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Sparks Fly

Page 2

by Mari Carr

  Annie handed it to him with an annoyed smirk. “Having fun? You realize we share a bank account, so you may want to think about that before slapping too many fines on that ticket. Go too far overboard and our trip to New Orleans this fall is out.” Her tone was pure sarcasm, but he didn’t take the bait. He knew what part he was playing tonight and he fully intended to see her assume her character as well.

  He looked at the license. “Annabel Iser.” He purposely left off her married name. “Do you have any idea how fast you were driving, Ms. Iser?”

  Her anger was wiped away, replaced once more by confusion. “Um…sixty?”

  “Sixty-one. In a forty-five.”

  “You know as well as I do that speed limit is set too low. You’ve said so yourself, Evan, so why—”

  “My name is Lieutenant Sparks. You can call me Lieutenant. Nothing else.”

  She was taken aback by his firm voice, his quick correction. “You’re joking?”

  He frowned. “Do I look like I’m joking?” He moved away from her door. “Step out of the vehicle, Ms. Iser.”

  Annie opened her door, still leery of his strange behavior. He hoped his next move would help clear things up for her.

  He pointed toward the front of the car. “Stand facing the vehicle and put your hands on the hood.”

  She moved as he directed, taking her time. No doubt she was waiting for him to call the game to a halt with a laugh. Once she was in position, he stepped behind her. “If you’d been driving four miles per hour faster, I could have charged you with reckless.”

  “It’s an obvious speed trap. Proven by the fact you were sitting there. Like a spider on his web capturing poor, unsuspecting flies.”

  He leaned closer, letting her feel the erection in his pants as he brushed it along her ass. “And you flew right into it.”

  Annie started to step back, intent on rubbing against him, but he moved away, patting her down. At first the touch was cursory, no nonsense. Then he repeated the motions, letting his hands linger on her sides, the tips of his fingers stroking her breasts.

  “Are you searching for something special, officer?”

  The breathless quality of her voice let him know she’d finally caught up with him.

  “I need to be sure you aren’t carrying any concealed weapons.”

  She looked over her shoulder and gave him a flirty smile. “Oh, I’m packing heat. But you aren’t looking in the right place.”

  He fought to restrain a groan. Annie was a master at dirty talk. Then it occurred to him that this fantasy—the cop and his criminal—was one they’d never played out. Which was strange considering his occupation and the fact he had all the right toys.

  “Face forward, Ms. Iser. I don’t think you understand the seriousness of this situation.”

  Annie held his gaze a few seconds longer before looking away. Her hips wiggled seductively as he moved his “search” lower. He didn’t take the bait. He had a definite strategy for how the night would unfold and it had everything to do with his pretty criminal submitting to his authority.

  “Have you been drinking, Ms. Iser?”

  She lifted her shoulders casually, unconcerned, unrepentant. “I may have had a glass of wine earlier. It is a holiday, you know.”

  Annie wasn’t much of a drinker, even on the holidays, so he wondered about the wine. Was she feeling the same pressure he was? Had she been looking for a way to relax before seeing him again? That thought made his chest ache. He pushed it away. Hopefully, tonight would help them mend the rifts they’d unconsciously let grow.

  He reached for her upper arm, dragging her upright and turning her until she faced him. “Drinking and driving?”

  “You don’t really expect me to confess to that, do you, officer?”

  “Lieutenant.” The mischief in her eyes told him she was purposely refusing to acknowledge his rank. “And I don’t need your confession. I have a breathalyzer.”

  She didn’t pretend to be worried. He loved her spunk, the challenge in her posture. She crossed her arms, allowing them to push up her breasts. The move drew his attention to her hard nipples. His mouth watered for a taste of them, but it was far too early for that. If he started taking off her clothes, the game would end too fast.

  For months, he’d viewed sex as a chore, the two of them going through the motions with very little passion or foreplay. As he looked at her flushed face, as he watched her chest rise and fall with breathless expectation, he wanted to kick his own ass for forgetting how good it could be between them.

