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A Dom and a Sub to Love

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by Eileen Green


  The Tiger's Lair 7

  A Dom and a Sub to Love

  [Siren Menage Amour: Erotic Romance, Multiple Partners, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, BDSM, MMF, HEA]

  After having her heart broken, Eliza Nielson moves halfway across the country to reinvent herself. Throwing herself into her career, she becomes the teacher for new members at the Tiger’s Lair. She is finally content, until her past arrives and changes her life again.

  After his own loss, Dr. Todd Westin finds love with one of his patients, Victor Doe. The man has a mysterious past, and they are unable find out who he is. They are perfectly happy with each other until a haunted memory strikes Victor. The two men travel to Denver to chase down clues to his identity and it's there that meet Eliza and feelings abound.

  Skeptical of her own feelings, Eliza finds herself attracted to both men, but circumstances have her fighting them. Afraid of getting hurt again, she attempts to distance herself but quickly learns that is an impossible task.

  When Victor’s past finds him, will danger tear the three apart? Can they save their love and themselves and live happily-ever-after?

  Length: 52,000 words


  The Tiger's Lair 7

  Eileen Green


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  A Dom and a Sub to Love

  Copyright © 2020 by Eileen Green

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-175-4

  First Publication: June 2020

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2020 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  As a child, Eileen’s playground was the school library. She loved to read, and when she picked up her first romance novel (not in the school library), she was hooked. As she got older, she was able to create stories in her head, putting entire scenarios along with backstories together. Her seventh grade English teacher pointed out her knack for writing, so she began to put her stories on paper.

  Life got in the way once she became an adult, such as marriage, kids, jobs, so it took a long time for her to find a way to become published. Once her dream came true, she wrote what she loved most, erotic romances and historical romances. Her compelling characters tell Eileen their stories so she may put them on paper to share with her readers so they can lose themselves in her books.

  For all titles by Eileen Green, please visit




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  The Tiger's Lair 7


  Copyright © 2020


  Washington D.C., 2011


  “What is it?” Todd demanded gruffly. He was so tired as he had been spending nearly all his time at the hospital. His patients needed him, some more than others, and he hated to be too far from them.

  “The patient in 207 is awake!” The nurse quickly turned away from the door and scurried away in the direction of said room.

  Standing so quickly that his chair nearly tipped over, Todd followed the nurse. As he stepped into the room, he discovered his patient sitting up in bed while the nurses fussed over him. Only two of the nurses were checking the man’s vitals while the other three were fluffing his pillow, making sure the blankets were warm enough for him, and one was holding a cup with a straw up to the man’s lips.

  If the situation was different, Doctor Todd Weston would have thought the scene before him humorous. However, he needed to check on this mysterious patient.

  “Chart,” he ordered as he stepped up to the bed. The nurse who had announced the status of the patient, Jenny, handed Todd a clipboard.

  Holding his hand out to the man, Todd said, “Hello. I’m Dr. Weston.”

  The man held his hand out and shook Todd’s. “Hello.”

  Todd pulled the uncomfortable hospital chair over next to the bed and sat. “You seem to have us at a disadvantage,” Todd began. He cleared his throat. “When you arrived here, you didn’t have any identification on you, and we haven’t been able to find out who you are. Can you tell us your name so we can contact your family?”

  Blond brows knitted above the man’s striking green eyes with golden flecks as if the man was having to think about the question.

  When the man had arrived at the hospital, Todd really hadn’t expected him to survive. Long jagged open wounds on his head were bleeding profusely. They had to shave his shoulder-length golden blond hair to be able to stitch him up, but only after Todd had to operate. His skull had been broken in several places, and he had a bleed on the brain.

  They had to put pins in his left forearm and wrist, and they had to give him a new left knee along with a titanium rod in his thigh. His right arm had been broken but wasn’t as bad as the left. His right tibia and fibula were broken also.

  It was probably a blessing that the man had been in a coma as his body was recuperating. Otherwise, he would have been in a great deal of pain.

  “I, um…” The man stopped as he shook his head.

  Is it possible he can’t remember how to speak?

  The man cleared his throat. “I don’t remember.”

  It wasn’t a surprise to hear that admission. Not with all the damage done. But how were they going to find out who he was?

  “What happened to me?” the man asked, his fingers pulling on the blanket that laid across his lap. He stopped and ran his fingers over the scars on his left arm. “How bad was it?”

