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Esoteric Astrology

Page 66

by Alice A Bailey

  work of Creative Hierarchy, 39, 40


  goal and purpose indication, 17

  See also Law of Rebirth; Reincarnation.


  keynote, 524

  rulership, 170, 171-172


  activity of Mercury, 298

  agency of Venus and Gemini, 355

  cause, 690

  crisis of, 265

  time, 64, 537

  triangle, 301

  Inheritance and equipment, indication, 513


  ability to stand as transforming will, 618

  absence of dualism, 60

  advanced, in Leo, concern, 300

  and Sponsors, triangle, 688

  awareness, 23, 284, 471

  Capricornian, 168

  consciousness, 322-323, 348

  constellations, planets, and ray, 67

  Cross, 91-92

  Gemini, 365

  health, 366

  horoscope, casting, 514

  influence of Saturn, 71

  influence of Scorpio, 162, 163, 319

  number, 542

  of third degree, re-orientation, 208-209

  readiness for initiation, 164-165

  response to–

  Pisces, 319

  Shamballa influence, 319-320

  twelve signs, 331-334

  Uranus, 309, 310

  service, 62

  simultaneous focus of twelve energies, 565-568

  sun in Leo, horoscope interpretation, 347

  symbol, 320

  triumphant, 154

  vibrations, range, 268-269


  centres, rulership, 512

  constellations and planetary rulers, 66-67

  Hierarchy of, 35, 36

  interplay of opposite signs, 338-339

  planets ruling, 513

  relationships, 163

  tests and trials, 199

  triangular expression, 464

  will, 371, 615

  world, liberation, 141

  world, Sagittarius and Capricorn, 243


  agency of first ray, 597, 605

  agency of Venus, 357

  consciousness, emergence, 155

  crisis of, 265-266

  Cross of, 555, 562

  cycle, 474

  definitions, 189, 241, 391,503

  effects, 286

  entrance through burning-ground, 294

  fifth, planetary influences, 71

  fires, 100


  aspirant for, 471

  on Atlantis, 160

  planetary influences, 70

  fourth, planetary influences, 71, 392-393, 496

  fruits, 201


  Aquarius, 144

  Aries, 387

  Capricorn, 100, 101, 167, 168, 169, 170, 337, 357

  Gemini, 388

  Leo, 143, 294, 307-308

  Scorpio, 143-144, 362

  Taurus, 143, 162, 388

  into air, 97

  into freedom, 108

  mountain of, 167

  need of realisation, 390


  disciples, 540

  humanity, 542

  planetary Logos, 298, 411, 469-470

  on Atlantis, 160

  on Fixed Cross, 143-144

  physical plane, 304

  planet of, 197

  preparation for, 299

  ray first, 597, 613

  readiness for, 164-165, 284, 298

  requirements, 307-308

  second, 70, 220, 224, 298

  secret re. rebirth, 326

  tearing asunder preceding, 276

  tests, 204-205

  third, 70-71, 84, 148, 300, 383-384, 449, 606

  three signs, 387-388

  Transfiguration, vision, 167

  triangle, 204


  five major, 169, 264

  functions of Mercury, 354

  implications, 90

  influence of planets, 70

  minor, of astral plane, 362

  nine, 264-265

  of “Imperishable Jivas,” 42

  of Logoi, 504-505

  preparation for, 162-163

  Initiator of Mysteries, future and present, 304


  evolution and subsidence, 179

  transformation into intellect, 139, 248



  Hierarchy, 574

  humanity, 574

  Shamballa, 574


  personality, 363, 372-373, 482

  soul and personality, Cross of, 557

  soul and spirit, 365

  three Crosses, 563

  points. 481

  possession, 289, 294

  Intellect, evolution, 179-180

  Intervention via Hierarchy, 441


  act, death 599

  awakening, 3

  basis, ray influence, 599, 606

  channel, 516

  component of illumination, 494

  comprehension of reincarnation, 327

  consummation, 179, 180-181

  definition, 516

  development, 179, 180-181, 496

  effect of sacred planet, 506

  evocation, 495

  expression, 495

  from intellect, 248

  functioning, 516

  goal, 455

  illumination of consciousness, 422

  increase, 466

  light, blended with mind, 626

  of astrologer, 21, 69

  of initiate, 300, 348

  preparatory to initiation, 177

  result of conflict and death, 619

  returning arrow, 177

  spiritual, prerequisite for Fixed Cross, 554

  spiritual, subordination to, 225

  to inspiration, 247

  victory over desire, 205


  astrology, 3

  control, 471

  mind, unfoldment, 281


  energy, expression, 594

  grasp of first ray activity, 596

  knowledge, agency of Uranus, 139, 401

  perception of ideas, 490

  perception, sign, 224, 442

  response of Taurus, evocation, 401


  demonstration, 391

  effects, 619

  of humanity, 452

  of problems, 510


  of will, 584

  process, stages, 569-570

  Saturn, 549


  arc of world soul, 112

  cycle of personality, 109


  Jerusalem, symbolism, 167

  Jesus, Master–

  life, 564-568

  ray, 564

  See also Christ, historic.