  “Don’t I have to consent to the breathalyzer?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not giving you a choice.” He cupped her face in his hands, pulling her closer. “Are you ready?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond before placing his lips on hers. He pressed them open, touching his tongue to hers. He couldn’t detect even the faintest hint of wine on her breath. Regardless, he kept kissing her, tasting and breathing her air. Evan didn’t need alcohol. He could get drunk on Annie.

  Finally, after several minutes, he forced himself to release her, working overtime to maintain control, to stay in character. “You realize you’re in quite a bit of trouble, Ms. Iser.”

  She feigned a contrite smile that didn’t fool him for a minute. “Maybe there’s some way I can convince you to forget all this and let me off with a warning?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Are you attempting to bribe a police officer?”

  She reached out to run her hand along his chest, toying suggestively with his badge. “I didn’t say anything about a bribe.”

  He moved so quickly she didn’t have time to counter or retreat. Evan turned her toward the car, grasping her wrists and tugging them behind her back. She had just begun to struggle when he slapped on the handcuffs. Then he bent over her, pressing her against the hood of the car, letting her helplessness sink in.

  “What did you have in mind?” he murmured in her ear.

  He’d taken her off-guard. It took her a few moments to regroup.

  “I…” She swallowed heavily when he ground his cock more firmly against her ass. “I…” She paused again. Finally she said, “What do you want?”

  Evan chuckled. Annie was rarely at a loss for words. It felt good to shake up the self-assured woman. “I want it all, Ms. Iser. Your total submission. For the entire night.”

  “Submission?” Annie repeated the word with the same tone some women used when they mentioned chocolate or wine. She wanted the same thing he did. Badly.

  “I’m taking you into custody. You will be punished for every single crime you committed tonight—speeding, failure to yield to a policeman, resisting arrest, drinking and driving, carrying a concealed weapon—”

  “Hey. You never found that,” she argued.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Ms. Iser. I’m definitely going to uncover that heat.” Then he finished his list. “And texting while driving. You’ve been a very naughty woman. So do you agree to my demand or should I read you your rights and take you to lockup now?”

  Annie bit her lower lip, pretending to consider her options. He was transported back in time, to the days when sex was playful and fun and so goddamn hot, he went to bed most nights with a cock sore from fucking.

  “I don’t want to go to jail,” she said at last.

  “Then you’re mine.” Evan made sure to evoke as much menace into his voice as he could. He fully intended to test Annie’s limits tonight. He’d lost his way, so overwhelmed by guilt for letting her down that he’d forgotten what they could truly give each other.

  They’d let their disappointment and sadness beat them down until they were mere shadows of their former selves. Somewhere along the line, they had relinquished their desires and given up on their relationship. Tonight, he was reclaiming it…and then he would demand even more.

  He lifted the hem of her white sundress, pleased to find her wearing his favorite thong. Annie had dressed for the holiday, adding bright red flip-flops to
her outfit and tying her hair in a ponytail with a thick blue ribbon adorned with stars. She’d been ready for an evening spent sitting on the sandy beach by the lake. He ran his hand over the bare cheeks of her ass.

  “You were driving sixteen miles over the legal limit,” he said as he continued to stroke.

  Annie began to move sensually, soaking up his soft touches. Her chest was still pressed to the hood, her hands constrained behind her back. She was truly his captive. There was little she could do to resist his advances. Evan didn’t think she’d realized that yet. But she would. Soon.

  “I’m going to punish you for that, Ms. Iser. Now…count.”

  He lifted his hand, striking her firmly on the ass. Annie started to rear up, but without the use of her arms, it took very little for him to hold her against the car. They’d experimented with spanking in the past—only a couple of times—but they hadn’t gone much beyond him taking her over his lap and placing a few taps on her bottom before they gave in to the heat of the moment. Tonight was all about practicing restraint—his and hers.

