Esoteric Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology Page 69

by Alice A Bailey

  activity, 300

  Aries, 100, 101, 590

  astrological relations, 100

  basic function, 33

  Cancer, 86, 590

  Cancer-Neptune, 217-218

  Capricorn, 86, 490, 590

  constellations, 86, 489

  Creative Hierarchy, 33

  definition, 138, 445

  functions, 100, 364

  influence today, 447, 538

  London, 458

  Masonry, 446

  Path of Initiation, 165

  planets, 590

  relation to first and third rays, 138

  sphere of influence, 540-541

  synthesis, 445

  triangle, 423

  triple inflow, 548

  Uranus, 100, 139, 200, 201, 224, 246, 308, 444-445, 509

  will, 601

  work, 137, 138, 139, 444-445


  Aquarius, 35, 86, 137, 138, 590

  Buddha, 622

  building, 101

  Christ, 622

  Earth, 187, 189, 200, 393-394

  energies, septenary, from Great Bear, 421

  energy expression, major or minor, 488

  expression through three constellations or triangle, 489

  factor in expression of interplay of opposites, 339

  Gemini, 86, 126, 328, 346, 348, 364, 590

  green, activity, 164

  influences of planets, relation to centres, 511-513, 517

  Jesus, 564

  Jupiter, 280, 301, 328

  Libra, 35, 86, 491, 590

  life, expression, 26

  life, phenomenal appearance, determination, 26


  energies, sources, 26

  inequality, 267-268

  quality and appearance, 26


  planet, 184

  See also Ray II.

  Mars, 99-100, 177, 187, 209, 212-214, 220, 508

  Master K. H., 623

  Master Morya, 623

  Neptune, 217, 218, 220, 297, 298, 308, 509

  personality, ascertainment, 17, 222

  personality, changes, 83

  Pluto, 187, 195, 269, 509

  Ritualistic Decency, 445

  sign, clue, 109

  Sirius, 427

  soul, ascertainment, importance, 222

  soul, horoscope, 89-90

  sun, 298, 308, 508-509

  Taurus, 86, 393-395, 590

  Venus, 248, 354, 393-394

  Vulcan, 195, 224, 263, 269, 274, 280, 386, 393-394, 509

  world saviour and server, 67


  and planets, esoteric teaching, 649, 651, 693-695

  Aries, 86, 91, 99, 101, 108, 119, 490, 590

  Cancer, 86, 324, 328, 330-331, 340-341, 490, 590

  Capricorn, 35, 86, 164, 165, 490, 539, 590

  centres and esoteric planets, 517

  centres and exoteric planets, 517

  Darjeeling centre, 523-524

  effect on triangles, 77

  expressions of Deity, 594

  expressions of will, 594

  five, astrological relations, 67, 68

  Geneva centre, 458, 521-522

  influence on response to Leo-Pisces-Capricorn, 450-452

  interrelations in cosmic process, 25-26, 27, 31

  Leo, 35, 86, 308-309, 488, 490, 539, 590

  London centre, 522

  Mercury, 100, 127, 184, 187, 191, 269, 280, 354, 548

  Moon, 139, 187, 263, 269, 280, 298

  New York centre, 458, 522-523

  of Energy and Quality, 85

  paths concerned, 165

  Pisces, 37, 86, 125, 167, 539, 590

  planets related to, 282

  relation of three constellations to, 607

  relation to idea of Shamballa energy, 591

  Sagittarius, 86, 167, 490, 590

  Saturn, 189, 248, 621

  Scorpio, 35, 86, 209, 212-213, 217, 220, 490, 491, 590


  effect of Pleiades, 595-596

  energies, blending with energies of constellations, 53

  expression, 603

  interpretation in terms of will, 596-601

  relation to Great Bear, 595-596

  sources, 85, 595-596, 602-603

  study necessary for astrologer, 69

  Tokyo centre, 458

  Uranus, 100, 139, 200, 201, 224, 248, 308, 509

  use of planets, 513

  Venus-Uranus-Earth triangle, 448-449

  will, three aspects, transmission to Earth, 612-634

  work of Sirius, 198, 199, 595-596

  yogas, planets, and colours, 648

  III, IV, and V, synthesis of activity and potency, 356-357

  III-VII-V triangle, 448-449

  V, IV, III, release of soul, 363


  cosmic process, descriptive terms, 325

  group, 325

  incentives, 324

  nature of, 324-325, 326

  prompting, 324

  subject, distortion, 316-317

  Re-creation, astrology of, 107

  Red, Martian, 212, 215


  influence of Crosses, 107

  sign of, 217

  Regulus, importance, 238, 300


  agency of Taurus, 380

  in universe, 312

  real truth, emergence, 325

  See also Incarnations; Law of Rebirth.

