The Right Kind Of Wrong
Page 8
“We're playing with fire.” My gaze locked onto his as I spoke.
Nathan smirked as he closed the distance between us, locking our lips in a fiery and passionate kiss. “I know,” he murmured. Then came the final and decisive question. “Are you ready to burn?”
“Call or text if you need something,” Nathan said once again. The concern and anger was etched all over his face. It was clear he didn't want to let me go to class by myself, not after what happened with Josh.
“It'll be fine,” I said, closing my eyes and leaning against the headrest of the seat. We were parked at the campus garage waiting for it to be time for each of us to go where we needed to be.
The weekend had allowed for discussion of our situation, especially given the small detail that my sister was out trying to fix whatever she thought Nate had destroyed with his pointless violence and I with my childish drama.
She'd hardly blinked when I told her what had happened. In fact, she said I had asked for it by leaving with Josh alone. I had ruined any chance of her business deal going through. Not one word of comfort or a single pat on my back. I was just the person who had caused another problem in her life. It shouldn't have surprised me. But it did and it hurt.
That night Nathan had sneaked in my room and held me while I fell asleep. It was inappropriate, considering the fact that she was across the hall. Then again, everything we were doing was inappropriate.
The way he was holding my hand while we waited was one of them.
“I fucking hate that you have to see him again,” he groaned, anger slipping in every syllable.
My eyes fluttered open. His gaze was hard with anger, I could tell how much he was struggling to control it.
“I still think you should go to the cops and report him.”
“Maybe,” I agreed. I looked down at my phone, frowning when I realized we only had a few minutes left before we needed to head inside. “Should we eat lunch together?” I asked, turning my body around to face him.
“I'd like that,” he replied. Nathan brought his hand up to my face and leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. We'd decided we were going to give things a try. He’d checked out of his marriage a long time ago and Hannah knew it. I believed him when he said all he was waiting for was for the time period to be over.
Part of me believed we may as well just wait for it to be over, but it was too hard to stay away from each other when we lived under the same roof.
He broke the kiss with a smile resting his forehead against mine. “It's time,” he murmured.
I nodded and stepped out of the car. He walked next to me as we made small talk on our way to campus and when we finally had to part ways, he placed a kiss on my forehead, wishing me to have a good day while silently pleading for me to let him know if I needed help.
Taking my time to get to class was probably not the best choice, especially considering the last time I was late, Professor Lanthorn had put me on the spot. However, I dreaded seeing Josh. The thought of being in the same room him put me on edge, making me want to tell everyone what he was capable of, despite knowing it would set off a storm within our families. I'd been much too shocked to take action before, but now that I knew I had people on my side, it was easier to think clearly.
“Miss Carson. As always, it's a pleasure for you to join us,” Professor Lanthorn said, words dripping with sarcasm. “Take a seat wherever you want whenever you find it convenient. Don't let the fact that you've once again interrupted my lecture bother you.”
Though he was irritated, I could sense a hint of amusement in the professor’s voice. I looked around the room, Josh was seated in the usual spot without even glancing in my direction. I sighed relief and took a seat on the far corner, catching the attention of the professor. He creased his forehead, surprised that I wasn't sitting where in my usual spot.
I texted Nathan to let him know I was fine and received a response so quickly, I could sense the relief in every word he wrote.
I was hardly able to focus on the lesson being taught because I would constantly feel like I was being watched.
I was going to have to do something about it.
At the end of class, Professor Lanthorn asked me to stay after class ended. Once everyone was gone, I approached him as he took a seat.
“Is your punctuality going to be an issue, Miss Carson?” He crossed his arms over his chest while he awaited my response.
“Sorry,” I apologized. “It was just a bit of a long weekend. It’s taken me a bit to get back into my routine. It won't happen again.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “I'm not bothered. I just like annoying those who are late.” The professor turned serious, clicking a pen as he considered what he was going to say. “I don't mean to pry, but my real question was whether or not you were okay. I noticed you didn't sit with Nicholson over there, and that's odd.”
I sighed, placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. “It's personal. But since we're discussing the topic, if we ever need to work in pairs, could you make sure I don't end up paired up with him, or any other boy, for that matter?”
Professor Lanthorn's eyes widened with understanding and he nodded, standing up with his briefcase in his hands. “Where are you going to next?” he asked.
“Art department,” I smiled. “You don't have to go with me. It’s fine.”
“No problem, really.” He indeed walked with me out of the campus, not without reminding me that if I knew something, I needed to go to the authorities.
Nate and I ate lunch at Tessa's, even though it was quite a distance away from campus. She greeted me with warmth, serving us the best cheeseburgers and fries I'd had in my life. This time, I had more of a chance to converse with her and Sam, both of them eager to know me.
They were friends with Nathan's parents, it turned out, so they were well aware of who I was. Not a single comment in regards to my sister or his marriage was made, though, making me wonder exactly how much they knew. Somehow, I still felt like part of the story was missing. Like there was something I had yet to learn.
