Book Read Free

Safe Travels

Page 19

by Alex Dafney

  Calvin, Jim, Mom, my teammates, and the doctor pile in the kitchen with me. I look at the doctor with a slight smile. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t even catch your name.” He lets out a light chuckle as he straightens his tie. “Albert.” I hold my hand out to him. He takes my hand in his own, shaking strongly. “Thank you for coming today.” He nods as he looks around our group. “I must say, I am surprised. Where are the doctors for the Assembly?”

  Calvin steps forward offering his hand. “Calvin. Thank you for what you’ve done here today. Our doctor has disappeared.” Albert hisses through his teeth. “Damn. George was a fine doctor.” He shakes his head slowly as he closes his eyes. He opens them and looks over his shoulder to the living room. “What are the living situations around here? I would like someone staying with each of them tonight to watch for any signs of complications.”

  Raven holds a hand up. “I’ll stay with Ryder tonight.” I give her a little grin as she lowers her hand. “I can stay with Grant.” Reese says to the floor. Dom huffs next to me. “I guess that leaves me with Micah and Zane.” I place an arm on his forearm. “Go and call Charlie. Tell her what happened, and I’m sure she’ll be happy to talk Micah’s head off tonight.” They all chuckle as Dom walks away from the group, stepping outside.

  I look back at the doctor. “Thank you. You don’t know what this means to us.” He gives me a tight smile. “I could never repay you all for what the Assembly does for our kind.” I smile widely at him as he takes a step back, glancing in the living room again. “I’d like to come by tomorrow morning and check on everyone. If that’s alright of course.” I glance at Calvin as he nods. “We would be most appreciative if you would.”

  Albert looks over at Mom as he grips his doctor bag in his hand. “Very well. Lillian knows how to contact me if there should be a problem.” I nod to him with a smile. Mom steps over and hugs me tightly before gripping Albert’s hand and disappearing.

  Dom comes back in with his phone in his hand. “Charlie’s on her way over.” As he slips his phone into his pocket the front door flies open. Charlie looks from us to the living room and runs forward, landing on the couch next to Micah. I look back at the group before me. “Alright. Let’s split the houses. I think it would be easier to deal with everyone one on one.” Raven holds her hand in the air. “Ryder can stay at my house.” I nod in agreement.

  Dom looks at Reese. “That means Micah and Charlie will have Micah's place, so I guess I’m staying at Zane’s and you and Grant have our place.” Reese nods in agreement. I clap my hands together in front of me. “Great. Now let’s get everyone settled before it gets dark and cold outside.” I turn and walk into the living room, surveying the group of battered guys. I look over to Reese sitting next to Grant.

  “Hey, Reese. I’m going to need your help.” He stands up and walks over to me. “Let’s just shift them instead of trying to get everyone down the sidewalk.” He nods in agreement. I step over to Zane lying on the floor. “Hey, Zane. We’re going to get you home in bed, okay?” He nods slightly as Reese kneels to place his hand on his forearm. I do the same and hold my hand back to Dom.

  Once we’ve gotten Zane comfortable in his bed, Reese and I shift back to Cooper’s. We do the same for Ryder and Raven and return for Micah and Charlie. Reese and Grant shift last, leaving Cooper, Jim, Calvin, Niko and myself. I sit on the couch next to Cooper, utterly exhausted after the past few hours. I grip his hand in mine as Jim sits down on the couch.

  “What the hell happened out there?” Cooper shakes his head slightly. “I don’t know, Jim. I was tracking two Hunters and suddenly there were ten of them. It’s almost like they knew we would be there. They had a fucking portal open and everything.” Cooper sits back, running his hand through his hair before wincing.

  I turn so I’m facing him, my brows drawing together in concern. “Are you sure you’re alright?” He gives me a tight smile, resting his hand on my knee with a little squeeze. “I’m fine, love. Just a bit sore.” He turns back to Jim. “Where did we get the intel from?” Jim sighs as he drops his elbows to his knees. “The intel was good. Maybe it was just a fluke.”

  I look over to see Cooper’s eyes widen, he bolts forward and grips his side in pain, groaning. I place a hand on his back, rubbing gently as he catches his breath. I look over at Jim with my eyebrows drawn. “That’s enough. I think you should leave.” Jim scoffs, sitting back on the couch and crossing his arms over his chest arrogantly. “This is my job, sweetheart.”