  Reincarnations, variations of signs and rays, 515

  Religion, coming world, 299, 355, 582


  crisis, 61

  in service, 107


  in Scorpio, 203, 206, 208-209, 239, 318

  post-war, 373

  star, 196

  types, 107, 178, 199

  See also Wheel of Life, reversal.

  Research categories, 528-532

  Response mechanism, 54, 412, 495, 547


  by Venus, 391-392

  eye of, 376

  four signs of, effects, 319-320

  mode, 589

  of significances, 291-292


  establishment, 475, 484

  use, 445

  Rising sign–

  energies, control and direction, 52

  energies, response to, 51

  indications, 17-19, 31, 480, 497, 513-514

  See also Ascendant

  Ritual, ray of. See Ray VII.

  Rulers, two sets, 75


  atheism, 546

  energy of fusion, 530


  activity at time of war on Atlantis, 537-538

  aspects of form and soul integrated, 345

  comparison with Gemini, 369

  comparison with Leo and Aquarius, 174-175

  concern with individual, 472, 473, 476-477

  consciousness, 178, 179, 190-193

  decanates, 192

  disciple, 61, 165, 187, 188, 218, 277

  energy from, 362

  energy in life of Jesus, 565

  esoteric ruler, 356

  experience, preparation for, 209, 218

  fire, 293

  forces of conflict, 187-188

  functions, 492

  goal, 178

  government of human evolution, 64

  government of period of subjective approach, 64

  hierarchical relationship, 50

  individual response to, three types, 334

  inspiration, 229

  intuitive perception, 180-181

  Jupiter, 281

  kama-manas, 190-191

  keynotes, 177

  keywords, 192-193

  light, 330

  Lunar Lords, 277


  astrological considerations, 186

  effects of Mutable and Fixed Crosses, 119-120, 121

goals, 189, 191

  on Mutable Cross 118, 182

  on reversed Wheel, 121

  one-pointedness, 564

  planets, 86, 590

  preparation for Pisces experience, 214-215

  presentation, 562

  rays governing and influencing, 35, 86, 167, 490, 590

  relationships, 35, 188-189, 191, 277

  rulers, 184, 185, 188

  self-direction, one-pointed, 368

  significance, 56, 61, 174-177, 189-190, 191, 258, 293

  study, recommendations, 189-190

  Sun in, 278

  withdrawal from form, 192

  world initiates, Masters, 243

  Sagittarius-Gemini interplay, advanced humanity, 339

  Sagittarius- Leo-Cancer triangle, 495

  Sagittarius-Virgo - Pisces triangle, 423

  Sanat Kumara–

  origin, 686-687

  response to Great Bear, 612

  will energy released, 376-377


  agency in initiation, 199

  aid to Fixed Cross, 350

  and Crosses, 105

  Christ under, 168

  effects on Cancer native, 323

  energies from Great Bear, 421

  functions, 105

  hierarchical relationship, 50

  importance to Capricorn, 163


  Aries, 105

  Cancer, 342

  Capricorn, 167

  Leo, 310-311

  Libra, 243, 244, 247, 249

  indications, 19-20

  influence on disciple, 70, 148, 440-441

  influence on initiate, 71

  invocation, 549 Lord of Karma, 105, 164

  planets ruled, 549-550

  rays, 189, 248, 621

  reception and transmittal of stream of force, 80

  references, 667-669

  ruler of Capricorn decanates, 442

  significance, 148, 164

  work, 249, 442

  Saturn-Uranus-Mercury triangle, 441

  Saviour, world–

  emergence, 21, 46, 62, 67, 103, 117, 141, 163, 169, 204

  in Pisces, 168, 204, 262, 268

  requirements, 126

  Scales of Libra, 229, 232, 233, 249

  Scapegoat, symbolism, 155, 156

  Scheme, chains, globes, rounds, number, 682

  Schools, advanced, 693-694


  ray. See Ray V.

