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Esoteric Astrology

Page 18

by Alice A Bailey

  A consideration of the above paragraph will indicate to you the importance of the sign Sagittarius in the life of the incarnating Sons of God.

  I would point out also that, through Jupiter and its influences, Sagittarius is related to three other great constellations:

  1. Pisces—Exoterically, indicating the final goal for man.

  2. Aquarius—Esoterically, indicating the purpose of all [189] material evolution and the objective of all incarnating processes.

  3. Virgo—Hierarchically, indicating the purpose of the Cosmic Christ.

  Both the Earth and Saturn (one a non-sacred and one a sacred planet) are exponents or expressions of the third Ray of Active Intelligence, and this ray relationship serves to bring the influences of Capricorn into relationship with Sagittarius, thus providing a field of energy wherein the one-pointed disciple can finally become the initiate. This is the set goal of the subject born in Sagittarius—whether it is the set goal of initiation into some form of sensuous experience or of spiritual undertaking and consciousness. The result of all experience in any sign of the zodiac should definitely work out as an expansion of consciousness and, no matter what form this experience may take, it consummates in an initiation of some kind or another. Students would do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life, and should endeavour that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact.

  There is little more that I need say and little else upon which I need at this stage of study to comment. The man who is nearing the path of discipleship or who is already a disciple—pledged or under observation—will profit much from a deep and systematic study of this sign. I would suggest that the student bear in mind the position of this sign. Scorpio stands midway between two signs of balance or of equilibrium—Sagittarius and Libra. Libra marks an interlude or a notable point of balance before the strenuous testing and trial of Scorpio. Sagittarius marks another point of balance which follows after that testing, for the [190] Archer has to acquire and hold a steady eye, hand and stance prior to firing the arrow which, when rightly directed and correctly followed, will carry him through the portal of initiation.

  In studying Sagittarius, it becomes obvious that one of the major underlying themes is that of Direction. The Archer is guiding his horse towards some one specific objective; he is sending or directing his arrow towards a desired point; he is aiming at some specific goal. This sense of direction or guidance is characteristic of the enlightened man, of the aspirant and disciple, and this is a growing recognition; when this faculty of sensitive direction is rightly developed it becomes, in the early stages, an effort to identify all soul and personality activity with God's Plan, and this is, in the last analysis, the ordered direction of God's thought. There is no true direction apart from thought, and I would have you remember that thought is power. This is a statement upon which all disciples should ponder, for they can achieve no real comprehension of the direction of God's Plan unless they work with a phase in their own lives which is subject to their own mental direction. Then and only then, can they understand. Upon the ordinary wheel of life, the man who is born in this sign or with this sign in the ascendant will be influenced by what the ancient Hindu Scriptures call kama-manas, which is inadequately translated by the words, desire-mind. This dual force controls and influences the life; in the early stages of unfoldment its focus is upon desire and the satisfaction of that desire and, in the later stages of purely personality development, the focus is upon the control of desire by the mind; the major objective is, at this time, the intelligent use of all powers to bring about adequate satisfaction of desire, which is, in this case, very frequently simply ambition to [191] achieve some goal or attain some objective. This process of personality satisfaction takes place upon the ordinary wheel. Upon the reversed wheel, the goal is the expression of love-wisdom and this is ever selflessly developed and always consecrated to the good of the whole and not to the satisfaction of the individual.

  We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life. This is also symbolically true. In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense. This concerns the relationship between the sacral and the throat centres. These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.

  It is interesting to note that no planet is exalted in Sagittarius and that no planet falls in this sign. Only one thing happens and that is that the power of Mercury is greatly lessened. For this reason Sagittarius is esoterically regarded as a sign of balance and of no extremes; there is no great fall and no exaltation. This fact indicates that the disciple has to walk an even way between the pairs of opposites, uninfluenced by either the “power of exaltation or the potency of that which falls.” Neither the valley nor the heights produces any demonstrable effect.