After eating, we went back to campus for the last courses of the day. I knew by the time we got home, my sister would be there, and though I didn't look forward to it, I wanted to talk to her about the Nicholsons.
Once again, Nathan and I spent some time in the car talking before heading to the house. Neither of us wanted to leave, yet were forced to because he had one of the counseling sessions with Hannah.
“I'm so tired of going every week.” I could tell he meant what he said.
“I'm really sorry this is happening,” I said softly.
Nathan's lips twitched up into a smile and he pushed the driver's seat back, allowing for more room. “Come here,” he whispered. I bit my lip nervously, but climbed over, straddling him on the seat. “I hope you know there's nothing here that is your fault. Like I've told you, my marriage was over before it even started.”
“What do you mean by that?” I asked, once again, endless questions invaded my mind.
“There's never been love on either side, is what I mean.”
“Are you ever going to tell me what happened, Nate?” I asked, placing my hands over his chest.
He nodded confidently, his hands resting on my hips.
“I am, Evie. I just need to figure out how.” I pouted, making him smile as he brought his hand to the back of my neck, kissing me. I hummed against his lips, my eyes fluttering closed as our mouths worked together. A low moan left my lips when he deepened the kiss, our tongues in a war of dominance.
I’d lost the war before it even started.
His hand went under my shirt, his fingers digging slightly into the flesh of my hips. Like a switch had been turned on, the kiss grew in intensity and hunger. My hands searched for the buttons of his shirt, needing to feel the skin underneath at the tips of my fingers. He smiled against my lips, murmuring, “Eager, aren't we?”
br /> “Yes,” I breathed. He nipped at my lips with his teeth, the action spurring a deep desire within me. Our eyes met. His were full of lust and want. Mine surely looked the same.
He pulled my shirt down over my shoulder, eyes searching my face for any hesitation. When he didn't find it, his lips went to my neck, his tongue working its magic over my throbbing vein and then down to my shoulders.
The sensations he was causing were like nothing I'd ever felt before, and as his hand traveled further up my back underneath the shirt, stopping at the clasp of my bra, my breathing grew uneven. He was a drug, lowering my inhibitions with his touch and kisses, and I didn't care.
I shifted, feeling through my clothing how hard he was. He groaned, his mouth meeting mine once again as he thrust his hips up while pressing me down on him, the pleasure making me release another throaty moan.
“Fuck, we need to stop,” he groaned, stilling my hips that had begun moving on their own accord. “You deserve better than a quick fuck in a car,” he said, eyes boring into mine.
I felt myself flush and I jumped off his lap into the passenger seat, fixing my shirt. Holy shit. If that was what foreplay was like, I couldn't imagine what sex would be like.
“Evie, are you okay?” he asked softly as he buttoned up his shirt.
I nodded, trying to regain my composure. “I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.”
He chuckled, taking my hand in his. “We both know what happened, Evie.”
He cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. “As much as I want you, I don't want to act on impulse and have you thinking that all I want with you is sex. You are much more than that to me.”
He pressed another kiss on my lips before he started the car and took off. We headed to the house where we'd have to spend the rest of the day pretending nothing was happening between us.
Jenna, Helen, and I were in the back patio, each of us with too many textbooks scattered around us, knowing that we had assignments piling up now that midterms were approaching. I couldn't focus on anything with the pounding headache I had.
I groaned, closing my textbook in frustration and lying down on the blanket. The gazes of my friends were on me, curious and wandering. I couldn't tell them that I was thinking about Nathan's counseling sessions being increased to two days a week. I couldn't tell them that last night we'd been kissing in my bedroom. And I sure as hell couldn't tell them that I wanted him so badly it physically hurt.
“What's wrong, girl?” Jenna asked, taking my lack of interest in studying as a sign for her to take a break.
“Yeah, you're all tense,” Helen said, taking a sip of her drink.
“I'm just tired,” I mumbled, placing an arm over my face. The thought of Nate being away with Hannah right now didn't help. Their counselor had insisted on going during the day this week and Nathan had no choice but to oblige. A few days had gone by since we'd started this relationship of sorts and I couldn't focus, hating the fact that I couldn't tell anyone about us yet. There was no one else to blame though; this had been our decision and I'd have to live with the consequences more than likely for the rest of my life.
“What aren't you telling us?” Helen asked, her eyes narrowed in on me.
I want a man that I shouldn't want.
“Oh, I just have this really long paper to write,” I said with a sigh.
Jenna smirked, an eyebrow raised as she began teasing. “It's a guy, isn't it? Evelyn has a crush on someone.”
I rolled my eyes, unable to hide the smile on my face. They wouldn't get anything out of me but even with the crazy circumstances, I was happy. Something told me Nathan and I would have quite a story to tell later on.
“Do we know him?” Jenna nudged me.
“Not saying a word,” I replied.
The girls kept talking, trying to discover who it was that was in my head. When they realized they wouldn't get a word out of me, they groaned in frustration. This would be my little secret for now, a secret I'd protect till the end if need be. It was a risky call, allowing myself to potentially fall for someone who was taken, but he was only taken in the legal aspect. Emotionally, there was no attachment to Hannah.