  “Evan—” she said with a gasp.

  “You will call me Lieutenant. And you will count.”

  He spanked her again, his hand landing on the opposite cheek with the same amount of force.

  “Two,” Annie said, still struggling to escape.

  He cupped one globe of her ass in his hand as he bent over her back. “No. That was one. The count will start over every time you forget.”

  She shot him a dirty look over her shoulder and started to protest. Evan didn’t give her the opportunity. He lifted his hand and struck again.

  “Two,” she repeated through gritted teeth and with a look that promised retribution.

  He wasn’t worried. He knew how to distract her from her anger. He placed three lighter blows on her upper thighs as she counted. Then he caressed her heated skin. Annie sighed at his softer touch. Unable to resist, Evan ran his finger along her slit, amazed by how incredibly wet she was, her thong drenched.

  The last few weeks, they had actually started using lubrication during sex. The fact Evan hadn’t considered that abnormal or wrong drove home just how low he’d sunk. He hadn’t been wrong when he’d told Macie he was letting Annie down—he’d just mistaken the reason.

  Never again, he vowed silently. He loved this woman and she deserved all his attention and care…in the bedroom as well as out.

  Annie opened her legs, silently urging him to touch her more deeply. He resisted the temptation. The punishment wasn’t over yet.

  He lifted his hand and struck her harder on her left cheek. The sudden roughness caught Annie unaware and she nearly forgot to count. He was just about to tell her to start over when she quickly said, “Six!”

  He repeated the motion a half-dozen more times—varying the placement and strength.

  Annie was gasping for breath as she said “thirteen.” He stopped once more. He didn’t even need to touch her to feel the fire radiating from her body. She wasn’t complaining about the pain. Instead, the spanking had morphed into something that was clearly pushing her arousal higher. She quietly pleaded for more. He wondered if she meant for him to continue the spanking or if she wanted a different sort of more.

  He shoved the string of her thong aside and pushed two fingers inside her pussy, marveling at the pressure of her inner muscles as they clenched around him. Damn. How good would that heat, those strong contractions feel on his cock?

  He thrust shallowly a few times before pulling out.

  Annie cursed him loudly, demanding he continue. He silenced her with the final three slaps, letting that action remind her who was in control.

  She pressed her forehead against the hood of the car. “Please. I need you.” The words fell out on a whisper. It took all the strength in his body to refuse her. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d brought her to this place, to the moment where she wanted him with such a fierce hunger.

  “That’s right, Ms. Iser. I want you to beg me. Plead for me to fuck you.”

  The use of her maiden name seemed to draw Annie back into the game, to remind her of where they were and what he wanted from her.

  “I won’t beg you, Officer,” she taunted.

  God, he loved her. He lifted her from the car, letting her sundress fall back into place. She challenged him with a gaze that said she was ready for more, that she was capable of handling everything he dished out. He couldn’t wait to prove her wrong. He was going to demand more than he’d ever asked for before.

  He lifted his hand to her face, cupping her cheek. Then he let his gaze slide down to her lips. He touched them. “Such a pretty mouth.”

  She licked her lips. “Evan.”

  He placed his finger on her mouth to keep her from saying more, his expression stern. “Before the night is over, you will call me Lieutenant.”

  She didn’t deny it with words, but the fire in her eyes let him know she would resist until the bitter end.

  He opened the driver’s side door and urged her to sit sideways on the seat. He didn’t miss her slight wince when she landed on her sore bottom. The alpha male he’d kept locked away for too long felt like beating his chest. He was marking this beautiful woman as his. There was something heady about making sure she’d remember this night every time she sat down for the next few days.

  His cocky grin must have revealed his pride because she narrowed her eyes in a way that said she’d get her revenge eventually.

  Her hands were still cuffed behind her back. Though he wanted to challenge her, to keep her on edge, the part of him that had always stood as her protector came to the forefront. “Are the cuffs too tight? Are they hurting you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then they stay on.” Bending forward, he lifted her slightly so he could raise her dress, the material gathering around her waist. Then he tugged her thong off, tossing it aside.

