Esoteric Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology Page 70

by Alice A Bailey

  group use, 581, 586, 587, 588

  incoming, 328

  influence today, 447

  outpouring today, 539

  prostitution, 584, 585-586

  ray, 386

  result, 371-372, 373, 376-378

  warning, 451

  function, 22, 92, 196

  gifts, 149

  influences, 319-320, 372-373, 450, 451

  integration into, 574

  life, three aspects, 583, 587

  logoic centre, 452, 455

  mediatorship, 574

  reception and transmission of energy, 427-428

  relation to Hierarchy, 587

  star governing, 197

  transfer of energy, 22

  Shamballa-Hierarchy-Humanity triangle, 441, 478

  Sheep and Goats, problem, 233-234

  Signs, zodiacal. See Rising sign; Sun sign; zodiac, signs; and specific names.


  activity in solar system, 595-596

  astrological relationships, 33, 50, 194

  concern of advanced initiate, 300

  contact with, 299

  energies, 415, 416, 417, 427-428, 466

  influences, 14, 29-30, 85, 112, 194, 197, 198, 199, 299-300

  Lodge, 299, 349-350, 355

  magnetic force, 409

  ray, 427

  references, 659-660

  relation to–

  Gemini, 349

  head centre, 301

  Leo, 299

  response to, 504

  source of logoic manas, 679-680

  Sirius-Leo-Jupiter triangle, 417

  Sirius-Leo-Mercury-Saturn, 299-300

  Sirius-Leo-Uranus combination, 447

  Sirius-Pleiades-Great Bear triangle, 465-467

  Sirius-Pleiades-solar system Triangle, 684-686

  Six, meaning, 128

  Solar Angel–

  enthronement, 493

  yielding to Presence, 225

  Solar Angels–

  fall, 218

  origin, 105

  second fall, 44

  secret, 154

  See also Creative Hierarchy, fourth; soul

  Solar plexus centre, ruler, 78

  Solar plexus-heart-throat triangle, 689

  Solar system–

  constellations controlling and energising, 595-596

  correspondences, 28-29

  entity, 8

  influx of manasic energy, 45

  nature, 417

  part of vast whole, 608-609

  quality, 24

  replica of, 1, 3, 7, 12

  second, purpose, 294

  system, traits, 493-494

  Solar systems–

  and Crosses, 279-280

  inner group, centres affected, 24

  seven, astrological relationships, 29, 33, 50, 467

  seven, cross of light, 556

  six, etheric bodies, 11

  six, relation to humanity, 467-468

  Sons of Aspiration, 694

  Sons of Necessity, 39

  Sons of Vishnu, 695


  and form, synthesis, 365

  and personality, balanced relationship, 181

  astrology of, 468-469, 484, 510

  at-one-ing itself, 481

  body, 509, 511

  choice of earth life, 342

  consciousness, 131

  control, awakening to, 301

  control, results, 16, 32, 322-323

  crises. See Crises, soul.

  Cross of, 554, 557

  divine human, 296

  effect on personality, Uranus, 300

  emergence and expression, 511


  affecting, 411

  effects on personality, 140-141

  transmission, 352

  expression, interplay of opposites, 338-339

  force, recognition, 19

  function of central bud in lotus, 414

  history, numerical significances, 221

  horoscope, casting, 480

  horoscope, requirements, 91

  human, influence of Leo, 447-448

  incarnated, sensitivity to form life, 337

  incarnation, 342

  intention, Aries, 302

  Leo, 293

  lessons, 52

  life, 101, 410, 480

  light, illumination, 180, 181

  manifestation, 95, 103

  of solar system, Earth, and man, evolution, 467

  on Fixed Cross, personality on Mutable, 185

  passage through experience, effects, 90-404

  point in evolution, importance, 363

  prison, 19, 510

  producer of death, 509

  purpose, indication, 513, 543

  quality, indication, 518

  raising of Kundalini, result, 301

  reincarnating, subjective quaternary, 302

  release from form, agency of rays, 363

  re-orientation to, 208

  responsiveness to, indication, 17

  secret 165

  sensitivity, 314

  stimulation within form, 51

  task, key to, 386

  theme of Plan, 295

  vs. personality conflict, 360

  way of, indication, 480

  will-to-love, 28

  work, 292

  world, expression, 113

  world, involutionary arc and reversal, 112-113

  See also Angel of the Presence; Solar Angel.