There didn't seem to be, anyway.
“What are you all doing out here?”
I jumped on my feet so damn fast that I almost broke my legs. Hannah was home. That meant that Nathan was probably here too. She looked irritated, no surprise there.
“You're home,” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“You are too,” she said, annoyed. “Try not to wreak havoc with your…friends, okay?”
I pursed my lips together but nodded, doing my best to not go off on her. It seemed like lately, that's all I did, try my best to control myself around her, around Nathan, around everyone. I wanted to not have to control myself, I wanted to just let go, be free for an hour at least.
The girls stayed for a couple of hours that ended up being completely unproductive. They talked about an upcoming party on campus that they wanted me to go to, but I refused. That same night my sister had some type of dinner with a potential client, and Nathan and I had planned on being together.
When they were finally gone, I dragged myself upstairs, walking straight into the restroom in my room. I washed my face, letting the cool water wash away the day. I was exhausted, wanted to go lie down and rest.
“I don't even know why you wear makeup,” I heard behind me. I gasped in shock, quickly rinsing my face, only to find Nathan standing behind me with a smirk.
“I didn't hear you come in,” I said, wide-eyed.
“I know,” he embraced me from behind, wrapping his arms around me. I took in the image of him holding me from the mirror, a smile forming on my lips.
I wanted to feel guilty for this but couldn't no matter how much I tried. It just felt too right to be wrong, too perfect to be flawed. I leaned my head back on his shoulder, feeling him tilt my chin up to kiss him. A soft hum left my lips after the long day without seeing him.
“How was your day?” I asked, feeling how a hand moved my hair away and then the softness of his lips at the nape of my neck.
“I don't want to talk about it.” He nipped at my skin, causing heat to gather in the most intimate places of my body.
“That bad?”
“Mm hm. It was hell.”
I squeezed my eyes shut and held back a moan when his front pressed to my back, his lips growing more insistent in their assault. “Your day?”
“Your day, Evie. How was your day?”
“Good,” I breathed. “So good.”
His grip on my hips tightened, eliciting a soft gasp from my lips. “I don't think you're talking about just your day, now are you?”
I licked my dry lips, allowing my eyes to open only to meet the smirk on his face. My hand went up to his neck, bringing his mouth down to mine for a punishing kiss. I hated him for doing this to me, for waking my body up this way.
I hated it because I didn't know how to shut it off.
As my tongue clashed with his, I felt his hand traveling down my navel, lower still over my shorts. I moaned softly at the pleasure his touch there caused.
“I bet you're wet.”
I would have blushed at his words. Instead, I grew bold, needing some type of friction at the most intimate part of my body. “Why don't you check?”
His gaze darkened and oh hell, I knew I was in for a ride. Nate's hand dipped inside my shorts, ignoring the barrier of my panties and into my slick folds. He cursed softly, finding my clit with little effort.
“Oh god,” I breathed, closing my eyes once again. He was the first man to touch me there, first to make me feel this way…the first man that made me feel this intense need to release. “That feels so good,” I moaned, feeling his rough thumb over my swollen nub.
Nathan nipped at my earlobe. “Open your eyes,” he murmured. “Watch how I
make you come.”
Just his words had me on edge. Struggling, I opened my eyes meeting his dark ones through the mirror. My face was flushed, my chest heaving with the need I felt, his hand lost between my legs.
And then it started working.
I bucked against his hand when a single finger entered me, the intrusion causing so much pleasure that I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped. His thumb on my clit, finger inside me and the kisses he placed on my neck while not breaking eye contact made me lose my inhibitions. I held on to the counter in front of me as his finger slipped in and out of me with ease, my slippery folds letting him do as he pleased.
“You're so fucking ready for me,” Nate groaned against my neck.
“Yes,” I replied, feeling the pace of his finger increasing. “Nathan…”
“Fuck,” he hissed, pressing his manhood against my ass. Even through the clothing, there was no denying that he was just as turned on as me. How we had gotten to that point I wouldn't understand, I just knew that I felt like I was confined in my clothing.
My skin was hyper-aware, boiling, needing a fire to be set out, my back arching against Nathan's chest while my breasts sought out attention. Understanding what I needed, Nathan pinched a nipple through my shirt.
My lips parted in a silent gasp when I felt my clit throbbing against Nathan's eager finger and a warmth settling at the pit of my belly, easing throughout my body. Breathing unevenly, I held on to Nathan's hand, gripping it tightly. He knew exactly what he was doing. I found myself nearly begging as short pants left my lips until Nathan pinched on my clit firmly and I cried out, the loud moan muffled by Nathan's lips on mine. He ground himself against me, groaning softly as he let me ride out the most intense roller coaster I'd ever been on.
As soon as he could he turned me around, kissing me deeply. “That was hot,” he hissed, nipping at my lips.
I couldn't say anything. I was much too shocked, overwhelmed with pleasure…wanting more. Wanting him.