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Incredible Dreams

Page 20

by Sandra Edwards

  Jack knew it was a bad idea, but he didn’t care. If Izzy had made the decision to search for Harry, he had to know that she was okay with it mentally.

  He was scheduled to fly an early evening patrol, but had enough time to drop by the boarding house beforehand. If she wasn’t in, he resolved to drop by the Cool Cat after his patrol.

  Jack cruised to a stop in front of the boarding house and glanced at it as he killed the engine. He knew he was running the risk of getting his heart stomped on—again. That was the most likely scenario, but he had to think of Isabelle and put her well-being before his own ego.

  “Jack, ole man, you are a glutton for punishment.” He jumped out of the car and pushed himself toward the house.

  The gentleman in him knocked on the door even though Dottie had told him, more than once, to show himself into the parlor. The door opened and it didn’t surprise him to see Jeannie standing there.

  “Jack.” Her less than friendly tone chilled the air.

  “Jeannie, is Isabelle home?” He removed his aviator's cap and held it in front of him.

  “No, Jack, she’s not.” Jeannie stepped outside, her presence pushing him toward the edge of the porch. “She’s at work. Why?”

  He thought to inquire if Isabelle was okay, but thought better of it. For some reason, sharing any information with Jeannie didn’t sit right with him. “I just wanted to see how she’s doing, see.”

  “She’s fine. She’s been hanging out with George lately.” Jeannie leaned down and touched her wounded knee. “They got kind of close after the accident.”

  “Yes, I heard about that. I’m glad to see you’re faring okay.” He fiddled with his cap to hide his insincerity. He couldn’t care less about her welfare.

  “Thank you.” She smiled. Her silence indicated she was going to offer no further information.

  Isabelle’s social calendar was none of Jack’s business. “Hadley, huh?” Still, his anger raged, picturing the two of them together.

  “Well...” Jeannie glanced around and stepped closer to Jack. “She’s insistent upon carrying on behind Harry’s back. And quite frankly, I guess you were the lesser of two evils.”

  “The lesser of two evils?” He gave her a look, part confused, part skeptical.

  “She and Harry...they have this weird sexual thing going on.” The glint in Jeannie’s eyes didn’t escape Jack’s notice. She was enjoying this a little too much. She leaned closer to him and whispered, “she likes it, you know...rough. Well, worse than rough, actually.” Jeannie threw her head back and laughed out loud.

  Jack’s disgust, he was sure, escaped in the look he shot her. He wasn’t sure about much these days, but what he did know quite well were Isabelle’s sexual habits. And her preferences didn’t consist of masochistic tendencies.

  Jack was determined now, more than ever, to see Isabelle at the Cool Cat later that evening.

  After his evening patrol, Jack didn’t bother cleaning up. He went straight to the Cool Cat in his flight suit. He justified his actions with the thought that he shouldn’t clean himself up to try and impress a married woman. His conscience told him he was right.

  He didn’t want to put any pressure on Isabelle or place her in an awkward position. He just wanted to know that she was okay.

  Cars crowded the parking lot and he decided to head around back. After a bit of searching, he parked the car and walked up the opposite side of the building from which he’d come. Turning the corner, he was surprised to find Isabelle with a choke hold on George, whom she had backed up against the building.

  “If you touch me again...I’ll rip your balls off and shove ‘em down your throat!” The tone of her voice was neither playful nor inherently sexual. Nope, there was nothing amorous about her warning.

  And Jack knew, he was right. Apparently, George had gotten a little too personal and Isabelle had somehow managed to put him in his place.

  “Isabelle?” he said softly, not wanting to alarm either of them. He wanted her to know she wasn’t alone.

  She glanced over her shoulder and her gaze relaxed when she looked into his eyes. She shoved herself off George and moved toward Jack. “Hey,” she said, breathless.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked, looking past her shoulder at George.