  Todd had sat in this chair many, many times, watching the man sleep. It was obvious he was good looking. However, the scars on his face made him look rugged and hard now, although he still looked handsome.

  “You were found in a ditch outside a small town in Virginia. You had to be airlifted here, to Washington D.C., and you’ve been here ever since,” Todd explained. “You were very banged up.”

  “So, you don’t know who I am?”

  Shaking his head, Todd swallowed hard. “No. No one came forward looking for a missing person. I’m sorry.” The man sighed sadly. Todd spoke again. “Do you remember anything from before today? The accident? Family? A job? A pet?”

  The man seemed to be thinking but sadly shook his hea
d. His face gave away his emotions, and frustration was written all over it.

  “We do need to call you something. Can you think of a name you’d like to be called until we find out your identity?”

  Again, the man’s brows furrowed together, and then he said, “I don’t know why, but the name Victor sounds familiar. Perhaps you can call me that.”

  Todd wrote the name on the paperwork on the clipboard. “Well, Victor, it’s nice to meet you. You have a long road of therapy in front of you, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “Thank you,” Victor said, sadness blanketing him.

  Todd had seen it many times when a person realized the position they were in physically. Victor’s body had healed for the most part. Therapy had been done to keep his muscles from atrophying, and he would need to learn to walk with his new knee and thigh bone along with the use of his left arm and all the hardware in it. But he also had a lot of mental therapy to go through as they needed to find out who Victor really was, and why no one had come looking for him.

  It rattled Todd that Victor seemed to be all alone in the world. It also worried Todd that he was drawn to Victor, and not in just a doctor-patient way. There was something that called to Todd about the man. Todd couldn’t put his finger on it, but he was far more interested in Victor in a physical capacity, and that was wrong.

  * * * *

  Sadness consumed her as she watched the For-Sale sign being hung at the end of the driveway. Eliza Nielson didn’t want to move, but the house was filled with ghosts of the love she’d had and so suddenly lost just six months ago. It was time to move on and try to start her life over again. It would be hard, but she knew to survive, she had to.

  All the papers had been signed and the realtor had the account information that the sale money would go into. Her Jeep was filled with clothes for the next few weeks and important files she would need until she reached her new home in a new city.

  A moving truck was on its way to Denver with all her belongings. They would most likely beat her there, but a man Eliza knew said he would be there for her at her newly acquired townhouse to let the movers in. There wasn’t a lot for she didn’t want too many reminders of the past, but there was some furniture she couldn’t part with for it belonged to her grandmother.

  She had said goodbye to the friends she would be leaving behind. The club had been good to her before and after the loss, the people there providing emotional support along with meals and yard and housework. When she felt as if she couldn’t go on, her chosen family was there for her, and they were all sad to see her leave.

  As she drove through town, passing the Army base and then the club, Eliza had to swallow down the tears that began and wouldn’t stop. The sorrow she had dealt with blanketed her for so long she had felt as if she were drowning in it. This town had seen its fair share of death and sorrow, and that was one of the reasons she needed to distance herself from it. The Army and the loss Eliza had to contend with was partially part of her sorrow, so she was going halfway across the country to get away from it.

  At thirty years old, she had found love and lost it, and she was positive she would never love again. She would throw herself into her work and help other people, and hopefully she’d gain satisfaction enough to be happy.

  Once she was on the highway out of town, she breathed a small sigh of relief. Ten years ago, she arrived in this town and began a new life, one she had only read about in erotica. It had changed her into the woman she was before that fateful day six months ago, but now she didn’t think she would be able to participate in it ever again. Only time would tell.

  Chapter One

  Catching herself by grabbing the freezing cold rail kept Eliza Nielson from falling on her ass. The steps of the courthouse were slick with ice. A fall snowstorm had hit Denver hard in the past few days, and currently, the ice that had formed over the snow was a danger to anyone coming and going. For Eliza, it was leaving the courthouse after winning a case for her client.

  Mallory Renton had come to Eliza after her husband had decided he wanted a divorce, and to get custody of the kids, he had presented pictures and affidavits of her in BDSM situations. The problem was, he had been in the lifestyle with her. He had suggested they have threesomes with women and men. He had taken pictures of her in compromising situations with the others and then used those to railroad her.

  Eliza specialized in sexually exploited and abused women, men, and children. And, since she was involved in the BDSM community, she was able to help those like Mallory who had what they loved turned on them.

  Using the people that Mallory’s husband had brought in, Eliza had turned the tables on him. After carefully reviewing several of the pictures also, the husband could be seen in a mirror with his camera. It wasn’t a full picture of him, but they could still make him out.