  Jews, karma, 167


  final, 230-231, 232

  place, 229-230


  activity, forecast, 264

  aid to Cardinal Cross, 350

  dualism, 369

  effects on initiate, 70, 71

  functions, 126, 281

  in Cancer, 171, 341

  in Capricorn, 171

  in Virgo, 171, 263, 282

  ray, 139, 184, 187, 201, 277, 280, 297, 301, 328

  references, 660-661

  relation to second ray, 167

  ruler of Aquarius, 139, 201

  ruler of Pisces, 126, 127

  rulership of signs, 280-281


  K.H., Master, ray, 623

  Kali-Yuga, essential basic attitude, 444

  Kama-Manas, influence, 190-191


  Lord of, 105, 164

  means of liberation, 444

ecipitation, 540

  relation to Science of Triangles, 468

  termination, 165, 444

  transmutation, 445

  Karmic clearing-house, 167

  King Solomon’s Seal, 389

  Kingdom of nature on Earth, new, 487

  Kingdoms of nature–

  and planets, 650

  three lower, aspects, 245

  Kumaras, five, 34


  active and latent, 688

  effect on triangle, 688

  logoic, circulation, result, 690

  raising, 296, 301

  solar and planetary, 46



  definition, 443


  affinity, 267

  Analogy, 10, 419, 453

  Contraries, 403

  Contrasts, 518

  Expediency, 420

  Matter, 444

  Rebirth, 312, 324, 325-326

  Separation, 479

  Synthesis, 522

  the Universe, 443


  needs, 236-237

  remedial, forecast, 238

  under Libra, 236-240, 243, 244, 245

  Lemurians, response to zodiacal signs, 159-160


  achievement, 488

  activity at individualisation and on Atlantis, 537

  activity today, 161

  aspect, 194

  aspirant, advanced, history, 311

  astral permanent atom, 302

  balance of Aquarius, 293

  battlefield, 307

  birthplace of individual, 102

  burning-ground, 294

  channel of force, 80

  comparison with Sagittarius and Aquarius, 174-175

  concentration, 228

  concern, basic, 468

  configuration, effect on legal profession, forecast, 238

  consciousness, 61, 142, 145, 178, 179

  crisis of individualisation, 265

  crisis of soul, 472, 473, 474

  discipleship, 61

  dominance today, increase, 541

  effect on–

  Aquarius native, 135-136

  disciples, 162, 163

  man, 475

  energies from Great Bear, 421


  focus and distribution, 297

  from Pole Star, 194, 196

  fusion with Aquarian potency, 289

  transmission through Saturn, 442

  esoteric planet, 468

  expression, 290

  fire, 293

  fires of God, 293

  forces, second ray influences, 167

  functions, 470, 492

  group awareness, 573

  importance, 154-155, 285, 286, 288, 307, 488-489

  in Aquarian Age, 285-286

  individual response to, three types, 332, 334

  influence in historic and cosmic Christ, 566

  influences, focus of Sun, Uranus, and Neptune, 306-307

  influences today, 538-539

  initiate, 300, 348

  initiation, 143, 294, 307-308

  keynotes, 288-289

  keywords, 311

  lesson on Fixed Cross, 223

  light, 293, 329

  mind power, 310

  names, colour, energy, and plane, 35

  native, effect of Uranus, 309-310

  native ready for initiation, horoscope, 298

  omission and addition to zodiac, 159-160

  perfected, soul ray, 309

  personality integration, 486

  planetary influences, 304

  planets, 35, 86, 539, 590

  power to transform, 482

  preparation for first initiation, 447-448

  purificatory, 293

  rays governing and influencing, 35, 86, 308-309, 488, 490, 539, 590

  reception and transmission of energy , 427-428

  references in The Secret Doctrine, 678

  relation to–

  Aquarius, 147, 289, 302, 312, 485

  Aries, 302

  Cancer, 306, 312

  Capricorn, 286

  Jupiter, 304

  Libra, 302

  Mars, 304

