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Best Enemies (A Triple Trouble Mystery)

Page 32

by Lynn Emery

  “I don’t need a reason to get my son.” Willa clenched a fist against the rising tension in her body.

  “No problem,” Jazz said. “I can come up with something that won’t make him get jumpy. We don’t know what the dude might do.” When MiMi gasped she waved a hand at her. “ Relax, baby girl. I’m packing.”

  “You have lost your damn mind,” Willa blurted out before MiMi could speak. Then she slapped Jazz on one arm. “You’re not telling us something.”

  Jazz hissed softly then glanced at Willa. “Ryan and Jack got into a fight. I mean a real one, fists flying and everything. Ryan said he wanted to kill Jack for ruining this deal with Strafford.”

  “So why didn’t you tell me this before?” Willa demanded without taking her eyes off the street.

  “Ryan seemed like a wimpy frat boy, more talk than anything. Besides they were always getting into it about one thing or another. But now… I don’t know.”

  “Hang on, MiMi. I’m going to hit the gas and get us to Camelot Club fast,” Willa said.

  Twenty minutes later they were in and out of the twelfth floor private dinner club. Anthony and Ryan weren’t there. They stood in the lobby of the building deciding what to do next. Willa wrestled to control a growing sense of panic.

  “I can get some of my friends to help us find them.” Jazz waved her cell phone.

  “We’ve had quite enough ‘help’ from your friends, thank you.” Willa found Detective Miller’s card in her purse and called him on her cell phone.

  For the first time something went right. Miller was on duty and answered his phone. Willa explained her concerns in a rush until Miller forced her to slow down. He took some convincing, but Willa laid her cards on the table. Jazz and MiMi gestured wildly when she got to the part about the money, but Willa didn’t care. She was going to find her son.

  “How fast can you get here? Okay, thanks.” Willa hit the button to end the call. “They’re on the way.”

  “Five minutes to get our story straight,” Jazz said, glancing at her watch.

  MiMi blinked rapidly at Jazz. “What story do we have to get straight?”

  “About the money, girl. We don’t want the local cops and their cousins the Feds in our business.” Jazz pressed her lips together and rubbed her chin.

  Willa spun to face her. “I want to find Anthony and to hell with the money. Is that all this is to you?”

  Jazz gazed back at her unfazed. “I already know where Ryan may have taken Anthony, which I’m going to tell Miller when he gets here. Anthony is going to be okay. He’s got skills.”

  “Plus he’s younger and can move fast,” MiMi put in.

  “Skills?” Willa ignored MiMi and glared at Jazz.

  “You raised him to be a mild-mannered bourgie black boy, but Anthony likes the streets. He can handle himself in a fight when push comes to shove,” Jazz said.

  “Anthony is a thug and that should make me feel better?” Willa shot back. She headed for the security desk. “Plenty of thugs are in the grave. You’ve got it wrong, Jazz. The way I raised my son so far means he might live longer. I don’t want him living your kind of life.”

  “So you finally came out and said it. You don’t want your kids too close to me ‘cause I’m ghetto. That’s why you don’t let them visit. And maybe that’s why you don’t visit too often either. You’ve got your cozy little middle-class life. Well news flash, sis. Life doesn’t always go that smooth.”

  “I’m pretty sure Willa wasn’t calling you her ghetto relative,” MiMi said shaking her head.

  “Don’t play the victim. We’ve all tried from day one to be family to you. You’re the one who keep us at a distance.” Willa’s voice rose with each sentence. She pointed an accusing finger at Jazz.

  “Because I get tired of having you people judging me every minute,” Jazz snapped. She pulled out her cell phone and walked away. Seconds later she was engaged in a deep conversation.

  The security guard had left his desk and was walking toward them. “Ladies, what’s the problem?”

  Willa felt relief when she looked out the glass walls of the lobby. Outside Miller and his partner Addison pulled up to the curb in their unmarked car, blue lights flashing on the dashboard. They parked in the red zone right and seconds later were inside.

  The security guard met them halfway across the shiny marble floor. He shook hands with Addison and then Miller. “You guys showed up even before these two started swinging. Now that’s good police work.”

