. I hiss at the way my nipples ache, pushed into the fabric with the pressure of my body, but it makes my pussy needy. “Please.”

  “Please what?” He slaps my ass once. “Hands and knees while I take my turn. I think we’ll use the stick.”

  He shows me a long, thin cane-like implement made of a thin pliant wood. “Six with this, Mirelle, and you’ll be doing anything we want.”

  “I already do anything you want.” I arch my back, terrified of the cane. Craving it. Both at once.

  “Well, just to keep it that way. Spread your thighs more.” He watches intently as I position myself to his liking. “Good.”

  Without warning, he raises his arm and I hear the swish, crack, and then my ass explodes into flames. I jerk and cry out. “Domm!”

  “Will you ever leave us again?” He lays a second stripe below the first one.

  I groan with concentration, forcing myself not to leap up and reach back, make this stop. Grit my teeth. “No!”

  “We care about you so much. You’re our life. We need to be honest and trust each other always.” He delivers the third, and tears well up in my eyes. Not at the pain, necessarily, although it does hurt. No, it’s more from the knowledge that I put my mates through a nightmare of worry while I was gone, and endangered them when they came to my rescue.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper the words.

  He stops and strokes my shoulder. My hair. “We are, too. We kept you imprisoned—away from what you love. I know now that this will only work, for all of us, if you can do what you need and love.”

  “You know from now on, I’ll be honest with you.”

  “Because I’m whipping you?” The fourth comes down across my thighs and I nearly leap from the bed.

  I pant. “No. No!” I catch my breath. “Because…it’s better that way.”

  “Good answer.” He strikes across both cheeks, hard, and I start to cry.

  He stops and rubs his hand over my welts, making me dance away from him. Lanz comes over and holds me in place so I can’t dodge, and I’m forced to accept his ministrations.

  “It is better that way. And you do recognize that we are your superior officers in the field, and as such, are allowed to discipline and train you as necessary to follow commands.”

  “I do recognize that.” I gasp. “Domm, please.” I need his cock so badly, and my ass is on fire.

  “One more. Hardest one. Tell me why you came back.”

  “Because I love you. Because this is the life I want, for myself and other humans.”

  He brings the cane down hard and I cry out, and then he tugs me into his arms. “And it’s what we want, too.”

  He kisses me and our mouths attack each other, our hands grasping, squeezing. I find his cock and grab it, wrap my fist around and tighten it. He groans in pleasure, even though I’m using nearly my full power. My Zandians can handle anything I dish out, and that lets me go wild when I need to.

  I cry out a battle roar and bite his shoulder as hard as I can, sinking in my teeth, and the taste of his skin sets me aflame. As does his roar of pain and pleasure. He tosses me over his lap and spanks my ass with his hand. “Did I give you permission to bite me, vipn?”

  I scramble off his thighs and straddle them. His enormous cock prods the entrance to my pussy. “You love it when I bite you.” I lean in and nip his lower lip, then grab his arms and dig in my nails. “Veck me now. Do it or I’ll go insane.”

  He growls. “You think you call the shots in here?” But the way his hands tease my skin, tug at my nipples, lets me know that I own him as much as he owns me. The look in his eyes is pure desire.

  “I always call the shots.” I rise up on my knees to position myself, then slowly lower myself so the tip of his cock pushes at my entrance. “You want this shot? Tell me how much you like my pussy.” I grip his triceps and squeeze. Lean in and lick his neck. Suck his horns, one, then the other. “Tell me. Vecking tell me.” My voice trembles.

  “You don’t already know?” He grabs my hips and stops me from sinking further onto his cock. “You don’t feel it with every touch, see it every time I look at you?”

  I groan in frustration, trying to push closer to his iron length. “Let me.”

  He laughs. “When I’m ready.”

  I use all my strength, fighting him for the power position, but he holds me off easily. “Domm!” I punch him and struggle, leaning in as if in hand-to-hand combat, squeezing him with my legs, trying to use my arms to force him to do what I want.

  “Yes, fight me,” he murmurs, his eyes flickering shut, his whole body taut. “Vecking fight me. You know I love taking you down.”

  He rolls over suddenly so I’m lying on the bed and he’s on top of me, his entire body pressing me into the covers. He pulls my arms over my head and pins them down to the pillow. His thighs push into my body, and our chests are skin to skin. My nipples sing with the pain and stimulation of the clamps and the friction of his body. I try to open my thighs, get his cock closer, but I can’t move.

  “I win, as always.” He smirks at me. “And that means I get victor’s choice.”

  Quick as lightning he rolls over again, placing me on top of him. “You ride, Mirelle. And Lanz is going to take your ass from behind. You can come once both of our cocks are in you and we give permission.”

  * * *


  She moans, and when she sinks down onto Domm’s cock—he controls it, letting her take him inch by inch, until she’s fully seated—she sighs and closes her eyes, a look of bliss on her face.

  It’s about vecking time. I’m going to explode if I don’t get to veck her soon. It’s hotter than anything to watch her be dominated, except when I get to do it.

  “Shift up so I can take your ass,” I order, coming up behind her and running my hands down her sides. I reach around and squeeze her exquisite breast
s, using them like handles to help position her, enjoying her squeals and moans.

  The three of us move until she’s in the right configuration to handle both of us. I grab the bottle of lube I’ve brought along and squirt some along her tight bottom, rubbing it in with my finger.

  She makes a noise of appreciation and pushes back into my hand, asking for more. I add more lube and insert a second finger into her body, moving them around to stretch her out. She helps by grinding her hips, squeezing her muscles.

  ‘Yeah, you ride him,” I order her. “Let the pleasure distract you while I prepare your ass.”

  Her body is so tight, and I don’t want it to hurt when I take her, so it requires some time to get her ready. I insert the long, thick plug into her body gently, pushing even when she sucks in her breath and tries to move away. She doesn't have much room to work with, though, riding Domm’s cock as she is, and I chuckle as I grab her with one hand and slide the plug home. “Don't fight it,” I murmur into her ear, pulling her body back against my chest, “You know it feels good once you let it in.”

  She hisses and then relaxes when it happens. “Mmmm…” she agrees, rocking back and forth. “Let me come, please.”

  “Not just yet.” I tease her by twisting and playing with the plug as she grinds on Domm, until she’s so needy that she’s gasping and whimpering with each movement.

  “I think she’s ready.” Domm’s voice is taut with need. “And I can’t wait another vecking second.”

  I can’t either. I pull out the plug and get on my knees, setting my cock in line with her ass. “Push back,” I tell her, as I start to sink into her body. I go slowly, because handling two Zandian cocks isn’t simple, but she leans back, forcing me in faster. “Do it now,” she demands, and cries out in pleasure. “Mother Earth. Yes. Yes.”

  I love vecking her every way, from every angle, and her ass is exquisite. She rides Domm, and I thrust from behind, and soon the three of us are in a rhythm that works. Little by little, the pace quickens; Domm pulls her down onto his cock, then I tug her back onto mine, and she urges us on with her sound and by clenching around me so hard I almost come too soon.


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