  invoking, 568

  visioned, relation to Monad, 414


  discussion, 7, 8-10

  ether of, importance, 9, 11

  Space-time concept, 324

  Speech; right use, 397-398

  Sphinx, symbolism, 154, 230, 288


  and matter, balance, 599

  and matter, cosmic marriage, 42, 239, 244, 246

  Aries, 293

  crucifixion, 555

  soul, and body, three stars, 197

  Spirit-matter symbolism, 288

  Spiritual Triad–

  definition, 354

  revealer, 354


  connection with Earth, 80

  function, 78

  Squares, concern, 305


  five-pointed, 53, 320, 382

  of Christ, symbolism, 389-390


  concern, 305

  energising signs, 194-202

  six-pointed, 179, 247, 275, 304

  St. Paul, effect upon Christianity, 213, 215, 234

  Students, thinking, terms necessary, 336

  Subconscious, emergence in Scorpio, 207

  Subjectivity, definition, 388-389

  Success, attainment, 18


  Central Spiritual, 47, 111, 296, 297, 393

  control, 300, 306

  effect on personality, 300

  energy, agency during initiations, 71

  esoteric and exoteric ruler of Leo, 620

  etheric web, 479

  exaltation, 104

  heart of, 111, 296, 297, 298, 393

  house ruled, 509

  importance, 294


  Aries, 63

  Leo, 64, 141, 147, 183, 294

  Libra, 250

  Sagittarius, 278

  influence, esoteric and exoteric, 488-489

  interchangeable with Mercury, 284

  Moon, and Saturn combined in house, 298

  passage around Zodiac, 81

  physical, definition, 296, 297

  planets veiled, 296, 510

  power lessened in Aquarius, 147

  ray, 167, 298, 301, 308, 508-509

  real, 110-111

  references, 669-672

  reflection by Moon, 298

  ruler of Leo, 294


  domination and effect, 51

  energies, control and direction, 52 />
  in disciple’s horoscope, 514

  in initiate’s horoscope, 514

  indications, 16-17, 18, 31, 513

  source of consciousness, 294

  standing for Vulcan, 78, 393

  transition out of Greater Zodiac, 409

  transition out of Pisces into Aquarius, 409-410

  triple, 47, 111, 295-296

  Sun-Jupiter-Venus triangle, 301

  Sun-Moon-Neptune triangle, 298

  Sun-Uranus-Neptune triangle, 297

  Sun, Vulcan, and Mercury synthesis, 132-133

  Super-imposition method, 514

  Super-mind, definition, 495

  Super-state concept results, 377

  Swastika, meaning, 560

  Symbols of man, 382


  eventual, 381

  in thought need for, 561, 563

  of activity and potency, 328, 356-357, 445

  of nine signs, 264-265

  of World Server, 241

  on Path of Initiation, 55

  points of, 350

  Ray VII, 445

  seed, 615

  World, 530-531



  activity, dual results, 374-375

  and Ray IV, world status today, 491

  and Scorpio interplay, 209

  and Venus in second house, 511

  animal kingdom, 245

  attainment in, 157

  cause-initiating nature, 344

  Christ Avatar, 273

  concern with individual, 472, 473, 476-477

  concern with physical body, 378

  conditioning sign lying behind manifestation, 345

  consciousness, 152, 314

  Creative Hierarchy and energy, 34, 50

  decanates, 402

  desire, 144-145, 200, 232, 244

  desire-to-know, 320

  divine purpose and planning, 376

  duality, 56

  effect of Virgo, 379

  effect on disciples, 162, 163

  effects, subjective, 389

  emotional-desire entities, 92

  energy relationships, 164, 247, 259, 273, 382, 391

  energy stimulating desire, 362

  expression of third Creative Hierarchy, 274

  eye. See Eye of Taurus

  functions, 152, 374-395

  gold, 378-379

  horns, symbolism, 154, 155-156

  illumination, 393, 481, 565-566

  incentive, 290

  individual response to, three types, 332


  and demonstration, 488

  in historic and cosmic Christ, 565-566

  today, 162, 374

  initial impact of energy, 387

  initiation, 143, 162, 388

  Initiator, 382

  keynotes, 402-403

  leadership of Bull, 157

  light. See Light of Taurus.