  ruler, 215-216

  Science of–

  energy relationships, study, 527

  Relationship, definition, 304


  approach, 479

  concern, 412, 477, 498

  definition, 468

  hints on, 687-693

  relationships, 468, 478-479

  study, 459


  and Taurus interplay, 209

  conditioning for final stages on Path, 224

  crisis of soul, 472, 473, 474

  death, 96, 212, 213-215, 341

  decanates, 203, 226

  demonstrations, 398

  desire, spiritual, victory, 232

  duality, 272, 319

  effect on–

  disciples, 61, 162, 224, 243, 319, 538

  initiates, 162, 163, 319

  man, 475

  effects today, 203, 216, 217

  energy from Sirius, 194

  exoterically Omega, 278

  hierarchical relationships, 35, 37, 50

  illumination, 228-229

  importance, 56, 61, 147, 193

  influence in historic and cosmic Christ, 566

  influence today, 491

  influences, 162, 163, 220-221

  initiation in, 143-144, 362

  keynotes, 206, 208

  keywords, 226

  light, 293, 330

  Mars, 86, 199, 209-215, 250

  means of purification, 96, 97, 98, 287, 288

  mind power, 131, 180, 192

  Moon, 225

  new planet rising, 226

  nine incarnations, 203

  on Fixed Cross, decanate, 486-487

  on Path of Evolution, 166, 180

  part in present conditions, 361

  Path of Discipleship, 195, 250

  personality, 145, 203

  planets, 590

  position in zodiac, 189

  power to transform, 482

  preparation for Capricorn experience, 260

  present conflict, 238, 239

  rays governing and influencing, 35, 86, 209, 212-213, 217, 220, 490, 491, 590

  relation to–

  Aquarius, 218-219

  Aries, Cancer and Aquarius, 220-221

  Aries, Leo, and Aquarius, 193-194

  Cancer, 217, 220

  dualities of evolutionary concern, 549

  Gemini and Earth, 359-360

  Gemini and Mercury, 360-361

  Leo and Capricorn, 286-287, 299

  Virgo, 271

  Virgo, Aries, and Gemini, 271-273

  relinquishment of desire, 200

  re-orientation, 318

  response to, three types, 334

  return into on reversed Wheel, 239

  reversal of Wheel, 166

  rulers, 86, 209, 507, 509

  significance, 157, 198, 202, 217, 480-481, 509

  St. Paul, 213

  Sun, or Scorpio rising, dominant signs influencing, 221

  tests, 203-204, 205-206, 207-208, 210, 217, 219, 223-224, 226, 342, 398, 481, 490, 538

  Uranus, 224-225, 401

  Venus, 225

  war, 160


  on Path, 199

  today, 547

  Scorpio-Sirius-Mars triangle, 483

  Scorpio-Taurus interplay, 338

  Scorpio-Taurus-Pisces triangle, 204, 487

  Scorpion, symbolism, 317

  Secret Doctrine–

  astrological key, 7-8

  links with, 290-291

  quotations, 93, 600

  Seeing, development, 466


  conscious integrated, functioning, 307

  higher and lower, at-one-ment, 306

  Self-awareness of Leo, 310


  attainment, results, 294

  definition, 288-289

  expansion, 541-542

  in Leo, 286, 287, 294

  influence of Sun, 306

  mass and individual, 292

  production, 470, 471

  Self-determination, spirit of, 619-620

  Self-rule in Leo, 309, 310, 311


  conquest by divine will, 205

  relation, 391

  result of Shamballa energy, 377

  source, 196


  rulership, 215-216

  subtler, forecast, 216

  Sensitive response, development, 294


  divine, 296

  illumination and inspiration, 467


  disciple, 322

  Gemini native, 367

  God-Man, 295

  incarnated soul to form life, 337

  Leo native, 294

  threefold nature, 434

  to contact, 493

  to energies, 267, 268-269, 270

  Septenate of energies–

  control of form, 11-12

  cosmic, 14-15, 25-29, 31, 79, 421, 422, 467, 476, 642-643, 646-647, 682

  human, 25, 79, 476, 682

  Serpent, nine-headed, 204

  Serpents of–

  evil and wisdom, 212

  matter, wisdom, and life, 630-631

  Server, World–

  Aquarius, 141, 142, 168, 200, 219, 243, 268

  constellations, planets, and ray, 67


  definition, 494

  in Aquarius, 361

  in Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces, 117

  of Pla
n, 306, 309

  on Mutable Cross, 258

  release into, 179

  renunciation in, 107

  world, vehicle, 99, 103, 117

  Seven. See Septenate.


  in Christianity, 212-213, 234, 235-236

  Libra, 233, 245

  problem, 234-236

  real nature, 385

  Scorpio, 206, 211-212, 217, 233

  Taurus, 233

  Shaktis in expression of Creative Hierarchies, 35


  absorption of energy, from Great Bear, 376

  activity, relation to planetary Logos, 469

  approach of hierarchy, 440, 593-594

  aspect 156, 574

  attainment, 157

  cross, 558

  energies passing through, 411, 416

  entrance, 98, 141, 168


  effects, 520, 523-524

  evocation, 586-587

  expression, 581, 584-585, 590


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