  “Fight?” Miller glanced at the three women.

  “Just a disagreement on strategy,” MiMi rushed to explain.

  “Uh-huh. So tell me again why you are worried about your son being with his uncle.” Miller looked to Willa for answers.

  “We don’t handle family disputes,” Addison said. He cocked at eyebrow at Jazz and MiMi.

  “Ryan was part of a business deal with my ex-husband. He’s desperate for money and was pissed when Jack backed out of the deal. He thinks my son knows where he can get his hands on that money, and he picked up Anthony without my permission.” Willa spit the words out in an intense rush. “Please help me find them. Please.”

  “Jazz told us that Ryan got into a fist fight with Jack just days before Jack was shot. They never got along. So there’s a motive, and where was he that night?” MiMi put in gesturing.

  “S’cuse us a minute.”

  Miller pulled his partner aside. They stood several feet away talking in low tones. Both men took out note pads to consult them. Their deep mumbling conversation sounded ominous to Willa.

  MiMi eased a few steps in their direction and craned her neck. When Addison squinted at her MiMi flashed a smile. When he didn’t smile back she retreated again.

  Willa squeezed her eyes shut, whispered a prayer and looked at the detectives. As the men started toward them her body went numb from tension. Jazz walked over to the two men, gestured to the detectives and extended her cell phone to him. He hesitated a few seconds then accepted it.

  “What the hell is that about?” Willa tapped a foot on the polished lobby floor.

  With a nod to his partner all three walked over to Willa and MiMi. Miller pocketed his note pad. “Okay, what kind of car does this guy drive?”

  “He has a steel blue Mercedes, license plate number WER6709. Leather interior and walnut panels on the dashboard,” MiMi said. When they all looked at her MiMi shrugged. “I notice the cars of well-to-do men. Sort of a hobby. And anyway, Ryan was always bragging about what he owned, trying to show up Jack.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m guessing he has one of those fancy GPS systems that does everything but wipe his nose when he sneezes.” Addison looked at MiMi.

  “Oh yes. He has the premium package with all the features. The company is NaviMate.” MiMi nodded.

  “Which means we can put out an Amber Alert and get his GPS service provider to track them.” Miller nodded to his partner.

  Addison walked away while dialing his cell phone. “Hey, we got a situation here and need to move fast.”

  “What’s he doing?” Willa glanced at her watch. Precious minutes were ticking. “Can’t we just jump in your car with the lights flashing and go find them?”

  “We need to know where to go, ma’am. Look, I realize this is difficult for you. But we have a way to find them using technology. Racing around without direction just won’t work,” Miller said in his best combination of reasonable and reassuring tone. “Maybe Mr. Crown only wants to talk to the boy.”

  “I’m not so sure. Anthony would have checked in with me if he could.” Willa’s voice broke as she fought against the hysteria bubbling up upside her.

  Miller must have seen it in her eyes. His huge hand hovered just above her shoulder. “Now let’s not jump to the worst case scenarios. My lieutenant is going to call us when he gets a location from the GPS company.”

  “Hey, Armand. Come see a minute.” Addison waved to Miller.

  Willa put a hand on her chest. Her heart be
at so hard it ached. “If we’re too late and he’s done something to my kid— ”

  “No, don’t even say it out loud,” MiMi cut her off. She put an arm around Willa and pulled her close.

  Jazz glanced over at the two detectives then spoke low. “Listen, I think I know where Ryan might have taken Anthony. I’m betting he’s at Ray J’s Quick Mart in the old warehouse next to it. That’s a corner convenience store over on Clay Street near Candy Girls.”

  “And near where Jack was killed,” Willa said. “Why would Ryan go in that neighborhood with Anthony?”

  “Because Felipe was tight with the owner. If Anthony was hanging out with D’Andre and Felipe I’ll bet he’s been there.” Jazz kept her voice low and her eye on the detectives.

  “Which might make Miller think Anthony is a viable suspect,” MiMi whispered.

  “Exactly. So maybe we can make a quick run over there. Get Anthony and then bounce.” Jazz turned her back so that Miller and Addison couldn’t see her face.

  “Hell no,” Willa hissed at her. “Anthony could be in danger. Not to mention some of Felipe’s gang members might be on the prowl.”

