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Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4)

Page 21

by Sheridan Anne

  “You’ve been such an inspiration to the rest of the world with your shelters and the way you’ve helped abused and battered women, but you haven’t just been inspiring to them, you’ve inspired me every single day to be a better man. Every day I wake up wondering what more I can do, how to better myself, and how to love you more than I did the day before, but that one comes so damn easy. I can’t be without you, Virago. So, what do you say? Will you put on a white dress and let me marry you?”

  Tears fall over my eyes as I look down at him. My words get all choked up and all I’m able to do is nod.

  Slade grins wide, quickly closing the box of diamonds before rushing to his feet and scooping me up in the process. The stands around us erupt into cheers and applause as Slade’s lips crush down on mine.

  He kisses me deeply, giving me the absolute world.

  I feel completely overjoyed. What could possibly be better than this?

  Slade pulls back as my legs dangle below and I find myself grinning like a fool as his teammates jump around us, trying to congratulate their friend. I meet his eyes and laugh as the emotions get too much for me to handle. “Was it just me or was there no ring in that box?”

  He shakes his head. “Nope. No ring,” he tells me before explaining himself. “I wanted to get a huge fucking rock. One that would weigh your whole hand down so every dickhead who walked past you would know you were married to the biggest mother-fucker in the game but Blake vetoed it. He said you’d never actually wear it, and he’s right. I should have known.”

  I nod in agreement. “I don’t need a big ring for the world to know I’m with you,” I tell him with a seductive smirk. “They just need to see the constant satisfaction on my face.”

  Slade’s lips pull up at the side, his eyes hooded and filled with a cheeky darkness that promises I’ll be more than satisfied when we get home tonight. “You’re right,” he tells me. “So, I made an appointment with the jeweler for tomorrow and you can tell him exactly what you want, that way when you look down at your hand, you’ll see what we created, not what someone else determined that you’ll wear.”

  I throw my arms around him as all our friends come bounding down onto the court. “You’re amazing,” I tell him. “I love you so much.”

  “I know, Virago, I love-”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Nessa groans, cutting him off. “He loves you too, now give me my girl. We need to celebrate!”

  Nine Months Later

  “Push, Virago.”

  “Tell me to push one more fucking time and I’m going to shove my hand up your ass, cut it off, and then tell you to push the fucking thing back out.”

  Slade gapes at me. I’m not exactly sure this is what he had in mind when he said he wanted to put his babies inside my guts. I bet he was imagining the sweet moments filled with love and joy, not the vomiting, the screaming, and my stretched vagina.

  This is horrendous.

  I had in mind that the second we got married, we’d start trying for a baby. I didn’t realize that the timeline would be pushed forward to the night of our engagement. We got home from his game and he instantly threw me down on the bed to celebrate his win and me agreeing to become his wife.

  An hour later, I was thoroughly satisfied and unknowingly pregnant.

  Fast forward 41 weeks and 6 days and here we are.

  I squeeze down on Slade’s hand as he gapes at me. The contraction tears through my body as the doctor stands between my legs, staring at the small human trying to make a daring escape.

  Small human? I think not. I’m either giving birth to a small horse or a five-year-old. This baby is huge. Whether it’s a girl or a boy, it’s going to be tall just like its daddy.

  I guess we’ll have another NBA or WNBA star on our hands.

  I feel as though I’m on the verge of passing out when the head finally comes out. “Good work, Skylah,” the doctor commends as she gets busy checking over our baby and making sure the cord isn’t wrapped around its neck. “Take a few calming breaths and then in a moment, we’re going to get the rest of this baby out. Okay? You’ve got this. You’ve done incredible so far.”

  I nod, unable to focus on forming words.

  Slade ducks down and goes to press a kiss to my forehead but I raise my chin and catch his lips on mine. “She’s right,” he whispers, cupping my cheek in his big hand. “You’re doing incredible. It won’t be much longer and you can relax with our baby in your arms.”

  His words are the best kind of motivation to convince me to continue tearing my body in half.