  “Open your legs, Ms. Iser.”

  He loved the way her eyes went heavy every time he used her maiden name. It continued to fuel the fantasy, to keep her on edge. And hot.

  She spread her thighs a few inches. She wasn’t finished fighting him yet. Annie intended to make him work for everything. He stepped between her legs, using his knees to open her as wide as the confines of the car would allow. The height of her sitting on the seat, with him standing in the open door, was perfect for what he had in mind next.

  Evan unhooked his gun belt, laying it on the backseat of the convertible. Annie’s gaze never left his hands as he unzipped his pants, then reached in to draw out his cock. He held back the groan of relief he felt as he freed his erection. He’d reached critical mass the moment she’d stepped out of the car and the tightness of his pants had become painful.

  Annie moved forward slightly, but he halted her.

  “I haven’t told you what to do.”

  She looked up. “I hardly think I need instructions.”

  Her sassy smile faded when he pulled the ribbon out of her hair, her auburn waves falling over her shoulders. He wrapped a handful of tresses around his fingers, tugging it roughly.

  Annie flushed, her breathing becoming rapid.

  “You will do exactly as I say and nothing more.” He stroked his cock with one hand as she watched, the other still gripping her hair, holding her captive.

  Annie didn’t resist his tight hold or try to take control. Slowly, the submissive part she kept at bay ninety-nine percent of the time started to emerge. They’d only scratched the surface on her desire to yield to him during their previous sexual games, but Evan had recognized her needs.

  “Open your mouth, Ms. Iser.”

  She complied so quickly, Evan failed to hide his smile as he directed his cock toward her pretty lips. Even without the use of her hands, Annie was more than able to test the limits of his control. She drew her tongue along the sensitive underside of his cock, humming as she dipped the tip of it into the slit at the head of his dick.

  He took several deep b
reaths, forcing himself to calm down, to resist. “Did I tell you to do anything more than open your mouth?”

  Annie stilled, raising her eyes to his face. He didn’t withdraw from her mouth, didn’t wait for an answer.

  “I told you to do exactly what I say. Nothing more. Understand?”

  He fought a wave of lightheadedness when she nodded, his cock still deep inside her mouth.

  “I’m not interested in a blowjob, Ms. Iser. You’re mine this weekend. You’re here for my pleasure. And what I want right now is to fuck your mouth.” His words were deliberately crude. They’d spent the past year tiptoeing around each other in the bedroom, playing nice until Evan thought he’d go mad. The kid gloves were off. His wife was going to see the man he longed to be.

  She nodded once more, her eyes telling him she wanted the same thing. He used his grip on her hair to direct her motion. Pushing his hips toward her, he pulled her forward. His cock brushed the back of her throat. She gagged slightly, trying to fight against his hold. He didn’t relinquish, didn’t release her.

  He continued to thrust in, pushing her farther than he’d ever dared. On the fifth pass, her throat opened and his cock slid deeper. Annie groaned, the sound triggering something primal inside him.

  Evan moved faster, took her with more force. She was with him. Her mouth opened wider and soon it wasn’t his hand moving her toward him, it was Annie increasing the pace, the depth. She was wild, unrestrained. Beautiful.

  Evan closed his eyes as his balls drew tight. Then he held Annie still, his cock exploding, sending jet after jet of come down her throat. She swallowed, and as he started to withdraw, she followed him, licking him clean with her tongue, sucking lightly on his now flaccid cock.

  He pulled free, reaching down to pull her up. He held her face as he kissed her. When they parted, it was on the tip of his tongue to tell her how much he loved her, but he wasn’t ready to leave the game yet. There were still fences to mend.

  He turned her away from him gently, releasing her from the cuffs. She started to rub her wrists, but he stopped her, massaging them himself.


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