  I open my mouth to cuss him for everything he’s worth when Calvin interjects. “Jim. Ophelia has asked us to leave. She’s made arrangements for the entire team to be cared for tonight and even provided a doctor. We will do as she has asked.” I give Calvin a faint smile as Jim stands with a huff. “Fine. We will talk about this tomorrow.” I scowl at him as they walk toward the door. Niko turns after Jim and Calvin step out. “I’m sure you realize you’re all excused from training tomorrow. Let me know about Wednesday. Your discretion.”

  I thank him as he steps out the door, turning my focus back to Cooper. He sits back on the couch with a groan. “Coop. You’re hurt, babe. Why didn’t you let the doctor check you out?” He shakes his head slowly. “I’m fine, really. Just sore.” I run my hand along his leg as an idea pops into my head. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  I hop up and quickly walk to the stairs. “No worries. I was just thinking of going for a jog, but since you told me to wait…” I roll my eyes toward him over my shoulder as I head upstairs. I walk into my bedroom and head straight for the bathroom, turning the water on for the bathtub. I quickly grab two towels, placing them on the side of the tub before lighting the numerous candles in the room. I pour in some lavender bath oil before walking back into my bedroom, finding a bikini in my chest of drawers.

  I quickly strip down, placing the bikini on and covering myself in a robe before heading back downstairs. I find Cooper leaning back on the couch, his arm over his eyes. I stop in front of him as he peeks at me with one eye. I hold my hand out for him and he gingerly takes it. Taking a few seconds to stand up. As I help him up the stairs, I notice he has a slight limp.

  I lead him into my bathroom with his arm draped over my shoulder. He turns his head to me when he sees the candles and bath. “Are you planning to join me?” He asks with a charming smile. I step away from him with a small grin, dropping my robe to the floor to reveal my string bikini. He looks me up and down with his mouth parted open. His eyes meet mine and I can see the fire blazing in them.

  I cover my chest with my arms, suddenly thinking this was a bad idea. He limps the few steps to me, placing his hands on my hips. “Thanks, love. A bath will do me wonders.” He kicks off his shoes and undoes his belt, letting his jeans fall to the floor. He reaches a hand up and grabs the collar of his shirt, groaning as he tries to pull it over his head.

  I place my hand on his arm. “Let me help, Coop.” He lifts both of his arms as I stand on my tip toes to pull it off him. I grimace when I see all the cuts and bruises lining his chest and sides. I help him into the bath in his boxer briefs before sliding in behind him. I wrap my arms around his chest as I position my legs on either side of him, pulling him back against my chest.

  He sinks lower in the bath as I run one hand along his chest, the other through his hair. “What happened today?” He sighs with his eyes closed. “It was one of the visions we saw the first time we kissed. There were two guys in hoods following me as I ran through Barcelona.” He takes a deep breath as I trail my fingers along his abs. “I was supposed to lead them to the vantage point where Ryder and Zane waited, but when I got there more Hunters were already there. They had a portal open, ready to take us, but we fought them off until Micah and Grant showed up.”

  My shoulders tense as I listen to him talk about the day’s events. Cooper places a hand on my thigh, squeezing ever so gently. “I’m just glad we’re all okay. Beaten up, but okay.” I let out a shaky breath as I wrap my arms around him, hugging him f
rom behind. “Me too.”

  We sit quietly for a while. “You were incredible today, love.” I run my fingers through his hair softly, feeling his body slowly relax against mine. “What?” He waves his hand toward the door. “Downstairs, earlier. You just bolted into action, calling out orders for your team. You did well.” A proud smile forms on my lips. “Thanks. I didn’t even think about it. I just wanted to make sure you were all okay.”

  He nods slightly. “By the way, how did you know all of that? The dislocated shoulder, broken ribs and concussion.” I chuckle slightly. “Promise not to laugh.” He lets out a little sigh as he turns his head just enough to see me. “I promise. I don’t think I could laugh right now, even if I wanted to.” I give him a sad smile. “Well, when I was a little girl, I would stay with Gamma during summer vacation while Mom was at work. This was during Gamma’s George Clooney phase, so we mostly just watched ER all day.”