  The next contraction comes on and the doctor nods. “Alright, Skylah. Let’s go.”

  Within moments our baby comes out screaming and is laid down on my chest. Tears spring to my eyes. “Congratulations,” the doctor says. “You’ve got a healthy baby boy.”

  My heart fills with a love I never knew I was capable of, so strong, protective, and fierce as I hold my baby boy in my arms.

  Slade stares down at us in awe as I beam up at him. “We did good,” he says, protectively placing his hand over mine along our son’s back.

  “We did.”

  He ducks down and presses a warm kiss to my forehead. “Fuck, I love you,” he tells me. “I can’t wait to marry you and give you my name.”

  “Three more months,” I promise, adjusting our baby in my arms so that I see his precious little face better.

  “Does he have a name?” The doctor asks as she begins cleaning up the mess of blood and guts around her.

  I look up at Slade completely unsure. We’ve been playing with a few names for both a boy or a girl and none of them ever stuck. “Yeah,” he tells her, blowing me the fuck away. “This is Jacob Blake Cruz.”

  Tears instantly stream down my face as Slade meets my eyes, the emotions far too great for me to handle. “You want to name him after my father and brother?” I question, hoping this isn’t some sick trick or that he’s going to change his mind.

  “I do,” he tells me, a smile slowly spreading wide across his handsome face. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  I stare up at him, unable to find the words to express how happy I am. I try my best to shuffle over in the bed, making room for him to come and join us as a family.

  Slade drops down beside me, being careful not to rock the bed too much, knowing how much pain my lady bits are in. His arm falls around my back, right where it belongs and he pulls me into his chest.

  He presses his lips to my temple, kissing me softly as he looks down at Jacob Cruz and just like that, my world is complete.

  So full, precious, and filled with love, and despite all the pain I’ve had to suffer through, I know it was all worth it because it brought me right here to this moment where all I know in my world is love.

  Thanks for reading!

  If you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, please leave a review.

  For more information on The Aston Creek High Series, find me on Facebook or Instagram –

  Need More?

  Check out the Haven Falls series.

  Untouchable – Haven Falls (Book 1)

  It’s official…

  I’m the biggest loser in Haven Falls… FML!

  Things couldn’t possibly get worse from here.

  Everyone leaves me. My mom, my friends… Kaylah. It’s like the curse of Henley Bronx. Forever alone, and that’s no exaggeration. I’m all I’ve got in this world. Just me, myself, and I… and my goldfish, Frog.

  Who would have thought that throwing a bowl of spaghetti Bolognese all over the school bad boy would change it all? I sure as hell didn’t. If anything, I was expecting a very different outcome.

  Noah Cage. What can I say? He’s the pack leader. He stormed in, tattooed up with muscles for days, desperate to prove he’s not like the rest. He saved me while sweeping me right off my fee
t, but really… I think I saved him too.

  He wormed his way in and brought love, happiness, and friendship with him and now the thought of losing him tears me apart, but if my track record is anything to go by, he’ll leave me, just like everyone else. It’s inevitable.

  I’d give anything for Noah Cage to prove me wrong.

  Will the Henley Bronx curse return once again to take away my only happiness or do I finally have what it takes to turn this bad boy my way?

  Author Biography

  Sheridan Anne is a wife to a smart-ass husband, Mumma to two beautiful girls, twin sister, daughter, and friend who lives in beautiful Australia. Sheridan writes both romance and young adult fantasy books on a variety of topics and can be found on most days with her family or writing during naptime. To find out more or to simply say ‘hello’, connect with her on Facebook or Instagram -

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Young Adult / New Adult - Romance

  The Broken Hill High Series (5 Book Series + Novella)

  Haven Falls (7 Book Series + Novella)

  Broken Hill Boys (5 Book Novella Series)

  Aston Creek High (4 Book Series)

  New Adult Romance

  Kings of Denver (4 Book Series)

  Denver Royalty (3 Book Series)

  Rebels Advocate (4 Book Series)

  Men of Fire Rescue One (4 Book Series) Coming 2020




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