  “Miss Nielson!” someone shouted behind her. “Are you all right?”

  She glanced around at the people going about their business and saw a young paralegal rushing towards her. The chance that he would slip by the time he reached her was high. Since she had already gone down about four steps, if he slid any further, it was possible he would take her down to the bottom. Preparing herself for impact, she held tight to the rail with her leather gloved hand. Thankfully, he was able to stop himself.

  “Miss Nielson, I’m so glad you didn’t fall,” the young man quickly said, his voice shaky.

  “Thank you, Jacob. You need to be careful, also.” She waited patiently to hear what he had to say despite wanting to get into her car and get the heater running.

  “Of course.” He blushed, but then it could be his skin tinting from the cold. “I was wanting to know if you had considered my application?”

  Eliza had her own practice. When she had become an attorney, she hadn’t wanted anyone telling her what to do. She knew what kind of law she wanted to practice and had run with it. She had made a name for herself in Denver, and now, business was picking up. It was time to bring on some help.

  “I did, Jacob. However, it’s been a long day, and I have a standing engagement this evening. Please come by the office on Monday at nine, and we’ll have a chat. Sound good?” she asked as she resumed her careful journey down the stairs.

  “Thank you,” he replied. “I appreciate it. Have a good night.”

  “You too.”

  She hated to have lied to Jacob about her plans for the evening. The case had been stressful, but that wasn’t the reason she wanted to be alone. Today was an anniversary for her, so she just wanted to memorialize it in private.

  The heater was already on full blast as soon as she got into her Lincoln MKZ. It was a nice car with all-wheel drive which made driving in the snow easy. Also, on days like this, if she left the heater on when she got out of the car, it would be on when she got back in because of the keyless starter. She had been able to start the car before she got to it. However, she had to turn the heated seat on once she got in.

  She waited a few minutes in the parking lot before she began to drive home. Debating whether or not to pick up something to eat on the way home, the latter won. If she didn’t find anything at home that was appetizing, she could always use a food delivery app.

  For a mere moment, she nearly turned to go to her old townhouse. She finally turned in the direction of her new house, the one she had bought just a month ago. The townhouse had begun to feel claustrophobic, and she had a nagging feeling she needed to upgrade, but she just didn’t know why.

  Upon arriving at home, she was thankful to be able to pull into the garage, so she didn’t need to go back out into the snow to get into her house. In the kitchen, she rummaged through the freezer and found a pot pie and she popped it in the microwave. Slipping out of her boots, a sigh escaped her. That was always one of the best feelings in the world for a woman, next to the removal of the bra which came next.

  Once the microwave beeped, announcing her meal cooked, she placed the pot pie on a plate, grabbed a fork along
with her briefcase, and made her way upstairs to her luxurious room. She quickly changed into a pair of cozy pj’s and then settled in the middle of her large bed with her dinner and her laptop. This was her life outside of work and the Tiger’s Lair. Sometimes, she wondered if it was time to make a change to her life, but she knew her heart wasn’t in it.

  * * * *

  “Hey, babe,” Victor said as he watched his lover, Todd, walk through the front door. Todd looked exhausted as he set his briefcase on the table next to the front door. “Bad day?”

  Before answering, Todd strode over to Victor where he was standing near the stairs, wrapped his hand around Victor’s nape, and held him as he lowered his mouth to Victor’s. Victor opened to Todd, submitting to Todd’s dominant nature. Todd thrust his tongue into Victor’s mouth and swept it through, settling finally to duel with Victor’s tongue.

  Todd was usually physical after a rough day, and it was something Victor loved about Todd. Ceding to the man was a thrill. To feel carnal and wild was something Victor lived for every day. Of course, there wasn’t much Victor could do career wise with all the metal work in his body, so he took care of Todd and their home, submitting to his man as his job.

  Victor felt his Master and lover’s hand move from the back of his neck to his chest, and then Todd added his other hand. In an instant, Victor’s T-shirt was ripped down the center until it hung loosely. Then, he felt his sweatpants being pushed down his hips.

  As his cock had already unfurled and filled with blood, rising to attention, the removal of his pants caused the burgeoning organ to spring forth and bob towards its owner. Victor moaned into Todd’s mouth.

  He knew better then to ask what had put Todd into a mood, but this was the most aggressive he had been in a long time. And, with Victor’s mysterious past, Victor had to wonder if it had to do with that.


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