  He lets out a small chuckle before grimacing. “I’m glad you did. It sure as hell paid off today. Thanks again, love.” I lean my head around him and place a gentle kiss to his temple. “No thanks needed, Coop.”

  We stay in the bath until the water turns cool. I step out, telling Cooper I’ll go and grab him something to sleep in. I quickly walk to his room with a towel wrapped around myself and pull a few drawers open before finding his underwear drawer. I grab a pair and head back to my room, heading straight into the bathroom to find Cooper standing in front of the mirror, examining his bruises and scratches with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  I give him a faint smile as I hold up his boxer briefs, handing them to him as I turn my back to him so he can change. He wraps his arms around me from behind, placing a kiss to my cheek. “Thank you, love. That’s just what I needed.” He walks out of the bathroom, closing the door as he steps out. I quickly change into something to sleep in, throwing my hair up and walking into the bedroom.

  Cooper’s already asleep in my bed. I smile as I walk over and turn the overhead light off and make my way to the bed. Carefully getting in the bed next to him, pulling the comforter over us both as I roll to my side, my back to him. “Good night, love.” He whispers sleepily as he flings his arm around my waist. I scoot as close as humanly possible to him, linking my fingers with the hand he has draped over me. “Good night, Coop.”

  I wake up the next morning to the sun streaming through the windows. I had turned off our alarms the night before in hopes that Cooper could get as much rest as possible. I carefully slip out of the bed as he snores softly. Grabbing an outfit to change in to, I make my way downstairs into the kitchen. I decide to make homemade cinnamon rolls and deliver some to each house as well as to check on everyone.

  Just as I pull the last baking tray from the oven, I look up to see Cooper slowly coming down the stairs. I smile brightly at him as he pulls out one of the kitchen table chairs and sits down. I grab a coffee mug and prepare it the way I know he likes, taking him a fresh cinnamon roll and his coffee. He gives me a wide grin as I place the plate in front of him and hand him his coffee. “Thanks, love.”

  I walk back into the kitchen, finding a few plates to stack the cinnamon rolls on and then turn back to Cooper. “I’m going to take these over to everyone and see how your team is doing.” His face falters as he sips his coffee. “That’s a good idea. I’ll get dressed and join you.” I watch as he climbs the stairs and listen to his bedroom door close behind him.

  I finish wrapping up the plates and jog upstairs to my room to change. Once I’m halfway presentable I step out of the room to find Cooper still in his bedroom, yelling. I lean against the door, trying to hear what’s going on. “No! This is bullshit and you know it! Her team is no where near ready to go on that type of mission!” A long silence follows. “No, Jim. If you try to force her, you’ll lose both of us. We’ll go somewhere that you’ll never be able to find us.” I hear a thud on the other side of the door and nearly fall back.

  I knock lightly, opening the door without his approval. “Everything alright?” I ask as I see his shattered cell phone on the ground. Cooper paces the room, his hands in his hair. “I can’t fucking believe this. We could have died yesterday and he’s acting like we fell off our damn skateboards at the park!” He reaches over and grabs something from the top of his dresser, flinging it against the wall across from him.

  I step over to him, placing my hand on his forearm. “Coop, you need to calm down.” He places his hands on his head, closes his eyes and takes deep breaths. I wrap my arms around him, resting my cheek against his bare chest. I let all the anxiety and anger rolling around in him, engulf me before focusing and releasing it. Cooper’s arms circle around me, pulling me tighter against him. “I don’t know how you do that, but I’m glad you do.”

  I look up at him with a frown. “What was that all about?” I try to step back, but he tightens his arms around me. “I need to hold you right now, otherwise I may do something stupid like show up at Jim’s office and break his fucking face.” My eyes widen as I rest my head back on his chest. He takes a deep breath and releases it before he talks. “Jim wants to send you and your team on the same mission we were on yesterday.”

  My mouth falls open. Why in the hell would he want to send us to the same place Cooper and his team were ambushed just yesterday? “I told him you’re not going, but that’s not really my call.” He runs his arms up to my shoulders and takes a step back, dropping his head so he’s eye level with me. “Please, Ophelia. Please don’t agree to go. You’re not ready.” I close my eyes and shake my head slowly. “No. We’re definitely not ready.”