  Mercury, 298

  Neptune, 304

  Polaris, 194

  Sagittarius, 485

  Scorpio, 286, 298-299

  Sirius, 299

  Sun, 297, 304

  Uranus, 304

  Venus, 304

  Virgo, 154

  rulers, 294, 507, 538

  Saturn in, 310-311

  Self, 621

  self-awareness, 310

  self-consciousness, 145, 286, 287, 290, 294, 439, 442, 486, 496, 573

  self-rule, 309, 310, 311

  sensitivity, 294-295

  significance, 56, 61, 147, 157, 196, 254, 275, 293, 306

  Sphinx, 288

  sun in, 64, 141, 147

  sun, Libra rising, point of reversal, 183

  transmission of will to Earth, 613-620, 621-622

  transmutation of emotion-desire, 297

  two mysteries, 154-155

  Uranus in, 310

  will of self-determination, 439

  will-to-manifest, 439

  will-to-rule, 289

  World Servers, 243

  Leo-Aquarius interplay, 338

  Leo-Aquarius-Gemini triangle, 347

  Leo-Capricorn-Pisces triangle, 441, 537-539, 542

  Leo-Libra-Capricorn points of crisis, cause, 271

  Leo-Libra-Capricorn triangle, 266, 487

  Leo-Libra-Sagittarius triangle, 477

  Leo-Pisces-Capricorn triangle, 441, 449, 450-452

  Leo-Polaris-Pointer triangle, 483

  Leo-Sagittarius-Aquarius triangle, 423, 492

  Leo-Saturn-Shamballa triangle, 435, 439

  Leo-Scorpio-Capricorn triangle, 286-287, 299

  Leo-Virgo, significance and division, 230

  Leo-Virgo-Pisces triangle, 290, 469-472, 473


  by fire, 304

  cosmic seed, ray, 599, 600, 606

  demonstration, 304

  human, forecast, 361

  through death or initiation, 600

  through karma, 444

  twelvefold, 107


  admittance of soul into Shamballa, 168

  and third ray, world status today, 491

  balance, significances, 168, 211, 232, 244-245, 248, 249-250, 265, 314, 360

  battle in Bhagavad-Gita, 238

  concern with individual, 472, 473, 476-477

  consciousness, 145, 227

  contemplation, 228

  control of Probationary Path, 249-250

  cooperation, 93

  Creative Hierarchies, 164

  Crisis, 265

  decanates, 251

  dominance; forecast, 245

  duality, 56

  equilibrium, 165, 362

  esoteric ruler, 86, 243, 244, 247

  exoteric ruler, 538

  expression, 495

  function in New Age, 548, 550

  human experience, forecast, 232, 233, 238

  human sign, 242

  individual response to, three types, 334


  augmentation, forecast, 238

  in development of mind, 52

  in historic and cosmic Christ, 567

  on developing man, 52

  today, 544

  keywords, 251

  legislation, 236-240, 243, 244, 245

  light, 330

  Mars, 250

  money, 243, 244, 245

  on Path of Initiation, 166

  planets, 86, 590

  potencies from Pleiades, 349

  rays governing and influencing, 35, 86, 491, 590

  relationships, 35, 164, 241, 243, 247, 391

  reversal of Wheel, 101

  rising, Leo Sun, point of reversal, 183

  rulers, 243, 244, 247

>   Saturn, 243, 247, 249

  sex, 233, 243, 244

  significance, 230, 250

  Sun in, 250

  synthesis, 250

  transmission of will to Earth, 628-632

  vegetable kingdom, 245

  Venus, 243, 244-245, 247, 391

  Libra-Aries interplay, 338


  definition, 426, 591-592

  focus, importance, 512

  inflow to planet and man, propositions, 26

  manifested, three aspects, 420


  consummation, 563

  Cross of, 293, 554


  Ageless Wisdom, 524

  Aquarius, 293, 330

  Aries, 329

  Buddha, 623

  Cancer, 329

  Capricorn, 181, 259, 260, 330

  Central Spiritual Sun, 393

  Christ, 623

  earthly triplicity, 259-260

  five kingdoms, 563

  Fixed Cross, 293

  Gemini, 329

  intuition and mind blended, 626

  Leo, 329

  Libra, 330

  Pisces, 330

  Sagittarius, 330


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