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Esoteric Astrology

Page 24

by Alice A Bailey

  In all the great world religions, the Virgin Mother appears and this a study of any book upon comparative religion would prove. I cannot trace for you at length this universal recognition of the task of Virgo; it is needless for me to do so as it has been adequately done by many research scholars. I would, however, point out that four of the names whereby the Virgin is called are familiar to all of us, and tell us much as a whole concerning the form nature of which the Virgin is the symbol. The word Virgo itself is a descendant of and a corruption of an ancient Atlantean root name which was applied to the mother principle in those far off times. This Virgin was the founder of the matriarchate which then dominated civilisation and to which various myths and legends bear evidence and which have come down to us concerning Lilith, the last of the Virgin Goddesses of Atlantean times; the same thought is also to be found in the traditionary accounts of the ancient [253] Amazons, whose queen Hercules defeated, wresting from her what he sought. This is an allegory, teaching the emergence of the spiritual man from the control of matter. Three of these goddesses are Eve, Isis, and Mary. They are of peculiar and significant importance where our civilisation is concerned for they embody in themselves the symbology of the entire form nature, which, when integrated and functioning as a whole person, we call the personality. This personality is (as far as humanity is concerned) the developed and qualified expression of the third aspect of divinity, that of God the Holy Spirit, the active intelligent and nurturing principle of the universe. This aspect we shall study in Leo and see there the unfoldment of that self-conscious entity and personality which in Virgo becomes the mother of the Christ child. Eve is the symbol of the mental nature, and of the mind of man attracted by the lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. Eve, therefore, took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression which was initiated—from the mental angle—in our Aryan times. Isis stands for this same expression down on to the emotional or astral plane. Eve has no child in her arms; the germ of the Christ life is as yet too small to make its presence felt; the involutionary process is yet too close; but in Isis the midway point is reached; the quickening of that which is desired (the Desire of all nations, as it is called in the Bible) has taken place and Isis consequently stands in the ancient zodiacs for fertility, for motherhood and as the guardian of the child. Mary carries the process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child. In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history [254] of the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which the Christ must find expression. The sign of Virgo itself stands for a synthesis of these three feminine aspects—Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden but ever present divinity. These three expressions are brought to the needed perfection in Leo, the sign of the individual, developed self-consciousness and personality unfoldment.

  Virgo is, therefore, the opposite pole of spirit and stands for the relation of these two after they have been brought together originally in Aries and have produced a recognised duality in Gemini.

  I would here remind you of something which may at first serve to add to the possible confusion already existing in your minds but which lies behind all that I have given you. We have talked of the two ways of proceeding around the zodiac:—the ordinary way from Aries to Taurus, via Pisces, and the esoteric way from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. These refer to human evolution, which is the only one which we are considering in this treatise. But in the major involutionary cycle which concerns the mass movement of spirit-matter, and not the individualised progress of man, the movement is from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. The secret of the original sin of man is hidden in this truth, for a wrong orientation took place at one stage in human history and the human family went—as a whole—against the normal zodiacal current, so to speak, and it is only upon the path of discipleship that right orientation is achieved and humanity swings into the correct rhythm of progress. I would ask you, therefore, to differentiate between the involutionary process which affects the great Creative Hierarchies [255] and the evolutionary processes which affect the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human. This, however, we are not really in a position to study, because when the evolutionary cycle is upon us, we ourselves are too closely identified with the process to be able to distinguish clearly between the cosmic Self and Not-self; we are only as yet learning to distinguish the Self and the Not-self on a tiny scale in connection with our own unfoldment. It is only when we are identified with the Hierarchy of our planet and with that centre of spiritual force which it is the immediate objective of those upon the path of discipleship to contact that it becomes possible for us to grasp—on the evolutionary arc—those broad outlines and those major sweeps of divine energy which are present upon the involutionary arc. It is for this reason that a study of the zodiac in connection with the subhuman kingdoms of nature is not as yet possible.

  Virgo is, therefore, the cosmic mother because she represents cosmically the negative pole to positive spirit; she is the receptive agent where the Father aspect is concerned. In a previous solar system, this matter aspect was the supreme controlling factor, just as in this solar system it is the soul or the Christ principle which is of paramount importance. Virgo is, from certain angles, quite the oldest of all the signs, which is a statement I am quite unable to prove to you. In that first system, the faint symptoms (if I may use such a word) of the duality which is a proven fact in this system are to be found, and this truth is preserved for us in the words that “the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary.” The life of the third divine aspect played then upon the ocean of quiescent matter and prepared that substance (over untold aeons) for its work in this solar system. It is in this system that the Christ Child, the expression [256] of the divine consciousness and the result of the relationship of Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter, must he brought to the birth.