  I look back up to Cooper’s eyes. “Why would he even consider sending my team?” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. After we check on the guys this morning I’m going to head over to Headquarters and speak with Calvin. I’m sure he knows nothing of this half-cocked plan.”

  Cooper grabs two of the plates as I do the same, walking out the front door. I stop as I reach the bottom step, looking left to right at the cookie cutter houses. “Uh, I just realized I have no idea where anyone lives other than Charlie and Raven.” Cooper gives me a wide grin. “Come on. We’ll go to Zane and Ryder’s first.” He turns right and walks up to the house directly beside ours, not bothering to knock before opening the door. “Zane! Ryder!” He calls as he sits the plates on their kitchen table.

  “Ryder is at Raven’s.” Cooper nods. “Right. Zane!” He yells once more. “What the hell are you yelling about?” I look up to see Zane looking down at us from the balcony. I hold up the plate of cinnamon rolls. “I brought you breakfast.” He gives me a wide grin before pounding his fist against the bedroom door. “Get up, sleeping beauty. Princess brought us food.”

  Zane slowly walks down the stairs, his hand against his ribs as Dom follows behind him. Dom steps around Zane, giving me a quick side hug before offering his hand to Cooper. “How are you feeling today?” Dom asks Cooper. He nods. “I’m good, this one and Ryder took most of the ass kicking.” He says as he places a hand on Zane’s shoulder.

  Zane snatches one of the cinnamon rolls off the plate, taking a huge bite. “What about you?” I ask Zane as he stuffs the rest of the roll in his mouth. He gingerly lifts his shirt to show us his large purple and black rib cage. I wince involuntarily. He drops his shirt back as he takes a seat at the table. “Fucker picked up a brick.” Cooper lets out a long sigh as I reach for his hand, trying to calm him.

  “We’re going to check on the other guys. Call us if you need anything.” Zane and Dom both thank me for the food as we walk out. I follow Cooper across the street to the house directly in front of us. He tries the door, but it’s locked. He knocks loudly as he turns to me. “Micah and Reese.” I nod. “Okay. Today, it’s Micah and Charlie.” The door opens an inch, and Charlie looks through the tiny area before opening the door fully.

  “Hey! What are you guys doing here?” Cooper holds up a plate. “Ophelia thought everyone may like breakfast.” Charlie steps back so we can step inside. Micah look
s at us from the couch with one eye open. Cooper walks over to him, placing the plate on the coffee table as he sits next to it. “Damn. You look worse today than you did yesterday.”

  Micah gives a humorless laugh. “I feel worse than I did yesterday. My head is killing me.” Charlie looks at the watch on her arm and skips into the kitchen, coming back with a glass of water and pain killers. “It’s time for your medicine.” Cooper stands so Charlie can take his spot. “We’ll get out of your way. Call me if you need anything.” He pats Micah’s shoulder before turning to me.

  Cooper turns to the right as we walk down the steps. “Raven and Charlie.” He nods his head to the house directly next to us. We walk up the steps, Cooper taking the last two plates from me. I knock on the door. I’m not exactly close enough to barge into my teams’ homes unannounced yet. “Come in!” I hear Raven call from inside.

  I push the door open to find a dark house, the only light I can make out coming from the living room. We walk inside. “Hey. I thought you all might like some breakfast.” We find Raven on the couch with a book in her hand. The only light the table lamp beside her. Ryder is laid out across the couch, his head in her lap as she runs her fingers through his hair. My eyes widen at the sight.

  She tosses the book on the table next to her, holding out her hand for the plate Cooper’s holding. “Uh, is he okay?” He gestures to Ryder who’s snoring loudly. Raven scoffs. “Fine. I just got the baby to sleep. He had a rough night.” I look from Raven to Ryder, settling my gaze on her with a slight scowl. “Please don’t tell my you pulled out the Jack Russell.” She snorts as she takes a bite of the cinnamon roll.

  Cooper looks between the two of us. “Do I even want to know?” Raven and I look at each other with matching grins. “No.” We say in unison. I look down at Ryder. “The doctor will be coming through later. If y’all need anything, please call me.” She gives me a little salute as she picks her book back up, balancing the plate on Ryder’s chest.


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