  “Nothing. Just a misunderstanding, that’s all.” George moved away from them both. Capriciousness and a bit of fright colored George’s face as he backed several steps away. Jack shot him a threatening glare and George took off.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Jack turned his attention back to Isabelle. He touched her arm and gently led her away.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She walked with him willingly. For once she wasn’t objecting to them being together, and that bothered him. Maybe she’d gotten past them. He found that a little unsettling.

  “What did I just walk in on?” he asked, still wondering about the gravity of what he’d witnessed.

  “That was just me kicking George’s ass.” She was ready to go another round if need be, and it showed in her voice.

  “I saw that,” he said, a chuckle trailing his words. Hadley was about an inch taller than Jack and a bit stockier too. It was a rare occasion that a woman could best a guy like that. “How’d you manage to put Hadley up against the wall anyway?”

  “Woman’s best friend,” she said with confidence. He raised an eyebrow, silently asking for clarification. With a smile, she willingly gave it. “A little thing called Tae Kwon Do.”

  Jack repeated her answer, barely mouthing the words. “Tae Kwon—what?” he asked, shaking his head.

  “’s a form of martial arts.” She didn’t know how she knew that. It just came to her from out of nowhere—both the name and the ability.

  “Well, I hope you never use it on me.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.”

  “You need a ride?” he asked, sliding his hands inside his pockets.

  “Sure,” she said with ease and casualness. Why not? Even though Jack didn’t know it, she was planning on divorcing her husband for him. Hell, she might as well give him a nibble, even if she couldn’t tell him the whole truth.

  Jack shut the engine off and coasted the car to a stop in front of the boarding house. She glanced at him, wanting very much to move in closer and kiss him. But she didn’t dare.

  “Thanks for the ride, Jack,” she said, wrapping her hand around the door handle.

  “You’re welcome. Are you okay?” he asked, keeping his hands on the steering wheel.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “I hope you get everything your heart desires, Isabelle.” He kept his stare straight ahead.

  “Me too.” She wished she could tell him her true plans. But she had to think of him, rather than her own wishes.

  “You sure he didn’t hurt you?” he asked, finally looking at her.

  “No, Jack.” She shook her head. “How’ve you been? You doing okay?” She made small-talk just so she didn’t have to get out of the car.

  “All things considered...” He turned his attention back to the road in front of him, propped his hand up in the open window and forgot about adding anything further to his opening.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” he asked, taking a quick look from the corner of his eye.

  “For coming to my rescue.”

  “I guess it’s the thought that counts, huh?” He chuckled a little, and the urge to hug him overwhelmed her.

  Stop it, Izzy! Her heart pounded, aching desire coursing through her body. Somehow, she called herself down. She had to keep it together just a little longer—for Jack’s sake. “Nobody will ever take your place in my heart.” She hoped he took that the way she meant it. She loved him, but she didn’t think it was fair to hang him on the line with it. If Jack knew her plans, he may jeopardize himself in order to be with her before the divorce. And Izzy couldn’t have that. What if Harry put up a fight? Things could get messy fast.

  He turned to her with a smile, reached out and caressed her cheek. She thought for a second that she’d gone too far. If he pulled her to him, she couldn’t resist.

  “If you ever need anything, and I mean anything at all...” He paused a moment and tapped her playfully on the nose. “You just call and I’ll be there.”

  Izzy started singing about the seasons and how she’d come running if he called. She stopped abruptly as fear burned hot against her cheeks. Where did that come from?

  “Nice song, Isabelle. Is it yours?”

  She hesitated, drawing a deep breath before answering. “No. At least, I don’t think it is.”

  “It’s unusual, but I like it.”

  She wanted so badly to wrap herself around him and decided she had to get away now, before her desires got the best of her and she ended up putting no one but Jack on the line. “I’d better go.” She knew it hadn’t sounded as confident as she would’ve liked, so she avoided looking at him.

  Without a word, Jack hopped out of the car and trotted around to open her door. She took the hand he offered and stepped out.

  “Thanks,” she said, still avoiding eye contact. She let him drape her arm around his and lead her into the yard.