  Another sign of the zodiac which is also closely related to the previous solar system is Cancer; it might be said that Cancer is an expression (in the stage of great advancement) of the first half of the life cycle in solar system one, whilst Virgo is an equally advanced expression of the second half. In an effort to grasp the situation, it should he remembered that the consciousness aspect, as we understand the ability to be aware, was lacking entirely except in such an embryonic manner that the whole process resembled the stage of the embryo in the womb, prior to the quickening at the middle point of the gestation process. It will, however, do none of you any harm to exert the imaginative faculty and thus get a vague and faint idea of the synthesis of the great evolutionary scheme which, in a cosmic sense, concerns the threefold personality of Deity. With this I attempted to deal in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

  This is the sixth sign and of it the six-pointed star is the ancient symbol, portraying as it does the process of involution, and also that of evolution, carried to the point of balance, expressed for us in the relationship of Virgo to Libra. You will note, if you consult the dictionary, that astronomically Virgo is regarded as occupying the place in the heavens where Libra is to be found. This is all part of the great illusion which astrology finds hard to grasp. There is a constant moving and shifting in space; the precession of the equinoxes is both a fact and an illusion. The whole process and its interpretation is dependent upon the intellectual point in evolution of the race; the responsiveness of man to the planetary forces and to the influence of the [257] zodiacal signs is dependent upon man's vehicles of response and upon the mechanism of reception with which he enters into incarnation. The heavens, the constellations, signs and planets mean one thing to the Hierarchy and another thing to the astronomers and still another thing to the astrologers, whilst they are simply bewildering galaxies of light to the average citizen. I feel the need to remind you of this and to poi
nt out to you that astronomical facts are only relative as regards the true and factual nature of that about which scientific pronouncement is made; they are declarative of life and potency but not as science and the average man understand them. From the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation.

  As you well know, Virgo is one of the four arms of the Mutable Cross, and—as you also know—the four energies which constitute this Cross (for the three Crosses are crossed streams of energy) are expressive of the whole goal of man in four definite stages. This Mutable Cross is sometimes called “the Cross of Rebirth,” emphasising the constant mutation of which it is the symbol and also the “Cross of Changing Lives.” It pictorially represents the four critical points or movements in the span of existence of the soul in manifestation:

  I. Gemini.

  1. Essential unrelated duality. The Twins.

  2. Sensed and recognised duality through

  a. Mass fusion in Cancer.

  b. Individual consciousness in Leo.

  The stage of Humanity. [258]

  II. Virgo.

  1. The period of the hidden germ of spiritual life.

  2. The period of the active germ of spiritual life.

  a. Gestation in the early stages.

  b. The stage of quickened life.

  The stage of Probation or Awakening.

  III. Sagittarius.

  1. Sense of duality ended. Fusion attained.

  2. The one-pointed direct life.

  The stage of Discipleship.

  IV. Pisces.

  1. Duality linked in synthesis. Compare symbols for Gemini and Pisces.

  2. The emergence of the World Saviour.

  The stage of Initiation.

  Throughout this relation and as a result of the steady unfoldment of the soul principle runs the theme of service. In Gemini, the relation between the great duality of soul and body emerges in which, at this stage, the body or form serves the soul. In Virgo, matter or substance exchange or interchange their service and each serves the other. In Sagittarius, we find emerging the service of the One Life in terms of the service of the Hierarchy, the planetary expression of the idea of service, whilst in Pisces, there appears—as a result of the entire evolutionary process—the dedicated, trained and tested world Server or Saviour. It has been said that Virgo “involves the service of the immediately present” or in other words that God immanent evokes reaction from the form side and is thereby served.

  [259] The three Crosses—cosmic, systemic and human—are profoundly interesting in their inter-relation; this we shall discover when we come to study with care their significance, position and energising effect in the zodiac—both upon our planet and upon each other. This we shall do in a later part of this section of the Treatise.