  Mercury, which is the expression of the fourth ray and also the God of the mental processes, has his power definitely lessened in this sign and this for two reasons, esoterically speaking:

  [192] First, the disciple has definitely to cease identifying himself with either his own human personality and processes or with the human kingdom, prior to taking initiation. His emphasis is, for the future, to be upon the spiritual soul and the fifth kingdom in nature; in Sagittarius he begins to express this first stage. This involves a complete withdrawal, in the personality sense, from the form side of life. This again entails (at a certain point of crisis) a point of balance.

  Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for initiation begins.

  As regards the three decanates of Sagittarius, Sepharial gives us the three governing planets as Mercury, the Moon and the Sun, whilst Alan Leo gives us Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, emphasising as he always does the way of the esotericists. He usually tunes in on the esoteric significances but not always. Jupiter gives expansion, superseding Mercury, for the mercurial mind is ever a limitation even if only a temporary one. The Moon gives place to Mars, which confers the quality of devotion and the capacity to fight for an ideal. This idealistic concept and method of work is always the characteristic of discipleship during the early stages of unfoldment upon the Path. The Sun, typifying the solar Angel remains constant both through the exoteric and the esoteric processes and therefore astrology recognises it as a constant pressure and presence. This fact in itself indicates a significant truth. The soul remains eternally present—in the past, in the present and on into the future.

  In closing, I will simply quote to you the two keywords [193] of this sign, both as it proceeds upon the ordinary wheel and upon the reversed wheel. Their meaning and significance are so obvious that there is no need for elucidation. The injunction to the man upon the orthodox wheel is as follows:

  And the Word said: “Let food be sought.”

  To the man upon the reversed wheel the Word goes forth:

  “I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” May the words of this final injunction to the disciple carry meaning to the heart and mind.


  We come now to the consideration of a sign which is of paramount importance in the life of evolving man. Certain of the signs are in very close relation—through the inflow and the outflow of energy—with certain of the major constellations. These major constellations are, in a few instances, peculiarly connected with the signs of the zodiac. The
re are four of the zodiacal signs which are mysteriously concerned with what one might call the “personality expression” (if such an unsuitable term can be used in default of better) of the solar Logos Himself, or with the Divine Quaternary, the fourfold manifestation of Deity.

  These four signs are Aries—Leo—Scorpio—Aquarius, and they involve the expression of the energy of one Cardinal sign and of three signs which form part of the Fixed Cross of the heavens. We could express this truth in another manner: God the Father, the Will to manifest, initiates the creative process which is worked out through the activity of God the Son, the cosmic Christ, crucified upon the Fixed Cross in the heavens. The activity of God [194] the Holy Spirit, implicit in the Mutable Cross, is closely allied to the previous solar system, and the energy of that divine aspect is practically entirely occupied with manipulating the forces inherited from that system and inherent in the very nature of substance itself. This divine aspect is to the whole general divine manifestation what the lower nature (form life or personality in the three worlds of human evolution) is to the soul where an individual human being is concerned. As regards these three Persons of the divine Trinity, we might say that:

  1. Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect.

  2. Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.

  3. Virgo is the focal point for the expression of the third aspect, that of active intelligence. In that sign the highest function of matter is symbolised.

  The four signs—Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius—are related to the following stars which are not numbered in the twelve signs of the zodiac; they constitute another field of relationships:

  Aries to one of the two stars, found in the constellation, the Great Bear, which are called the two Pointers.

  Leo to Polaris, the Pole Star, found in the Little Bear.

  Scorpio to Sirius, the Dog Star.

  Aquarius to Alcyone, one of the seven Pleiades.

  There is little that I can tell you in connection with the energies pouring into the four zodiacal signs from these distant though potent points of outgoing energy; they are part of the life expression of an Identity, immeasurably superior [195] to and more advanced than our solar Logos. A few hints may, however, be of service to the truly esoteric astrologer who may study these pages, particularly where Scorpio is concerned. Scorpio, at this particular stage of human evolution, governs the Path of Discipleship. You will note here also how Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius form a peculiar triangle of force, but of this I will later deal in Chapter III under the heading, The Science of Triangles.

  Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers; these point to the Pole star which is at this time a major “star of direction.” Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which we call the solar system. All these respond to the influences of the first ray which is, to all intents and purposes, the energy of divine embodied will, which has been esoterically described as “unavoidable directed purpose.” Within our solar system, Vulcan and Pluto are expressions or custodians of this first ray energy and are, as I have told you, esoteric planets. The first indication of the true spiritual will only begins to manifest upon the Path of Discipleship—hence the late discovery of these two planets (late in point of time and from the angle of human knowledge) for it is only in this Aryan race period that humanity is to any large extent beginning to manifest evidence (and as yet it is no more) of a reaction or a response to the spiritual will of deity as it comes to our planet and hence to us via Aries, Vulcan and Pluto. You have, therefore, the following direct line of will energy:

  1. The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, [196] a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God's purpose. The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call self-will.

  2. Aries, in which the will to create or to manifest makes its appearance and the great divine experiment is initiated.

  3. Vulcan and Pluto are related to the two Pointers and are only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response. Their effect has been planetary in its nature up to date and has not hitherto been at all effective in either the fourth or the second kingdoms in nature.

  4. Shamballa, the Custodian of the Plan for our planet.

  Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Polaris, the Pole Star (found in the Little Bear) and it is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star. Esoterically speaking, the Pole Star is regarded as the “star of re-orientation” whereby the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost” is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source. It might, therefore, be correctly inferred that this Pointer and the energy emanating from it guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross. Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy. It is here that the divine [197] necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky and when it has been achieved then there is a direct inflow of divine energy and man is linked up in a new and creative manner to sources of divine supply. Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates) to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man—Spirit, soul and body. More than this it is not permitted to me to convey to you. I may, however, give you another hint. These three stars are embodiments of the three aspects of divine will. It is the three aspects of all expressions of divinity in manifestation which underlie the Science of Triangles. This I will later elaborate.

  Another triangle of energy also appears: Aries, Leo and Polaris, and they are doubly connected through the medium of the Pointers.

  Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the “brilliant star of sensitivity.” You have therefore:

  Polaris—The Star of Direction—governing Shamballa. Later, another Pole Star will take the place of Polaris, owing to the interplay of forces in the universe and the general shift and movement. But the name and quality of this star will only be revealed at initiation. [198]

  Sirius—The Star of Sensitivity—governing the Hierarchy.

  Alcyone—The Star of the Individual—governing humanity.

  You can see from the above how the entire plan of this Treatise is gradually unfolding. It was necessary for me to indicate to you the nature and the purpose of the three divine centres—Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity—before I could make this part of the teaching clear to you, or before I could point out the nature of the energies pouring from distant constellations and zodiacal signs into our planetary scheme.

  Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. For the first time in the history of both mankind and disciples the energy of Sirius, pouring into the seven g
roups which form our planetary Hierarchy evokes a response. I would remind you of a basic fact in the evolutionary process which astrology will eventually prove scientifically and past all controversy. This is the fact that energies and forces are pouring upon our system and our planetary lives ceaselessly, potently and cyclically. Yet they are only regarded today as existing when definite response is evoked. They come from all kinds of sources, extraneous to our system and planetary schemes, but until man responds and registers them both scientists and astrologers fail to recognise them and they are as if they were not. This is a point to bear in mind as I continue to teach you, for I may indicate some sources of active energy which may as yet be unknown to you as playing upon our system and its contents. The difficulty will not be because of my inaccuracies but will be owing to the lack of sensitivity in the mechanism of response which mankind and disciples are at present utilising.

  [199] You have consequently in connection with the path of discipleship the following lines of “influential energy”:

  1. Sirius—working in a sevenfold manner through the seven rays and their seven groups as these constitute the active Hierarchy.


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