  They strolled the sidewalk together in silence. She didn’t speak, too wrapped in savoring the feel of his touch. It might take some time to finalize the divorce. Until then, she’d just have to settle for these little innocent encounters.

  He led her up the steps and stopped at the door, placing a hand over hers. “You take care of yourself, Isabelle.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against her cheek.

  “You too.” She had trouble looking at him, although she wanted to.

  “I’d best be going,” he said, backing away. He nodded politely, turned and sprinted down the steps.

  “Hey, Jack,” she said as he walked away. “See you ’round,” she added as he glanced over his shoulder.

  Chapter 22

  JACK CRUISED ALONG the Pacific Coast Highway, fiddling with the document lying on the seat beside him with one hand and navigating the car with the other. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought Isabelle was warming up to him. Or maybe she was just pitying him because she’d made her choice. She was, after all, bringing her husband home. But no matter, Jack was leaving anyway. His request for new orders had just came through.

  He silently reviled and revered the folded papers as he glanced at them. They assured his departure for Florida a week after his birthday. There were advantages to Isabelle residing in California and Jack in Florida. Putting a whole country between the two of them was the best thing that could happen. He had to accept it, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  Thankfully, she’d been able to fend off Hadley’s unwanted advances. Jack felt better knowing she could physically hold off the sturdiest of men, keeping them at bay. He wouldn’t always be there to protect her. But Harry would. In its own weird way, that comforted Jack. He envied that Harry would have the job he wanted most.

  Nevertheless, Jack had no intention of letting George off so easily. He doubted he’d sleep a wink, in anticipation of confronting him. The man definitely had some explaining to do, whether he wanted to or not.

  Early the next morning, Jack treated himself to a hearty breakfast before heading to the hangar, where he knew he’d find George Hadley. Kicking the door in—not to mention Hadley’s ass—was much easier on a full stomach. Jack didn’t know why, it just was.

  The door bounced off the file cabinet in the corner. Hadley’s eyes darted up, the look of a startled, scared cat shaded his face. “Baker?” Nerves cracked his voice, and he cleared his throat.

  Jack stormed across the room and slammed his palms against the desk. He leaned in toward Hadley. Anger and loathing hardened the muscles around his face. “You harm one hair on her head and I’ll kill you!” He stayed where he was, projecting his intimidating stare, intending it to burn Hadley’s ego.

  “How’s it feel to be a useless hero?” Hadley asked, goading him on.

  The remark surprised Jack, and angered him all at the same time. He was done controlling himself. He no longer cared what it cost. A few days in the stockade would be worth it if it meant he got to beat the hell out of Hadley.

  In one swift move, Jack climbed across the desk and pinned Hadley against the wall. “As I recall, being slammed against the wall is becoming the standard with you.” His words spewed into Hadley’s face. Jack tightened his hold, choking Hadley. “How’s it feel to be manhandled by a woman?” he asked, getting down into the mud with Hadley.

  “Look, Baker...” George threw his hand up in surrender. “I know you mean well. But you have no idea what you walked in on,” he added, tossing Jack a smirk.

  That shit-eating grin of Hadley’s pissed Jack off. “I know better than you think.” How dare he? Jack knew first-hand all about Isabelle’s sexual preferences. What he wanted to know was, if Jeannie had something to do with planting that nonsense into George’s head. “Where’d you get a foolish idea like that?”


  Jack forced his arm into George’s throat. “Try again. If I hadn’t come upon you two last night, you’d be talking like a girl right now.”

  “It’s just part of the game, Baker.” George was sticking to his story, really arrogant for someone in his current position. “Maybe that’s why she dumped didn’t give her what she wanted.”

  Jack’s rage hit the boiling point. He slammed George against the wall and tossed him over the desk. The door opened as Jack climbed across the desk after George. A couple of guys grabbed Jack, preventing him from doing any further damage.

  “Take it easy, Baker. That’s enough.” Hadley’s rescuers coached him in unison.

  Take it easy! Take it easy? “Let me go so I can give him what he’s got coming.” Jack fought to get loose, but two airplane mechanics against one flyer one was not a fair fight.