  “I can have some of my friends meet us and— ”

  “We’re not starting a shoot out with my child in the crossfire. I’m going to let the police handle it.” Willa stabbed a finger at Jazz’s nose. “Got it?”

  Detective Addison studied the three women for a few seconds before walking over to them. “Y’all doing okay?”

  “Yeah. What about the GPS?” Willa said sharply.

  “The company is going through their chain of command, standard procedure. We’ve got patrol cars on the look out for them, too,” he added when Willa huffed in frustration and fear. Before any of them could speak Addison left to join Miller again.

  “We can’t wait around for the system to finally do its thing. Let me drive and it’ll take ten minutes tops to get to Ray J’s. We could call the cops if Ryan is there.” Jazz shook Willa’s right arm. “I want to find Anthony fast, too, you know.”

  “But they’re gonna wonder why we would leave,” MiMi nodded toward the detectives.

  “Or why we don’t just tell them about Ray J’s,” Willa added.

  “Because I’d have to explain how I know all about Felipe’s office at Ray J’s and a few other details, like how I know so much. The cops might panic Ryan and make him do something stupid. Hell with it. I’ll go by myself.” Jazz snatched Willa’s car keys and spun to walk off, but didn’t get far.

  Willa reached out and jerked her back. “The hell you will. We do this my way.”

  The detectives noticed the commotion and strode over to them quickly. “Ladies we don’t have time for the family drama. NaviMate got back to us and we know where to go, Ray J’s Quick Mart,” Miller said.

  “We also talked to an informant about Felipe’s office. We’ll want to have a chat with you about that later.” Addison pointed a finger at Jazz.

  “But right now we gotta roll. You can follow us.” Miller started walking off. We already got uniformed officers at the scene. Lights only. We don’t want Ryan to get jumpy hearing sirens.”

  “You know the way,” Addison added with one last piercing look at Jazz. Then he jogged after his partner who was already on his cell phone. Seconds later they reached their car. Suddenly a blue light flashed on their dashboard. With Addison behind the wheel the tires squealed. The police car made a sharp u-turn and raced off.

  Without a word Willa ran toward the parking garage. Jazz followed while MiMi struggled to keep up. Willa slowed down only long enough to get her bearings. Jazz yelled out the row number where Willa had parked the SUV. Moments later Willa found her vehicle. She used the remote to open the locks. It took her a second to climb in the driver’s side. Jazz was already in the passenger’s seat with the seatbelt on.

  “Where’s MiMi? We can’t leave her here alone,” Jazz said looking around.

  “Hold on.”

  Willa put the SUV in reverse at a speed that scared several people walking to their cars. MiMi leaned against a BMW. Willa hit the brakes, put the SUV in park and jumped out. She helped MiMi get inside. Seconds later they tore out of the parking garage.

  “It will only take five minutes to get there,” Willa said through clenched teeth.

  She delivered on her words. The SUV passed slower cars, ran two stoplights and took one corner so fast Willa thought they must have been on two wheels. MiMi gasped a few times then sank down onto the back seat with her eyes closed. Willa was too scared for Anthony to notice the danger. Four minutes and thirty seconds later they arrived near Ray J’s. They couldn’t get too close because of the police cars.

  “Please, Lord, let my son be safe,” Willa whispered. She got out of the SUV. A police officer blocked her, but Miller and Addison intervened.

  “Okay, this is the situation. They’re in that old building behind Ray J’s. They use that as a warehouse and office. Our aim is get everybody out safe and sound. You need to stay here.” Miller spoke to Willa in a calm, deliberate tone despite the urgency of the situation.

  “But what’s going on?” Willa scanned the scene.

  “That’s what we’re going to find out. These two officers are going to stay with you. Make sure the ladies are okay.” Miller nodded to the two officers then strode off with Addison.

  Jazz paced back and forth staring at the building. After five minutes MiMi’s back started to ache so one of the officers let her sit in his cruiser. Willa fought the urge to scream and make a run toward the danger to save her son. Yet reason told her that hysterics wouldn’t help Anthony at this point. When she saw Miller jogging toward her Willa’s legs went weak.