  Mars, 401

  materialism, 543

  on Fixed Cross, 157, 223-224, 382, 486-487

  on Path of Initiation, 166

  on two Wheels, 152

  personality traits, 394, 396-397

  plains, 384, 385

  planets, 86, 590

  preparation for Gemini experience, 401

  rays governing and influencing, 86, 393-395, 590

  reference in The Secret Doctrine, 678-679

  relation to high and low in human life, 320, 344

  rulers, 382-394

  secret, 388

  sex, 233

  significance, 230, 370-371, 378

  star, 111

  struggle, 401-402

  stubbornness, 375

  test, 204-205

  Uranus, 400, 401

  Venus, 244, 245

  Vulcan, 141

  Way to Aries, 157

  Will-to-liberation, 390

  world saviour, Buddha, 243

  Taurus-Gemini-Libra-Capricorn interplay, 362

  Taurus-Leo-Aquarius triangle, 289-290, 488

  Taurus-Moon-Vulcan interplay, 399-400

  Taurus-Pluto-Earth triangle, 376

  Taurus-Scorpio horizontal life on Fixed Cross, 223-224

  Taurus-Scorpio interplay, 337

  Taurus-Scorpio-Capricorn triangle, 495

  Taurus-Scorpio-Mars triangle, 467

  Taurus-Scorpio-Sagittarius triangle, 423

  Taurus-Venus-Earth triangle, 383


  conditions, six potencies setting, 222

  personality, 203-206, 207-208, 210, 217, 219


  life, affected by energies of triangles, 413

  power, application, 16


  building faculty, ray, 600, 606

  of moon’s influence, 13

  Thoughtforms re. twelve signs, potency, 69

  Thymus gland, rulership, 367

  Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrine, quotation, 556


  links with other countries, 525

  outlet for spiritual force, 457-459

  rays, 458, 525

  Tokyo-New York-Geneva triangle, 458

  Training on three Paths, 613-614


  microcosmic and macrocosmic, 506

  of disciple, recommendations, 618-619


  in Pisces, 123-124

  in Taurus, 397-398

  of desire, 185, 297-298

  of knowledge, 224

  of Martian energy, 217

  of selfish forces, 520

  of sensory perception, knowledge, and wisdom, 629-630

  Treatise on Cosmic Fire, quotations, 14, 87-89

  Triads of Life, identity, 40


  double, construction and use, 461-464

  importance, 429

  major cosmic, 465-468

  of initiation, 204, 487

  structure, 459-463


  affecting mental response apparatus, 495

  concern, 305

  definition, 689

  expression, threefold, 420

  human etheric, list, 88

  in disciple, 76-77

  in revolution, 488

  indication to astrologer, 468

  influence, 87-89

  interlocking, 441, 446-447, 449-450

  moving in fourth and fifth dimensions, 417

  producing effects today, 484-496

  sacred, astrological deduction, 31

  science, 76, 77, 87, 98, 405-452

  See also under specific designation.


  astrological, 40, 43, 193-194, 247-248, 633

  doctrine, 98

  Twelve, correlation with seven, 25-28


  Unicorn, symbolism, 153, 154, 155, 156

  United States–

  energy of fusion, 530

  transfer to Path of Discipleship, forecast, 361

  Unity of Whole, 7

  Universality, consciousness of, 322, 361


  activity, 296, 297, 548

  agent of Sun, 296

  cause of quaternary, 302

  characteristics, 224

  control, factor in evolution, 306

  development of occult consciousness, 306

  effect of soul on personality, 300

  effects on–

  Cancer native, 323

  initiate, 71

  Leo native, 309-310

  soul life, 114

  energies from Sirius, 421

  energy of seventh ray, 139

  esoteric ruler of Libra, 243, 244, 246, 247

  functions, 80, 99, 100, 101, 139

  group relations, 538

  house ruled, 509


  Aquarius, 138, 139

  Leo, 310

  Scorpio, 224-225, 401

  Taurus, 400-401

  influence today, 447, 538, 542, 548

ences of Central Spiritual Sun, 296

  mind power, 310

  occultism, 100, 438

  planet beyond, effects, 308

  rays, 100, 139, 200, 201, 224, 248, 308, 509

  references, 672

  relations, 13, 98-99

  response to, 509

  ruler of Aquarius, 201

  School of Magic, 693

  substitution for Moon, 13

  transmission of Sirian force, 444-445

  veiled by Moon, 13, 219

  work, 139, 446

  Uranus-Neptune Saturn scheme, 692

  Uranus-Venus-Earth triangle, 448-449

  Ursa Major–

  energy distribution and focussing, 609-611

  See also Great Bear.


  Vegetable kingdom, 245-246, 456


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