  “Hadley, you’d do well to get out of here,” one of the guys said, “I don’t know how much longer we can hold him.”

  Jack watched, disillusioned as George scrambled out of the office. “You should’ve let me kill him,” he said, as they loosened their grip, but didn’t release him entirely.

  “Baker, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need to relax.”

  It wasn’t what Jack wanted to hear, but it was sound advice. While he’d truly like to kill George, the guy didn’t pose any real threat to Isabelle. Surprisingly, she was quite capable of defending herself.

  Something about that was so arousing.

  Chapter 23

  IZZY HAD COME to call Jeannie’s Saturday morning disposition, her “weekend face”. Her jovial nature grated on Izzy’s nerves. The world around her was falling apart, why did Jeannie have to rub it in with her excessive cheeriness?

  “What’s your plans for today?” Jeannie talked as she folded her laundry and put it away. “You seeing George?”

  “No.” Izzy sat up and massaged her eyes, trying to rub the memory of last night out of her thoughts. “George and I had a little disagreement last night.”

  Jeannie cut her eyes toward Izzy and froze with a risqué nightgown in her hands. “About?”

  “I just had a little trouble convincing him that I’m off the market.” Izzy, still in bed, threw the covers back and slid her feet into the slippers on the floor.

  “Off the market?” Jeannie laughed.

  Izzy pushed off the bed and raised a hand at Jeannie as she headed for the adjoining kitchenette. “Don’t start.” She snatched up the percolator and grabbed a coffee cup.

  What I wouldn’t give for a Starbucks right now. Izzy wrinkled her nose as she filled the cup. After doctoring it up with cream and sugar, she tasted it and turned her attention back to her sister.

  Laundry finished and put away, Jeannie was now fixating on her reflection in the mirror, doting on her hair. “You want to do some shopping? Maybe grab some lunch?”

  Izzy hesitated. Jac
k’s upcoming birthday party prattled in her mind. She did need to get him a present. “Yeah, okay,” she said, since she didn’t have a gift to give.

  Jeannie’s curious gaze scrutinized Izzy, coercing her confidence. Izzy had to keep her cool. She couldn’t tell anyone, not even Jeannie, about her plans. Among other things, but more importantly, Jack’s career might depend upon her silence. She couldn’t trust herself not to expose her secret, so she decided to say nothing.

  Izzy dressed in a simple, front-buttoning blouse of blue silk and the Levi’s she’d bought at Marshall Field’s. She pulled her hair back and tied it into a pony-tail with a rubber band.

  Maybe I can find some Schruncies. They’d be easier on her hair.

  Izzy grabbed her purse and turned to Jeannie. “Ready?”

  “You going to wear your hair like that?” Jeannie ran a hand over her own hair, smoothing her tresses.

  “Yeah.” Izzy didn’t see the problem and she glanced at Jeannie for clarification. “What? You don’t like my hair?” She opened the door and moved into the hallway. “I’m going like this. Are you coming?” She peered over her shoulder.

  “Yes.” Jeannie straightened her stature before breezing out into the hallway past Izzy.

  She led the way with quick heavy steps, and they hiked the two blocks to the bus stop on Main Street in silence. Marshall Field’s was a good five blocks from there, and Izzy knew Jeannie didn’t relish the thought of walking the distance either—the only thing they seemed to have in common. Odd for sisters.

  Jeannie leaned down and ran her hand over her calf. “I need new hosiery.”

  “Where can we get some pantyhose?” Izzy’s face brightened, lighting with anticipation.

  “I have no idea.” Jeannie turned to her, suspicion hardening her facade. “What you’re talking about.”

  For a second, Izzy thought she’d found a kindred soul. One who understood her curious ramblings. Unfortunately, it was not to be.

  Izzy chuckled. “Me neither.”

  They waited in silence for a while, both observing their surroundings. “I think I’m going to go to Jack’s birthday party.” Izzy continued to stare straight ahead as she spoke.


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