  Virgo belongs to the earthy triplicity and an understanding of this triplicity will also be found illuminating. The three earth signs are Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn and they are related to each other in a peculiar way in connection with the non-sacred planet, our Earth. The relation with which we are concerned is that of the meeting and fusion of the energies of these three signs upon the Earth and their effect upon the kingdoms in nature which our Earth manifests. It might be said that:

  1. Taurus.—Incentive behind evolution (Impulse). Desire for experience, for satisfaction.

  The Light of Knowledge

  2. Virgo.—Incentive behind discipleship (Goal). Desire for expression, spiritual desire.

  The Hidden Light of God

  3. Capricorn.—Incentive behind initiation (Service). Desire for liberation. Service desire.

  The Light of Life

  All these express desire as it merges into aspiration and in the process brings light and life to man. In Virgo, the purpose for which form life exists begins to be realised and the desire for personality satisfaction begins to change and the desire of man for interior recognition of the indwelling Christ begins to assume increasing control until the inner spiritual reality is eventually released from the thralldom of [260] matter and becomes manifest in its own true nature in the world. Putting the same thought in other terms, the light of knowledge of which Taurus is the custodian gives place to the light of wisdom of which Virgo is the guardian, and yields finally to the light of initiation in Capricorn. All this, however, takes place and must take place upon what is esoterically called “the radiant surface of the earth,” the plane of form; the assumption or glorification of the Virgin has not yet taken place and the raising up of substance is not yet realised. It is interesting to note that Scorpio establishes the inevitability of this final assumption of matter into heaven in Capricorn, and this is pre-visioned for us in the story of Hercules in Scorpio when he raises the Hydra high above his head into the air.

  Virgo symbolises depths, darkness, quiet and warmth; it is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered and eventually “brought to light”; it is the place of slow, gentle and yet powerful crises and periodic developments which take place in the dark and yet which lead to light. It is the “blinded stage” which is found in Masonic rituals and which ever precedes the gift of light. Virgo stands for the “womb of time” wherein God's plan (the mystery and the secret of the ages) is slowly matured and—with pain and discomfort and through struggle and conflict—brought into manifestation at the end of the appointed time. Today it would seem (curiously and convincingly) that we are entering into the eighth month of the gestation period; this is almost literally the case where humanity is concerned for—counting from Virgo to Aquarius, the sign into which we are now entering—we find that there are just eight signs: Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius, and this is surely the guarantee [261] that the birth of the new age, of the new consciousness and the new civilisation and culture is inevitable and sure.

  I would like to pause here and make one point somewhat clearer in connection with the passage of human life around the zodiac. This progress or passage falls into three major divisions:

  1. The passage or progress of humanity around and around the zodiac from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus, until in Virgo-Leo (for these two signs are regarded esoterically as inseparable) the mass movement releases the individual to a life of self-conscious progress and a changed mode of progression around the wheel of life. This lies far in the past.

  2. The passage or progress of the individual man which runs counter to the mass advance; the individual at this stage proceeds clockwise from Aries to Taurus, via Pisces. His life is then and for long ages predominantly anti-social in the spiritual sense; he is selfish and self-centred. His efforts are for himself and for his own satisfaction and personality enterprises, and this becomes steadily stronger and stronger. This is the present situation for the masses.

  3. The passage or progress of the re-oriented man from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. In this final stage, he returns to the same directed method, rhythm and measure of the earlier mass movement but this time with changed and changing attitudes of selfless service, a personality dedicated to the service of humanity and with a voluntary re-orientation of his energies so that they are directed towards the production of synthesis and understanding. [262] This will be the situation in the future for the masses.

  The astrologer of the future will have to bear these three modes of progression carefully in mind. Such is God's plan as we at present can sense it. In this plan Virgo, the Virgin, stands for the womb of time and passes the personality-soul (Leo-Virgo) through the three above stages or cycles. She stands also for the womb of form and for the nurturing mother, guarding the Christ principle within her own material substance until in “the fullness of time” she can give birth to the Christ child. There are three principal signs connected with the Christ principle in this world period:

  1. Virgo.—Gestation—governing nine signs from Virgo to Capricorn, including Virgo.

Capricorn.—Labour—three signs from Capricorn to Pisces, until the third initiation, including Capricorn.

  3. Pisces.—Birth—appearance of the world Saviour.

  In the consideration of these points, another problem for astrology emerges upon which I have scarcely touched but which is determining in its results. There must be distinction made between the horoscope of the form and the horoscope of the inner, living Christ-principle. This will condition the new astrology but will be developed as astrologers work with the hypotheses which I have presented. Ponder on these facts connected with the Christ life; they are familiar to you theoretically but their implications and their esoteric meaning are abstruse and oft difficult to those who have been reared under the old order and with the old ideas and approaches to truth. They signify far more than has hitherto been grasped.

  [263] The rulers of this sign are three in number:

  1. Mercury.—This is the orthodox ruler. It signifies the versatile energy of the Son of Mind, the soul. It is interchangeable for the Sun (Son) and stands for the Mediator or intermediary, between the Father and the Mother, between Spirit and Matter, and yet is the result of the union of these two.


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