  “Come with us, Mrs. Crown. This is a hostage situation. Maybe you can talk to him,” Miller said as he put a large hand under Willa’s elbow.

  “He’s got a gun,” Addison said bluntly.

  “Mrs. Crown, I know this is hard on you. But I need you keep your voice calm when you’re talking. Can you do that?”

  Willa gulped air feeling as though she were drowning. Then she rubbed her cheeks hard and stood straight. “Yes, but Ryan never liked me that much. I’m scared he won’t listen to me. We never got along.”

  Miller glanced at his partner then gripped Willa’s arm. “Ma’am, Anthony is the one with the gun.”

  “What?” Willa felt the world spin around her. She blinked at Miller. “No. That can’t be.”

  “Oh shit.” Jazz rubbed her forehead hard with both hands. “Let me come, too.”

  “Uh-uh, his mother is the one we need to get through to him. Look, just get your son talking and let him know he has better options,” Miller said as he pulled her toward the warehouse. Addison stayed behind arguing with Jazz.

  Willa tried to process Miller’s staccato instructions while she came to grips with Anthony holding Ryan Crown hostage. Police officers with automatic rifles parted to let she and Miller through. Willa breathed in the damp cool air in deep gulps trying to clear her head.

  Anthony has a gun.

  Those words swirled around until Willa felt rising nausea. She followed the detective through one of two gray metal doors leading into the building. Two dim, dirty lights set in the ceiling lighted the old warehouse. Just inside the doors Miller stopped, still holding onto Willa’s arm. He gave an officer holding a rifle a signal. The man dressed all in black melted into a shadowy corner. Miller nodded to Willa then continued leading her through the open space. Boxes with the logos of liquor companies lined one of the walls. About twenty yards ahead was another door. A lamp spilled light onto the floor from what looked like an office in the corner of the building. When they were a few feet from the door Miller stopped.

  “Anthony, it’s Detective Miller again. We’re in a bad place right now, but it’s not something we can’t fix. Using a gun isn’t the solution.” Seconds passed with no answer. Willa started to speak, but Miller squeezed her arm and whispered for her to wait.

  “I’ve got a better
idea, Detective Miller. Why don’t you talk to my good old Uncle Ryan?” Anthony spat out the last words as if they were bitter pills. “Why don’t you talk to the nice policemen, uncle?”

  “Listen to me, Anthony. You don’t want to do this, son. I— ” Ryan’s deep voice sounded hoarse from fear.

  “Don’t call me that,” Anthony shouted. “I will shoot your ass right here and now if I hear one more lie. Now tell Detective Miller how you set up your own brother to be killed.”

  Willa ignored the hammer beating against her chest and used a firm maternal tone. “Anthony, stop this right now. You put down that gun and walk out of there.”

  “Mama?” Anthony’s voice wavered then grew stronger. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “This is exactly where I should be. Now let Ryan go. The police will deal with him.”

  “Not before he tells the truth. Say it,” Anthony snapped at Ryan. “Tell them how you and Mr. Nelson got greedy. See ‘Uncle Ryan’ isn’t as good at business as Jack was. He got himself deep in debt. So when Felipe dangled the idea of big cash for them while he took all the risks ‘Uncle’ couldn’t resist. But Jack wouldn’t go for it.”

  “You got it all wrong, boy. Jack was your hero, but he was into the deal with both Strafford and Felipe. I tried to talk him out of getting hooked up with Felipe, but he wouldn’t listen and— ”

  “What did I just say about lyin’?” Anthony shouted and there was a click.

  “Anthony, don’t,” Willa said before her throat closed with terror.

  “Calm down, young man, and let him tell the story,” Miller said quickly. His huge arm supported Willa when she thought her legs would give way.

  “Okay, okay, okay,” Ryan rasped, his breathing so heavy he wheezed. “Everything was going just fine. We had the legitimate contracts with Strafford. My trucking company moved loads to the dock. Jack provided security at warehouses, and he hired guys to move merchandise for Strafford.”

  “Not strictly legit,” Miller put in. “Strafford has a problem paying custom fees. But that’s for the feds to sort out.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was move merchandise,” Ryan said quickly.


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